Nah, she's just stealing all the men's hearts now...
Well she has been doing that since the very first episode. Technically, Raj was her first (that we know of).
Nah, she's just stealing all the men's hearts now...
Well she has been doing that since the very first episode. Technically, Raj was her first (that we know of).
Well, technically, Raj was trying to sexually abuse her initially....
Im not an anime expert, but I dont really know how much $29K can really do to an animes budget, so I find it odd to have a crowdfunding campaign for that little amount of money.
Wait didn't he just want her to be his wife because of her hair or something?
Anyways-popped in my Future Diary Blu-ray. It's still so so enjoyable to watch it with someone else. I forgot some of really stupidly awesome things like Yuno peeking though the letterbox or 9 trying to blow up a school while dressed in some cubersome gothic dress.
Monogatari SS - Ep. 13
False alarm, Shinobu is here, the arc is saved,
Honestly, the converstaion between Nadeko and Shinobu was by far the best thing in this arc so far.
huh? Thats so weird. Maybe their production budget is completely fucked or something or maybe a producer/sponsor backed out. Does it even say what the money is specifically going towards?
How's the BD look? Only got the DVDs here.
Looks great no glaring issues or signs of compression from what ive seen. Image is really clear and makes the colors super vibrant. The biggest fuck-up is the subtitles. At times they(Kaze) don't bother to translate text on the phone and subs overlap in some scenes.
Bare bones release too. No bonuses, no trailers. Nothing/(UK release). It was cheap though so can't complain.
Yo Cornbread, as a head's up the Rosario + Vampire manga is completely different from the anime. Worth a read.
Earn money before BD/DVD/CD/Goods even released, genius!
The ANN article doesn't really explain it well, but this isn't a Kickstarter sort of thing like we're familiar with. It's a pretty odd use for a crowdfunding platform, but in this case it's more like an extended early promotional thing for the show. They're crowdfunding what is basically an online fan club, canvassing funds from fans who want to "support the project" by offering exclusive goodies like web streams, drama CDs, credits in the DVD/BDs, behind the scenes stuff, etc.
They don't sound like they need extra money to make the show or anything, but rather want to open an early bird portal of sorts to start milking fans. It's a really odd choice given that this is a brand new IP though. What attachment would anyone have to throw money at it like this before even seeing the show? Maybe they're banking on the VAs and anime staff to draw people in?
The ANN article doesn't really explain it well, but this isn't a Kickstarter sort of thing like we're familiar with. It's a pretty odd use for a crowdfunding platform, but in this case it's more like an extended early promotional thing for the show. They're crowdfunding what is basically an online fan club, canvassing funds from fans who want to "support the project" by offering exclusive goodies like web streams, drama CDs, credits in the DVD/BDs, behind the scenes stuff, etc.
They don't sound like they need extra money to make the show or anything, but rather want to open an early bird portal of sorts to start milking fans. It's a really odd choice given that this is a brand new IP though. What attachment would anyone have to throw money at it like this before even seeing the show? Maybe they're banking on the VAs and anime staff to draw people in?
The ANN article doesn't really explain it well, but this isn't a Kickstarter sort of thing like we're familiar with. It's a pretty odd use for a crowdfunding platform, but in this case it's more like an extended early promotional thing for the show. They're crowdfunding what is basically an online fan club, canvassing funds from fans who want to "support the project" by offering exclusive goodies like web streams, drama CDs, credits in the DVD/BDs, behind the scenes stuff, etc.
They don't sound like they need extra money to make the show or anything, but rather want to open an early bird portal of sorts to start milking fans. It's a really odd choice given that this is a brand new IP though. What attachment would anyone have to throw money at it like this before even seeing the show? Maybe they're banking on the VAs and anime staff to draw people in?
*sees that the Escaflowne dub kickstarter only needs around 20,000 dollars now, is basically guaranteed to make it*
Welp, I was completely wrong. It's gonna make its goal easy.
100k? Did they promise relatively large volume(s) or were they well known/regarded artists?
Japanese subtitles for the onscreen English, and (different!) English subtitles for the Japanese. Sometimes I wonder if the translators ever actually get shown the episodes they're subtitling.
The greatest of artist yamatogawa, the campaign was originally for his newest volume but stretch goals became reprints of his older stuff. Well done all around.
So what were some notable anime kickstarters that made it besides LWA?
Under the Dog
God Eater 4
Not enough Omigawa this episode.
Under the Dog
Hopefully Funi does this for more anime, Outlaw Star and Code Geass please!
Shirayukihime 20
Nice to get everything cleared up with dad. He even had a nice funny moment. After Shirayuki snuggled up to everyone else, it's nice for her and Zen to have their cute moment. We even got a Mitsuhide/Kiki moment. Raj continues to be the best. Too bad the show isn't about him.
Shirayukihime 20
Nice to get everything cleared up with dad. He even had a nice funny moment. After Shirayuki snuggled up to everyone else, it's nice for her and Zen to have their cute moment. We even got a Mitsuhide/Kiki moment. Raj continues to be the best. Too bad the show isn't about him.
I wanted more on Obi and how he must feeling after this whole event. Sure he was smiling and playing drinking games, but he had to be feeling awful. He didn't even say anything to Zen even![]()
so far I am 4 episodes in for kekkai sensen. I am finding the story a little hard to follow. I will watch the show to completion but I feel like I might be missing out on stuff and its affecting how I feel about it so far.
so far I am 4 episodes in for kekkai sensen. I am finding the story a little hard to follow. I will watch the show to completion but I feel like I might be missing out on stuff and its affecting how I feel about it so far.
Brave Witches PV1
Brave Witches PV1
Brave Witches PV1
so far I am 4 episodes in for kekkai sensen. I am finding the story a little hard to follow. I will watch the show to completion but I feel like I might be missing out on stuff and its affecting how I feel about it so far.