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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Figured as much. I guess this important plot detail is just taken for granted.

Well, nobody know who he is, but he founded the pretty fucked up and racist (or whatever you call discrimination of elves and dwarves) empire.
The anime sure as hell has problem make these assholes look bad.
Yeah but the show has people saying that the current empire is in the condition its at due to him dying. I guess it never specified whether the treatment of elves and dwarves was during his reign or not. But Jesus I hope they aren't so clueless as to think he was a misunderstood figure.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

"Pig's Foot" is a lot weirder translation of that epithet than just saying "Piggy" even if its accurate.

isn't that the show that everyone says has that one "twist" or major revelation that makes it worth it?

If you're looking for a twist that "makes it worth it" don't watch. Also, don't ask about it if you aren't going to watch it - it doesn't seem right to have a spoiler conversation inside an anime thread where the anime is weeks and weeks away from the thing you're asking about.



The special episode airing is just the first two episodes of the tv series? Makes sense considering it's called the Zinkenstill arc. I guess they'll air those in spring again.

So, in my absence, has IM@S been dethroned by LoveLive?

Anime-wise, yes. Starlight Stage has been in the top 10 grossing app in Japan since its launch and is making more money than the Love Live franchise will ever make though.


I decided to switch to Anilist since it has sequel and side story listings for each thing which i couldn't find on Kitsu. I just wish they had some kind of recommendation section or something :(. Also, some of the more new-niche-maybe not really manga/anime stuff isn't listed so I have a couple of things that aren't listed :/.

I mean, I'd probably still use MAL if it wasn't for them trying to be PC towards Nazis. ffs.

edit: also I watched

Masamune kun's revengence 3

I mean, I get that he's trying to get her to fall in love only to dump her and that's his plan, but its just not a well thought out one and its not one that the viewer really.. gets when he is doing what he's doing. idk

Either way, I think that if this was made in 2010 or even just prior to gamergate or something, I'd probably excuse Masamune as being just a egotistical jerk who falls in love and Adagaki as being nothing more than a Tsundere, but that's not the world we live in anymore. It really and truly feels like Masamune is this weird characterization of how red-pillers see themselves and Adagaki as being how they see women. Its definitely hard to get the red-pill taste out of my mouth with this show, and that sucks. The BL jokes aren't really funny (I still think theres gonna be a reveal where he ends up being a her) but i don't think they are as bad as some think they are. They are just unfunny meh to me. This still feels like a kyoani-lite show but without the sensibility (people are gonna make fun of me for saying that huh?) that kyoani would have.

The ecchi feels out of place too since its so sparse and just random "okay, we need to show the viewers panties, where do we put it?!" moments.

i won't blame anyone for dropping this. i'm gonna keep watching it, but i think i might still feel uncomfortable as it goes on :/
USA S58 01

The change in staff is terrible and the writing sucks now. Dropped.

Fucking hell, mike wasn't joking. the last few seasons felt like it was getting worse, but now its just unwatchable. This is like, green green levels of bad.


Yeah but the show has people saying that the current empire is in the condition its at due to him dying. I guess it never specified whether the treatment of elves and dwarves was during his reign or not. But Jesus I hope they aren't so clueless as to think he was a misunderstood figure.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Keep in mind that Hitler was a master at fooling and manipulating people, almost everyone fell for him.
Sakamoto desu ka? 1

Kirito and Onii-sama got nothing on this guy.

Funny, but I can definitely see it getting old fast.

That was basically my experience when watching the show yesterday. Since the jokes more or less always have the same punchlines, it really either needed a stronger supporting cast to play off of or just be shorter overall.


If you're looking for a twist that "makes it worth it" don't watch. Also, don't ask about it if you aren't going to watch it - it doesn't seem right to have a spoiler conversation inside an anime thread where the anime is weeks and weeks away from the thing you're asking about.

Yes, I have my doubts as to whether or not it "makes it worth it" but regardless, I am intrigued. I just wanted to read it, wasn't keen on watching it.

I'm of course not insisting on revealing that openly, use a spoiler tag or send a link with a spolier warning unless there's some unspoken rule that even that's not allowed.
That'll be part of the US by the time you get here.



"Pig's foot" doesn't really sound like a harsh thing to tell someone. I dunno, there's got to be a better phrase to look down and berate, lol


That was basically my experience when watching the show yesterday. Since the jokes more or less always have the same punchlines, it really either needed a stronger supporting cast to play off of or just be shorter overall.

The moment i stopped watching the show as "lol isn't it funny how suave sakamoto is" and instead watched it as a show about "a guy doing mundane things in overly elaborate and dumb ways and people losing their shit about it" it became much more enjoyable.

Because seriously, most of the stuff he does isn't Suave or Cool or anything, its just unnecessarily elaborate, and I kinda think thats the point.

Error, this anime is undroppable.

I wonder if it will get cancelled soon :/


watching the new dub eps of naruto that go to 374... and knowing the series is currently on 490 or so... I am curious how long until the damn arc ends... I imagine at least another 100 episodes (with filler lol).

also I skipped the last set of eps that was filler, but I was wondering if the kakashi filler arc is worth watching.


watching the new dub eps of naruto that go to 374... and knowing the series is currently on 490 or so... I am curious how long until the damn arc ends... I imagine at least another 100 episodes (with filler lol).

also I skipped the last set of eps that was filler, but I was wondering if the kakashi filler arc is worth watching.

It's decent for filler. I'd say it's worth a watch if you're already that deep into Naruto.


When will 3D effects/models in TV anime be not shit? They've been at it for years and it still sucks, every time. Please save us.
Seeing the coincidence of you having this conversation about such qualities along the recent announcement of the 'ANIME CG NINE Project', we could say maybe Mr. Anno's Studio Khara (or χαρα) is really here to save you:


This supposedly ambitious initiative between Studio Khara, DWANGO Co., Ltd., and the Aso College Group aims to precisely reduce part of the imbalance between the Japanese animation production industry and other (more stable) sectors partially structured by computer science professionals too, by attracting new talent at its own origin; within an integral education. By way of an early specialisation this may commend further interest on developing even more characteristic skills particular to the medium, and subsequently foment its (needed) retention.

And talking of fine 3DCGI artists & studio... where is the annual demo reel from Kamikaze Douga? It should have been published by now, as they before did on the very first day of the year! :-/

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yes, I have my doubts as to whether or not it "makes it worth it" but regardless, I am intrigued. I just wanted to read it, wasn't keen on watching it.

I'm of course not insisting on revealing that openly, use a spoiler tag or send a link with a spolier warning unless there's some unspoken rule that even that's not allowed.

Do not ask for it in spoiler tags, either. Just look it up on your own. It's dumb to try and have any kind of conversation of any type about shit that hasn't happened in the anime. If you want to ask about what's in the manga, you can ask in the manga thread.


What are red-pillers? Google just brings up Matrix references.
Something MRAs co-opted from The Matrix (a movie made by two trans women). Neo has the choice of taking a red pill that will wake him up and see the truth, or a blue pill that allows him to return to a lie. MRAs think they've taken the former, and now they see how the world is rigged against men and how they need to take matters into their own hands. There's a sub-reddit named after it.


To Be Hero 11-12 FIN

I'll gladly admit I was wrong with my episode 9 comments. 10, 11, and 12 pulled everything together so well. It's so nice when a show ends well. Gave the Chinese finale a once over too and read Jarmel's post about it to wrap this up and yeah, this was a pretty good show in the end even if there's an initial barrier of entry for tolerating the offcolor humor.
Ajin: Demi-Human S1 (Netflix)

I don't know if this will expand much on what I already said in my previous thoughts. And hell this review of S1 will likely be much larger than the S2 review since it's both an introduction to the world, show and characters. Regardless, I came into the show expecting a substandard horror/fantasy seinen with some battles or things of the sort. It didn't look like anything particularly special, but I was caught by surprise and ended up really enjoying this.

Story: Ajin: Demi Human is set in a world where among the humans there are a faction of (surprise) Demi-humans called Ajin. What separates them from regular humans: Well they're by every stretch of the imagination immortal. If they get killed they revive. If they lose an arm, they regain it upon death. In fact a death is similar to a hard reset. Not only that but they also can create these black shadows that are invisible to the eye and are essentially their weapons. Being how there are such a little amount of Ajin in the world (46, 47 in the official database but more around), the world doesn't know much about them. This makes regular humans afraid and disgusted by these beings, considering them below humans and monsters. In comes our character Kei, a person who lived a normal high school life until he realizes he is an Ajin and must live the rest of his life in persecution.

At this point in from the last sentence you would expect anime to just press auto drive and coast along with him learning about a secret society of Ajin who battle it out, alongside a group of the Ajin Student Council who he must defeat one by one to challenge the strongest one. But no, it actually just goes towards a drama and thriller route with a hint of battles here and there. It isn't the main focus. The story is serviceable to the characters and it almost feels like a Marvel/DC superhero origin story complete with enemies.

Characters: I feel this is where the show stands out, yet stumbles a bit as well. But overall positively. With the story being largely only a supplement to the events at hand of exposition to the world, the characters and universe really carry the show. First let's start with Kei. If you only watched the first episode your first thought might be that he is nothing particularly special and simply a protagonist who is normal and will serve as the vehicle for the audience to learn about this universe and to empathize with him as he survives. But this isn't the case. Kei from the very first few episodes in the season displays strange opinions and says some downright horrible things. The more time passes by the more you learn from observing and from being told that he
is some sort of sociopath or at the least has some mental disease that disconnects him from caring and largely sees things as to what benefits him
. A utalitarian to a tee, he doesn't care about helping others. He cares about what benefits him the most. Not a particularly appealing lead in a show where he gains powers and needs to fight the bad guys who are slaughtering people mercilessly. In fact later on he meets a character who is more of a standard battle shonen lead who is his same age and attempts to convince Kei to join him to fight. What does Kei do in this regard? He
poisons the kid, traps him in a hanging truck and gives him daily supplies to survive because the kid risks destroying the peace he had gained
. What a fascinating lead.

On the opposite of Kei is one of the two lead antagonist. Sato. A military trained badass older Ajin gentlemen who walks around in a newspaper boy hat. A terrifying figure who uses the excuse of fighting for the rights of Ajin to satisify his psychopathic need to murder people who have or CAN wrong him. That's not to say he doesn't care about 'his people' but when you see his actions on screen you take that it isn't the primary driver to anything he is doing. This character is particularly great because he's an expert Ajin, while Kei is just one with a lot of potential. He can storm a military base and know exactly what to do with his powers to take down every opposing enemy in the most effective fashion. A terrifying freaking figure when you get on his wrong side.

The other antagonist of the show is Yu Tosaki. A regular human in a powerful government organization, he is an antagonist in the sense he opposes the lead. But working for the government and being part of the 'human' faction, it means everything he does is for the benefit of mankind, even if his reasons are far more selfish. I don't know how to describe him besides a prick who does what he does for his reasons alone and fuck whoever he tramples in the way.

There are plenty of other characters that aren't bad either, but these three are the immediate ones that carry the show and represent the three warring factions. I want to discuss the topic of selfishness. The world of Ajin has an extremely cynical view of humanity and governmental parties that isn't necessarily wrong, but still fairly negative. Humans will hunt Ajin to the point of betraying friends and family members they may have known for ages for the sake of a quick cash grab. Humans treat Ajin like monster, with any sympathetic party never really showing up except for a rare person here and there. The government does some shady ass shit and experiments that would make you sick to your stomach, but you then consider that real governments do equally as bad things behind closed doors.

It isn't a pretty human society, but it's theirs and it works for the confines of the show.

Visuals: I don't have much to say here. But since my watching of this show came up because I was discussing CG in anime, I feel I have to say this: The show was probably among the better looking CG shows I've seen, alongside the Ghibli styled show that came out 1-2 years ago (Anja?) whose name escapes me. There were points in the show that you forget it is CG instead of traditional animation. It suffers from something that I'm not sure comes from the fact it's animated by this studio or the fact the original manga doesn't have an extremely distinctive look: characters tend to have somewhat bland looks. This was an issue I had with Knights of Sidonia as well. This show did a better job than KoS, but it was still something that bothered me. Another issue with shows like these for me is that while in traditional animation background characters have little detail to the point I just see them as part of the background, in CG animation they actually have to model the bodies and give them enough features which means I focus more on the people and notice just how simplistic they look. Finally, the issue I'll always have with Anime CG shows, the frames per second are ass and I refuse to think it will ever look good when movement is stuttered at what seems like a low 20 fps.

Overall, I will give Ajin: Demi-human S1 a solid 8.5/10 . I watched it, I want to continue watching it, and I really enjoyed myself.
Lately it just depends on the context, because "redpilling" could just mean wanting others to convince you of something you really don't want to hear/read, but see as a necessary step to understand anyway.

Uh-huh... Let's just all agree to keep that shit out of here.
Nice little impression Admiral! Glad you liked Ajin, it's one of my 2016 fav anime. Ajin's Satou not being a nominee in the CR anime awards for best villain was one of my biggest problem with that category.


Ajin: Demi-Human S1 (Netflix)

ihas some mental disease

Is this what we call protagonists with actual, functioning brain these days ? ;p

poisons the kid, traps him in a hanging truck and gives him daily supplies to survive because the kid risks destroying the peace he had gained
. What a fascinating lead.
That bit was hilarious. There is a sort of training ep in S2 that's pretty funny too.

Sadly, I thought S2 was for the most part pretty underwhelming compared to its predecessor as the pacing, various plot decisions and increasingly character motivations of Kei and Satou rubbed me the wrong way but the very ending is a goddamn slap to the face.

Scum's Wish 02

Kill it with fire.

I dunno, there's certainly an attempt here to be more than just another silly rom-com but all that was undercut in this episode by the comedy antics.
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