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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Americans really need their dubs I guess.

Well, the funny thing about it is that the movie has already been dubbed - in the US - for the English theatrical release. I'm kind of curious if they are going to completely redub it again with Funi talent, or if they are just switching out the songs...


Your Name opens in US and Canada on April 7.

I assume this is why it's taken so long for Funimation to release the film here compared with other countries.

Finally, I can go watch this on the big screen like it should be.

Americans really need their dubs I guess.

Well, for me personally, I generally like adapted scripts better because I understand the context better. I guess it's more grammar nuanced. I love watching in both audios myself.

When <harmony/> had its two day run in theaters here they were seperated by their audio, one day had the JP audio and the other day had the English audio. It's not like every anime movie shown in a theater in the US has to be dubbed. Hell, Kizumonogatari was shown in theaters and obviously Monogatari in general was never dubbed. I wouldn't really call it a need, per se, just you gotta have as big of a reach as possible.


Well, the funny thing about it is that the movie has already been dubbed - in the US - for the English theatrical release. I'm kind of curious if they are going to completely redub it again with Funi talent, or if they are just switching out the songs...

I thought that was the dub for UK audiences? Because when I saw that trailer I was thinking, maybe I should wait until it has the Funi VA's.

Maybe they did wait a very long time before saying anything after the Europe release because they were redubbing it, I guess.


Well, for me personally, I generally like adapted scripts better because I understand the context better. I guess it's more grammar nuanced. I love watching in both audios myself.

When <harmony/> had its two day run in theaters here they were seperated by their audio, one day had the JP audio and the other day had the English audio. It's not like every anime movie shown in a theater in the US has to be dubbed. Hell, Kizumonogatari was shown in theaters and obviously Monogatari in general was never dubbed. I wouldn't really call it a need, per se, just you gotta have as big of a reach as possible.

Well, the Gatari franchise is only really popular with disgusting otaku, so that's never really going to be a series that gets any dubbing because there'd be no point.
Well, the Gatari franchise is only really popular with disgusting otaku, so that's never really going to be a series that gets any dubbing because there'd be no point.

Even if you did manage to dub Monogatari and retain the script and dialogue's punch, I wouldn't watch it because no Chiwa/Kamiya/Sawashiro/Hanakana


We are getting Your Name at the same time as the States?


Edit: Unfortunately early April is too busy for me as a university student in my graduating year. Can't make a trip during finals and while wrapping up design projects.


Monogatari is disgusting, eh?



Huh, RADWIMPS' gonna do English versions of the 4 main songs for the US/Canada release of Your Name?


I wonder when Kimi no Na Wa's getting a blu-ray release though...surely they wouldn't wait until it finished its US run before doing so...would they?


ACCA Episode 2:

Clearly this is not a series for the impatient because make no mistake things are moving forward, it is just those are taking hold in subtle machinations to frame Jean for various high crimes and this is laid out pretty clearly. Indeed, this is clearly building up to a big powder keg explosion, perhaps the literal kind.

I figured the undercover agent was Nino from the very first scene the agent was introduced. The only reason the camera would so studiously avoid showing his face is if he was someone we already had been introduced to.

Anyway, this continues to have some potentially interesting plot ideas burning at low intensity, but the show just feels so half-assed. The outsourcing to DR MOVIE this episode didn't help either - the production is clearly not rushed given the low number of key animators, but the character art was all over the place, mostly on the bad end of the spectrum. The direction feels plodding, and not in any kind of good way that establishes atmosphere but in a flat "who cares" kind of way. I have to imagine the manga is better than this, so I'm just going to drop the show now.


I put in 20 random zip codes of northeast states and there are lots of theaters. Are you doing something wrong on the site?


On $hit, they must have updated it over the weekend!!!! NYC was the closest location previously.

Of course the closest theater is in a very bad part of town in MA, but hey, time to start making plans!

Either way, TY!

They haven't had the final list of theaters yet. They said more will be added later.

Looks like it, lol


Hand Shakers ep.2
Well, I'm not sure what to even say about this show at this point. At least they kept the fanservice "classy" and this wasn't a complete $hitshow this time. Some OK comedy mixed in with all the standard eye roll inducing H.S tropes....


Even if you did manage to dub Monogatari and retain the script and dialogue's punch, I wouldn't watch it because no Chiwa/Kamiya/Sawashiro/Hanakana

That did make the audiobook of Kizu 'interesting'. Not strictly bad, but after so many years of only hearing japanese voices, US voices did take some time to get used to.


Season 2 lacked Season 1's charm and for the most part it was mediocre with a few bad episodes. And the good episodes were rushed, to boot...

My main issue was that it too strictly focused on the contests and didn't leave time for them to breathe. A consequence of getting limited to 13 this time. I guess S1 sold badly.



I could tell from the first episode that this would be a slow burn, but this was slower than I expected. The coup d'etat tease that ended the last episode turns out to be a good deal less urgent than it seemed, the class tension between Jean and the cop gets defused surprisingly quickly, and then it's just a matter of doing more inspections in new places. Sure, there's clearly something going on, but... maybe this is actually slice of life?

I still think the art direction and backgrounds are very attractive, but the animation and direction don't really stand out. I might need to dial my expectations back a bit both for the quality of the production and for the show's overall scope.


Was Yakumo's performance of Shinigami not in the last episode? Sorry to get your hopes up, I guess I remembered it wrong. :\

Edit: Yep, the scene I was thinking of actually took place in episode 10. I'm sorry if you thought that I intentionally misled you. I didn't mean to ruin your enjoyment of an otherwise excellent series. I'll go edit my post in the voting thread as well.

Haha, I was disappointed when watching the last episode expecting more. Your post got me watching an otherwise excellent series anyway so it's all good. :)


Haha, I was disappointed when watching the last episode expecting more. Your post got me watching an otherwise excellent series anyway so it's all good. :)

I'm glad that you enjoyed it! :) Season 2 is airing now, and it's as great as ever! You should check it out if you haven't already.



Sooooo [OP and end of ep - speculation]
he's royalty right ? And the ED woman, his mother probably. (Waits to be proven completely wrong like with Erased)

I agree with most people have thrown at this and particularly the poor character art, which on top of designs I'm not all that fond of either, really rubs me the wrong way yet I still find myself mostly engaged. The lighter situation ended up as an alrighty curveball and the big intrigue lifted a few curtains up.
9/10 dubs are my favourite way to watch anime. I always try to listen to both, but if a english dub is available I will always go toward that.

Except french dubs, these are awful 9.9/10
I walked from the boyfriend stone but I didn't get a boyfriend. =/

A schoolgirl also barrelled into me because her friend was doing a shit job directing her and she slammed into my back when I was looking at charms. And she just kept going. That's dedication I guess.
I walked from the boyfriend stone but I didn't get a boyfriend. =/

A schoolgirl also barrelled into me because her friend was doing a shit job directing her and she slammed into my back when I was looking at charms. And she just kept going. That's dedication I guess.

Ya in Kyoto now then?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A schoolgirl also barrelled into me because her friend was doing a shit job directing her and she slammed into my back when I was looking at charms. And she just kept going. That's dedication I guess.

Looks like it worked to me.

You two just have no idea how to take advantage of it.
Ya in Kyoto now then?

Yup. I'm on a train to Nara right now to go look at some stuff but will be back later to hit up this awesome jazz bar I found in an alley in the old town near some geisha places.

Anime is real.

If I've learned one thing this trip it's this is varying levels of true.

That and selfie sticks are the fucking worst.

Looks like it worked to me.

You two just have no idea how to take advantage of it.

I dunno, she was just charging forward to her destiny and also like 16.


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie: Lagann-hen
Wow. Better than the first movie. That final battle was unbelievable. Thought that the various things I read about it was hyperbole, but it was truly 25 minutes or so of pure action, the best of its kind.
Loved the bit with all the different Tengen Toppa and then another combination, because being able to throw galaxies as shuriken wasn't enough. I remember LOVING the original finale, but this was something else, good God...

Nia's the best.
Also, I remembered how big of an ass Rossieu was.

Awesome movies. Everyone who watched TTGL should watch them eventually.


Damn, both of my TTGL posts on the bottom of the page. I should have waited. :<
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