Well, that was a little weird and that closing scene..... wtf; red headed bro has some
Thunderbolt Fantasy 5
This is the most motley crew to have ever motleyed.
Mawaru Penguindrum ep.1
Well, that was a little weird and that closing scene..... wtf; red headed bro has something going on? The premise sounds interesting, so it should be interesting to see what they have to do to keep her alive.siscon
Beyblade Episode 2 engdub
Wow I thought Kai would be the only good part but they already raised the bar even higher. 1st gen Beyblade is definitely great at times with the cool character and with this new dragon summoning mechanic. More flashy battles please, they look better than the constant motion blur with the beyblades spinning.
Watching Granblue animated reminds me of how generic phantasy-ness of it all. They also seem off compared to their in game designs, although I guess I only see the male MC for like 10 minutes before i swapped to the female MC.
I guess, and maybe it's just a case of being used to the game, but the anime makes them look like... well, generic anime characters, while the designs in the game at least seemed to pop more.The game designs are not well suited to animation.
Watching Granblue animated reminds me of how generic phantasy-ness of it all. They also seem off compared to their in game designs, although I guess I only see the male MC for like 10 minutes before i swapped to the female MC.
I've just been using Dark Fencer for the last two months so I don't even remember what the others look like. lolThe best djeeta outfits wouldnt be in the anime anyway.
I can't tell what part of Gran Blue Fantasy is CG and what isn't.
The anime isn't primarily CG, it's just using heavy shading and strongly filtered line art.
I've been binging on Good Morning Call on Netflix the past few days. I never got into J-dramas before but this one is pretty decent. It gets really stupid randomly but it's an entertaining watch.
Are there any dramas where the male lead isn't some stoic, cool guy with a dick attitude?
Beyblade Burst Episode 2
Yeah. That's one asian drama I got into. Watched it when netflix aired it weekly here. Really wish they had more japanese shows, rather than the glut of korean stuff.
I think in particular it's that female bodies are such an abstract part of anime, and culture in general. This is where you insert that gif of the guy saying he only likes 2d girls because they don't smell or whatever. lolOshiete!]Galko-chan 1-12 FIN
Finished this out of respect for haly. Watching the whole thing I can see why it was popular beyond some of the more puerile moments since they were just a (large) subset of the other urban legends etc. being discussed. Still not my thing.
I'm a few episodes into relife after seeing it mentioned a few times here and... I mean while there's some comedy from the awkward girl these characters just aren't clicking. It feels like none have a particularly interesting personality or interactions outside of the lead and the awkward girl
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu S2 3
The situation with Konatsu wasn't really given any introduction until now, unless I missed it or forgot about something from the first season, so I was kind of confused about what was going on at first. It was made clear enough by the end, though, and the character interactions were interesting as always. This episode had more expressive animation than usual, which really helped sell Yotaro's rant at the yakuza boss.
I think in particular it's that female bodies are such an abstract part of anime, and culture in general. This is where you insert that gif of the guy saying he only likes 2d girls because they don't smell or whatever. lol
I dunno, I see it in the vein of Girl's High or Chu Bra, where it's your standard girl bonding slice of life show, but with the acknowledgement of women as more than just tropes. I don't think it necessarily had anything to say, but when you think about all-girl shows, these ideas don't even come into consideration.I think you value that too highly.
Galko-chan was enjoyable because the character dynamics ended up being a bit more complex than I initially expected and Galko in particular defying that 'slutty girl' stereotype was nice to see.
In a word I'd probably describe the show as pleasant.
Are we allowed to post opinions about shows that have their own threads in here? Talking about Konosuba is particular.
Are we allowed to post opinions about shows that have their own threads in here? Talking about Konosuba is particular.
I dunno, I see it in the vein of Girl's High or Chu Bra, where it's your standard girl bonding slice of life show, but with the acknowledgement of women as more than just tropes. I don't think it necessarily had anything to say, but when you think about all-girl shows, these ideas don't even come into consideration.
Twin Star is 3/3 on OP's so far
The show isnt over yet, but I think I see why the "filler" was included in the show. It's clunky, but does a good job in tying the relevant arcs together and strengthening the bonds between characters. I really appreciate spending a good bit of time with Mayura, Seigen and some of the other warriors as I suspect the manga executed this stuff pretty fast. Haven't read it yet though, as I will wait for the anime to finish
I think it's one of those things where I have zero expectations when it comes to anime, particularly when it comes to representation of women.I watched Girl's High some time ago after you made me curious with some of the comparisons and while both shows have this raunchier comedy pertaining to the female body, I'd say that's just about where that comparison ends. That aspect aside, Girl's High ended up being your fairly average shoujo comedy with melodrama. 'Acknowledging women' mattered little to me at that point.
It's part of the premise of Galko-chan and you're going to get a lot of it, but at the same time I wouldn't have stayed for some average jokes about nipple sizes and the like.
I think it's one of those things where I have zero expectations when it comes to anime, particularly when it comes to representation of women.
It's why I still remember Say I Love You after all this time, because for a brief moment, it showed a girl with stretch marks on her stomach. We just had another shoujo show about a girl who lost an impossible amount of weight, and her body is just treated like a plot device. Now Say I Love You isn't the greatest slice of life romance drama ever made or anything, but in the realm of anime... you really don't have all that many choices.
I'm not saying I need girls to make tampon jokes in every anime, but when I can pretty much count the examples on my fingers it's kind of telling. Add to the fact that anime is not afraid at all about talking about and depicting male bodies (how many nosebleeds have there been in anime? Infinity?), and it just makes those few examples stand out even more.