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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Heroaca gets a nice edition

Masamune-Kun's Revenge 1-2

It's not amazing, but I'm entertained enough to keep up with it. He should've gone with the class pres, but I guess that's too easy.

Scum's Wish 1

Damn, talk about toxic relationship. I found this fascinating. As dark as it is, I appreciate that they're presenting a type of relationship and story you don't always see (so far, I guess that could change). Despite how awful their relationship is, I did also appreciated the fact that both of the characters seemed pretty respectful of each other's boundaries so far, and agreed not to have sex.

I actually liked the aesthetic and direction choices, like the way people's reactions were cut into certain scenes.

Despite how uncomfortable it could get, this is one of my top shows of the season so far. I'm definitely interested to see how things develop from here.

Konosuba s1 e1-5

Whoever described this as an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia anime was spot on. I love watching the antics these assholes get into.

Super excited to finally get to watch this, and on a big screen.

Heroaca gets a nice edition

Definitely gonna grab this.
So after watching Orange, a show revolving around preventing a suicide, it was only fitting that Death Parade would be the next series I binged.

Actually ended up liking the series a lot. I want to do a rewatch of it eventually because this is the type of show I'd love to analyze.

Like quite a few Madhouse series I was left wanting more so of course there'll never be a second season. ;(
Woh I'll have to disagree with DTL here I really like how the new Funimation site looks. Very clean looking and easy to navigate. A tremendous jump from the previous site. Although they need to work on that recommendation section lol.

They clearly need to sort some things out tho. Some anime like Tokyo raven have no video found.


Did some 2016 clean-up. Girlish Number in particular being a series I started but sort of lost motivation in completing somewhere along the way. AOTY deadline coming up was as good a motivation as any. I enjoyed it a lot, but as I think on it, there's a lot that just didn't land. The last three episodes put it all into perspective for me, in illustrating where I thought the series succeeded and where it failed. In order, Chitose, and almost everyone around Chitose.

Episode 10 stood out to me as my favourite. It's the episode where self-realization hits and it all comes crashing down for Chitose, and it's handled with a commendable degree of restraint. It leverages Nanami's rise to stardom versus her own squandered opportunities really well, and sticks incredibly closely to Chitose herself throughout it all. We see as the bottom starts to fall out from under her and how she begins to pull away from others as a result, and it's nice to see her growing insecurity mostly reflected through her expression and body language throughout. So episode 11 pulling away from this because it reminded the other characters existed kinda bummed me out.

Yae just spends the series being a terrible waste of space in particular. We learn basically nothing about her the show didn't establish in the first scene we ever see with her in spite of how much time the show would invest on her later. And it makes it all the more jarring when the show suddenly and conveniently saddles her with deep empathy for Chitose's situation critical to moving Gojo to action. We barely see the two have a meaningful interaction, much less strike a real friendship, so lines like how she's a fan of Chitose and that she believes she's working hard somehow resonate less than a character introduced just two episodes prior. Those lines specifically also hit a lot less hard than they could have when we lack insight in how Chitose's work is being impacted beyond the issues that started to unravel her in the first place.

But Yae's just the worst offender. The show is just incredibly poor at making any of the time it invests towards its' other characters feel especially worthwhile. Koto is barely more relevant than her, and I found it sort of odd details like how she'd started with Gojo go unmentioned and barely utilized toward her benefit. A brief window into Kuzu's personal life reveals he's nearly as shallow as he appears, and the way those problems resolve equally as shallow. And as much as I like Kazuha and Momoka, their pair of episodes felt kind of diversionary in retrospect. What lessons and connections those characters make don't really come up later as the focus of the narrative mostly transitions toward an increasingly self-isolated Chitose.

I don't want to sound like I dislike anything in a story that doesn't serve an immediate and significant purpose. Characters can totally be allowed to exist in a story even if whatever they do doesn't necessarily have to have significantly impact or address a future development, but you should still at least feel the time spent on something was justified. Girlish Number tries to strike a middle-ground between being a show about an ensemble cast and being a show exploring a sole character and their specific issues, and the show doesn't do as much as it could with either as a result. This issue really stood out to me in episode 11, where the rest of Chitose's colleagues gather around to remark on how different Chitose seems lately. It's a lot of time to devote to the side-characters, but mostly they just add pretty pointless commentary about what should be self-evident to the audience. It's strange to me to consider how much of the show seems to involve the vast side-cast yet how underutilized they feel all the same.

That episode comes to a head with Gojo finally coming to comfort Chitose (and it's unclear why he needs Yae to tell him to), but while there are aspects to that I really liked, there was this insincerity to the convenience of it all I couldn't shake. Over the course of the past few episodes before this, the show had been carefully pulling the floor out from under Chitose until she was near rock bottom. Yet in the space of a single encouraging speech by Gojo, Chitose bounces back? Something like this might have played better if we had spent more time with Chitose in self-reflection as opposed to meandering around with her colleagues, but with the way it plays out it's just hard to swallow.

Coupled with a few more contrivances like the head manager 'betting' on Chitose for no real reason and it's hard not to get the sense Chitose's problems don't basically just solve themselves. And in the end, the final episode just kinda wound up being perfunctory.

The production quality itself wasn't especially remarkable either, and at times the show gets really ugly to look at. The colour design is usually pretty garish, and it can cross over into being straight-up eye searing when the show does stuff like turn up bloom immensely in a shot or some other ostentatious digital effect. And the backgrounds never rise above sort of mediocre at best.

All this out of the way, I still really liked the show. It just annoys me to think how disjointed it got and how relatively uninspiring the ending was.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
A too be continued ending. Hope someone is translating the books.
It goes beyond that. Girlish Number finds itself pretty lost in connecting its characters to one another during the finale. The main cast really only maintain professional connections for the most part after Momoka and Kazuha butt into the personal lives of each other, but we don't really see anything like that for the remaining cast. Instead its resolution just kind of pushes emotion aside to resolve a few things, but the payoff for what felt like the back half of the series just felt completely lacking.


91 Days - Episode 6

Roflmao. Angelo is a Lelouch level troll. Fango is like Gyp Rosetti from Boardwalk Empire adapted as a Jojo villain. Can't take this show seriously at all, but damn it's pretty entertaining. It's like reading a dumb comic from the 60s. Also, the animators are really fucking bad at drawing food. Everything they eat looks fucking awful!


Nurse Witch Komugi R 12 FIN

Ended up pretty amusing in the end in a sort of anti-Madoka way. All the mascots were dicks and the girls that made contracts really didn't give two shits about the magical girl part of things as they all had day jobs to worry about. Probably won't make my list but I"m glad dimb recommended itas I'd have likely never given it a chance otherwise.


A too be continued ending. Hope someone is translating the books.
I didn't get a sense of 'to be continued' at all. I wouldn't even really know where you'd go from here. On paper, most of the important stuff is resolved. Chitose learns to be humbler and puts her career back on track. The ending struck me as having plenty sense of closure, just nothing emotionally resonant.

I guess you could conceivably still make a sequel out of Chitose and the others continuing their careers from that point but that doesn't sound appealing to me at all.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I hope they can keep up the quality all the way through. Episode 3 or 4 is gonna be straight up juicy. (don't read that the wrong way)
We're probably gonna get a full adaptation for this one

Now, maybe this is just my intuition from playing too many Paradox grand-strategy games and becoming accustomed to their AI's lack of diplomatic nuance but...

Ah screw it, some questions concerning Code Geass's plot probably aren't worth asking.

So I'll ask it anyway.

...Why didn't the EU and China team up against Brittania the moment they started conquering everyone else? I mean, sure, maybe they'd be paralyzed by a Russia-Ukraine/Georgia situation, but at some point Brittania's actions would have to be treated like Hitler rolling into Poland, no?

The past few months of 24/7 Stellaris have gotten me way too accustomed to such a scenario...


Yo really think that given its an ongoing manga and noitamina anime are 11 episodes?

This will be 12 episode. The manga ends in march.
The first chapter went through the first 5 chapters of the manga
The manga looks like it will end with less than 50 chapters total.

All signs point to full adaptation. If not that would be super weird :S


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
...Why didn't the EU and China team up against Brittania the moment they started conquering everyone else? I mean, sure, maybe they'd be paralyzed by a Russia-Ukraine/Georgia situation, but at some point Brittania's actions would have to be treated like Hitler rolling into Poland, no?

Different religions mallus


Can anybody recommend 3-gatsu no lion?

Honey and Clover changed my life back then. Really excited about this series, but haven't heard much or I just wasn't interested in it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Can anybody recommend 3-gatsu no lion?

Honey and Clover changed my life back then. Really excited about this series, but haven't heard much or I just wasn't interested in it.

Yes. It's pretty good. I never watched Honey and Clove though.
These Japanese businessman in Dotounbori are trying to drink me under the table and it's not working. They're buying my whiskey though, so I ain't gonna stop them.

P.S. croquettes are the most delicious cheap food in the world. 80 yen is highway robbery


Little Witch Academia - Ep. 2
A rather slow episode and not very flash outside of statue scene and the fairies, but it was still great.
One thingI really hate is shitty/bland background art and fortunately the backgrounds here are very pretty.
I also like how most of the background characters looks relatively unique, even though some of them have really derpy faces.

Diana already got a mini character arc, which hopefully means we will get tons of development for the rest of the cast.

Gabriel DropOut - Ep. 2
Not quite as funny episodes, but it's was still fun.
Satanichia is best girl. She even has a huge Cerberus plushy.
Now I also want a Cerberus plushy.

Can anybody recommend 3-gatsu no lion?

Honey and Clover changed my life back then. Really excited about this series, but haven't heard much or I just wasn't interested in it.
Can't comment on Honey and Clover , but 3-gatsu no lion is great.


Can anybody recommend 3-gatsu no lion?

Honey and Clover changed my life back then. Really excited about this series, but haven't heard much or I just wasn't interested in it.

I really like it. And it has a contender for cutest imouto of the past year. Some of the shogi scenes are a little lost on me though.

Honey and Clover I was never able to finish though as Hagumi bothered me too much so I can't really compare the two aside from the art.


This will be 12 episode. The manga ends in march.
The first chapter went through the first 5 chapters of the manga
The manga looks like it will end with less than 50 chapters total.

All signs point to full adaptation. If not that would be super weird :S

Did not know the manga was finishing up so soon.


91 Days - Episode 7

Ha ha ha what...

91 Days - Episode 8

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what.

This show... this show.....
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