Joe Molotov
So today is Cat Day because 22/2 can be read as nyan nyan nyan.
Nekopara marathon day?
Nekopara marathon day.
So today is Cat Day because 22/2 can be read as nyan nyan nyan.
IBM I guess
White Album Episode 12
So I've really come around to like this show. Mainly because at this point you know everything is about to blow up. The reveal of the relation between to characters I never would've even though about, the descent into pure hatred and madness towards the MC by his "best friend", and the entangling trysts and romances that have ensnared the MC's heart have crafted something truly extraordinary. The season finale is gonna something else.
I watched WA2 already, but man, have I missed some fun with the original WA? Sounds like ore craziness going on!
FTR, I'm still bitter at the ending of WA2. That fu(king ending.... uugghh..
Ha ha ha ha. I'm out. I can't. I can't.
Yeah I know. White Album 2 was a crazy ride. The ending is bittersweet but at least reading the sequel visual novel helped ease the pain.
White Album 1 though is really intense though. The characters can be stupid and unlikable at times but the overall drama just keeps building and building to crazy heights.
Durarara x2 ketsu 31
I love it when Shizuo play big part in it. It's been too long!
Shizuo getting hit by a bulldozer and he shrug it off like it's nothing.
I guess this is it for Shizuo and Izaya, no more kidding around. They both ready to kill each other.
So, Let's Watches are pretty much dead, aren't they?
It's been almost a month since the last post in the Code:Breaker thread.
Or did a new one start up that I missed?
So, Let's Watches are pretty much dead, aren't they?
It's been almost a month since the last post in the Code:Breaker thread.
Or did a new one start up that I missed?
Cornbread stopped doing them for now. I think we need a bunch of series planned out that people are actually going to watch before it comes back.
Cornbread stopped doing them for now. I think we need a bunch of series planned out that people are actually going to watch before it comes back.
Yeah, this was one of my concerns. We had gotten a couple meh shows in a row, which made me less likely to watch the next one until I ended up dropping let's watches altogether. Suggestions were also very limited, meaning we got to sit through stuff such as... well, whatever Sunday Without God was supposed to be.
I'd rather make it about lesser-known but still well-received shows, since every time we hit a dud it felt like we lost more and more people, and then there were none.
Note also that I included the qualifier of "very base" in my original post. I do not mean to condemn toilet humor as a whole (though I tend not to be fond of it in general), but merely when it becomes too exaggerated and emphasized. Sex and Violence with Machspeed, as well as the first episode of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, would be perfect examples of the sort of thing I am talking about.
Sorry if I was unclear, but I'm not saying that expressing negative emotions is bad in itself. In fact, I do find too much positivity, when expressed superficially, grating as well. That is my main problem with Aria the Animation, in which it feels like any sad or painful emotions have been forcefully eradicated and the world feels maudlin and cheaply sentimental to an insulting degree. I am a big fan of Flowers of Evil, an anime which showcases ugliness both visually and psychologically. But I do think one has to be careful about "embracing" negativity. As someone who has struggled with depression for most of my life, there are times when I've watched/listened/read things that have increased my depression and encouraged my reliance on self-destructive thinking patterns. On the other hand, there have been times where I've experienced some work of art that has helped lift me out of depression, pulling me out of myself and causing me to become aware of the beauty in the world and people around me. That is why I believe so strongly in the power of art, and believe that it should not be wielded without consideration of its potential impact on its audience.
Disappointed in you for not posting Miku Maekawa. You're losing your touch.
hi russ t how are you
I stopped them for the time being since there really wasn't anyone participating in it. I'll revisit it later once we find something that more people are going to participate in, but....
I have no idea who this is, but it looks related to today's events since it's all over twitter, tumblr and here.. so....
I feel like that's going to be difficult from now on considering the shows that were chosen for the last few. Future Diary, Rozen Maiden 2004, etc.
Doing more popular shows is probably going to be difficult as well. Because then we have the issue of people in the thread going wink wing nudge nudge at everybody (I was guilty of this myself in the Samurai Flamenco thread).
What we need are shows that have a particular hook to them. Stuff that people usually wouldn't expect. Which is why I feel that Heroman would be a good choice. It's an anime based off of a manga by Stan Lee. His name being in the thread title alone would be bound to get a few participants.
Kino's Journey would also be a good choice. It's a genuinely well-written and very atmospheric-feeling show that a lot of people are unaware of. It's one of the very few great LN adaptations out there.
Both of those shows I feel would attract more than a few watchers.
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan 16
It wasn't too bad
I saw the title but you didn't post any Miku till now!Maybe you should read the title of that post again.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency
I've enjoyed my time with Battle Tendency quite a bit. Joseph Joestar was certainly a fresh wind after the rather dull Jonathan. The setting remains fairly strong as there's little anime taking place outside of Japan or some fantasy world and the timelines and bizarre takes on other countries are rather fun. Good to see us Germans so authentically represented by Rudolf von Stroheim lmao. Art direction remains a strong point of this series, of course.
I'm indifferent about the battle shonen-ish nature of the show though. I found myself less and less engaged towards the end for several reasons.
Hamon as a martial arts form seems to be rather basic with very few facets to it. It's basically just magic with a few rules to it, ones that don't seem to be particularly tight either. HxH's 'Nen' had more complex and interesting ruleset. So, Hamon felt played out by the end and the fights also became formulaic. It was mostly a constant barrage of "hah, I actually outsmarted you just now!" Sure, was still kinda fun to watch, but required turning your brain off a bit.
The villains, the 'Pillar Men', were initially intriguing but there really wasn't a lot to them. They just ended up feeling like generic boss characters without an interesting goal to follow. Like, great, Kars wants the stone to become the most powerful. That's...nice I guess?
There was generally too little interesting story and too few engaging themes that keep me invested in the actual fighting and results. I've seen dime in a dozen stories that deal with people wanting to be the most powerful or what it means to be an honorable fighter. Since this had no fresh or more nuanced takes on these matters I found most of the talk between Wammu, JoJo and Ceasar concerning the latter topic to be redundant and boring. I did like the background stories for the characters though and it's particularly nice to have this Joestar bloodline and others develop.
Powercreep was also apparent with how worthless the average mask-created vampire felt already. It wasn't a problem for this arc really but I have to wonder how to plays into the upcoming content.
With all that said, it's still the first time after seeing the HxH Yorknew City arc that I was liking a battle shonen this much. Also, thumbs up for the OP and ED (and the nice segues into it).
Gonna just continue with Stardust Crusaders.
I feel like that's going to be difficult from now on considering the shows that were chosen for the last few. Future Diary, Rozen Maiden 2004, etc.
Doing more popular shows is probably going to be difficult as well. Because then we have the issue of people in the thread going wink wing nudge nudge at everybody (I was guilty of this myself in the Samurai Flamenco thread).
What we need are shows that have a particular hook to them. Stuff that people usually wouldn't expect. Which is why I feel that Heroman would be a good choice. It's an anime based off of a manga by Stan Lee. His name being in the thread title alone would be bound to get a few participants.
Kino's Journey would also be a good choice. It's a genuinely well-written and very atmospheric-feeling show that a lot of people are unaware of. It's one of the very few great LN adaptations out there.
Both of those shows I feel would attract more than a few watchers.
Was Heroman that show where a kid's toy robot suddenly got hit by some alien thing and sprung to life? Because I watched the first episode during my cousin and I's CR random anime dinnertime, and it looked really underwhelming.
Better-known shows would probably warrant stricter rules to avoid drive-by spoilers, but I didn't mean that, but more like watching more shows like Humanity has Declined and less Sunday Without God.
Was Heroman that show where a kid's toy robot suddenly got hit by some alien thing and sprung to life? Because I watched the first episode during my cousin and I's CR random anime dinnertime, and it looked really underwhelming.
Better-known shows would probably warrant stricter rules to avoid drive-by spoilers, but I didn't mean that, but more like watching more shows like Humanity has Declined and less Sunday Without God.
Thats a great shout(Kino) for a Lets Watch since every individual episode has enough material for a lot of discussion and interpretation.
Or try something older or shorter like Detroit Metal City or the Patlabor OVAs. I think a lot of people who don't watch much anime are nervous to commit to 24/25 episode series.
I feel like that's going to be difficult from now on considering the shows that were chosen for the last few. Future Diary, Rozen Maiden 2004, etc.
Doing more popular shows is probably going to be difficult as well. Because then we have the issue of people in the thread going wink wing nudge nudge at everybody (I was guilty of this myself in the Samurai Flamenco thread).
What we need are shows that have a particular hook to them. Stuff that people usually wouldn't expect. Which is why I feel that Heroman would be a good choice. It's an anime based off of a manga by Stan Lee. His name being in the thread title alone would be bound to get a few participants.
Kino's Journey would also be a good choice. It's a genuinely well-written and very atmospheric-feeling show that a lot of people are unaware of. It's one of the very few great LN adaptations out there.
Both of those shows I feel would attract more than a few watchers.
Kino's Journey would be great, but is it even available for streaming on Funi or Crunchy?
We just need to make sure people are actually going to join in before I put it all together again. If we can choose and announce three ahead of time, I can put them all in the thread as "upcoming" or something. But again, both community and non-community members need to join in and contribute, or else it's a waste of time.
Show by Rock 01
Cat Day
Kino's Journey is available on Hulu as of now. So only US watchers would be able to join in I'm afraid. It used to be available on Anime Network, which has since had an overhaul recently with some of their shows removed and a mandatory subscription required to watch past episode 1 of anything.
That's how it is for me, anyway.
Just now watching this masterpiece?
uuggh, see, this is the 2nd problem...
Foe everyone interested:
Well, do you think we could get at least 5-10 people to watch any of the below:
Eden of The East
The Tatami Galaxy
Natsume's Book of Friends
Samurai Champloo
Darker than Black
When They Cry
Silver Spoon
Phantom 〜Requiem for the Phantom〜
Black Butler
I just went through all of Darker Than Black not too long ago and it's still an enjoyable action series. I remember Samurai Champloo was fun back in the day and it's sitting on my rewatch pile. I've been less inclined to go back to Baccano! because it's the sort of show where it helps to have one of those character relationship diagrams to keep track of everybody.
I liked it just fine since it has an ongoing narrative, there's some actual character growth, and the action scenes are still very good. The biggest weakness of the first season is that although the two-parters would show something about the world or the main cast, everything's pretty much back to the status quo after each one until the final arc at the end.Isn't season 2 of Darker than Black good? I feel like im alone on that sentiment a lot of the time.