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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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So I watched the first season of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. I know this was the big critical darling of last year that not as many people apparently watched. I actually did find myself enjoying it quite a bit, particularly the friendship and rivalry between Yakumo and Sukeroku. I like how the anime portrayed that even though it was easily to agree with Sukeroku's stances on how Rakugo should evolve, the anime didn't mince words with how self-destructive his attitude and actions were.

The voice acting all around was also straight up superb.

I'm probably going to hold off on watching the second season until after it completes it's run. This is definitely a series I'd prefer to binge in one shot instead of viewing weekly.


I'm probably going to hold off on watching the second season until after it completes it's run. This is definitely a series I'd prefer to binge in one shot instead of viewing weekly.

I tried to binge it but ran into the same "issue" I had with Mushishi in that each ep is typically so satisfying, I don't feel the need to rush into the next.
Damn. Voltron S2 has some hype motherfucking fights.I'm hoping there will be some sakuga webms because while not THE most impressive thing I've ever seen, they're fun to watch.


That's not true. Entertainment doesn't go away. It just piles up. So the selection of shit you can spend on when you eventually have the time just increases. :p


I just realised my buying games on Steam sales because the deal was just too good even if I'll probably never get to it was no longer worth it. Or maybe I was just too embarrassed by my backlog.
Whatever, wake me up when Netflix actually gets it in my territory. Fuck Dreamworks.

Damn, hopefully it's not much longer. The tone was way more consistent this time around. I know the comedy didn't hit it out of the park with everybody, but fortunately it isn't as overbearing this season. Coran is still the New Zealand goof making jokes, but he does get pretty serious. In fact there was only one episode I can think of where 3/4ths of the episode were meant as the comedy interlude. But even then, the show still advanced character development, and had the other 4th be this kickass self discovery trip where we got a gorgeous battle scene.

The rest of the episodes were what I expected following the second half of S1. Adventures in space from the team in different alien planets and with different races.

If someone in here felt the opening arc of S1 really took away from their overall opinion of the show, this season should be much better. But if you weren't a fan of S1 with some of the scenes in the second half, I don't know if this will necessary convince you to come back as it's more of the same just better executed and expanding the universe a bit. My favorite addition was (light spoilers)
cat people knights/jedi

edit: Oh I should mention, there's an episode the characters put on disguises and like 3 of them have some blatant anime cosplay haha. Image (if you're interested) taken from the Voltron OT


Damn, hopefully it's not much longer.

I don't think it's a matter of time, but licenses. Basically I think Dreamworks as a Kids channel here in Asia, so it might be there. I don't know. I'm not expanding my cable package for it. Season 1 isn't on Netflix, so I never got to watch it. Just gonna remain bitter and pissed off instead. :/
Dragon Maid 2

So are all the characters from the ED going to end up living in Kobayashi's tiny ass 1 BR apartment?

The beginning OP is actually a hint in a way.

Kobayashi: Kanna and Tohru:

The Girl: Kanna

The boy: Tits dragon

Otaku: the other dragons...sorta


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Dragon Maid 2

So are all the characters from the ED going to end up living in Kobayashi's tiny ass 1 BR apartment?

Seems like the dude might get one or two.

But Tohru, Kanna, and Cowtits are definitely going to Kobayashi.


RahXephon 17


Ayato's mother is the creepiest person in the show...

Didn't expect Elvy and Haruka to follow them into Tokyo, next few episodes should be very interesting...
Majestic Prince: Genetic Awakening

I share similar feelings about this as I did about the Garo movie. It doesn't really tell a story that felt necessary in any way, or even one that was really compelling. What it did do was just give me more of what I enjoyed from the show, the goofy cast and the great fights.

The cast is just as quirky as I remember, and their interactions really are a highlight (
Asagi getting after being appointed leader during Izuru's coma
Kei's "cake" waking Izuru up from his coma
, just to name a few). Unfortunately Team Fawn didn't get nearly as much time as I would have liked, and the new character feels like the biggest jab at Lockon Stratos that I couldn't help but laugh (
Patrick's sister Patricia replaces him on Doberman/Fox, who looks and sounds just like him except with a bigger chest

For the fights, Orange really went all out, especially during the awakening sequences, and especially during the final fight. If there was one criticism I had about the final fight from the show, it was that it was a strictly one vs. one, with most of the Rabbits off to the side. It's great that they rectified it by basically making the final fight in the movie a better version of the more team-based Klein fight.

It was really fun, and I hope Sentai brings it over.


RahXephon 18

A lot to digest in that episode.

So who the hell is Torigai? What's happening with Asahina? Who really is Maya?

This is getting good.

RahXephon 19

Jesus fucking christ. I haven't felt that sad after an episode of an anime in a long time.

They just had to make Asahina an instrumentalist. God it fucking wrecked me when her words were flashing through the screens of the city. Was beautifully done.

I'll stop there for the night..
Konosuba S1 END

This was great. I thought it was hilarious, and I enjoyed how they mixed in the RPG elements. Kazuma's VA is fantastic too. A lot of fun all around, and definitely one of my favorites from 2016.

Konosuba OVA

Kazuma definitely deserved to die at the end.


Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou 1-12 FIN

Well, that just sort of ended, didn't it? I think I expected more but given he arrived at the level of notoriety and respect among his peers as those he looked up to, I guess it's fitting.


This was a weird experience for me since It's a good show that I'm glad was made. How it relishes in its unique visuals, the music throughout, and Agetarou's journey were all great things everyone should be willing to check out given the short episode length. Yet, it never developed any sort of personal connection with me like other shorts have this year given they were far more aligned with other personal interests of mine even if not quite as experimental as something like this. It's ultimately a subjective judgment but something like Nobunaga no Shinobi and Miss Bernard felt like they were shows made for me. My viewing experience with this one was a good one but there was always that specter looming over my shoulder that I was superficially enjoying something that I'd never be able to appreciate like others more in tune with the subject matter would.
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters 16:

Infodump time! But because this is Appmon, we get that infodump via the characters traveling back in time to Dartmouth in 1956 for a whole expository flashback, complete with Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy showing up as we explore AI stuff even further. The backstory was all pretty interesting, and while it's a fairly typical AI story, the show executes on it really well. There's definitely a clearer road map for where everything is going with Leviathan and the 7 Code Appmon now. The events of this episode are definitely going to be reverberating for quite awhile to come, and I'm excited to see if we've got any further backstory to tie in with what we saw here. The end of the episode also has quite a bit of promise for the next few episodes. It seems like Mienumon's stuff should be coming to a head soon, so that will be a lot of fun to watch.
Rakugo S2 - 03

Pretty damn good stuff.

However, dimb mentioned this in his ep1 or 2 impressions and I've got to agree at this point that I'm not sure what to make of Konatsu's characterization. Yotaro is growing on me but Konatsu still is a bit of an enigma to me and the scenes with her don't affect me much. I cared about Miyokichi in no time whereas I kinda start caring less about Konatsu as time goes on even though I was really, really curious about her by the end of season 1.

Clearly there's more to her with her child, the boss, Sukeruko's legacy and so, which is supposed to remain partially shrouded for now but I should be able to care more for her without any of that.

Also, and I'll perhaps get stoned for this, I might not like Kobayashi's voice or voice acting for her. Dunno, just not a fan of hearing Konatsu talk at the moment.
There is so much Nyanko sensei merchandise from Natsume Yuujinchou that I wouldn't be surprised if his sales are a fifth of Japan's economy

I'm kinda astonished


RahXephon 18

A lot to digest in that episode.

So who the hell is Torigai? What's happening with Asahina? Who really is Maya?

This is getting good.

RahXephon 19

Jesus fucking christ. I haven't felt that sad after an episode of an anime in a long time.

They just had to make Asahina an instrumentalist. God it fucking wrecked me when her words were flashing through the screens of the city. Was beautifully done.

I'll stop there for the night..

Ah episode 19. Hit like a ton of bricks.


So off-topic (or specifically 1 thread) is officially going off the rocker now. :(

I need a break. Maybe some dumb dumb anime and do the trick.

Can anyone recommend me something just super dumb. I need some "popcorn" or "junkfood" anime to get this taste of disappointment in humanity out of my mouth :(

Hows the shaft Negima?! ?


So off-topic (or specifically 1 thread) is officially going off the rocker now. :(

I need a break. Maybe some dumb dumb anime and do the trick.

Can anyone recommend me something just super dumb. I need some "popcorn" or "junkfood" anime to get this taste of disappointment in humanity out of my mouth :(

Hows the shaft Negima?! ?


Captain Earth 24

Quelle surprise.
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