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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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I can't tell if I'm feeling stupid generous today or not but...

Tamako Market 02 was the best episode of any show I have seen in the passed year. Everything about it was spectacular. The characters, the animation, the sound effects, everything. I loved every second of it, which is crazy considering how the first episode felt so mundane in comparison. The show could have ended right there and I'd be fine with that.

If the rest of the series is going to be of this quality then that's great, but I'll be amazed if they can top this one.

Its just KyoAni being KyoAni. Thats the amazing thing about it. This is just a run of the mill sort of show by that studio. This would be SPECTACULAR for just about any other studio.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Akane's going to die by the end of the series and I know exactly why.

Everybody sees that coming.

I never understood that 'trapped in a corner' meme.

Its really stupid and I don't recommend researching it on knowyourmemes because its one of the dumbest memes in existence.

Kotoura-san 02

THIS IS A 4-KOMA ROMANTIC LOVE COMEDY! (is what I keep telling myself.)

Don't remember the cat version of it though.

We are going to get Urobuchi'd aren't we?

Pickups for the month
(sorry for the crappy camera)

Sweet! So you were the one buying up MAyo Chiki!
Just kidding. I finally got it too. Gonna go pick up the package that was delivered at noon.
It should have Mayo Chiki, Is this a zombie?, Magical Index, and IdolM@ster Xenoglossia in it. Was also supposed to have the Hyrule Historia in there too but thats on backorder :(


You mean Stay Night bro?

yeah my bad.

Sweet! So you were the one buying up MAyo Chiki!
Just kidding. I finally got it too. Gonna go pick up the package that was delivered at noon.
It should have Mayo Chiki, Is this a zombie?, Magical Index, and IdolM@ster Xenoglossia in it. Was also supposed to have the Hyrule Historia in there too but thats on backorder :(

Is This a Zombie? is pretty hard to find on Amazon right now.
It's one of the young animator projects. Basically an oav.
Oh, that's pretty cool. I'm looking forward to it.
Samurai 7 Bluray- $24.99
Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone Bluray- $12.99
Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Bluray- $17.48
Mayo Chiki DVD- $19.99
Fate/Zero Bluray- $41.99
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl DVD/Blu-ray - $51.99
Yeah, that doesn't seem to bad at all.


Too amazing. The animation is not only smooth, it's interesting. Lots of arcs everywhere.

That's what happens when you give these guys such an enormous budget. I'm very hyped for this one, if it doesn't deliver I will lose all faith in Trigger forever.

This OP is so generic, and to top it off we even are treated to colour-coded magical girls.
Will still watch Vividred for the eventual action sakuga.


yeah my bad.

Is This a Zombie? is pretty hard to find on Amazon right now.

Is it? There's a copy just sitting unloved at F.Y.E. in the mall as I speak. Its ludicrously overpriced too! Then again, there's still a copy of Steins;Gate sitting there! Come on people of Lafayette, don't let me down!

Vividred Operation episode 2


That's some lofty praise right there. I'm afraid we need to see some proof of this.


I totally disagree with this interpretation. I think it is more likely that while Houtarou tries to be as good a person as he is, he simply does not like his sister much, and he has always felt that her presence overshadows his. So he tries not to recognize her existence.

Samurai 7 Bluray- $24.99
Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone Bluray- $12.99
Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Bluray- $17.48
Mayo Chiki DVD- $19.99
Fate/Stay Bluray- $41.99
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl DVD/Blu-ray - $51.99

Pretty good haul there. Forgot F/SN was getting a BD release here.



Wow, Himawari's running animation is ridiculous. The bad kind of ridiculous.

Not a great OP, really - I expected less stock footage and CG Akane, somehow.

Also...what's up with the second Zetsuen OP? I dropped the show ages ago but why does the show seem like some kind of romcom fantasy now instead of what it was in the first half? Is that what happens to the show? The OP tune is nice, and it's pretty well animated, but it's not what I was expecting from a second OP at all.


Kotoura-san 01

This show.
What a beginning. And what an end.
This is so sweet. I'm going to love this to death.


Tamako Market Episode 2


Tamako is such a great, endearing character. I quite like this shows character designs and Aya Suzaki, Tamako's seiyuu, does a really great job in helping to bring her character to life.

Unlike quite a few posting here I was entertained the whole episode and didn't find it boring in the least. I also don't have any problems with it seeming "overly happy", I think it's just fine the way it is. KyoAni does a great job at making Valentine's Day interesting I thought.

It's interesting when you look at this shot here and naturally on the surface all you see is mochi, as that's what it is and what the shop sells, but one could also interpret a sameness and uniformity to it. I think it's a nice little look at Tamako's father's personality and a hint at the other theme that pervades this episode, and seemingly the entire show as well, and that is the idea of traditionalism versus modernism.

It's nice that it's viewed upon in different layers as well. You have the two father figures, where one goes with what is current and the other which goes with what is tried and true. Then there's the contrast even within the same in group, that is Tamako's family, where you have Tamako who represents the younger generation willing to accept change and again her father, who doesn't want to risk his business on practices which are unproven and may turn into financial failures. One scene I liked was with the younger characters Tamako and Mochizo, where instead of using the more modern method of texting through their cellphones, instead they bring out the older cups on a string to communicate, which shows that even though they are willing to accept change and try new things they do still have this sense of nostalgia about them and keeping some past methods or ideas alive.


We need to Valentine this place up a little!

Even the market as a whole apparently seems this way where they initially didn't really have any celebrations in mind for Valentines but were willing to try the younger crowds ideas and celebrate. Subtly as part of the general chatter before the meeting you can hear two of them talking about a band and how some don't like their newer songs where others like both the new and old. Just another small way to sneak the general theme into the show. I also like that, by revisiting the different locations of the market, it really gives it more character and makes it seem more like a real place (even though it technically is already based on a real place I know).

It's interesting to see that, shown visually through Tamako's daily routine visits to the different store owners, they've become accustomed to the fact that the bird can talk. The fact that there has been just over a month time skip may have helped with that as well. Just like the characters in the story, I too found myself liking the bird much more this episode. Perhaps because he didn't have as much screen time or his interactions with the characters, he just came across as much more amusing and less intrusive or annoying. It's also interesting to note that
when the bird projects the other video everyone is initially surprised but that fact actually gets glossed over and seemingly accepted rather quickly as well.

Speaking of annoying, it was kind of amusing that even Tamako, with her polite and cheerful demeanor can get annoyed at her father being stuck in his old ways, the way she made a quick remark thinking he had left surprising everyone. Still somewhat played more for comedic laughs in the end though.

Naturally the other obvious theme of this episode is Valentine's and the idea of having feelings for someone. There were little hints to the different relations, such as the bird telling Mochizo to clean himself up a bit before the meeting or his gaze toward Tamako as he held his chocolate's at the end as she walked by the foreground. The other interesting bit was Midori seeming to have eye's for Tamako.

There were all kinds of hints , such as her reaction to Tamako touching her hair and the wording there. After her grandfather mentioned thinking everyone loves someone the camera focuses between her and Tamako while she now suddenly fidgets and has that distant star struck look in her eyes. The quick comments by the coffee shop owner and this shot here where you see two birds and the camera then pans down to Midori as she gets a call from Tamako. Kanna mentions you can love whoever you want where the camera goes into a first person POV of Midori looking at Tamako and even right at the end where Tamako mentions she simply gave her chocolate's to her father again(poor Midori and Mochizo) and the camera lingers on Midori to which she simply replies with a "sou ka?"

I like the way KyoAni seems to be displaying the relations so far with more maturity and class in the show and it's not just silly harem hijinks, as we have a lot of those already.


While maybe on the whole Tamako Market doesn't look as good as Hyouka, it certainly does have it's moments of coming close with it's high quality and detailed backgrounds.

It seems someone's else's heart finally melted as shown in this shot here, which is in contrast to the shot from earlier in my writeup.

All in all I really liked this episode in pretty much every way and would have to say Tamako Market is my favorite of the new anime airing this season along with Shin Sekai Yori and Smile PreCure! for anime that I'm following that's carrying over from last season.

Sorry for the long writeup. Thanks to those for reading as always.


spice and wolf novels.jpg

It's like my very own Season 3!!!
Comrade! Although it really needs the manga volumes alongside them...

Speaking of anime related goods, my 4 Kozue Amano artbooks finally turned up. Glorious Aria images ahoy.

The closest thing we have to a third season is Maoyu. They even have the exact same VAs for the main characters. Biggest cocktease ever.
You never know; Maoyuu could have the impact of fans saying "This is good but Spice and Wolf 3 would be better" and the studio actually listening!

I'm in denial. Although considering I wait in vain hope for the merest whiff of even a few more eps of Mushishi says a lot about me.

The only Omigawa role, outside of AO which is a show I refuse to acknowledge now, is Phi from VLR. I really like her in that role. I can see how she wouldn't work for a lot of things, but she did a good job there.
Isn't that largely due to her being fairly mellow throughout? There's not often many points where she's compelled into reaching the voice-creaking banshee stage.
Zetsuen no Tempest 14

So new OP is good. Definitely like what they are showing is going to happen.

Pretty much the same as the manga at this point, which is whatever. They are just moving along. I do now what to see what's hinted in the OP.


Maturity, bitches.
Psycho Pass - 13

Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. Revelation.

And nice writeup Nafe. Didn't really appreciate the themes of old vs news so it was an interesting read. Thanks.
Dropped Fujiko? Good.

Dropped Jinrui? Bad! Pick it back up again! (or jump to episode 9 and take it from there)

I found Jinrui to be pretty boring despite how off-the-wall each of the first few episodes were. I didn't care about anything that was happening nor did I have any interest. It just felt really hollow. Never really saw what others seemed to really enjoy about it. Is it any different at episode 9 and on?

If only I could remember other shows that I tried and dropped so I could add them to my small list. I know there were plenty since I've been following the seasons for at least a year now.


Maturity, bitches.
Kotoura-san 01

This show.
What a beginning. And what an end.
This is so sweet. I'm going to love this to death.

I just watched this as well. People weren't kidding about the beginning. We'll see if it managed to stay as strong as the first episode or if it sways too far the other way into silly hijinx territory. And when the preview said the people on the other side of the TV were having perverted thoughts, I was like "hey, how did you know I'm about to watch Psycho Pass?".


You need to listen in Spanish, then. The conjecture has yet to be proven, but there's still hope...
I'm now torn; part of me is happy there's still a vague possibility and the other part of me worries that it might end up looking terrible when it's made. Maybe what I really want is Blu-Rays of the original that aren't allegedly terrible.

Although, if that does happen it can join the rank of Darker than Black and Gunslinger Girl enthusiasts in denying any and all other works.


I just watched this as well. People weren't kidding about the beginning. We'll see if it managed to stay as strong as the first episode or if it sways too far the other way into silly hijinx territory. And when the preview said the people on the other side of the TV were having perverted thoughts, I was like "hey, how did you know I'm about to watch Psycho Pass?".

I think this might be my dark horse favorite anime of the season.
I want to hug Haruka so tightly ;_;


That's some lofty praise right there. I'm afraid we need to see some proof of this.

It does something I've longed to see in anime.
Magical girls kissing each other to power up. And Akane was WILLING to let Aoi kiss her ON THE LIPS! Instead we get a hot couple of forehead kisses.
My initial statement is hyperbolic, I know, but this anime is fanboy's dream come true.


Also...what's up with the second Zetsuen OP? I dropped the show ages ago but why does the show seem like some kind of romcom fantasy now instead of what it was in the first half? Is that what happens to the show? The OP tune is nice, and it's pretty well animated, but it's not what I was expecting from a second OP at all.
Huh, it really does look like a romcom. lol

After the excellent first opening, this is a big letdown, though. Kinda like the show itself.
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