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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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So with Samurai Jack returning in March I think we can just go head and shut this whole anime thing down.

We won't need it after that.
Kemono Friends - 1-4


This may be overselling it a tad but given the ED and the various undertones I'm seeing despite the overall happy-go-lucky attitudes of the characters, I'm hoping the show delivers.


Voice acting is decent, Visuals are okay, story is meh. I personally dropped it
It actually sounded like something I would like, unlike pretty much everything else this season. However, almost no one talks about it and those that do don't really say anything good about it either. Thankfully all the stuff that sounded like junk delivered.
Also is that opening seriously making the argument that all of the earth fighters are the strongest universe fighters? I mean I understand not being able to recruit chaotic evil motherfuckers, but they could have at least included an alien or two to replace some of the earthlings


Also is that opening seriously making the argument that all of the earth fighters are the strongest universe fighters? I mean I understand not being able to recruit chaotic evil motherfuckers, but they could have at least included an alien or two to replace some of the earthlings

tbf 3.5 are aliens
You're technically correct.... The best kind of correct.

I shouldn't be surprised seeing how every powerful creature in the universe seems to have a magnet attraction to earth in dbz.
Hataraki Man is probably the realest look at Japanese work culture that you're likely to get anywhere. It's also got a great protagonist.

There isn't really any other anime like it as far as I know. I wish more people watched it.

Hm... Sounds interesting.

It was a bit weird when they got to Nagoya and I was like "huh, I've been to that specific concert Hall"

Who hasn't been there by now?



It warms my heart to see support for Minagawa, with all the people badmouthing her I thought I was the only one who liked her.
Youjo Senki 05

Tanya's own worst enemies has never been the people around her or those that may distrust her, it continues to be herself. Good job you played yourself trying to make them quit and instead created an elite special force of badass soldiers.

Her taking on a super cute voice before taking out the factory was just icing on the cake of this awesome episode.


Maturity, bitches.

Man, Team Rocket is so great in S&M.

I haven't watched the anime, but I've just noticed that all three of the new S/M Pokémon on their team were on my Elite Four beating team (Well Mareanie had evolved into Toxapex).

It goes to show they do indeed have good taste.
Does it make me a bad person that in a show full of miserable people I choose to root for the actual evil person causing a lot of it?
As a matter of fact this may be the one show in which I'm not rooting for anyone. Human nature can be such an interesting thing, this show is like a study of a bunch of toxic, and perverse types all grouped together and their dynamics as they intertwine with each other. It's like a domino effect, of one does one bad thing that leads the other to do one bad thing, that leads the other to... You get what I mean. Strangely enough, I can't even feel sympathy for the male teacher, he's being played like a damn fiddle because of how damn clueless he is. He's completely oblivious to the whole shitshow that is going on behind his back. He's honestly the pure example of the every day anime male MC, with only pureness in his mind and heart. Except this isn't your every day anime, which means he stays losing.
For real though waking up I can't believe that I'm actually enjoying Kemono Friends.

I mean, the CG animation is hideous but I'm genuinely interested in seeing where they're going with all these undertones.


Voltron S2
Much, much improved over the first season. I found the first season kind of forgettable, held up only by the wonderful folks at Studio Mir and the fairly decent character interactions between the main paladins.

If I had to say why I felt this season was much more effective, it would probably be creativity. The scenarios for each episode felt so much more original and varied. Some of the art in the space (and planetary) scenes was absolutely pheomenal. The one that stuck out the most was the base nestled between two black holes. The action was better too, with some seriously good battle sequences.

Zarkon still isn't a great villain - completely flat, I wish they'd do more to explain why he turned. But they did give him a few moments of being cool, like his fight with Shiro on that cosmic plane. Alora also is a very weak/annoying character. Katara, except worse in every way.

Unfortunately, two things did not improve from season 1: first, the most remains forgettable. Second, the show continues to have a cheesiness problem. Its not always there, but particularly in the more serious moments, the show lays it on way too thick.

Unlike at the end of S1, I can say I am excited for the next season. The ending line was very reminiscent of the ending of S1 of Avatar the Last Airbender (like a lot of things in this show). Hopefully they can keep up this level of quality going forward.
Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters 18:
It's nice to finally get some focus on Yuujin. We've had some intriguing undertones with him earlier on, but there was never much of a focus on his relationship with Haru, and this episode changed that. The flashback with how they became friends was nice; it wasn't anything massive, but it fit both of their characters quite well, and it did a good job of showing how a bookish kid like Haru and an athletic guy like Yuujin became best friends. Seeing Yuujin interact with Eri was nice, too, and we also got to see Haru having some conflict over the sort of double life he's leading between his Appli Driver activities and his relationship with Yuujin.

I had thought we might get some answers with Yuujin this episode, but after seeing the episode I think it's clear that would have been a mistake. We need to really establish the relationship between him and Haru before whatever big reveal is coming happens. With Mienumon and Coachmon about to put a big plan into motion, that could wind up being quite soon, although it's also possible that this story will continue to bubble in the background for a little while longer (maybe Episode 26 would be the place where they'd put it as the big midway turning point?).

I also liked how non traditional this episode was. There wasn't any sort of fight even after we got a rogue Appmon. Instead they encounter Virusmon for the first time and just stop him from interfering with things anymore, and then stopping Resshamon's runaway thing comes down to some ingenuity rather than brute force. It's good to shake things up every once in awhile and have the characters solve their problems through another method rather than just punching them.


I watched Kara no Kyoukai Movie 3 and ugh... To be honest, this was one was infinitely better than Movie 1 and 2 but it was still pretty bad. That rape scene at the beginning was already pretty weird, but I couldn't get emotionally invested with any character at all. I just didn't care for anything in that world. I was sitting there for an hour, waiting for this movie to end.
I'll watch Movie 4 and 5 (the one that is said to be great) and drop this series. How those movies could be rated so high is beyond me, but maybe people see something in it that I am not able to see.
Thunderbolt Fantasy 7

If I was on the receiving end of this much trolling, I'd split too.
Still one of the best moments in TV history. When a character known to have a short fuse just says 'fuck all of you I'm out'

Up there with the moment from this found footage horror film where one of the crew members after something spooky happens is like "all right guys I see where this is going and I'm being no part of it. I'm leaving tomorrow" and the girl tries to convince him otherwise, and the very next scene is him leaving in the truck. He doesn't appear for the rest of the film. My hero


[Konosuba S1 + OVA + S2 EP 1 - 4]

I've been working hard to carefully ignore this show for awhile, but after seeing it pop up on the AOTY results thread and seeing the praise for the current season, I felt compelled to take the plunge.

It's pretty good.


Also is that opening seriously making the argument that all of the earth fighters are the strongest universe fighters? I mean I understand not being able to recruit chaotic evil motherfuckers, but they could have at least included an alien or two to replace some of the earthlings

Freeza's elite were known as the strongest warriors in the universe, and they were all killed back in the Freeza/Android Saga.


Damn. With Jexhius praise it might just be worth the watch.
I find it to be mixed. It's the nature of humor. I found some of the gags pretty funny, but others not so much, and are just 'eh'. YMMV.

If I had watched it last year I wouldn't have put it on my AOTY list, but I am enjoying it.

Talking about a comedy series is fairly difficult for me because different people enjoy different types of humour. What I can say with confidence is that the production values are pretty good, the direction effective and every episode delivers a wealth of funny faces. It does what it's trying to achieve pretty well.


I find it to be mixed. It's the nature of humor. I found some of the gags pretty funny, but others not so much, and are just 'eh'. YMMV.

IIRC you had only checked out the first two eps and dropped it after.I won't argue the point about it being hit or miss because I feel the same way about the first cour but so far the second has been like TNG after Riker grew a beard.


I think what's working for me about Konosuba S2 so far is how each episode has taken one of the characters and tried to do something a little different with them. Rather than just play on the same joke for the nth time, they've tried to flesh out the characters by putting them in a different setting, or have them interact with different people, to generate different reactions and slightly unexpected results.


Ironic that the thread shifts to Konosuba just as I catch up with the second season. It's actually better than the first one so far <3


Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 06-07

Well, that was an unusual younger sister.

Episode 6 ties-in a joke from one little event in the first half of the show and builds a hilarious little second half around it. I am referring to Echizen mistaking Tanaka's inability to write her name for a proposal from him and Ohta. It's nice enough they had a follow up to it.
It also helps that KonoSuba doesn't do that silly "look we are so selfware about anime and JPRG tropes" thing but that the world building itself is consistent.


Seiren 04
Deep shockwaves of salt have been reaching me for the past week in my abode but now that I've reached this ending, I don't quite see why. People just can't handle people behaving in a realistic way in their animu !

Unless it was because of the absolutely hilarious plotline where Hikari forgave her friend for ratting her out.

Planetes 21
Looks like it's goodbye to Jupiter for Hoshino

At the risk of getting toasted, I've to say I don't find this to be well directed and the ending here reminded me of that again. That fade to credits was disgusting and undercut any impact of what just happened, yuck. And it's not even the first time this has happened.
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