Wait, you're talking about Bakemonogatari? The way your original post was worded I (and some of the other people considering their replies) thought you meant Kemono Friends.
Bakemonogatari gets more of a main plot by the time of Monogatari 2nd season, just get through Nisemonogatari which is the worst series but does some set up that's very important for 2nd season.
I thought people were talking about Monogatari. Like about crab and cat and whatever. Now I'm confused.
True story, as a person who has read every single NisiOisin manga and adored most of them, I tried watching Bakemonogatari 3 times and never finished it, always falling asleep by like episode 8 and just...not feeling like continuing it. As a result I haven't watched any more than those episodes in the series even though it feels like something I'd really like. Dunno why that is.
I think the only "gatari" I ever finished was Katanagatari, which I really liked. Whole show was like getting blue-balled for a month and then having sex so hard your fucking heart explodes out your chest.
Are penguins "sea creatures"?
Technically, since they're water fowl.