Hand Shakers 1
okay for real this time:
This single episode shows us why every single aspect of anime is important by showing us an episode where not a single bit of it works right. EVERYTHING in this show is straight up bad (though maybe not in the conventional ways)
Lets start with the opening scene. This is obviously meant to be some sort of cold open that's supposed to give us flashy imagery and excitement but all it does is confuse us and give us slight motion sickness. Nothing in this opening makes sense: the VO, the credits, the imagery, not a damn thing.
Next lets go into generals before I get into specific scenes.
1: Art: The art clashes too much. The backgrounds for the most part are actually really really pretty, to an eerie point even. They look like backgrounds taken straight out of a quality VN tbh. The problem comes when you see major characters on scene. The line work for them is in such a weird colour that it hurts to see them in contrast with the background. Why use light blue sometimes? fucking why? it just doesn't make any sense. The characters are animated well enough, but they look gross due to their overlarge eyes and the fucking line colour.
2: 2d Animation: take note: THERE IS SUCH A THING AS OVER-ANIMATING. This is a huge problem when you start seeing abundant scenes where areas rotate and characters need to be re-positioned in animation constantly. Its frustrating to look at. When the camera doesn't act like its in turbulence, the characters and animation can be pretty decent. There were a couple of scenes where the camera stopped, just let the characters talk and do stuff and it felt okay. If this show did more "normal" stuff like that it would be... well, not good, but it would be at least mediocre.
3: 3d animation: >.< this is the worst aspect. not just over reliance, crazy over reliance on 3d cgi. It clashes with everything. Characters, background art, everything. This shit with the chains and whatever should just straight up not be there. Its ugly to the highest degree. Mind you the cg is probably better than the cg work in most anime, and yet it is far more annoying and out of place.
4: Scenario design: What the fuck is even going on. This is an original anime. no one right now has supplementary works to fall back on if they get confused. No one can talk to each other to get a better understanding, not a god damn thing is explained or shown properly. This has to be the most confusing and incompetent scenario design and writing i have ever scene.
5: Direction: Director... just.... fucking stop with the coke you are doing, okay?! The 3d was horrible, the art clashed like a nothing i've ever scene before, the constant camera turning was downright horrid, its just... bad. Stop, go get a burger, sit in a corner and think about what you've done. You have made the world worse with this product.
Now: a specific scene... I'm kinda tired talking about this, so I'm just gonna be quick about it. This whole thing felt really try-hardy. The only scene I enjoyed to some extent was the conversation between the class rep and the MC because the camera for the most part stopped having adhd. Like, give me more scenes like that. No camera panning, no dumb as fuck fight scenes, no stupid shit, just a normal camera.
I do wanna say 4 other things though.
- While i was pleasantly surprised by just how much animation was going on in the background of some scenes, I will say that it felt too much like a waste to give it any praise. This show does not deserve this much attention.
- The shot where the MC goes off on his bike is really really poorly framed. That's all.
- That professor is annoying. Like they took the Steins;gate MC's fake persona and flanderized it. Hate it.
- The character design is pretty boring and this show really fucking needs to cool it on the gainaxing. Stop making that chest jelly jiggle for no reason yo!
overall, I'd say that this isn't "as bad" as lance n' masques just yet, but its much more incompetent. It feels like they have talented people being forced to work under the most incompetent director and the most incompetent scenario writer. I really and truly feel bad for these animators, honestly T_T