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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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°Temp. member
Tales of Zestiria the X 00

Why couldn't the fucking game start out like this or at least something akin to it!?

Sounds like I was right to skip the game and watch the anime instead.
I did the same thing for Persona 4, although that was mainly due to time.

Tales sucks. Worst RPG series next to Neptunia.
Say what you want about Zestiria (as a Tales fan I even skipped it myself), but you sir have gone too far!
Have you never played Tales of Vesperia? Symphonia? Xillia 1 & 2? Berseria isn't out yet (in the west) but is supposed to be amazing as well.
I have lots of fun with the combat of Tales games but if you play the games for their stories you're going to be veeeerrry dissapointed.

I still laugh at everybody who plays Tales of Graces (my favourite by the way) and watch them have a mental breakdown watching Asbel's stupidity.


I have lots of fun with the combat of Tales games but if you play the games for their stories you're going to be veeeerrry dissapointed.

I still laugh at everybody who plays Tales of Graces (my favourite by the way) and watch them have a mental breakdown watching Asbel's stupidity.

I just dropped the game after 6 hours. Insufferable.
I have lots of fun with the combat of Tales games but if you play the games for their stories you're going to be veeeerrry dissapointed.

I still laugh at everybody who plays Tales of Graces (my favourite by the way) and watch them have a mental breakdown watching Asbel's stupidity.

Graces F is the best Tales game and one I finally enjoyed more than Eternia (best before Graces F).

Asbel is the best tales protag (sorry Sorey).And his Richard!
I have lots of fun with the combat of Tales games but if you play the games for their stories you're going to be veeeerrry dissapointed.

I still laugh at everybody who plays Tales of Graces (my favourite by the way) and watch them have a mental breakdown watching Asbel's stupidity.
Well I do enjoy most of the Tales games story, but the main selling point for me was always the characters and Zestiria has my favourite cast of any Tales games.
I just dropped the game after 6 hours. Insufferable.

Graces or Zestiria?

If the former, please play that crap through to the end so I can laugh at your reactions watching the ending. Just do it. Please. I'll even change my avatar to something promoting Terra Battle or whatever if you do.

If the latter, then yeah I'm right with you there.


Graces or Zestiria?

If the former, please play that crap through to the end so I can laugh at your reactions watching the ending. Just do it. Please. I'll even change my avatar to something promoting Terra Battle or whatever if you do.

If the latter, then yeah I'm right with you there.

Graces. I'm not sure I can sit through the rest of it. I even remember spending like 5 bucks on PSN to buy Asbel the Haseo costume from .hack//GU just so the cutscenes would actually make me laugh instead of burying my face into my palms crying.

After that I never bought another Tales game.


°Temp. member
I just dropped the game after 6 hours. Insufferable.

I have lots of fun with the combat of Tales games but if you play the games for their stories you're going to be veeeerrry dissapointed.

I still laugh at everybody who plays Tales of Graces (my favourite by the way) and watch them have a mental breakdown watching Asbel's stupidity.

Actually, I also hated Graces f. At one point I disliked the game so much I ejected the disk, took it to my nearest Gamestop, and took whatever they gave me for it haha.

Graces. I'm not sure I can sit through the rest of it. I even remember spending like 5 bucks on PSN to buy Asbel the Haseo costume from .hack//GU just so the cutscenes would actually make me laugh instead of burying my face into my palms crying.

After that I never bought another Tales game.

You should really give Vesperia or Symphonia a try. If Graces f and Zestiria were your entry points to the series then no wonder you dislike it!
Well I do enjoy most of the Tales games story, but the main selling point for me was always the characters and Zestiria has my favourite cast of any Tales games.

I won't lie and say there are Tales characters I don't enjoy. Malik, Yuri, Estelle, Rita, Jade, Pascal, etc.

The stories however just boil down to being junk food and the meat of the game just comes more from the combat system and character interactions.
Graces F's story and characters are in fact insufferable power of friendship trash, the only thing it is redeemed by is having the second best battle system in the games after Abyss.


You should really give Vesperia or Symphonia a try. If Graces f and Zestiria were your entry points to the series then no wonder you dislike it!

Errr... what? I've been playing Tales since Tales of Phantasia on the SFC. :p

I own the Japanese ToS, the OST, and the single! I played ToV on the 360.
Really I just remove the existence of Tales games after Versperia, we won't ever get a better cast from the franchise (FUCK CAROL. that kid doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned).
Graces. I'm not sure I can sit through the rest of it. I even remember spending like 5 bucks on PSN to buy Asbel the Haseo costume from .hack//GU just so the cutscenes would actually make me laugh instead of burying my face into my palms crying.

After that I never bought another Tales game.

Actually, I also hated Graces f. At one point I disliked the game so much I ejected the disk, took it to my nearest Gamestop, and took whatever they gave me for it haha.

I really can't blame you for dropping the game because of the story but MAN are you guys missing out on some fun combat.

Despite what you think of the story's many many many many many many many flaws, I still believe the combat is fun enough to carry one through the game. Having combat come down to managing combos rather than MP made things fast, fluid, and easy to chain attacks together.

I love loading up a boss fight and just wailing on it with Mystic Artes.

Graces F's story and characters are in fact insufferable power of friendship trash, the only thing it is redeemed by is having the second best battle system in the games after Abyss.

I couldn't freaking stand Abyss's FOF crap playing it on the 3DS. Good luck hitting the enemy when the circle is a mile away from it!

And it has the best mystic artes.

More like the best Mystic Arte system. They're essentially the Hyper Combos from Marvel V.S. Capcom.

Really I just remove the existence of Tales games after Versperia, we won't ever get a better cast from the franchise (FUCK CAROL. that kid doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned).

I honestly never got the hatred for Carol. I mean, as far as kid characters go in JRPGs and anime, he's not...insufferable!

I'll take him over Eureka's kids.


Flynn ended up being my main in Vesperia, I remember being surprised by it because his play-stile looked super boring (Sword + shield, meh).

Hubert and Colette still the most fun characters to play as, tho'.
Don't laugh at my misery!!!

I'm laughing at the fact that you want to play as Flynn.

Flynn is only (fully) playable in the PS3 version. I'm pretty sure every Tales fan is aware of that bygone fiasco and at this point have accepted it never getting localized. If you want him as a playable character, you gotta get that version.

The fan translation is done, so if you're willing to mod your PS3 (I'm not) you could go through that. Otherwise play the entire game in Japanese and read a let's play on another forum to understand the plot and characters.

That's what I did. In fact I think I still need to do the final dungeon.


Fairy Tale ep.74
Well, this was a straight comedy episode with Wendy getting the focus, as well as Freed fof his first job as a "good guy" paired up with Wendy. Pretty fun stuff, but I'm still waiting for the next arc to actually start, lol


Since we're on the subject of Tales: are the Symphonia or Abyss anime worth watching, or should I just play the games instead?

I only watched Abyss and I think I dropped it around episode 16 or so.

Tales of stories are not good enough to sit and watch a 26 episodes anime of them, and I even like Abyss and its stupid technobabble. They are generally very
to play however.


Better then Vesperia even, if we base ourselves from the import thread. Last time I checked there anyway.

As is often mentioned, Vesperia is only "good" because it featured a yuri relationship and it was an Xbox exclusive in the West. Outside if that, it's about the same as every other entry. Go ahead, fight me nerds.
I'm a nerd too, lol

Someone try to sell me on watching ToZ The X.

It looks beautiful and the story makes a lot more sense in it's new form. Plus they are giving screen time to the character that disappeared in the game and caused Japanese fans to revolt


Damn I don't know why but I thought that the entirety of LWA would be up, guess I don't have to sub to netflix for a while. In the meantime I'll contemplate removing the wrapping from my LWA2 Blu-ray. Maybe.


Gabriel Dropout episode 1

Gab, you should listen to your wife! This show is going to be fun, especially with Satanchia around.

Urara Meirochou episode 1

More midriff than you shake a stick at.
Tales sucks. Worst RPG series next to Neptunia.

Tales of Xillia is pretty good. Ignore the fact that it feels like it was going to end a half a dozen times. Still pretty fun all in all.

Just starting this now. It's adorable. 😢

Sweetness and Lightning is fantastic. Didn't think I would like it as much as I did end up.

Wait, did you watch Barakamon?

Barakamon is a treasure too!


Those flashbacks are pretty important, since they establish the place where the original series diverged from the manga (since the manga hadn't continued from that point yet when the anime was made). It is best to forget about most of the second half of the first season, since it isn't canonical and would blatently contradict future plot points. The original anime made up a lot of stuff that doesn't happen in the source material.

Oh absolutely.

I just rewatched the first season, minus the filler - so I didn't need the flashbacks, and found them annoying. But I can also see how they'd be helpful to someone who (a) watched the filler or (b) hadn't watched in a long time.
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