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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Tsuritama Episode 3

This show is fucking magical.

Looks like things are finally starting to start chugging along. Looks like Yuki's anxiety is still getting the better of him. I love how this show seems to escalate from one episode to the next one. It's pretty clear that Yuki's gonna be wrestling with his insecurity for a good while, though. Especially given that it seems clear at this point that
his grandma isn't gonna remain in the picture for a while. Can't see a lot of other direction for her and those flowers to go.
It'll be interesting to see what happens when that shoe finally drops. There's a bit of foreshadowing that I noticed in this episode, too, concerning Natsuki. In particular,
his mother is entirely absent from any of the scenes where he's at home. When Yuki locks himself away after his grandma leaves for the hospital, his line about how 'now's the perfect time to fish' seems quite significant. Perhaps his mother passed away due to illness, and he took comfort in fishing. Or maybe he stopped. There's a good bit of contrast between the big smile Natsuki has on in the flier at the fishing equipment store and how he usually conducts himself.

All the scenes with Tapioca and Akira are pure gold, too. That duck is amazing.

I'm glad that Yuki called out Haru on his behavior, at least. It's never malicious, but he clearly can't understand the value of boundaries too much. That aside, he's steadily been getting a bit better. A bit less... loud?

Once again, I'm still in love with this show's art style. The backgrounds, I thought, looked especially good today. There are two wide shots in particular that I really, really liked. Still, as well produced as this show tends to be, the production quality seemed to be a little uneven though, going by this scene. I figure I know where a good part of this episode's budget went, though.


The climax of the episode was absolutely unbelievable.

Just look at this. This entire sequence was just glorious. The animation, the music, just... oh my god. The most blood pumping that lure practice has ever been or will ever be. Those last five or so minutes were straight up inspiring, capped off with
Natsuki sprinting through the rain and yelling in triumph.

It's unbelievable how I'm watching this only now.


The Light of El Cantare
Didn't One Piece stop doing ending songs/animation so they could have a longer OP, thus balancing things out with no real change? Or did it affect the main episode runtime too?

Yeah, they eliminated EDs entirely years ago, and the OPs were better for it. That didn't affect runtime, but the advent of five-minute recaps did!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
MOTHERFUCK. I have to cover for that sad sack motherfucking coworker AGAIN. ON MY FUCKING OFF DAY.

I wanted to just sit on my off day and enjoy my fucking time watching anime . IS THAT SO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK?!

This is pretty much how the book I'm hoping to finish starts out.

I know the frustration. So sorry. ;_;

Here's some Ritsu to cheer you up.



Darker Than Black 21

There's sure a lot of "hair extends down to naked boobs" forms of avoiding frontal nudity in anime, isn't there? Speaking of her, that had to be creepy as shit for Kirihara,
wandering into that room and just seeing everybody's clothes without the bodies in them scattered across the floor. And then getting captured by Pandora.

This show, this episode in particular, really makes the US look dumb as hell, huh? "Smoke bomb? Just a trick. Explosion in the embassy? Probably an accident." This is almost comical levels of stupidity and incompetence.

Still really disappointed the old ED is gone. New one really doesn't hold a candle.
Bakuman 3 - 15

Solid adaptation of the source, really liked the color pages for PCP as well as Road Racer Giri. I really wish Giri were a real series, we need more series based on motor sports. Could have used some commentary from Eiji but was good on its own.


Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito - 03

It's one of those rules in libraries that isn't mentioned often enough.

I'm no good with correctly using spoilers so I'll just spoiler it all.

So, evidently episode 3 is the time to try and explain how incest sister girl (henceforth know as Incestia) came to be with chet-tastic hat girl (now named Hat-face) and what better way to get introduced than with a beach episode. The show seems to at least realise that the sister has a gigantic forehead though. From what's implied, she goes around various worlds in books and seduces people with the glare from her forehead for a bit of a laugh.

Flashback to one of her previous jaunts where she's at a ridiculously cheerful orphanage in the middle of nowhere apparently with a penchant for a sadistic little boy who suckles on the finger of a statue of a Mary type figure which is no doubt symbolic for something. Various nonsense happens and little boy tries to stab another orphan because of reasons and Table-Head rather than logically trying to stop him from reaching her, runs ahead of him and gets stabbed instead in a big thematic gesture which cause the mentioned statue to cry.

She vanishes into a puff of something and the little boy disappears. Oh, apparently he's the same ridiculous ballerina villain from last episode so that somewhat explains the flashback part.

Three episodes in and while it's only confusing due to a lack of logic, I am contemplating perhaps watching the rest while drinking.


Sucks at poetry
GuP 7/8

This show doesn't really need to be this good. Of course, its silly premise and heart-throbbing moe girls leads one to believe that it wouldn't be! Yet each episode is dripping in detail, and the story bounces along with near experct pacing. When there isn't a battle happening, the girls are strategizing, planning, or dealing with minor family issues, all in a way that services the characters or the plot. It does all this while never forgetting what it's supposed to be - it remains firmly tongue in cheek, but it's written like it actually cares. I love this show!

The soundtrack and sound design are also masterfully crafted! Of course, all the lustful, pornographic shots of the tanks convince even a pacifistic such as myself to fall in love!

And there are so many lovely young maidens!

What do I... How can I... I can't even!! How do I choose?! D:


Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito - 03

It's one of those rules in libraries that isn't mentioned often enough.

I'm no good with correctly using spoilers so I'll just spoiler it all.

So, evidently episode 3 is the time to try and explain how incest sister girl (henceforth know as Incestia) came to be with chet-tastic hat girl (now named Hat-face) and what better way to get introduced than with a beach episode. The show seems to at least realise that the sister has a gigantic forehead though. From what's implied, she goes around various worlds in books and seduces people with the glare from her forehead for a bit of a laugh.

Flashback to one of her previous jaunts where she's at a ridiculously cheerful orphanage in the middle of nowhere apparently with a penchant for a sadistic little boy who suckles on the finger of a statue of a Mary type figure which is no doubt symbolic for something. Various nonsense happens and little boy tries to stab another orphan because of reasons and Table-Head rather than logically trying to stop him from reaching her, runs ahead of him and gets stabbed instead in a big thematic gesture which cause the mentioned statue to cry.

She vanishes into a puff of something and the little boy disappears. Oh, apparently he's the same ridiculous ballerina villain from last episode so that somewhat explains the flashback part.

Three episodes in and while it's only confusing due to a lack of logic, I am contemplating perhaps watching the rest while drinking.

I eagerly await your Yami 4 impressions. Important note: it will probably be the absolute worst thing you've ever witnessed in your life. It was for me.
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