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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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It's the ending with the lead into the ED that's the real highlight of the episode though. The huge fiery explosion happens, Oda is knocked back, and as the debris flies through the air the huge noise of the explosion fades out to be replaced by the high-pitched ringing you get in your ears when they are overwhelmed by an excessively loud sound. As the ringing gradually increases in intensity, Oda's normal deadpan voice begins to narrate atop the image from behind of him struggling to lift himself up. As he says, "I heard someone screaming," we begin to hear the muffled sounds of his own screams underneath the ringing, as if from a great distance. As he continues to narrate, we cut to his face - and this is a real shock, as Oda has always worn a straight-faced, emotionally reserved expression up to this point, but here his eyes and mouth are forced open into an expression of utter terror, pain, and despair. The thick character outlines that previously designated comedic deformations in the show are here deployed for the exact opposite effect, together with heavy linework and an intense shaking animation loop.

The ringing gets louder and shriller until - suddenly all sound cuts out. Then the old man's voice from the opening scene returns over Oda's still screaming face, and only afterwards does the image cut back to the stark silhouette of that scene explaining Oda's motivation to avoid killing. In response to the old man no longer comes the voice of the younger Oda though, but present-day Oda sorrowfully rejecting his offer. The guitar intro to the ED song begins to play as the camera cuts back to show Oda alone at the table, the old man having disappeared. Sharp cut to black. Oda's painful scream starts fading back in, accompanied by the gradual fade in of the image of his kneeling in front of the fireball. This time there is no ringing or muffling to shield us from the full horror of that raw scream, in which Junichi Suwabe shows himself to be a full master of his craft. The tears well in his eyes, his face becomes more and more racked with pain, the scorched scream continues to well up until it is choked off by the next episode title card, and the vocals come in just as the credit roll on black starts. Mmmm, gives me the chills just thinking about it.

I don't know how much this description means for someone who hasn't watched the scene in question, but man, this perfect coordination of sound and visuals for emotional expression in service of characterization - this is what I want.

To my eternal shame I forgot the ending had a musical lead-in too. It's etched into my memory as that close up of Odasaku and the mute --> scream transition.

Glad you liked the arc.
Ouran too lol.

Ouran doesn't really surprise me, though. Just like Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho on there it's remained pretty popular over the years with its crowd, and it's probably still seen as one of the definitive anime series among the female fanbase.

But when the fuck was the last time you heard anyone even mention Kenichi?

Can't believe this quote is relevant after all these years.

Huh: Anime finds a way.
Ouran doesn't really surprise me, though. Just like Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho on there it's remained pretty popular over the years with its crowd, and it's probably still seen as one of the definitive anime series among the female fanbase.

But when the fuck was the last time you heard anyone even mention Kenichi?

I've always been under the impression most people like Kenichi. It's just never brought up because it doesn't have updates and just isn't in the conversation as much as other shows.


Yeah, I remember the days when criticism of the show wasn't followed up with tumblr gifs and the show wasn't recommended to people who were looking for good shows..

But casuals love SAO. In fact, isn't it one of the most popular anime series ever? It's a great show for "casuals"

If they don't like it, that's fine, but they should give it a hot because the show does make a lot of people happy. (just not the hardcore enthusiasts, lol)

Sweet, we doing this gents!
I can't bear to cry alone!

Who would be in for a nice Eureka 7 AO group watch?

Don't make me suffer alone!


My wife is dying for her and they apparently teased a Darkness Nendoroid too.
Nothing shown, but the blogger for Goodsmile dropped some heavy hints.

Ugh course there would be a Darkness nendo too (probably will be revealed at Wonfest next month if they have been teasing it).XD Bleh I would rather just get one of the girls, so shall see how Darkness turns out, but I probably will just stick with Megumin.


Is this general insecurity regarding your fandom why you overcompensate with the obnoxious forum personality that runs people out of the thread? It wasn't entirely clear to me until the AOTY thread where you were concerned what other anime communities would think of us (read: you).for letting people vote for Thunderbolt Fantasy but it's hard to engage you (and I've genuinely tried but when you do the woe is me thing on one extreme and the feigned overreaction to shows on the other, it's hard to do so.) I didn't even once consider PP while reading through what I thought was a cogent post on your behalf regarding mafia anime such that your mention of it felt like a non sequitur. I ended up unsure if you were taking the piss with the whole post with PP being the punchline or not.
Preach it my dude.
But casuals love SAO. In fact, isn't it one of the most popular anime series ever? It's a great show for "casuals"

If they don't like it, that's fine, but they should give it a hot because the show does make a lot of people happy. (just not the hardcore enthusiasts, lol)

Sweet, we doing this gents!
I can't bear to cry alone!
Who would be in for a nice Eureka 7 AO group watch?
I'm in for an AO lets watch!
What is this "AO" thing people keep recommending for a group watch? I'm pretty sure that show doesn't exist.

But casuals love SAO. In fact, isn't it one of the most popular anime series ever? It's a great show for "casuals"

If they don't like it, that's fine, but they should give it a hot because the show does make a lot of people happy. (just not the hardcore enthusiasts, lol)

That's another thing. Saying a show is popular and casuals love it really needs to stop being this deflector of criticism.

Why does SAO need more attention? Why should we direct more people towards it? There are tons of good shows out there that get overshadowed because of it. I'd rather see more people recommending lesser known good shows instead of just linking them to what's at the top of MAL.
He likes being multiple years behind?!

He's a blue collar worker type guy, has very little time since he's always working multiple jobs to make ends meat. He likes One Piece, and other anime on Toonami, but has very little time/drive to go hunting for whatever doesn't make it to the networks. I imagine most casual anime fans are like that. It's better than my other best friend,
who doesn't understand that give and take is part of any friendship *grumble grumble*
Who kept claiming he was an anime fan and loved the stuff, despite never watching any in the past, like, five years.
What is this "AO" thing people keep recommending for a group watch? I'm pretty sure that show doesn't exist.

That's another thing. Saying a show is popular and casuals love it really needs to stop being this deflector of criticism.

Why does SAO need more attention? Why should we direct more people towards it? There are tons of good shows out there that get overshadowed because of it. I'd rather see more people recommending lesser known good shows instead of just linking them to what's at the top of MAL.

What's wrong with the top rated shows on MAL. They're all highly rated and many of them are shows people on here love too. I do agree in directing lesser known shows that people would otherwise not have seen. Like Hyouka. SAO is nowhere in the top rated shows on the site? I would recommend Clannad and Gurren Lagaan any day of the week for those who haven't seen it. Because they are, in fact, that good.

But we must also be cognizant that these top shows may have not been seen and they should still be recommended. It is, however, up to us to bring to light some lesser known shows when newer fans complete those shows.

Plus people watching some of the top rated MAL shows helps me in determining what a person may like in the future and I can recommend better anime for them.
What's wrong with the top rated shows on MAL. They're all highly rated and many of them are shows people on here love too. I do agree in directing lesser known shows that people would otherwise not have seen. Like Hyouka. SAO is nowhere in the top rated shows on the site? I would recommend Clannad and Gurren Lagaan any day of the week for those who haven't seen it. Because they are, in fact, that good.

But we must also be cognizant that these top shows may have not been seen and they should still be recommended. It is, however, up to us to bring to light some lesser known shows when newer fans complete those shows.

Plus people watching some of the top rated MAL shows helps me in determining what a person may like in the future and I can recommend better anime for them.
Im not gonna lie, as much fun as it is to joke about it, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with recommending some of these popular shows that gaf may not necessarily approve of as a whole. SAO has many issues, but ultimately it's dumb fun and clearly it clicks with enough people.

But it depends on the person. If it's a person that has made it clear they want highly acclaimed shows, I won't recommend Big Bang Theory if I can recommend Arrested Development.
you're an obvious foreigner in japan. you've basically got a licence to be an obnoxious drunken friendly asshole.

But I don't wanna be an asshole. I want them to like me or it will invalidate all my weeaboo-iest existence. =/

Also after leaving that food place and my new businessmen friends behind, my friends and I went to Bar Rock Rock over in AmericaTown and the bartenders kept trying to play music from the bands on our shirts (I was wearing Refused, other friend was Converge and last was Enslaved) and I used Google Translate to talk to this lady bartender with dreads about Guns and Roses playing with BABYMETAL. She was...not a BABYMETAL fan...

I'm sorta annoyed that Megumin nendo is not out yet, wanted to pick it up here. Guess I'll settle for Aqua?

And I'll throw my hat in the ring because I'm not invested as much in this and I've been very vocal about this thread before, but Narag's right. I stopped posting here exactly because of the shit he said; this thread can be extremely toxic to discussion because personalities take over and create an awful environment. And I don't even hate the majority of the posters in this thread, hell, that's why I'm posting now because I like a whole hell of a lot of you but I don't have much interaction if I'm not posting here. And you guys would be one of the better places to talk about my trip to Japan cause I figured it'd be entertaining or funny to you. But I doubt I'll get back into actually discussing anime here again. I got fed up after getting shit on talking about Heavy Object for fucks sake, something super unimportant in the grand scheme of anything. Maybe I just wanted to talk about an anime maybe three or four of us liked and chatted up about without people constantly chiming in passive aggressively to make me feel like I didn't belong here discussing it.

I love yall but come on.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to feed these deer rice crackers and try to stuff one in my bag.


Konosuba S2 ep.2

The whole first half of this episode had me in tears. The toads, the fluid…. Megumin and the bath, OMG LOLOLOLOLOLOL. "Pedo-NEET" Megumin is awesome.... This was great yet again!


Maid Dragon - 02

It's cute, it's pretty to look at, doesn't get boring but it's still missing something. I liked the second episode more than the first, Tohru got a lot more likeable this time and Kanna reminded me of an a little older Ren-chon which is definitely a good thing.

It's just that I can't shake the feeling that there is nothing inherently interesting about the original work. KyoAni's part is amazing, as expected, but there is so much you can do with what you have to work with. Maybe I'll be proven wrong?
But I don't wanna be an asshole. I want them to like me or it will invalidate all my weeaboo-iest existence. =/

Also after leaving that food place and my new businessmen friends behind, my friends and I went to Bar Rock Rock over in AmericaTown and the bartenders kept trying to play music from the bands on our shirts (I was wearing Refused, other friend was Converge and last was Enslaved) and I used Google Translate to talk to this lady bartender with dreads about Guns and Roses playing with BABYMETAL. She was...not a BABYMETAL fan...

I'm sorta annoyed that Megumin nendo is not out yet, wanted to pick it up here. Guess I'll settle for Aqua?

And I'll throw my hat in the ring because I'm not invested as much in this and I've been very vocal about this thread before, but Narag's right. I stopped posting here exactly because of the shit he said; this thread can be extremely toxic to discussion because personalities take over and create an awful environment. And I don't even hate the majority of the posters in this thread, hell, that's why I'm posting now because I like a whole hell of a lot of you but I don't have much interaction if I'm not posting here. And you guys would be one of the better places to talk about my trip to Japan cause I figured it'd be entertaining or funny to you. But I doubt I'll get back into actually discussing anime here again. I got fed up after getting shit on talking about Heavy Object for fucks sake, something super unimportant in the grand scheme of anything. Maybe I just wanted to talk about an anime maybe three or four of us liked and chatted up about without people constantly chiming in passive aggressively to make me feel like I didn't belong here discussing it.

I love yall but come on.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to feed these deer rice crackers and try to stuff one in my bag.

??? I was sure the few who watched Heavy Object here were all receptive and posted about it, I dont remember people slinging poop and grinding teeth on those who watched it.
But I don't wanna be an asshole. I want them to like me or it will invalidate all my weeaboo-iest existence. =/

Also after leaving that food place and my new businessmen friends behind, my friends and I went to Bar Rock Rock over in AmericaTown and the bartenders kept trying to play music from the bands on our shirts (I was wearing Refused, other friend was Converge and last was Enslaved) and I used Google Translate to talk to this lady bartender with dreads about Guns and Roses playing with BABYMETAL. She was...not a BABYMETAL fan...

I'm sorta annoyed that Megumin nendo is not out yet, wanted to pick it up here. Guess I'll settle for Aqua?

And I'll throw my hat in the ring because I'm not invested as much in this and I've been very vocal about this thread before, but Narag's right. I stopped posting here exactly because of the shit he said; this thread can be extremely toxic to discussion because personalities take over and create an awful environment. And I don't even hate the majority of the posters in this thread, hell, that's why I'm posting now because I like a whole hell of a lot of you but I don't have much interaction if I'm not posting here. And you guys would be one of the better places to talk about my trip to Japan cause I figured it'd be entertaining or funny to you. But I doubt I'll get back into actually discussing anime here again. I got fed up after getting shit on talking about Heavy Object for fucks sake, something super unimportant in the grand scheme of anything. Maybe I just wanted to talk about an anime maybe three or four of us liked and chatted up about without people constantly chiming in passive aggressively to make me feel like I didn't belong here discussing it.

I love yall but come on.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to feed these deer rice crackers and try to stuff one in my bag.
Dude, you were the toxic personality. And Narag was not talking about anything like the thing you keep melting down about.


This show continues to be the best. There's something to be said for the fact that my favourite character seems to be whoever is currently talking.

Hopefully Darkness is back next week though. She wasn't needed for this episode but I did miss her.
If the likes of SAO and Clannad were to become genuine, common suggestions in this thread then I'd sure think substantially worse of this community. If people's viewing history indicates that they might appreciate 'that' stuff, sure, but if they're generally asking for good anime and get a slew of serious SAO recommendations then hope has long been lost.

I mean we can argue about subjectivity and being inclusive all day but sometimes bad anime is bad and a Boku no Pico recommendation gets you banned for a reason.
I got fed up after getting shit on talking about Heavy Object for fucks sake, something super unimportant in the grand scheme of anything. Maybe I just wanted to talk about an anime maybe three or four of us liked and chatted up about without people constantly chiming in passive aggressively to make me feel like I didn't belong here discussing it.

I dont understand why one would take that to heart. Did your hard earned money go into personally funding the anime of choice? Are you on the staff of the show? Are you getting kickbacks from the anime company based on how many posts on the anime are made? I dont understand why you would feel like youre being attacked for wanted to like and talk about something you watched.

I dont ever remember a time where I felt that way about the bufei load of anime that I love that other people here dont like or constantly and consistently try to get people to not watch or discuss, just this season, there is handshakers. But Im not gnashing my teeth and fleeing when people posted in post header titles about being glad there is no discussion of this seasons best kept secret.!!!1 S
You literally can't write a more perfect example of what I was talking about.
The guy who threw a gigantic fit and called me a cunt because I said some mild criticism of Heavy Object, none of it even particularly directed at you doesn't really get to put on airs. And your continued driveby posts and inability to let it go don't demonstrate anything but your immaturity. This attitude is exactly what the community does not need.
If the likes of SAO and Clannad were to become genuine, common suggestions in this thread then I'd sure think substantially worse of this community. If people's viewing history indicates that they might appreciate 'that' stuff, sure, but if they're generally asking for good anime and get a slew of serious SAO recommendations then hope has long been lost.

I mean we can argue about subjectivity and being inclusive all day but sometimes bad anime is bad and a Boku no Pico recommendation gets you banned for a reason.

Id rather SAO and Clannad be suggested than the default suggestions of TTGL and Cowboy Bebop and FMA...Some variety is nice. The "good" anime people suggest are always the same five dull titles, no variety, no "new" stuff. SAO is this generations FMA.


Sore Ga Seiyu-I mean Akiba's Trip episode 3

The Gonzo self-promotional show chugs through once again.

Was easily the weakest episode so far. Didn't really care much for idol shenanigans though the usage of that famous pool got a small chuckle out of me. Oh hey game character silhouettes on the UDX screen! Shizuku Tokikaze and not-Chie along with a few others.

Boy, it was cute when they had Sore Ga Seiyuu easter eggs, but donning the girls in the Sore Ga Seiyuu Live outfits/and even had Earphones themselves singing not only the opening theme, they ALSO had them singing the ending theme for this particular episode. It's....starting to seem a bit excessive, wouldn't you think?

It was as though the show's just one big walking marketing billboard trying to push the 3 girls of Earphones. If Chitose from Girlish Number was in their shoes, bet she would have said KATTA NA! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

No seriously. I get that both Sore Ga Seiyuu and Akiba's Trip are being done by the same studio with the same three main voice talents, but if they toned down the self-masturbatory (oh hey we did this show before, let's throw in as many references as we can, bet the fans would love it) aspect of the show, it would have really been a more enjoyable ride.
Konosuba Season 2 02

This show is just the best! The first third and last third of the episode had me rolling. I was laughing way too hard for being in the middle of work.

If the likes of SAO and Clannad were to become genuine, common suggestions in this thread then I'd sure think substantially worse of this community. If people's viewing history indicates that they might appreciate 'that' stuff, sure, but if they're generally asking for good anime and get a slew of serious SAO recommendations then hope has long been lost.

I mean we can argue about subjectivity and being inclusive all day but sometimes bad anime is bad and a Boku no Pico recommendation gets you banned for a reason.

The hell is wrong with suggesting Clannad? Or SAO for that matter? People have different tastes and opinions. If someone wants a romance/drama/slice of life show I am going to recommend Clannad among many other shows.

You may think they're bad, but that does not make the opinion of someone asking for something they haven't seen before. If you're that passionate about it then recommend people other shows when they ask, instead of demeaning what other people like.

Id rather SAO and Clannad be suggested than the default suggestions of TTGL and Cowboy Bebop and FMA...Some variety is nice. The "good" anime people suggest are always the same five dull titles, no variety, no "new" stuff. SAO is this generations FMA.

That's why I usually ask people what they look for instead of right off the bat recommending my favorite shows. Or I ask what they have seen and liked in the past. You'll see my response differ depending on the person and what they're in the mood for.
Pretty sure it's the first or so episode of Slayers but could be wrong.

No, you're right.

Sore Ga Seiyu-I mean Akiba's Trip episode 3

No seriously. I get that both Sore Ga Seiyuu and Akiba's Trip are being done by the same studio with the same three main voice talents, but if they toned down the self-masturbatory (oh hey we did this show before, let's throw in as many references as we can, bet the fans would love it) aspect of the show, it would have really been a more enjoyable ride.

I imagine the references to Sore ga Seiyuu are motivated heavily by Hiroshi Ikehata specifically, since he directed both shows.
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