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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Saekano 11-12

Both Saekano 12 and the finale of Shirobako were delayed, but I can still tie into a point I wanted to make. Shirobako had two "companion" shows while it was airing, though neither of them were billed as such except to me. They were Denki-Gai and this. If Shirobako was about how people make anime (and much more), Denki-Gai was about how those same people spread the word of what the people in Shirobako make, and Saekano was about how those same people end up, inspired by the previous two groups, decide to become artists themselves with far fewer resources. Three very different looks at otaku and anime culture.

Just like with Flamenco and Twintails, there's plenty of room for more than way to explore a subject.

The metaness of it was certainly interesting, but in order for it to comment on it, it had to take on at least some aspects of what it was parodying. That's also part of what makes Monogatari work. To some extent, if not entirely, it is what it's twisting. But that's also what allows it to start bending the formula the way it wants. It's entertainment sure, but like all art, it has a point it's trying to make. I think that point is something about Mr. Ethical learning to be a good leader by picking up people skills and learning how to do connections from people who've made it in the offline world, while Megumi learns as much from him as he does from her. Perhaps that's why the mono-colored filters were there.

Loved the Gurren Lagann performance. All the bonus CDs for the show will include cover songs like this, and the shock of Michiru realizing she liked otaku culture all along, being part of an anime song cover band, kinda reminded me of WUG, where we saw Miyu, I think, getting her start by covering Nyarko. Isn't that how all art begins, though? People imitate what they like (fanfiction, fanart, fan music, doujins and whatnot) and then learn to extrapolate what they liked about it from that and turn it into art of their own.

It's not my favorite show of the season, but I liked it. And I know I'll be sticking with noitaminA for at least one more season. The ones who can write about otaku culture best are those who have lived it.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Episodes 1&2

Pretty near so far. Kinda weirded out by the bigger bulkier ships moving like they were made of paper in some of the battle scenes, but the plot is interesting so far. Maybe not super original but we'll see where it goes. Also a bit too much CG for my liking.


Slayer of Combofiends
Skipped major plot points like:

- How are one eyed ghoul produced
- What happened at the end to Kaneki?
- Changed Hide and Kanekis meeting
- Cut the manga end scene where the major bad player is shown
- DIdn't show certain people being alive
- Cut a few fights


- Made Touka even more useless
- Prison was the worst thing ever
- The OP is bad
- Still have the balls to tease Tokyo Ghoul Re:
- Will make an OVA [JACK] which will do nothing at all

It was just bad. Hoping for Tokyo Ghoul Brotherhood or some shit. It deserves it... Read the Manga. :-/

This was the greatest offense, it made me cringe to listen to it. The first OP for the first season was better than average and it told the story and direction it was going in very well.

Saekano was great. I loved everyone in it. Eriri a little less than the others, but everyone was still extremely likable.

mah man

eriri is the best

Andrew J.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Episode 3

Shock and awe. Literally, just damn, talk about a wake up call... Right there in your face...

Maybe you should have quit while you were ahead. At least you weren't completely blindsided, we gave you a bit of a heads up. It wasn't a total spoiler, though, people around here tend to lose their heads about that kind of thing.
Saekano 11
Katou is great
Grisaia no Kajitsu 1-3

I...I don't know what I'm watching.

On a plus in three episodes the main character is a bit more likeable, his no emotion jokes have grown on me. And the little sister character who is now just following him around and copying everything he does has kept me from dropping this after 3 episodes.

I have no clue what this story is about and from how it is going feels like some ridiculous gore or horror shit is due to appear anytime soon that will totally ruin this.

it's real bad, you should keep watching.
Surprised Tokyo Ghoul Root of A OP is considered bad, grew on me over time but really nothing Id really ding the anime for considering some of the greater sins it committed. For awhile it was even better than s1 but then the last few episodes sent it downhill fast

Doubt Id even watch a Tokyo Ghoul additional anime.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Episodes 1&2

Pretty near so far. Kinda weirded out by the bigger bulkier ships moving like they were made of paper in some of the battle scenes, but the plot is interesting so far. Maybe not super original but we'll see where it goes. Also a bit too much CG for my liking.
Well, it is a remake of its 1974 original.


Pretty much this. The Anime isn't the reason why most people watch it, the reason is because of the source material. You can literally call the anime a butchered condensed version of the manga.

Pierrot once again gets the last laugh. Fuck them for ruining a solid source material. Now I'm really scared to watch the last episode.

You were practically the conductor of the hype train (limited as it may have been) for Root A in this thread, even after all the frustration and disappointment you expressed at the end of the first season. Pierrot undoubtedly sucks, but I feel like fans of the source material should have seen this coming.
Am I the only one who really hates those clean cut, tie together every little plot point, explain every little detail endings (looking at you FMA)? In my opinion Tokyo Ghoul's manga ending is near perfection and the anime did well to follow in it's footsteps in this regard. Life doesn't have clean cut endings were all the interconnecting character stories reach a finale at the same time.

At the same time, this entire adaptation has been rather poor, with maybe one or two standout episodes that manage to come close to the quality of the manga. Not to say the manga is perfect, it is still shounen after all; but there was still a regard of self-reflection that I found incredibly poignant. And they completely cut that out of the anime. This entire season has completely removed Kaneki as the main character and completely turned the focus towards the surrounding characters and their reaction towards him. I'd almost bet that Kaneki has one of the lowest dialogue amounts of the main characters this season. This isn't a bad thing per se (If you want to see this done fairly well read Koukou Kyuuji Zawa-san) but it requires source material that is tailored for it.

Tokyo Ghouls strengths lay in the various mysteries and inter character relationships (when X is discovered why did Y take that person away, is Y working with Z?) and Kaneki's internal monologue towards. Kaneki turned to cannibalism for strength. CANNIBALISM. Jason breaks Kaneki's naivety and tells him that there is nothing without sacrifice. He then is forced to decide what to give up, he made a deal with the devil, he sacrifices his humanity and his sanity for power. But the anime decided that it was better to use their limited time to focus on the side characters, but yet still they did very little to change much up at all, but instead just went through the side character arcs without any extra exposition to flesh them out.

TL:DR: Arima was completely butchered and I will never forgive them for taking out Kaneki's scenes in the sewers.


Grisaia no Kajitsu 1-3
I have no clue what this story is about and from how it is going feels like some ridiculous gore or horror shit is due to appear anytime soon that will totally ruin this.
Kinda both! The humour is probably its strongest point which isn't saying much.
Am I the only one who really hates those clean cut, tie together every little plot point, explain every little detail endings (looking at you FMA)? In my opinion Tokyo Ghoul's manga ending is near perfection and the anime did well to follow in it's footsteps in this regard. Life doesn't have clean cut endings were all the interconnecting character stories reach a finale at the same time.

Open endings and loose details is bad lazy writing. Its one of the worst crimes any writer can commit. In english literature classes those short stories that left things open like that were some of the worst readings Ive ever read and Ive read lots of stories and books through the years. If one cant take the time to make a resolution, brings things together, address multiple plot points and close them, and provide a decent epilogue then they shouldnt be writing.


Tokyo Ghoul Root A 12

Lulz. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine they could butcher this so bad.

And Pierrot didn't even make use of that delicious double entendre.

Rest in Quinque Ken.


Open endings and loose details is bad lazy writing. Its one of the worst crimes any writer can commit. In english literature classes those short stories that left things open like that were some of the worst readings Ive ever read and Ive read lots of stories and books through the years. If one cant take the time to make a resolution, brings things together, address multiple plot points and close them, and provide a decent epilogue then they shouldnt be writing.


some of the best short stories I've ever read are the kind that suggest things and leave them to the reader to interpret

of course, you can't exist on open endings alone, but it's nice once in a while


Maybe you should have quit while you were ahead. At least you weren't completely blindsided, we gave you a bit of a heads up. It wasn't a total spoiler, though, people around here tend to lose their heads about that kind of thing.

You don't say..lol. Well, it's definitely been dark so far and I can already see where it is going to get worse. I have to finish episode VII later since Crunchy crashed on me earlier.

That should only count for about half of Anime-GAF, give or take 10%.

Lol, I'm still naive about it all remember.. It looks cute though, but oh well, good intermediary before I find myself in something else dark. It's actually almost tim to start a new record list since I'm almost done all the others that are available on Crunchyroll.


Maturity, bitches.
Am I the only one who really hates those clean cut, tie together every little plot point, explain every little detail endings (looking at you FMA)? In my opinion Tokyo Ghoul's manga ending is near perfection and the anime did well to follow in it's footsteps in this regard. Life doesn't have clean cut endings were all the interconnecting character stories reach a finale at the same time.
There's not having a clean cut ending and then there's literally feeling like the story has achieved nothing and they were better off cutting out about 50% of the episodes because in the end they served no purpose. I mean half the background characters I still don't know what they were about. Bandage girl was the legendary owl. Er cool I guess now what? Oh I guess that's it. Oh guy in red with the mouth mask, what's his deal? Oh he was just there to kill another side character gee that was worth all that build up. And then we spend half the final episode watching the most mundane sequence of a guy walking and then nothing. I know anime is all about the journey, but that was like a journey through the Elephant and Castle.

How would you describe the story of Tokyo Ghoul at the end of episode one: well it's about these ghoul people and they kill humans.
How would you describe the story of Tokyo Ghoul at the end of the final episode: well it's about these ghoul people and they kill humans.

Wow. What progress.
You were practically the conductor of the hype train (limited as it may have been) for Root A in this thread, even after all the frustration and disappointment you expressed at the end of the first season. Pierrot undoubtedly sucks, but I feel like fans of the source material should have seen this coming.

Yeah I know I had it coming. Oh well at least I have the manga.


Am I the only one who really hates those clean cut, tie together every little plot point, explain every little detail endings (looking at you FMA)? In my opinion Tokyo Ghoul's manga ending is near perfection and the anime did well to follow in it's footsteps in this regard. Life doesn't have clean cut endings were all the interconnecting character stories reach a finale at the same time.

At the same time, this entire adaptation has been rather poor, with maybe one or two standout episodes that manage to come close to the quality of the manga. Not to say the manga is perfect, it is still shounen after all; but there was still a regard of self-reflection that I found incredibly poignant. And they completely cut that out of the anime. This entire season has completely removed Kaneki as the main character and completely turned the focus towards the surrounding characters and their reaction towards him. I'd almost bet that Kaneki has one of the lowest dialogue amounts of the main characters this season. This isn't a bad thing per se (If you want to see this done fairly well read Koukou Kyuuji Zawa-san) but it requires source material that is tailored for it.

Tokyo Ghouls strengths lay in the various mysteries and inter character relationships (when X is discovered why did Y take that person away, is Y working with Z?) and Kaneki's internal monologue towards. Kaneki turned to cannibalism for strength. CANNIBALISM. Jason breaks Kaneki's naivety and tells him that there is nothing without sacrifice. He then is forced to decide what to give up, he made a deal with the devil, he sacrifices his humanity and his sanity for power. But the anime decided that it was better to use their limited time to focus on the side characters, but yet still they did very little to change much up at all, but instead just went through the side character arcs without any extra exposition to flesh them out.

TL:DR: Arima was completely butchered and I will never forgive them for taking out Kaneki's scenes in the sewers.

You would love Noir.


There's a void in my life now that Your Lie In April has ended. Thursdayton will never be the same again.

Hm. Maybe I should check out a jdrama.


Oh please. Especially UY movies 5 and 6. They were amazing.

I have hope that the movies on BD will eventually get brought over, but who knows how long it could take! Hopefully sooner than later.

On the topic of Discotek, it's been over a month since they said they had a second set of announcements to make. Wonder what's holding them up? It's better they do it sooner than later, since there's conventions over the next two weekends that the bigger companies are going to be making announcements at. Best to do it before that, I'd say.


I have hope that the movies on BD will eventually get brought over, but who knows how long it could take! Hopefully sooner than later.

On the topic of Discotek, it's been over a month since they said they had a second set of announcements to make. Wonder what's holding them up? It's better they do it sooner than later, since there's conventions over the next two weekends that the bigger companies are going to be making announcements at. Best to do it before that, I'd say.

They announced (yet) another Lupin special yesterday, I think!


Back when Anime News Network started with the whole watermarked magazine leak things, their CEO started majorly bragging how people were using “their” news and me being me, I told him to go fhimself. I never even saw this reply until today:



They announced (yet) another Lupin special yesterday, I think!

From Siberia With Love? They actually announced that one a while back with a tentative title (From Russia With Love/Bank of Liberty). Yesterday they just gave it a final name and release date, I think.

What I'm hoping for is another slate of new pick-ups, I guess. There's still a lot of great stuff that I'd love them to get their hands on, though I've been very happy with them lately.
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