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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Not enough hatred for anything and everything you watch, but the jaded side has begun to seep in. Just wait until the AnimeGAF hivemind receptors start working to know what to like and what hate and then, you will be a true member. Be bold, you can fight it. I have faith in you!
Which is why I believe in Erina being the best girl.
And Marie :v


Toradora 6 -rewatch-

The first evidence emerges of Taiga being actually capable of plotting and scheming, first by enlisting Midori against Ami's claims of a kickass metabolism (partially to get her back... well mostly to get her back, though it plays into Kitamura's schemes) and secondly by managing to jump on an opportunity to get Ami alone and in her territory and at her mercy. Vindictive, sure, but entertaining.

Of course, Kitamura throws a spanner in the works, and then events occur meaning Ami gets to break down about how fucked up and stressful she feels about the whole facade thing. This breakdown scene is intense by the way. I don't particularly feel like the direction is that hot but the voicework for Ami and the writing is so fuckin' on point here - she's torn between her first deception of being an airhead, then her second deception of i'm-a-bitch-but-that-means-i-can-handle-anything, and then her true feelings of "what the fuck taiga just effortlessly handled something that had me fucking running scared WHAT THE FUCK"


dawg you dun fucked up

(Although personally I don't advocate for wrecking private property and assaulting people, even stalkers)

Anyway after this Ami kinda can't stop fucking with Ryuuji anyway which leads to a nice cliffhanger of the 'oh man taiga just walked on us in a compromising position!' type


Toradora 7 -rewatch-

So they laugh off the compromising position (another chance for Taiga to reiterate how expressly uninterested she is in the state of Ryuuji's love life) and go straight to demonstrating how Ami is now completely unafraid to show off her bitch side, at least directly to Taiga. Which kinda works out, I guess.


We also take some time out to pop into the teacher's head for the sake of a 30-second joke about single ladies nearing 30. Oh, Japan.

Anyway, (what looks like a basic) swimsuit episode.

I was pretty amused by the scene of Ami talking to herself in the mirror because it shows off that even with the three or four layers of deception on her she's still an intense narcissist at the end of the day... and also that Ryuuji doesn't give a shit.

So this is an entire episode about Taiga's insecurities as explored through the subject matter of being flat-chested, which - surprisingly enough - I kinda feel is only really awkward at moments at a time while they get all the basic perv jokes out of their system and then move on to Taiga actually being fucking insecure just generally.


For as smart as you are, Ami, I can't believe you haven't twigged about how annoyed Kitamura gets about your facade

Anyway, pool shenannigans abound for a while, then Ami nearly drowns Taiga, one of Taiga's boob pads slips out and has to be replaced, a fun time is had by all.


Masamune-kun's Revenge episode 1

Not a terrible first episode all things considered.

Not sure why some people are calling this ugly though. The art is somewhere between amagi brilliant park, infinite statos, and Snafu2 in terms of character design, style and whatnot. Bloom is definitely used a bit much, but its never eye hurting. Its definitely not the worst art style, quality, or animation i've seen in the past year. Some of the backgrounds are actually quite pretty. Well above passable.

As for content, it feels like its gonna be a somewhat expected path. 2 horrible and vain people try to be horrible and vain to each other only to end up together or some shit. Mind you, I like dumb romance plot shit like that so I'll give this a fair shot :p

Honestly this felt like a "kyoani-lite" kinda show to me (and by "lite" i mean compared to something like Myriad Colors/Amagi Brilliant park sort of lite) especially with the Kanye-lite main character.

Honestly I think this show is gonna be "okay" but won't go anyway beyond that. Most here will call it shit, probably, but yeah "only okay" so far from me. I'll probably end up watching this tel the end :p

edit: I'll be shocked if Kojuurou doesn't turn out to be a girl. Considering this is apparently a harem show and my infinite stratos detector was going of a little, I'm definitely keeping my eye out.


Toradora 8 -rewatch

Fantastic joke I missed the first time around after Ami wins the decision for the swimming competition:




I've noticed a weird quirk in Japanese media that high schoolers will usually have bits and pieces of totally esoteric knowledge for the sake of a quick joke

Anyway this is another plot point brought about almost solely because Ami wants to fuck with Taiga and she doesn't really have any solid reason besides sheer vindictiveness. Which is fine, she is that sort of character, but I think it's good the show largely stops relying on that after a bit. Mainly this episode serves for Taiga and Ryuuji to reiterate that despite their proclaimed goals they are still really behind each other 100%.


One of the nice things about Ami as a character is that you can never quite tell when she's being genuine and when she's just trolling

This little scene with Ami just hanging out by herself is a nice throwback that despite her revelation about herself she's still taking some time to adjust - and also that she's about 300% more perceptive than Ryuuji about Taiga. Though she can't help flirting with Ryuuji anyway - seriously or just to fuck with him? I lean towards serious, but who knows really.

There's also a good scene with Minori and Ryuuji. It doesn't necessarily shed too much light on Minorin besides that there's more to her than just being a ditz, but it's nice nonetheless.

After a bit more we arrive on a hope spot discovery that Taiga's sheer anger makes her an explosive propulsion device for swimming, and then Ryuuji stupidly decides he understands why Taiga is fighting for him leading to a screaming match in the rain and Taiga's admission that she doesn't know what she wants (again, not great direction imho, but the voicework and writing makes it work).

They also make Ya-chan work doubletime as the wise oracle who tells Ryuuji what's actually going on. Poor Ya-chan. I guess that's the job of a mother though.

Anyway Taiga blatently cheats and then Ryuuji nearly drowns due to plot contrivance which means Taiga can yell at everybody about how Ryuuji is hers and they can all go Ami's beach house because of reasons.

(Fucking amazing voicework by Rie here though)


Kitamura, deliberately sabotaging your plans since 2008


Maturity, bitches.
Only after he joins the cult.

Happy Science is NOT a cult, it is a legitimate spiritual and religious movement.

But seriously, nice to someone join us finally on the Happy Science train. It's been years.


Since I haven't been keeping track, what are the most interesting anime from the new season seems interesting? Aside from Rakugo S2 which I will be watching.
Since I haven't been keeping track, what are the most interesting anime from the new season seems interesting? Aside from Rakugo S2 which I will be watching.
Demi-chan wa Kataritai (Assuming they don't fuck up the source material....so 50/50 shot of that)
Gabriel DropOut (Really like New Game it's a perfect manga for Dogakobo to adapt)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon (Fun source material, though it is infected with Cool-kyou Shinja's issue/positive of having certain characters have breasts that are 1.5-2 times bigger then their head, not together but each)
Little Witch Academia (Trigger.....they didn't screw up in 2016)


Since I haven't been keeping track, what are the most interesting anime from the new season seems interesting? Aside from Rakugo S2 which I will be watching.

only show I am really looking forward to checking out that is not a sequel is Youjo Senki.
I don't have much faith that it will be good (though people seem to like the source material) but I'm on board for watching a show with a pure evil loli that can fly :p (in a war setting)

Evangelion question: Is the whole UCC canned coffee tie-in a sly reference to the Misato Watanabe UCC ads from the 80s? Or am I just reading too much into things.


Demi-chan wa Kataritai (Assuming they don't fuck up the source material....so 50/50 shot of that)
Gabriel DropOut (Really like New Game it's a perfect manga for Dogakobo to adapt)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon (Fun source material, though it is infected with Cool-kyou Shinja's issue/positive of having certain characters have breasts that are 1.5-2 times bigger then their head, not together but each)
Little Witch Academia (Trigger.....they didn't screw up in 2016)
I'm seeing a trend here...


Toradora 9 -rewatch-

Ryuuji having a dog dream is funny, but Taiga also having a dog dream is hilarious. Further meditations on dogs.

I dunno why Ami insists on antagonising Taiga when she's well aware that Taiga's first reaction is almost always to destroy. She can't help it I guess.

Shenannigans and plans ensue, but aside from a meaningful couple of words between Ami and Kitamura the only one of note personally is Ami teasing Ryuuji again:




Ami really is a master troll

Leading to a really great comedy scene which is full of slapstick, and probably one of my favourites.

There's some more stuff about Ami warning Ryuuji that he's pushing away her and Minori to some extent, Kitamura walking around basically naked (and indeed basically just getting his wang out in front of 3 girls and his male best friend, even if by accident) and then some jokes about curry. But it's all leading to this:


Okay, so it's not the most powerful framing, but it's there

Basics of framing - neither party is looking towards one another, they're not close in the shot, you can't see Minorin's eyes, Minori is above Ryuuji (on a pedestal, you might say), the light levels are jacked. Minori bluntly and obviously redirects his question onto the topic of ghosts. Nonetheless, the direction treats it as a confession, and indeed it is one - with Minori speaking in metaphors, and then explicitly linking it back to love, but she doesn't want to speak about love - she wants to speak about ghosts. It's as close to an explicit explanation of Minori's tendency to throw up a 'weirdo' facade instead of talking about her actual feelings as anyone's going to get, something which attentive viewers have likely picked up on by this point.


More interesting framing

Contrast this scene - they might not be looking at each other, but it's such a more intimate scene - the warm glow, the closeness, the centrality of the two. Here Taiga even begins to admit to herself that she felt more comfortable with Ryuuji than with Kitamura, another of the twenty flags that would have indicated to anybody who wasn't a protagonist who the OTP of this series is.

On to the next episode.


I dunno why Ami insists on antagonising Taiga when she's well aware that Taiga's first reaction is almost always to destroy. She can't help it I guess.

I think it's partially a straightforward case of two domineering personalities trying to establish their own power over the other and partially Ami being comfortable interacting with Taiga because she doesn't have to hide behind her cutesy facade and Taiga is more than willing to push back rather than retreat.
Man I really don't like Toradora.

Why does it seem like the entire anime fanbase think its a good romance story when it is no different that Familiar of Zero or any other tsundere Kaguloli romance story.


Toradora 1-2 (rewatch)

I still think the most powerful scene is the third decision Ryuuji makes, which is the scene where they kick the shit out of the lampost. It's always struck me that the show basically decided to do a confession scene in the second episode, except the confession isn't that the main characters love one another - it's perhaps even more intimate than that. Instead they share their hopes, their fears, and their anger. They form a bond there, a recognised one, about their shared frustrations and pledge to back one another up.

That's something that impressed me on my rewatch, mainly the pacing. Most shows would have dragged that event out for an insufferable amount of time while here they get it out in the open super quick.

I dunno, I've not watched them. But I would challenge you to present your evidence.

I have, they're not. That's largely due to Taiga softening up much quicker than other Kagu roles and really isn't a tsundere for more than half of the show.


Man I really don't like Toradora.

Why does it seem like the entire anime fanbase think its a good romance story when it is no different that Familiar of Zero or any other tsundere Kaguloli romance story.

for starters... taiga has more depth than HATE DIE ON!!!!! and OH NOES LOOK AT ME!!!!!

edit: I could phrase those better, but meh...


Maturity, bitches.
Man I really don't like Toradora.

Why does it seem like the entire anime fanbase think its a good romance story when it is no different that Familiar of Zero or any other tsundere Kaguloli romance story.

I thought it was just OK. But I don't really care for romance anime most of the time.
I think it is just that it came out during a time when the 'boring MC x hyper violent tsundere' pairing was super on display in anime in my eyes and that aspect immediately sucked all the life out of the series for me so that when I watched it I was just completely not into it and couldn't see what other people saw. "This is just another violent tsundere love story!"

I just cannot see how this is such a timeless romance story and seems like one of the first anime anybody mentions when someone wants to watch a love story.

Note I'm not throwing shade at people that like it, I just don't get it. But I bounce off the vast majority of romance anime I watch too so that might be part of it.


Toradora 10 -rewatch-

We open with Ryuuji and Taiga basically acting like they've been best buds forever by lying around at 5am after being severely freaked out by some grade a pranking, trying to figure out how to get one over on Minori and further their own dating plans at the same time. Transitions smoothly into Minori and Ryuuji fooling around trying to make breakfast, a lot of compliments, until Ryuuji can't take it anymore and brings up yesterday night.


Yeah, that's the exact expression I always get when everything appears to be going swimmingly but you know you have to bring up something important.

Minori basically blows off the whole thing - she doesn't quite go so far as to say she wishes she hadn't said it, but she kind of reveals she doesn't feel comfortable having told Ryuuji. Ami walks off having listened to the whole conversation.

Shennanigans ensue for a bit until Ryuuji and Ami have a quick talk, Ami starting with her usual flirting but then hitting Ryuji with an armour-piercing question that we know she knows the answer to ('why do you want to entertain Minori?'). Ryuuji fails to answer, and she stalks off. We then spend almost 10 seconds on Ryuuji closing the door, an interesting decision which I'm not sure of the relevance of - probably to contrast with how fast Ami walks off?

Ami demonstrates she's not going to help, but then for her own reasons invites Minori into the trap. Why? Who knows? I think Ami asking for Ryuuji to let her in on the secret she already knows is her way of asking for trust, but she just can't do it directly.

Inexplicably everyone splits up in the cave leaving time for more char pairings! More Ami teasing, questioning Ryuuji about being needed, then teasing him about being lost and then a really long lingering shot on the light (I thought for sure it was going to break here).


Not incorrect

Moon metaphors and Ami again dipping temporarily into her 'true self', interrupted when the show redirects temporarily into a horror movie - Ryuuji rushes off, almost but not quite abandoning Ami - revealing that Minori pulls a reverse scare tactic. Then back to the char development.



You never really know if Ami is lying to others or just to herself

Ami finishes Ryuuji's thought by asking if they're on 'equal ground', accidentally mirroring Ryuuji's pledge at the end of the first two episodes. Then Minori asks Ryuuji a bunch more armour-piercing questions, linking back to their Ghost conversation from earlier. A shitload of metaphors later we end with a nice violin solo and a bunch of different shots of each of them as they watch the fireworks...


Minorin knows that the fireworks aren't a UFO, but acts as if they are; Taiga watches Ryuuji instead


Kitamura faces them directly - his storyline is coming up


Ami turns her back completely, pretending it isn't there or not to notice it

Fucked if I know what the fireworks are a metaphor for though. I'm pretty sure it links to the ghost talk from earlier. (It could just be fireworks, but I doubt it)

Then back to the real world. Beach episodes are by nature vacations, or escapes from reality; these two in particular absolutely drove the cast down to complete basics. The five of them were basically the only characters in the entire show for a while, and it really lets the dynamics roll.


I think it is just that it came out during a time when the 'boring MC x hyper violent tsundere' pairing was super on display in anime in my eyes and that aspect immediately sucked all the life out of the series for me so that when I watched it I was just completely not into it and couldn't see what other people saw.

Taiga literally doesn't hurt Ryuuji in the second half (well physically anyway). I think I checked and the only one who does was Minorin with an eye-poke joke. The physical slapstick stuff is dropped really fast if you're paying attention to that aspect.


I don't really think Ryuuji is a boring MC either, though his 'uwah face of a thug' guy thing doesn't last beyond like episode two.
Taiga literally doesn't hurt Ryuuji in the second half (well physically anyway). I think I checked and the only one who does was Minorin with an eye-poke joke. The physical slapstick stuff is dropped really fast if you're paying attention to that aspect.
I dropped it pretty fast to be honest, I've also heard from other people she does improve later but I wasn't going to wait around that long watching an anime I wasn't enjoying for that to happen.


imho if nothing in the first two episodes strikes you then nothing's going to get you really into the show. Them beating up the lightpost is what kept me going. Episode three and four aren't fantastic and it doesn't really pick up again until Ami is introduced.


I dropped it pretty fast to be honest, I've also heard from other people she does improve later but I wasn't going to wait around that long watching an anime I wasn't enjoying for that to happen.

it really doesn't take that long for her to improve, she is introduced as a generic violent tsundare and then quickly built into a real character which would be the main reason most people like the show over something like zero where the main character is just a generic violent tsundare and nothing more. (well that and the much better story with far less ecchi focus :p)

I mean I am not going to say you should force yourself through something you don't enjoy, but I would say it shouldn't be that hard to figure out that the show offers something to people that didn't hit a cord with you.

I mean I detest tsundares in general but taiga is a good character.


The one difference between Toradora! and the other Kugimiya Tsundere shows is basically, that Toradora feels more like a drama with comedy elements and the other shows feel like comedy with drama elements.

I would definitly put Toradora together with other great romance shows, like Shuffle, Kanon, Air or Clannad and not with the other Kugimiya Tsundere shows, like Zero no Tsukaima or Shakugan no Shana.


Sölf;227765329 said:
I would definitly put Toradora together with other great romance shows, like Shuffle, Kanon, Air or Clannad and not with the other Kugimiya Tsundere shows, like Zero no Tsukaima or Shakugan no Shana.

ugh... your great show list hurts :p.

well mostly the inclusion of shuffle. The others wouldn't be in my great romance lists at all either but I can at least get those ones.

personally I wouldn't even consider the romance in the other shows good, and that is while I consider the second season of clannad to be very good. the good has nothing to do with the romance though :p

for romance I tend to think more... nana or kimi ni todoke, or even nodame.

I wouldn't quite put toradora up with those though.. it's more good like honey and clover :p


ugh... your great show list hurts :p.

well mostly the inclusion of shuffle. The others wouldn't be in my great romance lists at all either but I can at least get those ones.

personally I wouldn't even consider the romance in the other shows good, and that is while I consider the second season of clannad to be very good. the good has nothing to do with the romance though :p

for romance I tend to think more... nana or kimi ni todoke, or even nodame.

Yeah, well, you are wrong then. :p


Sölf;227765507 said:
Yeah, well, you are wrong then. :p


a wet cloth on a brick has more of an enjoyable relationship than
nagisa and main character from clannad :p

it's the supporting cast and the events outside of the super boring relationship that make that series great.



The top five earning apps overall on the Christmas holiday worldwide this year were Supercell’s Clash Royale, Mixi’s Monster Strike, Supercell’s Clash of Clans, Niantic’s Pokémon GO, and Sony’s Fate/Grand Order—all games.
That's crazy considering it hasn't even been released worldwide like the others on that list.


That's crazy considering it hasn't even been released worldwide like the others on that list.

i'm really not sure if you are talking about
Mixi's Monster Strike, Niantic's Pokémon GO, or Sony's Fate/Grand Order

well I don't think grand order has been released in the US at least.. if it has I need to download it.

I don't know monster strike at all...

and pokemon go has released in a good chunk of the world, just not fully worldwide yet (and never truly will be, but I am not including places it is banned like china in the not fully released yet)

where pokemon go is released
aka I know you aren't talking about that one, but still wanted to point out it didn't have a full release yet despite launching 6 months ago :p
Fate/Grand Order is the only one not worldwide. That said plenty of people outside of Japan are playing it. Surprised they didn't do like GranBlue Fantasy did and translate the game but keep it 'in' Japan.


Fate/Grand Order is the only one not worldwide. That said plenty of people outside of Japan are playing it. Surprised they didn't do like GranBlue Fantasy did and translate the game but keep it 'in' Japan.

*looks up monster strike... looks at download numbers*

this obviously must be selling somewhere that isn't the US lol.

I figured they were talking about fate, but couldn't be sure since I had never heard of monster strike.
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