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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Someone try to sell me on watching ToZ The X.

Same writer as Hearts? You liked that game's story and cast if I remember correctly. It was full of power of love/friendship tropes, with generic characters (well, just like usual) so I don't really see how it was better than the other games in the series.

Zestiria (the game)'s writing is bad but the setting is refreshing for Tales. It's 100% fantasy with legends, dragons, holy sword and no weird advanced technology/second world plot twist. The lead character is a positive dude (not a whiny piece of shite like Assbel/half the Tales leads), travelling in order to become Jesus and cleanse the world of malevolence, it's a pretty straightforward fantasy plot as well. Ufotable are doing a good adaptation, which by no means makes it a particulary good series but they're making efforts to rewrite the story (I'd say half the content is "original") and develop characters, and they manage to do it better than the game. Still can't escape its roots though.

Production-wise, it's about what you expect from a modern ufotable show. It's well drawn and has solid action scenes. It also has strong digital effects, which I don't mind but it really gets ugly at times when they're overusing 3DCG for anything. That's why I liked episode 8 the best of the bunch, as it's the only time they hired an effects animation director (it was also a solid action episode, with great music). Speaking of music, new Go Shiina tracks are always welcome.

Overall, it's decent, just don't expect anything more. Not like you do anyway.
Saga of Tanya the Evil (aka Youjo Senki) 1

Prior to this, I'd read the prologue and first chapter of the light novel, as well as the first two chapters of the manga. It looks like they've opted to start further into the first novel and show off Tanya's skills and cutthroat personality before flashbacking to explain things more. I get why they did this to an extent, as the beginning is a bit dry in the LN and they want to start things off with a bang.

The visuals are great, except for Tanya and Visha. In fairness, I do mostly agree with the people who said Tanya isn't too bad. She's not great, but she's better in the show than in the promo images. Visha looks uglier and sticks out more. It's a shame too, because they both look fine in the LN.

The action was cool, particularly that one aerial battle others have posted. And they did a good job selling Tanya's abilities and prowess as a commander. I think there's some potential here, but we'll see.


I think the last time I watched an anime and instantly thought it was perfect for a topical news story was that Space Brothers E3 gif (which is appropriate every year)


Oh yeah, and the rest Gabriel DropOut was good. Oota does it again! Satanichia's my fav.

God damn, too savage.


Maturity, bitches.
Gabriel DropOut Episode 1:

This was mildly more amusing then I was expecting but it still dragged in places and I am not sold on another NEET protagonist no matter then gender.

>In school

That does not compute.


not clear, it says he claims he came home to find her dead, but evidence shows he likely killed her.

either way, I suppose that news might be thread worthy... I am to lazy to make it though lol.

I bet people will rush into such a thread and assume it's the AoT author who killed his wife or something. :p


Yeh. Would be better to title it "Former Editor of the Attack on Titan Manga" to prevent some of that happening.

Makes no difference?

Here's what the average human being will see the thread title as:

"|||||||||||||||||| Attack on Titan Manga ||||||||||| Arrested ||||||||| Murder ||||| Wife |||||||||"


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
How about: Manga Editor Arrested for Murder of Wife |OT| They finally reached the basement
Makes no difference?

Here's what the average human being will see the thread title as:

"|||||||||||||||||| Attack on Titan Manga ||||||||||| Arrested ||||||||| Murder ||||| Wife |||||||||"

That's why I covered my bases saying "some", for the above average folks out there!


Now I want to see that thread being made. Would love to see some hasted "yeh, well if you've read the manga it's obvious the author is a messed up creep. Not surprised!"


wont "Manga Editor Arrested for Wife's Murder" sufficient for title?

Or you guys just want clickbaiting title


wont "Manga Editor Arrested for Wife's Murder" sufficient for title?

Or you guys just want clickbaiting title

Why it is thread worthy news though? Like, what would be the point of interest? That someone murdered his wife? The only reason anyone remotely cares about this and why it was even brought up here, is because he once edited Attack on Titan, a very popular manga. Lol.


I should have had a fully include.
right now the vrv app is missing some stuff. most notably one piece from funimation. it's hard to tell in general as there is a ton of stuff missing from the a-z lists but if you do searches it shows up (aka the app is a mess)

but yeah that is why I said keep an eye on it, ideally they update their app, add pc and ps3 support (I use my ps3 mostly to stream stuff like netflix and what not, I don't want to waste my ps4 on that at night :/) ect.

or even better maybe they will just work with funi and crunchy making it so that the log in for vrv works there as well.

I mean I get wanting to keep things all on your app so you get people to look at other things, but if they make a better app and people want both they would likely use the all in one app anyways.
Well, since the browsing sucks I didn't even catch it was missing One Piece.

But wait, yours has an A-Z list? I couldn't get one to show up, that on the app or the site?


Gabriel-dropout 1

i was definitely not feeling this until she turned full-blown otaku.

however, this show has too many panty jokes in it for me to feel comfortable. i hope it lays off those jokes.

also sado angel is great


That reminds me, I never got around to watching the school idol movie because i just didn't give enough of a crap.

that's kind of depressing considering i actually went to the city aquos is based on


Why it is thread worthy news though? Like, what would be the point of interest? That someone murdered his wife? The only reason anyone remotely cares about this and why it was even brought up here, is because he once edited Attack on Titan, a very popular manga. Lol.

to be fair... that is part of it but...

"assistant editor-in-chief of Kodansha's Morning magazine"

is also decently important.

Well, since the browsing sucks I didn't even catch it was missing One Piece.

But wait, yours has an A-Z list? I couldn't get one to show up, that on the app or the site?

it was on the ps4 app. their site doesn't let you see anything because they don't have a pc client.

but once you go to the funimation part of the app you can find a-c, c-e ect (don't remember exact letters) but for example fairy tail was not in the Fs, but it shows up dubbed if you search for it.


Akiba's Strip 1

the most unrealistic aspect of this show is getting to sit down on a bench in akihabara. also it's not NEARLY crowded enough with chinese tourists looking for bargains

man the animation in this is fun. smears and offmodel galore, but it looks great in motion. I am really not a great fan of the main character designs though.

oh well i'll deal. this show is really stupid but it's fun, so i'll deal.

edit oh my god the little fucking leg movements with the kiss of life. hilarious. this show is so unashamedly pervy. combined with the action animation it's more than enough to keep this dumb show going


i admit i didn't really look that hard, but i swear to god there is one genuinely okay kebab shop in all of kansai and it's smack bang in the middle of denden town.

i don't know what it is about otaku and selling them turkish food


>In school

That does not compute.

She is basically cajoled into going to school, otherwise she would be happy sitting on her ass playing MMORPGs and nothing else, lives in a darkened apartment even where there is light and the place is almost a level 5 bio-hazard of used food containers. It is kind of a central premise, she wants to be a NEET, but is not exactly able to at the moment.


I don't think I have the mental fortitude to try and analyse the next episode of Toradora tonight. Sorry friends, work just merked me today

/edit okay actually i just got some surprise fruit so maybe i'll do this yet


Again, as is obvious, if you've not watched Toradora why not skip this post?

Toradora 21 -rewatch-

Snow sports time. Ami, Kitamura and Midorin are good, Ryuuji and Taiga complete garbage. Taiga smacks Ryuuji into the OP. Kihara and everyone gets mad in the other line while Ryuuji finally notices that Taiga has basically moved on from Kitamura completely. Vibe completely ruined!

Minorin ambushes Ryuuji outside and looks like she's going to talk serious... and she is... about Kihara and Noto. "Know why Noto is interefering with Kihara's attempts to get with Kitamura?" she asks.


I don't know what the technique is called, but this shot has the camera zooming into Ryuuji at a different pace to it zooming into the background, creating a notable sense of disorientation.

Minorin drops truth, but Ryuuji doesn't want to hear it, telling her "You don't know everything about Taiga". Minorin disagrees, revealing her latest gift from Taiga:


At Christmas, Ryuuji intended to give this to Minorin, but by the time he got it back he wasn't sure what to do with it anymore. Taiga pushes it on Minorin telling her it's really important. Sounds to me like it represents his feelings for Minorin, but it's Taiga who's still trying to get them together - not really Ryuuji anymore.

Indeed, Ryuuji falls into despair right after this, realising that Minorin is avoiding dealing with the subject at all and retreating back to the guy's room. Kitamura and the gang prank Ryuuji via the most juvenile of fake-outs into spilling the beans - finally!


Genuinely shocked despite Ryuuji falling to pieces in front of Minorin like six or seven times.

Kitamura, the patron saint of broken hearts, drag Ryuuji to go confront the girls, but they're all out. Because of comedy they end up stuffed in a closet when Taiga wanders in.


The funniest bit of this whole sequence is that they had enough presence of mind to grab their slippers

Ryuuji ends up dragging Taiga in as well when the rest of the girls wander in just so everyone can overhear the drama as we switch into the episode's second half where shit gets real.


I have no idea why but this shot appears to have a slightly different artstyle for Nanako than every other shot in this sequence.

They start girl talking about Taiga and Kitamura and Ryuuji, asking Minorin if Taiga's into one or the other.


Ami stares as Minorin deflects the questions...


And makes up her mind.

Mihara says that Ryuuji and Taiga getting together would solve all their problems.


Even though it's what Minorin knows to be true, she can't help but react honestly to Mihara's off-hand comment.

Ami takes the chance to strike, telling the room (but really just Minorin) about the Christmas Eve rejection. (Since Minorin didn't tell Ami, to Minori, either Taiga or Ryuuji must have told her; at the same time, though Ami doesn't know that Minori witnessed Taiga's breakdown).



The unfriendliest Minori has ever looked thus far.


Even though the Two Friends are centre shot it's apparent that this is really a conversation between Ami and Minorin, who is once again hiding her eyes.


Ami jumps back two arcs ago...


...explaining her logic...


...which is, as usual, on the ball.

"Better to drive the nail in the coffin than let him live in hope, right?" asks Ami sweetly, finally prompting Minorin to snap. But Ami gets the last word.


What an amazing look of disdain.

Kihara forces them to make up and they leave to search for Taiga, letting the confused boys finally stumble out of the closet. Taiga tells them they heard nothing and saw nothing.

The next day everything is garbage. Ryuuji stumbles across Ami playing in the snow (the 'child' thing again?).


An incoming storm...

Ami, dropping into her unguarded mode around Ryuuji, tells him that it might be her fault Minori rejected him - she said something spiteful to Minori (she's referring to asking about her guilt at the end of the President arc). She doesn't even know why she did it. She tells him that she and Minori got in a fight yesterday because Ami couldn't bear seeing Minori holding her feelings behind a mask.


Snow begins to fall...

"I hate you for being an idiot," she tells Ryuuji.


So was Ami just reflecting some of her own guilt into Minori as well?

This is interrupted by Taiga and Minorin literally crashing into Ami and triggering a catfight of vicious proportions. Hey, pretty weird that pretending something never happened would have a bad outcome.


Violence is all in how you treat it. The dissonance of the girl's screeching and the brutally impactful sound effects, contrasted against the tinkly music-box tunes, is so much more shocking than Taiga's slapstick violence earlier in the series.

Minorin's hairpin goes flying and Taiga runs to get it back - to literally retrieve Ryuuji's feelings for Minorin. The teachers arrive to break up the fight, only to find that Taiga is now missing.


Somehow the search teams miss the broken barricade and giant snow trail down. It might be excusable but Ryuuji finds the exact same thing in like three scenes, so it's not like the snowstorm ruined the tracks...

Kitamura, Ryuuji and Minorin head out to find Taiga in the middle of a storm, discovering her trail. Minorin starts to go out but Ryuuji grabs her and Minorin lets him go ahead instead (whelp). Time for a piano remix of Orange as Ryuuji heads into the white.


This and a shot of Taiga almost literally buried in snow don't do much for your heart.

You'd think Taiga nearly dying from frostbite and Ami goading Minorin into a physical fight would be enough drama for one episode, but Taiga's got to up the stakes as she mumbles a confession in her delirium...


Much of this episode's drama is driven by Ami's evolution as a character and that conflict with Minorin, who remains behind her facade even in the face of worse and worse outcomes. I'm not the biggest fan of this episode because the most dramatic part of it, Taiga's delirium confession, isn't really triggered by the meat of the episode as it is by Taiga falling off a cliff (I mean causally it is but in storytelling/emotional terms it doesn't really feel that way...). But we've finally reached the stage where Ryuuji knows that Taiga loves him! Yay! (And both Taiga and Ryuuji know that Minorin maybe likes Ryuuji but sacrified for Taiga instead. Less yay)

...oh we've got 4 more episodes to go. Well, shit. That can only mean more funtimes yet to come.

On the next episode of Toradora: university planning. Joy.
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