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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Shakugan no Shana Final 06


Hello Mr. New Character.

And there were a bunch of new characters I won't remember. I guess if there's no action, distract me by introducing a bunch of new people hoping I'll be confused to noticed nothing's going on besides WORDS.


My friend and I was smoking some dried Chet Riffo and he started telling me about these two women he met the that loved to compete even though they'd never win at anything and would always be really positive. He showed me a picture of them cheering on everyone and I could help but to notice their fortitude.

I've been watching too much Yakitate Japan lately ;_; and have found a real appreciation for really bad puns... aslo Chet Rippo is a well of inspiration!

Yakitate Japan is amazing.
the reactions especially. One of the funniest anime I have ever seen.
Also it is surprisingly informative about cooking/baking techniques.

"But what if we know best-girl will be much much happier if she stays far away from MC and not get infected with his particular brand of stupidity?"

Don't be silly, harem MCs are vehicles for the viewer. If best girl loses out, it's like being rejected/frienzoned.

Nah. Best girl is totally better off away from MC in the long run.
Tamako Market 2

Episode 2 continued to show that the anime is just boring. Honestly I dont understand why they cant present the material in a way that would keep me from going to my kindle and reading some yaoi or checking fanfics of other series. I only ever come back to watch when Mochizou is onscreen. When other characters or there, its just really hard to even care about the mundane tasks they are doing. The bird is annoying though gives some laughs and the bath meeting scene made me chuckle when the characters were nervous but that was it. Hopefully more Mochizou in the future.
Oh the video thing was nice with that random kid talking of stuff


Shakugan no Shana Final 07


In addition to bringing in new characters, why not bring in everyone who even had a passing appearance in the show. I'm sure they have more WORDS to share with us.

Only one manga-ka can make a show about words thats intriguing and its not this one.


Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monshou)

Episode 5


The episode did a pretty good job as far as conveying tension during the battle.

Well, for me the episode didn't have as interesting a start as it almost spends about the first quarter or so recapping the events which had let up to that point and all of which was from the episode just prior. Fortunately the big battle that's been hinted towards for the past episode or two was interesting to watch and see how it unfolded.

Using the small time skips showing the clock with the preparations I think sets a good atmosphere that there is indeed a battle about to happen. Once the battle does happen though it seems to suffer from many other space battles that have been mentioned, where things mostly seem to play out on a flat plane rather than a three dimensional space. In the latter part of the battle when the Gosroth is trying to avoid enemy fire it seems like the ships are firing from above and below but just the way the Gosroth was coming about to fire or the Humankind Alliance and their textbook maneuver of surrounding them was done in a two dimensional style leaving them an easy escape from above or below.

Despite the fact that it's in the genre of space opera I did like that their offensive weaponry wasn't just all lasers as usual but a mixture of things. The lasers were more support weapons while the main cannon was that of an electromagnetic accelerator or railgun type weapon. It also had the nice design of having a forward facing cannon (or cannons?) and a rear facing cannon(s). They had mines as well but instead of conventional explosives they had antimatter within them instead. It makes me wonder how
the one Humankind ship stopped it. Even just blasting it,with it containing antimatter that must of been one heck of an explosion of energy.
Some other type of gun was mentioned but I can't recall what it was. The fact that the safety envelope was more of a electromagnetic deflection or dampening bubble rather than just the generic "shields" was nice too.

The way the mines generated their own subspace fields then converged on the enemies I guess it does work that it's hard to tell location going from closed space to normal space, and vice verse, but one can tell going from closed space to closed space then maybe.

The way the lighting was changed to things being darker aboard the ship with the reddish tone was maybe more obvious as far as any kind of symbolism but it is really effective in helping with the atmosphere and highlighting the threat of death faced with the current situation. The shaking of the ship as it was under attack or every time they fired the main cannons added to that as well. Although given the ejection method of the projectiles, I'm not even really sure how much kickback or recoil an electromagnetically driven gun would even have. Oh well, as long as it suitably visually displays the destructive power, it's fine.


The revelation that Lafiel reveals about herself, further elaborating on the conversation from the third episode, maybe wasn't really all that surprising but it was still nice to get a definitive answer.

Regarding the end of the episode.
I'm still kind of depressed with the outcome. There are many flags, such as the knowledge of finding the two crew members who love each other and hope to make it through the battle, but I suppose I was hoping against hope anyway. Especially the way they dragged things out right to the bitter end. You certainly can't say they didn't go down without a fight. Although back in Episode 2, I believe Lafiel mentions that the Gosroth is the most advanced ship the Abh Empire has, which makes me wonder what they are left with.

That last shot with the beam piercing through the Gosroth I think will stick with me for a long time. It felt like a visual metaphor for my defeated thoughts at the time, with the Gosroth representing my heart almost, being cruelly pierced. The ship doesn't just explode and it doesn't wimper and limp on either but it's a snap shot,the exact moment you see things break and there's nothing you can do. Very powerful I thought before the explosion finally concludes it's fate. The way the plain text just so bluntly states it so matter of factly right afterwards just adds to the depressing loss. Lafiel's expression above I imagine mirrors my own at the time as I was watching it and my thoughts about it.

Despite those thoughts I'm still enjoying the show and now wonder in what territory it will venture into next.


Sorry to nitpick (since Lafiel isn't as big of a fan to know this :p) but its Seikai no Monshou with an 'i'. Without the 'i' it becomes Crest of the World.

Haha, no that's fine. Yeah I already knew that, it's just a typo on my end. Thanks for pointing that out.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 14

Exactly. I liked episode 13's outfits better
It seemed the only change, I noticed was their outfits and the opening scene with Kyon at home seemed different a bit
. Otherwise, deja vu, I wish they had given a hint, Ive been thinking all day about what in the world it could be, though to be rewarded with this episode was like a being bitten to death.
Hopefully Kyon thinks of something next episode to escape this loop and not be too comfortable with it
Shakugan no Shana Final 08

Hey, we got action! And WORDS while upside down, but there was action! Action from literally just introduced people but considering all the old people just talk and talk about their feelings and BLAH, why haven't they just dumped the old cast already?
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