Awe hell no, that is a GOOD show that's a lot of fun to watch!
Now on YLiA, well....... It's basically been myself and Psycho defending it's honor, lol.
It was polarizing at least, I remember seeing a bunch of people who both loved it and hated it.
I recall it coming out... getting praised and praised and praised to the point that even though i was for the most part enjoying the show I was baffled how so many people thought it was the best thing ever.
and then the second wave of people started watching after basically being told that YLiA was the third coming of anime and that they would be wowed into a state of pure amazement and those people came off far less positive, but over all most people in here still seemed to think that it was a really good show.
I suppose at the very least it didn't end up in the top 10 for AOTY on either list it could be on, so perhaps it turned fully sour after all the praising.