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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Soul Eater 42


The fight against Madness begins.


Law of Ninjutsu applied to mecha, obviously. The more robots around = the less effectiveness in battle.
Good enough for me!

Super Prototype thing too. I think one of the science lessons talks about it some.
But then, they built
like a ton of super-excelions
I don't think I'll dwell on this much.

Gunbuster 06 (END)
No screens for this one as there are too many spoilers. Which is a shame because it looks awesome! OMG! I tried to calm down a bit before I posted about it but wow. That ending
holy 12,000 years timeskip batman
I will be honest, the music at the end as well as the combination of everything happening
and that welcome back message
got me. Fuck, this episode was great. Somewhat bitter-sweet but soooooooo good.

I liked this series even more than I thought I would and with the impressions here expectations were quite high. Definitelly among the best things Anno has made though, that is kind of a moot point to make seeing as, with respect to the stuff he's directed it's not that many that are in the running. Definitely recommended for anyone to watch this.


Yuru Yuri ♪♪ 2-3

Not as funny as ep 1, but still better than most of S1. The overall production quality has noticeably improved as well.
I await what Akari's insane sister will bring to the show...


I was reading one of those phat bloody fantasy books last night and one of the men was called Akarin. He was blind so it was like the world was invisible to him. I giggled and moved on.
OreShura 5


Getting yourself sick just for this? So lewd.

This episode was just dull. At least the other episodes made me second hand embarrassed, but nothing in this show is grabbing me at all anymore. Maybe black haired chuuni will bring something to the table starting next week.
OreShura 5

This episode was just dull. At least the other episodes made me second hand embarrassed, but nothing in this show is grabbing me at all anymore. Maybe black haired chuuni will bring something to the table starting next week.

Or we can put all our hopes on that red hair girl that's due to appear next week as well!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Precure/Puchimas/Gunbuster 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!
Gunbuster 06 (END)

I liked this series even more than I thought I would and with the impressions here expectations were quite high. Definitelly among the best things Anno has made though, that is kind of a moot point to make seeing as, with respect to the stuff he's directed it's not that many that are in the running. Definitely recommended for anyone to watch this.
What, was nobody eager to watch his Cutie Honey live action film?

Thing is, he could probably live the rest of life from the Eva royalties and he'd be okay with that. Well, maybe with one or two Nissan ads on the side...


Maturity, bitches.
The funny part is that they have parodied themselves by showing how they use this and other tracks all the time. lol
I must have forgotten that episode. Got a number? I don't mind the usage of it since it's one of my favourite melodies from the show. It would be like complaining about the use of Waltz for Zizi in Cowboy Bebop.

It was pretty hard, but I really shouldn't be watching that arc right now and 142 ending a fight that was going on so I stopped. Always liked Gintama but the amount of episodes is daunting, but knowing it gets this good does help.
I'm pretty sure I wasn't even aware of the episode count when I started. I just saw a series of screenshots depicting a joke from the show and thought it looked like a show I could enjoy (my knowledge back then was very lacking and I was just picking up things I saw other people talk about). Of course this episode would end up being rather far in the show (167) so I just kept on watching and enjoying without regard of how episodes it would take.

Whatever do you mean??
He's talking about those who are still planning doujins, not those who have already written one.

We should do it for shiggles, but I guess we are all lazy fucks. lol
Well my mic is crap (built in Macbook one) so I'd have to pass until I have enough incentive to buy a decent one that doesn't make me sound shit.

That's the inferior international Milky Way, though.
So your Milky Way is our Mars Bar. That would explain the reason for compering it with Snickers.

But mixing lots of paint will leave you with a hidious brown, not black.

I couldn't watch pretty much any animu for two weeks, behind everything :( fml
And I thought being two day and ten pages behind was bad.

Lastly on the other commercial, I hope we do ever get to see that Josuke (I think thats his name they keep showing his figure every week) animated, looks kind of cool at least, looking around.
He's got a nice hairdo.

It's great. It's also loud, so it works as an alarm... and of course, no one else has it. lol
Mine is READY (karaoke) from iDOLM@STER for similar reasons.


Most anime would benefit from having people being shot in the dick. It's always appropriate.
Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe

Most anime would benefit from having a British bloke making cynical comments about the week's events. It's always appropriate.

Even the OP!
It's only the ED that doesn't spoil anything because it only reveals characters after they've appeared in the show.


Shin Seikai Yori #18 - It feels like the entire series up to this point has been building up to where we are at now. And it's so damn satisfying to see play out wow. Also it definitely feels like
squealer killed maria and mamoru so he could raise their child as a queerat. Because the child in question is definitely the caucus user the queerats are using for their own ends

Something about that scenario feels a bit off.
Unless I'm missing something they had the DNA and other confirmation (teeth etc) at the right age and height etc. Plus with Squealer reassuring Saki and Satouru that they'd have the bones ready indicated to me that Mamorou and Maria were already killed at that point. Of course, the zombification that the Queerrats did to their queen, does open the possibility that there is a way for them to manufacture an offspring through other means.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 7

In some incredibly weird way, Jury (the subs say Jury: it's probably supposed to be "Juri", but it says Jury, so that's what I'm calling her) has one of the more...normal reactions to relationships in this show. Though smacking Anthy was uncalled for, but I vaguely remember that kind of flower she tried to give her was connected to that guy she liked. I don't remember exactly what though. I just remember making the connection. Maybe I'm dumb.

Jury used to like this guy who fenced with her...maybe a year prior or so? She looked mostly the same. But this other girl who was her friend also loved him and she took him away using dirty tactics (a.k.a. telling him that Jury loved somebody else). This girl told Jury something about miracles before. And Jury started to hate her and believe that miracles and sentimentality are total bullshit. So she challenges Utena to a duel to show her firsthand. But she loses. Because of a miracle.

I guess I said what I said at first because it seems kinda understandable that she'd thoroughly reject something that did something like that to her. What's weird then is how she's on the SC and taling about the power to bring the world revolution and the "End of the World", when these sorts of things would seem to be strongly against the philosophy she has adopted (or at least tells herself she's adopted).


Setec Astronomer
Revolutionary Girl Utena 7

In some incredibly weird way, Jury (the subs say Jury: it's probably supposed to be "Juri", but it says Jury, so that's what I'm calling her) has one of the more...normal reactions to relationships in this show. Though smacking Anthy was uncalled for, but I vaguely remember that kind of flower she tried to give her was connected to that guy she liked. I don't remember exactly what though. I just remember making the connection. Maybe I'm dumb.

Jury used to like this guy ...
Watch that episode again. Utena is a show where you need to pick up on details like this.


This week in Anime Podcasts that didn't come out this week:

Anime World Order episode 111:
In this episode Daryl gives a 'fair and balanced' review of the recent series Kids on the Slope. I say 'fair and balanced' because Daryl has gone on record and explaining that he doesn't understand what 'love' or 'coming of age' is. Still, between Daryl, Gerald and Clarissa you get a fairly well balanced spectrum of opinions concerning the series. If you're on the fence about watching the show this would probably be a rather helpful show to listen in on.

Dynamite in the Brain episode 76: In this episode the usual crew plus Niall Flanagan and Dwayne Moloney review the 'Phantom Blood' arc of Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure. They don't really have anything particularly insightful to say about the series but the section at the end of the podcast where Brian unleashed his quiz was excellent. For those who don't listen to the podcast, which I assume is, er, everyone, from time to time Brian will come up with some humorous quiz to test his fellow hosts with. Usually these are fairly creative but something about this weeks quiz really tickled me. It was called JoJo vs No No and I won't explain what the hell it involves because that would ruin the fun for anyone who decided to listen to the episode.

Now, in general, I prefer to listen to podcasts which cover material that hasn't already received a great deal of coverage elsewhere but sometimes there's just nothing else to listen to. And no, I haven't listened to the ANNCast because I'd rather stick a bamboo shoot through my eardrum.
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