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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating it in style:


It's okay, imaginary friends are the best!

Happy Birthday! March kids are the best kids.
3-gatsu no Lion - 21

Really enjoyed the first half. The instant scene transitions for comedic effect always gets me. Shimada has really grown on me, was pleasantly surprised with his effort towards the elderly community.
I also liked some of the alternative art styles going on in this episode, like the pencil stuff.

Feels odd that the next one is apparently the last episode?


Now at episode 10 of Idolmaster.

EP 8 was the shit. And the series sure stepped up massively since episode 6.

Kinda, yeah. I mean, I like the earlier episodes (actually more than originally when rewatching the show), but the show really does feel like it steps up its game around about that point.

(Although episode 8 is probably my favourite of the show, even if Azusa is my least-favourite 765Pro All-Star)
Beyblade 33

Kai smiles but not in front of his teammates, lol. I loved his training.

The dark beybladers is such a cheesy plot but it was so intriguing. I love the voice acting for them too. Im surprised they have the ability to also follow the Bladebreakers throughout Europe too.


Uh... wut? How so?

To me, aside from I guess the action sequences it really looked no better, if not worse than the tv anime. I think season one probably looked better to me too. And according to what Zack on Ann noted (people were busy making Erased at the same time) I guess that's part of it. I guess I just expect moviesto get more time and budget than shows so they should look and be animated better.

As for my other comment, part of it was how to me it felt like so such a clip show, and the other part some if the plot story elements that were really stupid....

the whole way in which the origin final SAO hardware was just there to be used and not melted down for scrap after the events of season one, the whole memory loss plot line. Hell after SAO, how the hell did AR hardware get on the market when it's based on SAO hardware, you'd think after thousands died in SAO that they would be super super about any future product line this. Also you'd think many of the SAO survivors would be saying fuck no to any new vr/ar hardware, I know I'd probably be a hermit after going through that. And really even the idea of stealing memories of a dead player who appeared to be a nobody to create an Ai of us just dumb.

There's probably more if I thought about it. On the upside it did allow for some nice Kirito/Asuka moments.


Oh fucking yes. 2 years of waiting for overlord season 2 has finally happened! I really thought my friend was trolling me when he mentioned season 2.
Trickster Episode 19 – Cycle of Malice

Kensuke finally getting involved with Koba but not quite is sad, but Im glad he is back to smiling again. Hide being around to help this plot along as well as Noro and Pippo-chan is really keeping this anime one of the best.

PK Gaming


Watch these 2 nerds put their pride on the line in order to convince people that Anime/Western TV > Western TV/Anime.

Highlights include definitive statements like:

"The best of anime will never be as good as Breaking Bad."

"In western TV... every episode has to have plot twist!"

"Have you ever noticed that when 2 characters talk in anime, the camera won't focus on them?"
Golgo 13: The Professional

This film was both better and worse than I expected. Better, because Osamu Dezaki was even more unleashed than I anticipated in his wild approach to visual direction. Worse, because the story itself was total garbage. Golgo 13 is a manga which started in 1968 and is somehow still running today. The titular character is a professional hitman who clearly takes inspiration from James Bond and similar spy story protagonists, with the superhuman ability to make any sniper shot no matter how ridiculous the situation as well as the ability to make women strip just by standing near them. But whereas a central part of Bond's character is his suave and charming personality, Golgo 13 is a black hole in which charisma goes to die. He is barely capable of expressing emotion, completely incapable of anything approaching real human interactions, and keeps the same blank expression on his face whether he's in bed with yet another women or under fire from Gatling guns and missiles. He exists only to shoot people and get laid.

In this film, Golgo 13 shoots the son of an uber-wealthy American businessman, who buys the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, and US Army to hunt Golgo 13 down across the world. There's convoluted but meaningless machinations that serve as excuses for action scene after action scene, occasionally punctuated by sex scenes. The businessman ends up selling his son's widow to be raped by an Army hitman, and brainwashes his 8-year-old granddaughter to become a hitman, all in the service of getting revenge on Golgo 13. At the very end there's a ridiculous plot twist
that reveals his son actually ordered the hit on himself as the worst possible way of committing suicide, because he wanted to rebel against his father or something. Good move, guy, you just condemned your wife to prostitution, your daughter to permanent mental scarring, and a whole bunch of folks to death! What a jerk.
On the level of plot, this is no different from any one of those terrible 80s sex-and-gore OVAs.

But director Osamu Dezaki takes the film form as an excuse to indulge in wild visual experiments from beginning to end. If the "substance" of the film is a trashy pulp novel, its "style" is an avant-garde arthouse fever dream. The most notorious experiment in the film is perhaps the earliest use of CG in Japanese animation for a helicopter sequence, which works about as well as you'd expect from a 1983 film:

It's so bizarrely out of place with the rest of the film (and even other shots in the same scene, which alternates between these CG shots and 2D shots of Golgo shielding himself from the helicopters' fire), that I have to imagine Dezaki was just itching to try out new technology without any larger purpose than that. But this just scratches the surface of the experimental techniques Dezaki uses. From psychedelic lighting:

to layered and copied images:

to hazy, dream-like landscapes:

to expressionist contortions:

Watching the film becomes an experience of "What crazy stunt is Dezaki going to pull next?" Sometimes these techniques have clear storytelling rationale behind them, to pull out the emotion behind a particular scene, while at other times they have no obvious reason beyond looking cool. Which is fine by me; the story itself isn't worth devoting any energy to, so making the most daring visual choices possible at every turn is what makes this film watchable. I couldn't possibly recommend this film generally - even if the material itself wasn't repulsive, the disorienting, kaleidoscopic nature of the direction would limit its appeal - but if you are a fan of visually experimental works this becomes a mandatory watch. Dezaki's talents feel a bit wasted on Golgo 13, but at the same time that makes it somewhat easier to appreciate his creativity in itself.

I've heard the Space Adventure Cobra movie takes a similar approach, so I'll have to make sure to watch that soon.

Watch these 2 nerds put their pride on the line in order to convince people that Anime/Western TV > Western TV/Anime.

Highlights include definitive statements like:

"The best of anime will never be as good as Breaking Bad."

"In western TV... every episode has to have plot twist!"

"Have you ever noticed that when 2 characters talk in anime, the camera won't focus on them?"

that kotaku article about the game made by a person who hasnt watched an anime since ttgl is still worse


I think you'll like the Cobra movie better as the story isn't quite as out there. I don't think it attempts to be as inventive or experimental as this one but what it lacks there it makes up for in execution.

Watch these 2 nerds put their pride on the line in order to convince people that Anime/Western TV > Western TV/Anime.

Highlights include definitive statements like:

"The best of anime will never be as good as Breaking Bad."

"In western TV... every episode has to have plot twist!"

"Have you ever noticed that when 2 characters talk in anime, the camera won't focus on them?"

Ugh. Why does it have to be mutually exclusive?
Chaos; Child 08-09

The biggest issue I'm having with these past two episodes is how easily everyone
just got the fuck over MC's little sister being fucking dismembered and her parts put in toy boxes. Like holy shit the character who was brainwashed into doing the deed was more wrecked with grief than her own fucking family members were.


Konosuba 1-2
Funny so far. Was not expecting his death scene to go down as it did. Beat the frog quest lol
It's good that you can focus on that and not the rest, lol.

The bass belonged to the bassist of the Hedgehogs that went awal, so they lent it to Yuu to learn how to play.

Oh that's right. I thought the hedgehog drummer was the bass player for some reason.
Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 7 – The Last Meet

Im going to miss the best HakoGakou, though Manami will take his place. Toudou was just perfect in every way. Kind of hoping he happens to win in this climbing segment next episode.

The comedy duo are perfect additions.



Watch these 2 nerds put their pride on the line in order to convince people that Anime/Western TV > Western TV/Anime.

Highlights include definitive statements like:

"The best of anime will never be as good as Breaking Bad."

"In western TV... every episode has to have plot twist!"

"Have you ever noticed that when 2 characters talk in anime, the camera won't focus on them?"
The both do a decent at explaining why the prefere one of the other.

Gbay100 main point is that anime has too much telling and not enough showing.

Meanwhile Digibros likes anime more, because western dramas follow the rules od story telling to closely for his liking.

The only big problem I see is that the former makes quite a few assumptions about the anime industry.
KiraKira Precure A la Mode 6

Holy shit, did my anticipation for Cure Chocolat's henshin pay off.
Seriously, watch it.

Akira's design manages to work better for me animated, as it gives them more opportunities to display her more feminine aspects to shine through, compared to the default portrait on their website. Granted that's to be expected.

Ichika is definitely dumb, as it take her literally the entire episode to realize Akira is a girl, EVEN after witnessing her transform. Aoi and Squirrel Girl (because I can't be assed to remember her name) picked up on it much earlier, because Akira used kawaii, over kakoi (i think I spelt this wrong but...). Interestingly Aoi did nothing to knock Ichika out of her crush phase. Either because Ichika will learn about it soon, or she didn't mind Ichika having the hots for Akira.
As much as I love it to be possible, I'm going with the former option

Akira's sister is brought up in regards to her health, which clearly will be her ongoing subplot for our show. I will say though, I think our two high schoolers and Aoi will be the high point characters, which also happens to have the three henshins I liked for this season. I guess I'll wait and see for Squirrel Girl.

Akira's looks will get some mileage for sure though, as it is being used in the new All Stars movie

White Album 2 4

As a musician, the depictions of music practicing here don't really ring true. Of course, you can't expect a show that doesn't even bother to try to animate music realistically to portray musical work realistically. This episode was particularly awkward looking in terms of animation and layouts, though I appreciate the directorial ambition in attempting to layer gags and other background character actions on top of each other.
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