Cautiously hyped.
IIRC you had only checked out the first two eps and dropped it after.I won't argue the point about it being hit or miss because I feel the same way about the first cour but so far the second has been like TNG after Riker grew a beard.
I only watched the first two eps when it aired, yeah (good memory!). But if I would have to judge the series from those two, I wouldn't have said it's mixed (which is more or less 50/50 in good/bad), the first two were much weaker than that.
It was around one month ago when I watched the rest, I had free time on Christmas vacations, and because people insisted it was really funny, I tried watching the rest to see if it improved. And it did it. But even then, it's still in the 'mixed' range for me.
I can feel it! It's going to be amazing!Cautiously hyped.
The scene where they examine Yakumo's ego shows him 'under the glass', like under a microscope or magnifying glass.
This scene, with the horizontal scroll, made me think about the passage of life itself, up to the final destination, death, of course.
I think many people just haven't seen part 2 intime, since ,as far as I can tell, most people seem to prefere 2 ( and 3 for that matter) over 1.I'm fairly happy with the AotY list, but on the movie side I'd say I liked Kizu part 2 more than part 1, mostly since the first movie only covered the prologue of the story, and ended just as things were about to get interesting.
I'm glad to see more and more people watching Scum's Wish. I was afraid that both it being an Amazon show + the subject matter would repulse most folks. I'm a big advocate for this show this season, we don't get works like this very often (if at all?).
What's so special about this series?
Or in general, what are the must watch anime this season? I'm only watching Konosuba S2 at the moment.
Rakugo S2 for one thing.
hummmWhat's so special about this series?
Or in general, what are the must watch anime this season? I'm only watching Konosuba S2 at the moment.
Honestly if you dig back a few pages you'll see others and myself go into detail pretty extensively. But it's a show about 2 scummy people trying to cope with their unrequited emotions through toxic relationships, both mentally and physically. The circle is bigger now though. You could say there are no heroes or villains in this story since it can feel pretty damn real and even close to home to some, but this one character is basically one of the coolest "evil" personalities I've seen in a while. It's pretty well directed, beautifully drawn, and although it does delve into somewhat M rated content, it doesn't do it for the sake of it being fanservice. It is handled in a way that feels human, and emotional.What's so special about this series?
Or in general, what are the must watch anime this season? I'm only watching Konosuba S2 at the moment.
Tales of Zestiria the X
Gundam IBO
Twin Star exorcist
Akiba's trip
Blue Exorcist
These are all pretty great!
Honestly if you dig back a few pages you'll see others and myself go into detail pretty extensively. But it's a show about 2 scummy people trying to cope with their unrequited emotions through toxic relationships, both mentally and physically. The circle is bigger now though. You could say there are no heroes or villains in this story since it can feel pretty damn real and even close to home to some, but this one character is basically one of the coolest "evil" personalities I've seen in a while. It's pretty well directed, beautifully drawn, and although it does delve into somewhat M rated content, it doesn't do it for the sake of it being fanservice. It is handled in a way that feels human, and emotional.
Just gonna say, Akiba's Trip didn't interest me either and I figured it'd be just another lousy anime adaptation but it's actually pretty great. The MC has a new otaku passion each week (idols, radios, Street Fighter even) and each look is pretty entertaining. I'd say giving at least until the idol episode (which I think is 3 and it's the standout of the series so far for me).Thanks for the recommendations. I have no interest in Akiba's trip, but other than that, I'll check them out.
This sounds really interesting. Thank you!
That's why I called it the anime Seinfeld finale.I'd recommend giving the first ep of S2 a shot regardless since all the chickens come home to roost.
That's why I called it the anime Seinfeld finale.
Just gonna say, Akiba's Trip didn't interest me either and I figured it'd be just another lousy anime adaptation but it's actually pretty great. The MC has a new otaku passion each week (idols, radios, Street Fighter even) and each look is pretty entertaining. I'd say giving at least until the idol episode (which I think is 3 and it's the standout of the series so far for me).
Otherwise I think Masamune-kun's revenge is also worth a look. It's a bit like Scum's Wish in that it's a love story between some pretty bad people for what is on the surface level a pretty bad reason. It's not quite as good as SW so if you have only time for one go for that but it's still good if you're looking for other stuff to watch.
Mob psycho 8 eng dub
Still has good dubbed, that fight man looks amazing. If it All Might vs Noumu did not happen it would have been the best fight of 2016.
A it's true Naruto vs Sasuke was a thing last year and I just always seem to forget it. Agreed that it is better then that Mob fight, but I still found the All Might vs Noumu fight better.Naruto vs Sasuke was a better fight than both of those
Planetes 21
Looks like it's goodbye to Jupiter for Hoshino
At the risk of getting toasted, I've to say I don't find this to be well directed and the ending here reminded me of that again. That fade to credits was disgusting and undercut any impact of what just happened, yuck. And it's not even the first time this has happened.
I can't really say that I'm a fan of the Planetes anime, especially about the various changes to the manga and the anime original content.
I can't really say that I'm a fan of the Planetes anime, especially about the various changes to the manga and the anime original content.
I still can't get over the garish colours and terrible backgrounds. The visuals are the most disappointing part of the anime for me, even more than the pacing. The storyboarding and directing is boring, and the animation is generally unremarkable. Such a shame.
This won't end well lol.
Blue Exorcist Kyoto arc 5
I don't really get all the *it's slow* comments.
I can't really say that I'm a fan of the Planetes anime, especially about the various changes to the manga and the anime original content.
I liked it up until the final arc when the male lead does a 180 for the worst. That whole final arc left a bad taste in my mouth
I don't really get what you mean by lack of urgency and stuff getting side-tracked? We have the stuff about the eye and Rin's situation seeing major developpement every episode so far. Do you want stuff to be more lets say *hectic*? I find the way each revelation and important moments like both Bon and Rin snapping moment or the tension of finding the traitor to be really well done.Ah yes, I can field this one, it is because this arc doesn't really have any forward momentum and the sense of urgency that should be happening over a major event is getting sidetracked as a result.
I just went back to watch this particular scene out of curiosity and...I guess that's a matter of personal stylistic preference? Not a big deal for me. In any case, if you're interested in another perspective on the show, I'll just point to Nick Creamer's ongoing write-ups about the series on his blog. I imagine you won't fully agree with him, going by this statement, but I'll say his commentary and interpretations are quite interesting to read.
Penguindrum - Ep. 11
This anime has too many Yanderes!
Just kidding, you can never have too many of those.
I don't really get what you mean by lack of urgency and stuff getting side-tracked? We have the stuff about the eye and Rin's situation seeing major developpement every episode so far. Do you want stuff to be more lets say *hectic*? I find the way each revelation and important moments like both Bon and Rin snapping moment or the tension of finding the traitor to be really well done.
Maybe you just aren't interested enough in the story? It would be understandable since the first season aired a long time ago.
I can get your stance if you are saying the series can lack action right now, but I think you are kind of wrong on one point. I would consider the Rin situation to be the main plot and that it is through the impure king arc(which I consider a sub plot) that we see the rest of cast evolve and see Rin through a different eye. Pretty much every episode since the first we have seen a character show is stance about Rin and develop from there. We had Shima in episode 2, Koneko in episode 3 and Bon throughout the whole thing so far since he is more or less the second MC in this arc. Since I follow the manga my way of seeing the plot might differ I guess since I know where the story is going.In terms of the narrative the eyes should be moving the plot and character in their direction like a McGuffin should be but is being cast aside for the Rin situation. Moreover, the current events corresponding to Rin while making sense on having a major focus. Having to deal with them for the audience is an exercise in tedium because it is retreading a lot of ground from the last arc, complete with flashbacks. Let me see, there are just too many bodies on the ground right now as we have most of the actual main cast siting around doing nothing with an exception or two. More then anything else though, this arc isn't about action this is a political intrigue arc involving multiple factions and the politics contained within and that necessitates a slower pace. Unfortunately this isn't what a lot of people are looking for in a shonen action series.
I can get your stance if you are saying the series can lack action right now, but I think you are kind of wrong on one point. I would consider the Rin situation to be the main plot and that it is through the impure king arc(which I consider a sub plot) that we see the rest of cast evolve and see Rin through a different eye. Pretty much every episode since the first we have seen a character show is stance about Rin and develop from there. We had Shima in episode 2, Koneko in episode 3 and Bon throughout the whole thing so far since he is more or less the second MC in this arc. Since I follow the manga my way of seeing the plot might differ I guess since I know where the story is going.
I know, right?That's the spirit.