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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Huge Nickleback Fan
Thanks guys! This is my first time interviewing for an office job in my field, so fingers crossed. I've got another one for tomorrow too, so I feel like if I do well today, the one for tomorrow or any others that I get until the end of this month, will become easier and easier.

Good luck mate, you can do it!

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is probably the best Digimon storyline since the original Digimon Adventure anime. Why aren't more of you playing it?!

Maybe after Bamco fix vita audio issues.


No time for anime today, gaah. Got a job interview tomorrow for a coop bright and early so I wanted to make sure I was ready for the behavioral and technical questions. At least I am on my reading week, so I have no classes to worry about. I'll get through today's stuff plus Shirayuki tomorrow.

Good luck!




Bonne Chance!

You can do it!
Excellent POS art from the twitter.


God Eater - Episode 2

I applaud the staff for actually trying hard to take the material seriously and to present the organization as an actual military set up, but it's a real struggle. While the tone is dead serious and the art style certainly tries to drive the point home in every frame, it's a bit hard for me to ignore the fact that it's based on a Monster Hunter clone filled with anime tropes. So while it gets an A+ for effort, I don't think it actually achieves the intended result.

The direction continues to be super slick, and I'm actually warming to the honky tryhard writing a bit. What I do appreciate is that Lenka isn't as much of an edgelord as the first episode made it seem. He seems aware that he fucked up, and that while he cannot resist the raw drive to go out of his way to protect others with his power, he recognizes that he is not fully prepared and wants to learn from those who are more experienced. Those are good traits in a protagonist! The closing scene that ends with Alisa preparing to exit the plane to kick ass was really well done too.

God Eater - Episode 3

Damn, I actually enjoyed the hell out of this episode. What's wrong with me? Is it Stockholm Syndrome setting in? Wait no, this was a full action episode directed by Takashi Suhara! That must be it, yes! Whew, I thought I was losing my mind for a moment there! :)

I think what makes this episode work is that it is a well conceived mission which is actually interesting and has some stakes, while providing a unique visual feast in terms of being set it mid-air. It's refreshing and exciting to just watch things unfold. Ufotable handled the wind effects really well too, with elaborate hair and fabric animation for all the characters when they're outside on the plane or leaning out of the chopper. Great details like that along with the dynamic camera work makes it looks a lot like a movie at times.

I have to say though, it is increasingly clear that this show is either made for or made by the tumblr demographic. It telegraphs "shit gets real" moments by kicking in insert songs with tons of electric guitar work, throws a dozen filters on screen as characters pose together before getting into the action, and the action scenes are compartmentalized into individual beats giving each character a chance to show off in neat and tidy sequences which would make good gifs. Love it or hate it, they know exactly what they're doing here. I would say that at this point the style they're going for reminds me of K, except without the eye cancer visual direction, and with a story that is actually possible to follow.

It's worth noting that Hirao is not just the director for the series, he is also the sound director, the main writer, and so far he has storyboarded every single episode, including the OP and ED. That is some crazy level of commitment!


As long as we're slogging through God Eater again, I have a vital question. So apparently these people have to wear bracelets in order to gain their requisite super abilities.
So how exactly did Hero Guy manage to put on a shirt with that comically oversized thing still attached to his wrist? I mean, how would his right arm possibly fit into the sleeve?
This is a crucial dilemma that was bugging me the whole time.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Grimgar 8
The song is still there... talk about executive meddling. I don't hate the song or anything, but i feel like they could use a better fitting song for the battle scene. Mogusou battle scene looks awkward, while the scene with Haruhiro looks good. Merry being friendly with the group was nice. I guess this end the first arc. I wonder what they're gonna do with the rest of the episode.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 188:

Right, so after spinning the wheels a bit as even the best Sailor Moon arcs are wont to do because we have an episode count to fulfill it is finally time to shake up the dynamics. Though I will note this is actually following off the previous episode where the awakening of Chibi-Chibi still resonates with Shadow Galaxia. I will credit Galaxia on this, she is one of those supervillians whom people should say supervillians should be, in that she does not suffer fools for too long and will dispatch minions with relative quickness should they fail. It is almost a counter response to the likes of The Amazon Trio we saw last season whom stuck around forever and a day. Indeed this is the last gasp of Sailor Aluminum Siren and we can tell this is her last mission because she is actually targeting Sailor Moon rightly figuring that she would probably have a true star seed over random normal humans. Still, the true upshot of this episode if for the two main Sailor Guardian factions to finally have the civilian guise eliminated and now things are just kind of really awkward.


As long as we're slogging through God Eater again, I have a vital question. So apparently these people have to wear bracelets in order to gain their requisite super abilities.

So how exactly did Hero Guy manage to put on a shirt with that comically oversized thing still attached to his wrist? I mean, how would his right arm possibly fit into the sleeve?

This is a crucial dilemma that was bugging me the whole time.

Believe it or not, I've actually been thinking about this myself. The show takes everything so seriously that it wants me to buy into this setting like it's a real and grounded serious thing. So when it opened with the main character getting this huge bracelet fused into his arm and they tell him that it's FOR LIFE, I did wonder how any of these people put on their clothes, shower, and basically get used to having that annoying crap on their arm.

I have not thought of an acceptable answer yet, but as I continue on this journey through the episodes, I will try to watch out for hints to this mystery. I'll keep you posted.


Huge Nickleback Fan
As long as we're slogging through God Eater again, I have a vital question. So apparently these people have to wear bracelets in order to gain their requisite super abilities.

So how exactly did Hero Guy manage to put on a shirt with that comically oversized thing still attached to his wrist? I mean, how would his right arm possibly fit into the sleeve?

This is a crucial dilemma that was bugging me the whole time.

Several theory
- Elastic/rubber band material, kinda like that saiyan battle armor
- Detachable sleeve, mayber there's button or zipper on that outfit.

At the very least, the game did mention that wearing that bracelet cause them having difficulties in daily life whenever they shower or changing clothes.


Believe it or not, I've actually been thinking about this myself. The show takes everything so seriously that it wants me to buy into this setting like it's a real and grounded serious thing. So when it opened with the main character getting this huge bracelet fused into his arm and they tell him that it's FOR LIFE, I did wonder how any of these people put on their clothes, shower, and basically get used to having that annoying crap on their arm.

I have not thought of an acceptable answer yet, but as I continue on this journey through the episodes, I will try to watch out for hints to this mystery. I'll keep you posted.

Maybe the sleeves are somewhat elastic, or there is a hidden zipper and they just put their arm into the sleeve and zip it up :)
JoJo - Stardust Crusaders - 18

These two characters are positively infuriating in their incredible incompetent and idiotic behavior. To think that Polnareff has already gone through some of his, supposedly, defining moments and he behaves dumber than ever... It's atrocious.

Even Jotaro is a pretty basic Edgelord that lacks any depth but at least he's mostly competent, albeit that's mostly because he can be the cool hero at the end of an episode. Polnareff and Kakyojin though started as relatively menacing and formidable opponents in the first episode we encounter them under Dio's control and then regress to braindead morons immediately afterwards. It's as though Araki required to bumbling idiots to make the monster stand of the week look powerful without making our actual MC look too bad because of it. If only they would die already :/
Sölf;197098087 said:
We watched that in our weekly stream when it aired and I know Chariot really loved it. For me, every episode felt the same:
- You have a scene at point X in time with the new important character of the episode.
- You either continue from there on or go back or forth to another point in time which centers around this character. That conflict then gets resolved.
- You have a timeskip over sucky event X which we never see happening, we only know it's bad.
- You see the episode important character, the main character who seems to be evil now because of sucky event X which we never see happening and after ~30-60 seconds the episode ends.
- Rinse and repeat in the next episode.

Only the last 3 episodes somehow tell a coherent plot that doesn't have this exact chain of events which every other episode has. I dare to say you can compare it to the SAW franchise. The very first movie (or here, the first episode) was good. Even great. The second was different enough, but basically had the same formula. And after that, each movie felt the same. You only waited for the big twist that was definitly going to happen in the last 5 minutes of the movie. And here you just waited for the time skip over sucky event X to happen.

Certainly the show prominently features timeskips, backwards and forwards, but that's as far as I can agree with you. Even the first episode doesn't follow the formula you describe.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 189:

Well then, this episode is basically about the Sailor Factions having strained relations due to some differences in philosophy and it is all very dull; indeed I have found this subplot to be not compelling in the least since it is basically a retread of the dynamic seen with Uranus and Neptune two seasons ago only watered down since the Starlights and the Inners would often team up and they just lack the icy focus and mercenary attitude that those two carry thus all of this conflict feels forced and artificial and really at the service of the latest pseudo-romance this series is throwing at us. I will grant that this one is much better executed then the others, right down to remembering details like having Chibi-Usa off-screen but at the end of the day it is known where her heart is.
JoJo - Stardust Crusaders - 18

These two characters are positively infuriating in their incredible incompetent and idiotic behavior. To think that Polnareff has already gone through some of his, supposedly, defining moments and he behaves dumber than ever... It's atrocious.

Even Jotaro is a pretty basic Edgelord that lacks any depth but at least he's mostly competent, albeit that's mostly because he can be the cool hero at the end of an episode. Polnareff and Kakyojin though started as relatively menacing and formidable opponents in the first episode we encounter them under Dio's control and then regress to braindead morons immediately afterwards. It's as though Araki required to bumbling idiots to make the monster stand of the week look powerful without making our actual MC look too bad because of it. If only they would die already :/

The writing in JJBA is constantly and consistently plagued with baffling and senseless decisions in storytelling and character development. Ive been unable to follow the writers logic in how he does things with Kakyoin. Easily its one of the leading examples of how to ruin a perfectly good character in an anime.


Maybe the sleeves are somewhat elastic, or there is a hidden zipper and they just put their arm into the sleeve and zip it up :)

They don't look particularly elastic, but considering the design of most of the clothing, zippers would be a practical answer. Sometimes it feels like Nomura was consulted on the costume design lol.


The writing in JJBA is constantly and consistently plagued with baffling and senseless decisions in storytelling and character development. Ive been unable to follow the writers logic in how he does things with Kakyoin. Easily its one of the leading examples of how to ruin a perfectly good character in an anime.
Would you say it was
The lack of proper ED segue's in Stardust Crusader is so disappointing. Walk like an Egyptian as ED song isn't nearly as good in itself either.

How do you guys rate the OPs btw.? For me it's Battle Tendency > Phantom Blood > This first Stardust Crusader OP.


Battle Tendancy>Stardust Crusaders OP2>Stardust Crusaders OP1>Phantom Blood

Though the special version of Stardust's 2nd OP might push it to the top spot for me.


Thanks for all the good vibes everyone. I'm happy to say that I did really well and got several signs that they may be interested in me!

It's good to be confident of the first interview, takes the pressure off the next few ones you have. Don't consider it a done deal though, maximize your chances!
JoJo - Stardust Crusaders - 18

These two characters are positively infuriating in their incredible incompetent and idiotic behavior. To think that Polnareff has already gone through some of his, supposedly, defining moments and he behaves dumber than ever... It's atrocious.

Even Jotaro is a pretty basic Edgelord that lacks any depth but at least he's mostly competent, albeit that's mostly because he can be the cool hero at the end of an episode. Polnareff and Kakyojin though started as relatively menacing and formidable opponents in the first episode we encounter them under Dio's control and then regress to braindead morons immediately afterwards. It's as though Araki required to bumbling idiots to make the monster stand of the week look powerful without making our actual MC look too bad because of it. If only they would die already :/

Since you're clearly not enjoying this, I would recommend stopping and just watching the 1993 OVA adaptation of Stardust Crusaders instead, which has some real highlights anyone who cares about anime should see.
It's good to be confident of the first interview, takes the pressure off the next few ones you have. Don't consider it a done deal though, maximize your chances!

Oh yes for sure, but it was great experience in general. I myself was surprised at how calm and collected I was during the whole thing. I'm used to dealing with people because of my experience in retail and such, but I had never been around suits, or inside an office pitching for myself.

Tomorrow is another interview, gonna use today as a stepping stone!
JoJo - Stardust Crusaders - 18

These two characters are positively infuriating in their incredible incompetent and idiotic behavior. To think that Polnareff has already gone through some of his, supposedly, defining moments and he behaves dumber than ever... It's atrocious.

But that's Polnareff's entire charm! He's the loveable doofus! Him constantly screwing up is all right because he's always getting into the silliest of situations with the most insane Stands.

How do you guys rate the OPs btw.? For me it's Battle Tendency > Phantom Blood > This first Stardust Crusader OP.

Same order except Stardust Crusaders OP2 comes before OP1.
Since you're clearly not enjoying this, I would recommend stopping and just watching the 1993 OVA adaptation of Stardust Crusaders instead, which has some real highlights anyone who cares about anime should see.

I'm probably just going to skim through the rest of the first part and then maybe do that for the second, too or check out the OVAs. I'll just hope that the upcoming part 4 of JoJo is actually good.
What works about Stardust Crusaders for me is that it is supposed to be a mix of horror and action. It doesn't really work if everyone is a Jotaro-esque badass. Kakyoin definitely gets the short end of the stick, but Polnareff works as a doufus. Polnareff's stupidity and his ability to conquer it in the end is what makes him an interesting character.
Stardust Crusaders nails the adventure aspect of the show far better than any other adventure anime I've ever seen.

Constant progress is made on the journey and new drastically-different looking locations are seen as a result.

The way each and every Stand manages to one-up the other in terms of craziness is what got me excited to watch the next episode. They all had the appropriate build up and payoffs required to make them all fun and interesting.

A show can be formulaic if that formula allows for more creative new things to be shown on a continuous basis, which is what Part 3 does.

Stardust Crusaders was just a barrage of fun new things that I constantly didn't expect to see as I watched the show, and I had a blast watching it because of that.
Stardust Crusaders nails the adventure aspect of the show far better than any other adventure anime I've ever seen.

Constant progress is made on the journey and new drastically-different looking locations are seen as a result.

The way each and every Stand manages to one-up the other in terms of craziness is what got me excited to watch the next episode. They all had the appropriate build up and payoffs required to make them all fun and interesting.

A show can be formulaic if that formula allows for more creative new things to be shown on a continuous basis, which is what Part 3 does.

Stardust Crusaders was just a barrage of fun new things that I constantly didn't expect to see as I watched the show, and I had a blast watching it because of that.

This assessment is no surprise giving your love for TTGL. Unfortunately I can only agree with the part that the ever changing locations are fun.

Russ T

Grimgar whatever latest episode whatever

There are so many elements of this show working at odds with one another. You got these shitty music inserts, you got these quiet character moments, you got these dramatic goblin fights, you got these goofy Ranta-isms, you got these beautiful backgrounds, you got these stiff walking animations.

What a bizarre series.


I've watched the first nine episodes now and I still think it is shit. Will never trust you again, but I shouldn't have with your Monogatari avatar. :(

Edit: Talking about Concrete Revolutio
You should have stopped earlier if nothing changed. Monogatari and me are beyond blame.
JoJo - Stardust Crusaders - 18

These two characters are positively infuriating in their incredible incompetent and idiotic behavior. To think that Polnareff has already gone through some of his, supposedly, defining moments and he behaves dumber than ever... It's atrocious.

Even Jotaro is a pretty basic Edgelord that lacks any depth but at least he's mostly competent, albeit that's mostly because he can be the cool hero at the end of an episode. Polnareff and Kakyojin though started as relatively menacing and formidable opponents in the first episode we encounter them under Dio's control and then regress to braindead morons immediately afterwards. It's as though Araki required to bumbling idiots to make the monster stand of the week look powerful without making our actual MC look too bad because of it. If only they would die already :/

It's even worse because while some of the are incompetent, Jotaro is super competent, in a boring way. He is super strong and he has an iron will and he is super perceptive and he also has smarts.

Pls balance better Araki.


Fantastic Children 25-26 END
Good, surprisingly good ending. I've to admit, I somewhat gave up and mentally checked out on the show during the prolonged flashback sequence but these last few episodes have been quite decent and surprised me quite a few times by avoiding some common cliches. It's not really something that changes my opinion of the show as a whole (middling) but it was a satisfying conclusion to the questions and issues raised, very much helped by the 10 minutes longer than usual final episode.

Despite my very sincere attempts, I haven't managed to warm up to Helga much, in the first half she's a bore, a mindless drone and just when she changes, she gets turned into a damsel in distress for the rest of show. Not my kind of character at all but the rest of them weren't particularly enthralling either. Chitto was an all round annoying waste of space who exists only to push the aforementioned drone from point A to point B in the first half the show. Cooks is a character that I liked well enough but there really was no point to him outside of shedding some light on Children of Belfort. And that comical scene he got in the climax really soured me on him.

I've to say, the ease with which everyone gave up on their memories and theirs pasts and the negative depiction of Hesma, who was the one who longed for those the most and till the end, kinda rubbed me the wrong way. By showing the human families the children of Belfort eventually returned to it's given a positive spin but surely, that choice means that they abandoned their, conveniently unmentioned, relatives on Greecia.


Thanks for all the good vibes everyone. I'm happy to say that I did really well and got several signs that they may be interested in me!

Oh yes for sure, but it was great experience in general. I myself was surprised at how calm and collected I was during the whole thing. I'm used to dealing with people because of my experience in retail and such, but I had never been around suits, or inside an office pitching for myself.

Tomorrow is another interview, gonna use today as a stepping stone!

Very nice. Hopefully, you can find a good situation you are happy with and can nail down the job.


It's even worse because while some of the are incompetent, Jotaro is super competent, in a boring way. He is super strong and he has an iron will and he is super perceptive and he also has smarts.

Pls balance better Araki.

Some have very singular tastes and might like that sort of stuff. I feel though that people who only like jojo part 3 for the badassery, become like scared and confused children when confronted with the unbridled insanity of future parts. The crackpot situations that need to be handled in a really bizarre way to solve them are my favorites, because those are not matters of brute strength but making up complete bullshit on the spot to deal with complete bullshit that was made up on the spot by adversaries. Screaming in confusion and trying to make sense of things anyway is what the reader and the protagonist should be doing most of the time, at least that's what i enjoy the most about the series.
Very nice. Hopefully, you can find a good situation you are happy with and can nail down the job.

Yes, I'm not being too picky me being a student and all. I do want something that puts my coding and analytical skills in practice, but I can't be asking for too much since I'm still in my 3rd year of my degree. I'll be really happy if any office gives me a chance since it'll be great learning experience regardless of me liking the job or not so much.

Koyomimonogatari 08

This was before the thing with Nadeko right? Will Koyomimonogatari touch on any events AFTER this?
Yes, I'm not being too picky me being a student and all. I do want something that puts my coding and analytical skills in practice, but I can't be asking for too much since I'm still in my 3rd year of my degree. I'll be really happy if any office gives me a chance since it'll be great learning experience regardless of me liking the job or not so much.

Koyomimonogatari 08

This was before the thing with Nadeko right? Will Koyomimonogatari touch on any events AFTER this?

It explains
what will happen with Araragi at the end of Owarimonogatari
It explains
what will happen with Araragi at the end of Owarimonogatari

Thanks. This is such an odd way of presenting the series tbh, using an app. It's almost as if you had a videogame for one system, then made a sequel for a handheld instead. These small stories may not seem all that important but some of them fill blanks in the story. What's the reception in Japan like, does anyone know? I feMonogatari fans are like Kanye fans in the way that they will follow and listen/watch anything on any platform lol.


I guess you could make a point that JoJo part 3 might look a bit dated with how it handles its characters and the stand of the week formula, but then again it's based on a manga that was printed in 1989 (talking about part 3 specifically). Actually, I'd say it works quite well in spite of its age, but it's true that the constant one-upping and one-note cast can get a bit grating at times.

Polnareff is okay for the most part (mostly during later episodes) and Joseph continues being fun (except he's mostly forced to job so that he doesn't hog Jotaro's spotlight), but I agree that Kakyoin's underwhelming, Jotaro's downright boring and Avdol...'s just there.

My favorite fights in Part 3 season 2 were D'Arby the elder (so hype), Mariah (it was fun, at the very least), Alessi (so creepy), Oingo & Boingo (including their later appearance) and maybe Anubis as a straight-up battle... and of course the final battle too. For the first season, I don't actually remember much that I actually liked outside of Rubber Soul and The Lovers, and even that'd be stretching it.
Thanks. This is such an odd way of presenting the series tbh, using an app. It's almost as if you had a videogame for one system, then made a sequel for a handheld instead. These small stories may not seem all that important but some of them fill blanks in the story. What's the reception in Japan like, does anyone know? I feMonogatari fans are like Kanye fans in the way that they will follow and listen/watch anything on any platform lol.

Well, I guess it was the only way to get it greenlighted. In a similiar way like the last three episodes of Bakemonogatari was also streamed online.
Out of what I saw of Stardust Crusaders TV, my favorite episode by far was episode 8, because Yasufumi Soejima did a killer job of directing that episode. I love watching his work.


God Eater - Episode 1

It begins, the regrettable journey...

I remember watching this when it first aired. My thoughts on it have not changed. This is total tryhard edgelord material unfiltered and undiluted, with some of the best production values, art direction, cinematography, and music for TV anime. Hirao and Ufotable really knocks it out of the park with the visuals, and there's such a polished look to everything. The three dimensional look everything has with the stylized shading is really attractive as well. The best thing about the direction though, are how sleek the transitions are and how smooth the execution is. Top-tier stuff.

There is literally not a single good thing I can say about the writing though. The setting is derivative, the character archetypes are generic to the max, and the the entire tone panders so hard to edgelord fans I feel like I'm getting cut every second of the way. It hurts. It hurts... so good.

Will watch episode 2 later. Please pray for me.

Oh god yes the edgelordness of it is unbearable.
Well, I guess it was the only way to get it greenlighted. In a similiar way like the last three episodes of Bakemonogatari was also streamed online.

Guess it's just how things go these days. I think the idea is cool, andI'm sure every single fan that actually cares about the series got the app.

Gundam IBO 21

So many death flags for Biscuit.
Shame I had this spoiled on Twitter yesterday. But boy was it impactful. I knew what was coming yet I couldn't help but feel the same pain as Mikazuki and Orga.


Durarara - Whatever the latest episode number was
Kind of disappointing that after so much build-up this episode got back to being more of a lull that merely set more things up for the climax. Shizuo begun fighting Izaya at the start of the episode and still hasn't done much by the end of it, Celty finally got her head back and has lost her memories of Ikebukuro, Saika zombies are mobilizing thanks to some guy I've completely forgotten (I think it was the girl's father, but then that'd make the way he treats her really creepy), and a mentally unstable Mikado with a gun is off to try and save his friend Masaomi from a fake assailant...

I really want to like this show, but after so much set up and the promise of some kind of resolution to at least some of them this time around, it being yet another set-up episode was really underwhelming.
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