I can post about whatever stupid garbage show I want and nobody ever gets mad or tells me to stop posting about it as far as I can remember.Not really sure where the persecution complex thing is coming from. When someone makes loads of posts that don't contribute anything to the thread like spamming .gifs and bad memes people are more likely to be upset. thinking, bigthink, hmm, etc.because everyone has me on ignore
You've been around the community a long time and are pretty well-respected here, (or at least I personally respect you) so I don't expect people to really come after you for it. Now, as someone who has experienced it way back in 2012~2013 and a little right before I checked out for some time, I can tell you it does happen.
Again, I don't think it comes from a malicious place, but some do subconsciously do it and write it off as them "kidding around", not realizing that newcomers aren't accustomed to that type of "humor" from members of the community. I've had people come to me through Twitter either saying how they left the community or they're afraid to join due to this. Writing it off as a "persecution complex" doesn't help in the slightest in regards to how some may actually feel.
And yes, more active members in this community tend to be more vocal about bad memes and spam. But, I think, that is nothing compared to the driving out of new blood.