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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Sasami-san@Ganbaranai 04


Watch Sasami do this. Watch Sasami do that. Watch as religion and science clash in one crack crazy moment.


[JoJo] - 17



This...this is entertainment. This is the show of the year etc! I can't really say anything about what happened this episode because it would all be spoilerz.

Also, that next episode preview.

Why am I the only one posting impressions? C'mom people, stop sleeping.


something something heart-pounding excitement according to Toei or whatever.

I just question that it's going to be the right kind of heart-pounding.


They're staring. They're staring into every nook and cranny of my being. Don't excite my soul any further than this.


I haven't posted in this thread for a while, I just can't keep up with you guys. I've been keeping up with Haganai NEXT (watched ep4 today) but I haven't got around to starting any other of this season's anime yet.

May as well share my thoughts on Haganai NEXT ep4:

Haganai NEXT - 4

Overall this episode was quite entertaining with plenty of humour and some decent story advancement, which is particularly nice to see considering the previous episode was incredibly lacking in story development and felt rather redundant in that sense.

Kodaka's inability to realise he already has friends irritated me in this episode and maybe I'm just tiring of the cliche character that I see so often in anime but Kodaka refusing to get close to any of the girls around him...It's frustrating to watch. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the show and its characters, mainly for the humour, but I'm hoping to see Kodaka get closer to Sena and/or Yozura soon; considering what Kodaka's father (and Pegasus) was saying at the beginning of the episode it seems like something may be happening soon.




I haven't posted in this thread for a while, I just can't keep up with you guys. I've been keeping up with Haganai NEXT (watched ep4 today) but I haven't got around to starting any other of this season's anime yet.

May as well share my thoughts on Haganai NEXT ep4:

Haganai NEXT - 4

Overall this episode was quite entertaining with plenty of humour and some decent story advancement, which is particularly nice to see considering the previous episode was incredibly lacking in story development and felt rather redundant in that sense.

Kodaka's inability to realise he already has friends irritated me in this episode and maybe I'm just tiring of the cliche character that I see so often in anime but Kodaka refusing to get close to any of the girls around him...It's frustrating to watch. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the show and its characters, mainly for the humour, but I'm hoping to see Kodaka get closer to Sena and/or Yozura soon; considering what Kodaka's father (and Pegasus) was saying at the beginning of the episode it seems like something may be happening soon.



Is that really what the characters in Haganai talk like?


By the way, this question is kind of random and the result of some Wikipedia chain-linking after I went to confirm who Maria's VA was, but anyway:

Did we ever find out what they did with "maru" in the Rinne no Lagrange dub? It's been airing for a few weeks now on Neon Alley.


Gawddamn so much LUST all over SSY 08. Intense tongue action took me off guard.

Poor Mamoru. He learned the hard way that a picture doesn't actually mean a thousand words. Speak up or you'll be forever friendzoned!

PS i'm kinda very high at the moment, so I might say some really dumb shit. Ignore me.


By the way, this question is kind of random and the result of some Wikipedia chain-linking after I went to confirm who Maria's VA was, but anyway:

Did we ever find out what they did with "maru" in the Rinne no Lagrange dub? It's been airing for a few weeks now on Neon Alley.
I can't find anything but I'd laugh if they straight up dub it as "circle".

welp, i knew i forgot about someone


From the New World - Episode 18

Finally, an action/effects heavy episode of the show without terrible action direction and amateur CG effects. I'm glad they realized how bad the stuff in ep5 was, and made call to Mr Arasan (Jun Arai). Lol. I think there are some nice parallels in this episode
with the same action sequence Arasan did for the start of ep3. Both scenes feature desperate non-psychic users attempting to mount a rebellion and assassination attempt on someone who has great psychic powers. Of course the outcome here is different, but it was a great choice to get the same guy to animate both scenes for the contrast.

Looks like shit is really hitting the fan now. This final arc should be pretty fun. :D

More spoiler discussion (sorry Branduil but the OT got infected):

- I wonder if there's any actual significance to the woman figure seen as the guy dies in this episode. It seems like the same woman who was seen when the other dude wiped out all the queerats with the special attack back in ep4, and the same woman who is seen with a child when the Library monster was destroyed? Also, I wonder if everyone can see her, or if it's just Saki. In all the instances, it seems the anime focuses only on Saki's reaction to it.

- When Tomiko went into I'll-fucking-kill-him mode regarding Yakomaru, I think everyone was probably like "FUCK YEAH!" lol. I hope that fucker dies horribly too.


Congratulations you've made it to grandline and past the weakest filler arc of one piece which isn't really bad just not up to what you expect from one piece even among filler.

Apis arc is the least liked one piece filler arc of them all and apis being the most hated op character of them all.

I've sort of been looking forward to the Grand Line stuff. The movies gave me a taste of the crazy and the tv series has been mostly manageable stuff for the crew but with tastes of just how crazy it could be given people like Mihawk or the idea the majority of the marines have their hands full in one little strip of the world.


More on From the New World 18

That was certainly a remarkable episode. If anyone was still hoping for a
reunion of the four remaining friends
this certainly seems to put an end to that. They did some interesting things with the direction of this episode, especially early on with the non-linear editing. I found it to be pretty effective. The dreaminess of the festival certainly served as an effective backdrop for
Saki's visions.

I must admit I wasn't expecting
the queerats to attack quite like that, and so openly
, but it made a lot of sense. This quite obviously was
not their main force; it seemed more like an initial sneak attack to gauge the readiness of Kamisu 66, and boy do they not look prepared for this at all
. One thing this episode made obvious is the village is relying dangerously much on the competence of a small handful of individuals. While this does provide us with
one of the most badass moments to date in the series, if any more of those individuals die they're going to be in a world of hurt

I think we've been given enough information at this point to have a good idea of what's going on.
This episode makes it clear that Maria and Mamoru are dead, the queerats have mutated soldiers for specific purposes, and that a human is aiding the queerats. All this, along with the preview, and Saki's vision in the previous arc, point to the queerats having Maria and Mamoru's child. The implications for this are huge, since it means he won't be subject to Kamisu's brainwashing and may be able to kill humans freely. And the weakness of everyone in the village is that they have NO WAY to attack him.


From the New World - Episode 18

Finally, an action/effects heavy episode of the show without terrible action direction and amateur CG effects. I'm glad they realized how bad the stuff in ep5 was, and made call to Mr Arasan (Jun Arai). Lol. I think there are some nice parallels in this episode
with the same action sequence Arasan did for the start of ep3. Both scenes feature desperate non-psychic users attempting to mount a rebellion and assassination attempt on someone who has great psychic powers. Of course the outcome here is different, but it was a great choice to get the same guy to animate both scenes for the contrast.

I didn't think of that, but it's a good point. Mainly what I noticed was how much more effective the storyboarding and direction for these scenes were compared to similar ones earlier in the series. It was chaotic and confusing in way that made sense, and fit with what the characters were experiencing.

- I wonder if there's any actual significance to the woman figure seen as the guy dies in this episode. It seems like the same woman who was seen when the other dude wiped out all the queerats with the special attack back in ep4, and the same woman who is seen with a child when the Library monster was destroyed? Also, I wonder if everyone can see her, or if it's just Saki. In all the instances, it seems the anime focuses only on Saki's reaction to it.

I must admit I'm at a loss to explain any of those scenes, LOL.

- When Tomiko went into I'll-fucking-kill-him mode regarding Yakomaru, I think everyone was probably like "FUCK YEAH!" lol. I hope that fucker dies horribly too.

Dude is just a freedom fighter waging a war for democracy and survival against the collectivist hegemony.


Candy Boy 1

I...I like this.

Don't judge me, dammit.
It's pretty neat. I would have bought it except I was annoyed with them for releasing it DVD-only.

This. Maria is only a young loli-nun who is obsessed with poop, Kobato who is around the same age is more mature although her obsession is with an anime which she cosplays constantly.
Maria's 10, Kobato's 13 (14? I know she turns 14 in the novels but not sure when that is).

Neo C.

Gintama 59

All these sudden revelations making me feel all :kayos. Really liked that ending too.
Spitting contest was gross though.

After this arc, you should watch the movie. They proudly reuse old stuffs while adding new ones into it.


Sasami@Unmotivated 4


This whole series feels like someone's just throwing shit at a wall and going with whatever works as that's really the only way I can see this series being written. It's just too insane and out there not to be.


Sasami@Unmotivated 4


This whole series feels like someone just throwing shit at a wall and going with whatever works as that's really the only way I can see this series being written. It's just too insane and out there not to be.

Sometimes thats a pretty good thing though.


Gintama 3

Would have made the episode much better. I dont know, falling into how must long anime have really dull first arcs cause character introduction and backstory have to be introduced so it makes it a bit more. Nonhuman character designs for antagonists didnt help. OP and ED are kind of catchy.

An episode a day to get through the intro episodes is all you need. You can do it!

Funny, when the opportunity came for Gintoki to learn a special attack he lazily turned it down. ;p

After this arc, you should watch the movie. They proudly reuse old stuffs while adding new ones into it.

Someday I want to watch the movie. At the moment my money is better spent elsewhere.


[From the New World] - 18

I think this show has some of the best 'next episode previews' around. You can never tell what's going on in them but you can garner just enough information to know what might be happening. So good.


Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 9-12

It's over!
I was slowly dying on the inside as Kyouko's plan to appeal to Sayaka's witch form fell through. Even more so as Homura constantly struggled to free Madoka from becoming a witch. Of course Madoka would show up just in time to save Homura. :3

ULTRA HYPE when Madoka decided the laws of the universe sucked, SO JUST REWRITE THEM. BAM. Thank you based Madoka. Such an adorable, caring deity.

It's impossible to share any good caps so time for IRRELEVANT FANART. <3
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