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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Sounds like a lot of discrepancies are popping up. As the emergency backup, dating back to the long standing tradition of non-simulcasted shows winning, only ballots with a show that didn't have a simulcast in first place will count. That should make the second count easier.

Kuromukuro finally getting the recognition it deserves.
Weird, I counted Re:Zero as several points lower than Thunderbolt Fantasy, and Thunderbolt Fantasy as having several points higher than what Cornbread counted.


Shouldn't you do the counting somewhere else?`

If you guys need to compare counts then some instant messagers like Discord would probably prove more useful than this forum format.

oh the actual numbers I am doing in PM.

the stuff I am posting here is mostly to excite you guys :p

I like how the comments on CR are all about how Yuu has a huge harem of attractive women without calling attention to the fact that he learned to play the bass in 30 seconds.

Or the fact that Fuuka has no training whatsoever and decided to form a rock band on a whim, but she sounds like a professional studio musician in perfect tune.

Or the fact that everyone is conveniently a musician who plays an instrument the band doesn't currently have.

Your mistake is watching harem anime for the plot. :p


Weird. I'm at job #2 now, so I can't cross-reference the numbers until I get back on my laptop in the office tomorrow morning.

I literally counted post by post and seperated the counts by page.

EDIT: Are you guys just fucking with me yet again?


Weird. I'm at job #2 now, so I can't cross-reference the numbers until I get back on my laptop in the office tomorrow morning.

I literally counted post by post and seperated the counts by page.

yeah that is what I did as well.
nintendoman and I are close on our numbers though.

they are currently recounting two others that could swing if the votes are off. I am unfortunately busy for the rest of the night though. I have my weekly game night with my college buddy and a marvel puzzle quest alliance event thus I can't count anymore tonight :(

EDIT: Are you guys just fucking with me yet again?

nope, if you can check your PMs you can see my page by page counting...

well mostly page by page... there was so much chatter on page 6 that it didn't have many votes so I just combined it with 7 :p
Dororo 1

As you might expect from a 1960s Tezuka TV anime at Mushi Pro, the animation here is super janky. The shortcuts taken to limit the animation are really obvious, and clunky in a way that diminishes the illusion of a three-dimensional space that the characters inhabit. Sometimes characters are in different physical positions when the same scene is viewed from different camera angles, and in at least one case the background actually randomly changes behind static characters:



These are successive shots.

Osamu Dezaki directed this episode (under overall director Gisaburo Sugii), but here he shows little of the talent for making compelling direction and animation decisions that he would show in his series debut on Ashita no Joe the following year. Only in a very few places, such as the bridge collapse towards the end, are there any moments in this episode in which the animation itself is effective.

That said, this episode does have a good handle on disturbingly decrepit imagery. The world of Dororo is harsh and bleak, filled with poor people starving to death, soldiers brutalizing children, and demons melting people's faces off. While in 1969 TV anime was already transitioning to color, Dororo was still produced in black and white - the last TV anime to be so. Allegedly this was at the request of broadcaster Fuji TV, who was concerned about the amount of blood in the series. The black and white ends up working to the show's advantage, as the lack of color enhances the barrenness of the landscapes:

The world is drained of all color just as it is drained of life:

This commitment to stark imagery helps to create an evocative atmosphere despite the lack of polish.

I will say that Tezuka's character designs, while distinctive, can sometimes feel too goofy for the overall tone, although the spunky personality of Dororo himself serves to somewhat offset the grimness of other characters such as Hyakkimaru, whose father kicked off the series' premise by sacrificing 48 of his body parts to 48 demons for the power to rule the country.


Animegaf Discord when...

Yeah I was wondering why I couldn't find one a few days ago
There's an old ass IRC but no discord?

We had one a couple months ago because Negator wanted it and I think it lasted a couple hours before novelty wore off. There's some stability offered by IRC given its existence as a protocol that's appreciated rather than the nomadic angle offered by services that eventually attempt to monetize and end up driving users away.
Trickster Episode 15 – Beetle of Conviction

Happy boys in anime are the best, Kensuke finally feeling somewhat happy even with the distance from the Boys Detective Club and not being active participating in mysteries is good for him. Though I hope he starts answering Koba's calls. Hide is hilarious.

Koba is really doing good as a replacement for Akechi, everyone is so reliant on him now.


Well I did kind of go to college for math and take some accounting classes >.>

but no doubt my numbers could be wrong because you guys REALLY REALLY REALLY suck at formatting.

is it that hard to follow the rules :p

If AnimeGAF was good at following the rules, we wouldn't have the annual purge.


Well I did kind of go to college for math and take some accounting classes >.>

but no doubt my numbers could be wrong because you guys REALLY REALLY REALLY suck at formatting.

is it that hard to follow the rules :p
GAF in general is allergic to actually following voting rules, that's the only way the GOTY threads make any sense.


Gintama Ocean Dub - 266-268

That... that... that was not bad. One can't replace the Japanese voice actors in my mind but that was very watchable. While the voices don't sound the same I think they did a good dubbing job. Time stop in English was still great fun. I think Scott McNeil even did the voice for Pic****.
Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 3 – Teshima's Ride of the Soul

But Aoyagi...

This is great, I love captain Teshima and the way he is being captain, but once again it seems the curse of being captain and not being the ace player remains true, sad.

Hotshot trying to tell the new Hakogako his name was the best part, lol as well as the cheering.


Scums Wish ep.4

Somebody call SDBurton.... IMMEDIATELY.

Also, FUCK this crazy-ass, super-bitch, evil-minded, slut of a teacher, seriously....

Villian of of the year for real.. uugghh, so many things wrong with this episode...

I will say that this show does an amazing job depicting the confusion and range of emotions that she is going though. The show hits way to close to home with this stuff and it's almost as painful to watch her go through this as it is to watch Rei in full on depression mode in 3-gatsu. The presentation is amazing in this regard..
Scum's Wish - 04

Yo. This show is just outstanding. Had there not been a second season of a certain Rakugo, this would easily be my show of the season. This stuff is heavy, but it's so well handled that I just cannot help but be entertained and engrossed in all of it.


Oda Nobuna ep.9
That short ninja battle was pretty dope. I wish they had more of those! While the show hasn't stayed as good as I thought it would be after the first couple episodes, it has been pretty fun to watch.


Magic Knight Rayearth 3

found dtl's favorite. his name is ferio and the title card describes him as a swordsman that is both mysterious and handsome and as we all know, by anime law, title cards cannot tell a lie.
KING OF THE BRAVES GAOGAIGAR #38 Showdown in the Darkness.

This was kind of a scary episode, though it made me kind of wonder if there was every a serious show that ended up revealing that it was all a dream that the protagonist had gone through. Seeing Gai all panicked about it in the dream was scary.

RIP ChoRyuJin



I like how the comments on CR are all about how Yuu has a huge harem of attractive women without calling attention to the fact that he learned to play the bass in 30 seconds.

Or the fact that Fuuka has no training whatsoever and decided to form a rock band on a whim, but she sounds like a professional studio musician in perfect tune.

Or the fact that everyone is conveniently a musician who plays an instrument the band doesn't currently have.
Or how their teacher just happened to be a former member of that band they idolize.
Looking at those Narag screenshots reminds me of how much I loved that style of anime back then.

When I think 'anime' I think of that style.


Death Parade ep.3
Well, that was really cute until the ending, then it got pretty weird. So..
the girl had plaztic surgery to make herself look like the friend that moved away to attract him? What a dirty love triangle..
bittersweet story overall, but who went to
heaven and who went to hell?


Death Parade ep.3
Well, that was really cute until the ending, then it got pretty weird. So..
the girl had plaztic surgery to make herself look like the friend that moved away to attract him? What a dirty love triangle..
bittersweet story overall, but who went to
heaven and who went to hell?
If I remember correctly, both went to heaven.


Masamune-kun's Revenge 5

How could a simple plan to seduce the woman you hate so much in order to crush her spirits go so horribly wrong, yet so horribly right?


Gargantia ep.5
Strait SoL episode to further delve into society, but what was up with the.... nevermind, I was already warned about that section with poor taste. Ledo will find his way eventually.
Dororo 2

This episode was able to find better techniques to compensate for the limited animation than the first episode, with its greater embrace of symbolic emotion-driven visuals. For example, since the show doesn't have the resources to actually stage an action scene, in the confrontation between Hyakkimaru and the soldiers who burned down the orphanage it focused on portraying Hyakkimaru's anguish over losing Mio more than the particulars of his combat with the soldiers.


Here an animation loop was reused from earlier in the episode with fire overlaid to illustrate how Hyakkimaru's dreams were cruelly cut short.


Here Hyakkimaru's sword cuts are transforming into cutting up a picture of Mio, a vivid illustration of his frustration and despair as well as his cutting ties with the brief period of happiness he enjoyed.
Death Parade ep.3
Well, that was really cute until the ending, then it got pretty weird. So..
the girl had plaztic surgery to make herself look like the friend that moved away to attract him? What a dirty love triangle..
bittersweet story overall, but who went to
heaven and who went to hell?

I felt like this was intentionally made to be a breather episode given the turn the first two episodes took.


Tanaka-kun is always Listless 02-03

This is a good comedy show. I wish I had watched it sooner.

I really like how the OP transitions in both of the episodes.
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