So with Samurai Jack returning in March I think we can just go head and shut this whole anime thing down.
We won't need it after that.
We won't need it after that.
What is Schoolgirl Strikers? Is it good? Is anyone watching?
So with Samurai Jack returning in March I think we can just go head and shut this whole anime thing down.
We won't need it after that.
Kemono Friends - 1-4
Surely we'll need anime after it's not renewed.
It actually sounded like something I would like, unlike pretty much everything else this season. However, almost no one talks about it and those that do don't really say anything good about it either. Thankfully all the stuff that sounded like junk delivered.Voice acting is decent, Visuals are okay, story is meh. I personally dropped it
No Yamcha, BOOOOOO! But hey maybe Tien will be useful.
Jesus christ I know I love making Gohan is a nerd jokes, but if this implies he goes to kick ass in the universe tournament I'm so downPics from the upcoming Dragon Ball Super opening.
Does it make me a bad person that in a show full of miserable people I choose to root for the actual evil person causing a lot of it?Scum's Wish 4
How does this show exist?
Also is that opening seriously making the argument that all of the earth fighters are the strongest universe fighters? I mean I understand not being able to recruit chaotic evil motherfuckers, but they could have at least included an alien or two to replace some of the earthlings
Hataraki Man is probably the realest look at Japanese work culture that you're likely to get anywhere. It's also got a great protagonist.
There isn't really any other anime like it as far as I know. I wish more people watched it.
It was a bit weird when they got to Nagoya and I was like "huh, I've been to that specific concert Hall"
Does it make me a bad person that in a show full of miserable people I choose to root for the actual evil person causing a lot of it?
Does it make me a bad person that in a show full of miserable people I choose to root for the actual evil person causing a lot of it?
Level E (Dub) 01-03
Man, Team Rocket is so great in S&M.
One of the finest anime comedies done. A pity people somehow have forgotten about it.
As a matter of fact this may be the one show in which I'm not rooting for anyone. Human nature can be such an interesting thing, this show is like a study of a bunch of toxic, and perverse types all grouped together and their dynamics as they intertwine with each other. It's like a domino effect, of one does one bad thing that leads the other to do one bad thing, that leads the other to... You get what I mean. Strangely enough, I can't even feel sympathy for the male teacher, he's being played like a damn fiddle because of how damn clueless he is. He's completely oblivious to the whole shitshow that is going on behind his back. He's honestly the pure example of the every day anime male MC, with only pureness in his mind and heart. Except this isn't your every day anime, which means he stays losing.Does it make me a bad person that in a show full of miserable people I choose to root for the actual evil person causing a lot of it?
AOTY Results Thread
There, now I'm retired from this shit, lol
For real though waking up I can't believe that I'm actually enjoying Kemono Friends.
I mean, the CG animation is hideous but I'm genuinely interested in seeing where they're going with all these undertones.
Now if you just watched Kuromukuro as well.
Still one of the best moments in TV history. When a character known to have a short fuse just says 'fuck all of you I'm out'Thunderbolt Fantasy 7
If I was on the receiving end of this much trolling, I'd split too.
Damn. With Jexhius praise it might just be worth the watch.
No way. She's the character most connected with what we, the audience, are feeling.
Also is that opening seriously making the argument that all of the earth fighters are the strongest universe fighters? I mean I understand not being able to recruit chaotic evil motherfuckers, but they could have at least included an alien or two to replace some of the earthlings
Damn. With Jexhius praise it might just be worth the watch.
I find it to be mixed. It's the nature of humor. I found some of the gags pretty funny, but others not so much, and are just 'eh'. YMMV.
I find it to be mixed. It's the nature of humor. I found some of the gags pretty funny, but others not so much, and are just 'eh'. YMMV.
Deep shockwaves of salt have been reaching me for the past week in my abode but now that I've reached this ending, I don't quite see why. People just can't handle people behaving in a realistic way in their animu !
Looks like it's goodbye to Jupiter for Hoshino