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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
True best boy

You support bullying?


As I mentioned in my post, I was talking about general patterns of behaviour. Cycles that emerge and develop over time in any community.

I wasn't calling out anyone in particular. If I had a problem with someone in particular, have no fear, I wouldn't hesitate to bring that up, and directly.
It seems pretty serious to me.

Good on Narag for calling out patterns of behaviour that he feels are negatively impacting the thread/community. He clearly wants to promote a better community overall and sometimes doing that requires taking people to task over certain issues. This goes beyond whether people have done something overt like broken the rules of the forum and instead deals with more nuanced matters.

I don't encourage randomly taking people to task over every little personal gripe in a bitchy manner, that rarely leads to any good outcomes. However, you can criticise someone in a well reasoned manner that hopefully leads to a more reasonable discussion. Woofington, for his part, has responded reasonably and at length to Narag's comments, so good on him for taking that on.

Also, I don't think that everyone needs to rush in to 'calm' people down if there's something actually objectionable going on in the thread. I don't enjoy engaging in conflict with others, but sometimes it has to be done.

This isn't really about Woofington and Narag though. Their dialogue is emblematic of wider issues in the community as a whole and that is one of thread leadership/domination.

I think it stands to reason that in any community on the internet, in the absence of extremely vigorous moderation, a power vacuum will eventually appear. Someone will appear with more time or interest or dedication than everyone else and their voice/voices, if unchecked, will eventually become a defining factor of that community. This is problematic for a variety of reasons:

1) Such figures generally tend to narrow the field of discussion by bringing an exaggerated focus to their personal interests.

2) This, in turn, attracts more people like them to the discussion, further reducing the variety of opinions in the community.

3) When a singular voice dominates, people who have differing approaches/interests tend be put-off from engaging in the community. This is especially true when someone is playing some kind of 'character'.

4) Now, nearly everyone puts on some kind of personality when posting online - we all play a certain characters, wear certain masks for certain people etc.

The problem is that these 'dominating' figures in the thread tend to have a very exaggerated character that appears to be formed simply to garner attention and generate more interest in their own posts. Many people find the artificiality of this to be at best, tiresome and at worst obnoxious.

4) When someone dominates in terms of sheer force of post count they're generally watering down the signal to noise ration of useful commentary in the thread because their spamming a bunch of filler 'noise' into the thread. This means that the thread becomes less readable because its filled with fluff (not so much a problem at the moment, but it was emblematic of the Cajun era).

It's not really interesting to read a thread where a couple of people make up most of the posts because, by definition, it's harder to see the other opinions that come from other 99% of people who post in the thread.

So, in short, it's nearly always interesting to see a variety of people with interesting opinions post just a bit, then to see or two people swamp a thread with their content.

As someone who was driven away for a prolonged period of time, I can understand where this is coming from. That said, there is another dominating factor of AniGAF, and that is people being driven out for having an unpopular opinion. Usually, more "veterans" of AnimeGAF use this as a joke. But to more newcomers, it can come across as demeaning and anti-newcomer.

I am with you in spreading more discussion and less noise. But what happens when people perceive a sincere opinion as noise? Or as disingenuous? Who is to say that a person is being genuine with how they feel about any one particular show?

I'm all for growing this community and getting a more vibrant and varied opinions and discussion. But we should not be the type of community to talk down to others or demean them because we don't feel their selection of shows they choose to like is lesser than our own choices. If you want to start discourse on a show and ask said person why they like a show and then present your own counter-argument why the show didn't jive with you, I am all for that.

I am against, however, things like, "I like anime X" and a person responding "ugh, you shouldn't like anime x."

This stifles actual discussion more than anything, and gets people to either leave the community or devolve the discussions. Neither of which I think this community wants.


I am against, however, things like, "I like anime X" and a person responding "ugh, you shouldn't like anime x."

This stifles actual discussion more than anything, and gets people to either leave the community or devolve the discussions. Neither of which I think this community wants.

Yeah. I'm fine with 'I dislike this anime you like for reasons 1,2 and 3', not so much 'anime x is terrible and anyone who disagrees is doing anime wrong'.
This could all be solved by a Group Watch of AO.
I already told Cornbread that I was in for a group watch of AO!
Yeah. I'm fine with 'I dislike this anime you like for reasons 1,2 and 3', not so much 'anime x is terrible and anyone who disagrees is doing anime wrong'.
People here may not think much of it and it seriously much less intense right now, but the quick negativity some people here have over some title clearly must keep people away.

I see it happen a lot, X speaks of A anime and Y from this community say it's trash and terrible. X stops posting. It's ok to criticise and I agree people shouldn't be offended too easily, but clearly it must hinder our forum from growing in members. How many new posters do we have that post regularly?
Usually, more "veterans" of AnimeGAF use this as a joke. But to more newcomers, it can come across as demeaning and anti-newcomer.

I am with you in spreading more discussion and less noise. But what happens when people perceive a sincere opinion as noise? Or as disingenuous? Who is to say that a person is being genuine with how they feel about any one particular show?

I am against, however, things like, "I like anime X" and a person responding "ugh, you shouldn't like anime x."

This stifles actual discussion more than anything, and gets people to either leave the community or devolve the discussions. Neither of which I think this community wants.

This is something I can attest to as someone who joined recently (mid fall). It's not something I'm fond of, but I ultimately decided to ignore this side of things and just post when I felt I had something to add to whatever the discussion is. It doesn't make me super eager to try and start up discussions for less popular series I have an interest in.


Maid Dragon 2
I loved it. KyoAni saving what KyoAni ruined, specifically reaction faces.

You know, it doesn't even have to be particularly funny to be enjoyable, it's just very pleasant to watch. The dragons are very charming characters, I can't have enough of Tohru.
I'm curious, we need to do this.. lol

Imagine a SAO sequel where everything you loved about SAO got retconned in the worst possible way and pulled out all the stops to ruin the happy ending that you loved in it as nothing more than a "fuck you", where at the same time you can barely figure out what's going on or piece together what anything going on in the sequel has to do with what was good in the original.

That's what Eureka Seven AO is.
Imagine a SAO sequel where everything you loved about SAO got retconned in the worst possible way and pulled out all the stops to ruin the happy ending that you loved in it as nothing more than a "fuck you", where at the same time you can barely figure out what's going on or piece together what anything going on in the sequel has to do with what was good in the original.

That's what Eureka Seven AO is.

That sounds alright for SAO


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Imagine a SAO sequel where everything you loved about SAO got retconned in the worst possible way and pulled out all the stops to ruin the happy ending that you loved in it as nothing more than a "fuck you", where at the same time you can barely figure out what's going on or piece together what anything going on in the sequel has to do with what was good in the original.

That's what Eureka Seven AO is.
I thought this was a Rebellion hatepost.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I can post about whatever stupid garbage show I want and nobody ever gets mad or tells me to stop posting about it as far as I can remember.
because everyone has me on ignore
Not really sure where the persecution complex thing is coming from. When someone makes loads of posts that don't contribute anything to the thread like spamming .gifs and bad memes people are more likely to be upset. thinking, bigthink, hmm, etc.


Imagine a SAO sequel where everything you loved about SAO got retconned in the worst possible way and pulled out all the stops to ruin the happy ending that you loved in it as nothing more than a "fuck you", where at the same time you can barely figure out what's going on or piece together what anything going on in the sequel has to do with what was good in the original.

It's called season two.
Not gonna comment on the series of posts in regards to online behavior on this thread because I think everyone has nailed it own. Also I'm a little exhausted.

Konosuba - 02

This show gave me some life force back.
I don't know what it is about myself and Anime, but on the topic of bringing meaningful discussion I have a much harder time recognizing directors staff so I can see their previous work and make a guess of what to expect of their next work. Not sure if it's simply because it is harder to come across this information with a language, culture and character barrier with their written language.

I'm sure they're listing in the production in the OP and ED, but I either skip it or only focus on the visuals.

Feels like in the west the director/show runner is a bigger deal than in Anime. Trailers tend to show front and center "from the man that brought you" or something in that regard. Probably first step I need to work on as it has always bothered me how I need to constantly imdb shows and then imdb the people involved.
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