Isn't that old news.
I made this picture based on it four months ago.

Aoki's post-Zero career sure has been depressing.
What? This seems like an overreaction.
They've replaced the tweet now, but FWIW they were quoting the episode the clip is from, which is also titled "Deus Vult". Claiming they intentionally leveraged a white nationalist meme to promote a show is about the least charitable interpretation possible.
Deus Vult is a literal neo-nazi warcry and the benefit of the doubt for using it as a joke is rapidly closing
That just makes it worse, they shouldnt promote that garbage at all then
You people should watch Pokemon.
It's got goofy faces, and fun animation. Also it's the farthest you can get from fascist ideology.
...Most of the time.
How is Sun & Moon so far? Havent kept up with Pokemon since the end of XY&Z.
This is proof that watching bad anime rots your brain. We have two members who finished RahXephon this week. One did not rot his brain watching Key anime and hence understood it. The other is beyond salvation and has permanent brain rot from watching garbage like Air and Angel Beats. RIP.
4chan ruins everything.
Crusader war cries weren't exactly some positive thing to begin with. Though immediately lumping any use of Deus Vult to neo-Nazis is really jumping the gun.
Not now.
Not ever.
Maybe, but as soon as the alt-right starts picking up on a term it makes me want to distance myself from it as hard as possible
But we do need to steal that fuckin frog back he didn't do anything
I heard 4chan has a thing for getting stomped on.
No, thats for doing the stomping with the military police boots. the wrong kind
Stomp on my throat with stiletto heels, not fascist boots. Thanks.
.If you want a vision of the future, imagine a stilleto heel stamping on MPB's throat - forever.
So did Otaku really hate Sora Amamiya?
It's a future where dreams come true?
Huh? For what?
When will the war against Key end!?
I like Key shows for like the first 10 episodes. Then dropped.
It's a goofy enjoyable show. It's much less battle focused than XY&Z, but it's a lot funnier.