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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Doki Doki Precure - 1

I am exactly as excited as the title indicates. This episode was astoundingly amazing. Tenouttaten. Incoming wall of text, a memo of my reactions in real-time.

- BLADE. That
scene was hardcore for a precure series!

- OP isn't the worst, but not very great either.

- The designs all look way better in motion than they did on paper. Decade, Blade, and Blue are all awesome in both civilian clothes and while transformed. Orange is still kinda hideous in both. To make up for it, they gave her a badass butler. I hope he gets his own episodes like Kaworu did in Fresh.

- If I had to pick, it's Fresh 2.0, but with elements of others as well - mostly Heartcatch, but also plenty of Kamen Rider (as if the designs weren't enough).

- Decade is a Pink, and she's not annoying or dumb. Yes. She is actually competent. Amazing.


- Decade did accept a gift from a strange man though. Precures kind of do this a lot, what a terrible example. He even called her
"my sweetheart"
. That guy is definitely suspicious and would probably be a villain in Kamen Rider, but since this is Precure, he's probably a fairy or something.

- Fairies are medium-okay. Way better than Candy / Hummy, but worse than Coppe / Cologne / Tarte, of course.

- Villains seem great. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the older man in action. The other two appear in this episode.

- I'm extremely glad that they've gone with the Kamen Rider / Heartcatch style of making monsters of the week out of people instead of the usual Precure style of random objects.


Blade saves the day. And here I was worried she wouldn't join the team until midseason.

- Transormation scene was also great. It uses the Fresh-style censorship, my personal favourite, with her body except head in colorful silhouette.

- The episode ends
without the conflict resolved
- I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but it would be GREAT if this indicated
a shift towards the Kamen Rider style of two-episode miniarcs.
Optimism is cautious after Heartcatch and Suite.

- Ending song and dance was pretty good. A lot better than Smile ED2, up there with Fresh ED2 and Smile ED1.

- Initial rankings are Decade = Blade > Blue >>> Orange.

- In terms of the literal "doki-doki", it seems the setup this time is a harem of Decade x Everyone.

- Next-episode catchphrase is "Muneno kyun-kyun, tomaranaiyo!"

...My heart is ready. Is it next week yet? Augh.
Omg this hype don't do this to me


Perhaps in a thematic sense, but there's no sign that it's going to have the same energy or chemistry.

It's definitely not as well-directed or stylish (hard feat, to be honest). However, the narrative structure and hooks are the same. I don't think they would repeat the
Precure being defeated intro scene without being directly inspired by Heartcatch.


Taking a long voluntary break from gaf, not perma'd. He posted a goodbye a few weeks back.

Yeah I remember now. something about not being able to afford to keep posting here. I'm guessing schooling was getting interfered with. Wish I had that conviction. I'd probably be a lot better off than I am now.


The Light of El Cantare
and it didn't seem like there was going to be one girl that was always less interesting than the others like Reika was.

Alice, dude. She checked off about ten oujosama stereotypes in about ten seconds of screen time so I expect bad things.

Music was... eh. The daily life type tracks weren't really any different to Takanashi's stuff, and his weren't especially amazing to begin with, but nothing else stood out either. Henshin music was okay I think, but I've forgotten it already.

Takaki has talent, but it seems to really vary by series with him. Tytania, Beet the Vandel Buster, and Iriya no Sora all have consistently good OSTs, but then you have stuff like Kaiden Restaurant that is uneven to underwhelming. Either it's a budget (and therefore probably time) issue, or he's the type that has to be inspired by the material he's working with, or he's under constraint because he's also doing Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman this season, but what I heard in this episode is under what he's capable of.

I guess we'll never have another Satou Naoki again.

The idea of the Jikochuus reminded me of Heartcatch a bit, which would be great if not for the fact they're completely missing the character development angle that Heartcatch had.
Animation wasn't especially great. It's not terrible or anything but I did hope for a bit more, especially considering it's the first episode.

Yeah, I think we're looking at watered-down Desertrians for this season.

So yeah, it didn't exactly blow me away as a first episode but I'm interested enough to watch more. Judging after one episode doesn't really feel fair anyway, and of all the Precures I've seen I've ended up really enjoying them all, so there's no reason to believe this'll be any different. After Smile I'm up for a slightly more serious slightly more plot-oriented series, and this seems like that's what it'll be.

Heartcatch proved that you can have the best of both worlds, so I don't necessarily think that we only ever have to hope for "fun Precures" and "plot Precures". Of course, I'm going to avoid making that sort of judgment call on Dokidoki for a few episodes until the cast is assembled and we have some kind of idea whether or not the character action is the primary source of entertainment or just a vehicle for resolving a weekly problem.

It's definitely not as well-directed or stylish (hard feat, to be honest). However, the narrative structure and hooks are the same. I don't think they would repeat the
Precure being defeated intro scene without being directly inspired by Heartcatch.

Oh, sure, Sword is essentially Moonlight Jr., but I'm hesitant to make even structural Heartcatch comparisons unless there ends up being more substance to the Jikochu creations. Until then, I just see piecemeal borrowing from past iterations like I see in any new installment in the franchise.


K-ON! 12

Based Mugi

Azunyan felt like a real character when
she said they should just cancel rather than perform a member short. It was a sort of culmination of her finally becoming part of the group rather than just looking for a band.
Focused Yui was a nice touch too. I guess that's been hinted at and building up towards as well. Good conclusion.

I don't get what's so polarizing about this show outside of the "don't like what I don't like" argument. It's about inoffensive as it can be but well made. Will check out K-ON!! down the road given what I've read in here about increased production values. (and maybe for Mugi & Yui)


I think every visual aspect of magi is not good in the ballad arc.
i forgave the poor start because they were supposed to "save up" for the ballad arc ... yet we received this...

Ballad was such a nice arc ..it's like the production values aren't there .. or is all the visual correction for the blu-ray version ? (lol )

I don't think it's the visuals(even if it looked good I don't think the anime would be good)I think the anime team though or wanted magi to be one of those trashy moe anime's like accel world or even idolemaster, that's the only thing that explains the terrible voice cast choices of random near uguu~ va's and that generic highschool kid voices.


Heartcatch proved that you can have the best of both worlds, so I don't necessarily think that we only ever have to hope for "fun Precures" and "plot Precures". Of course, I'm going to avoid making that sort of judgment call on Dokidoki for a few episodes until the cast is assembled and we have some kind of idea whether or not the character action is the primary source of entertainment or just a vehicle for resolving a weekly problem.
Heartcatch was definitely the best of both worlds, but hoping for another Heartcatch just seems to be asking for disappointment. If they pulled off both I'd be really happy though, and it is definitely dosable, but as it is I'm just expecting this to be a bit more plot focused but a bit less fun as a result.

Would love another Naoki one day though, but for now I just hope the rest of the soundtrack is better than what was in this week's episode.


K-ON! 12

I don't get what's so polarizing about this show outside of the "don't like what I don't like" argument. It's about inoffensive as it can be but well made.

I've wondered about this myself. As I watched, I found myself asking, much like you, "Why is this show so hated by many?" I suppose that Chet's...generous use of K-ON! gifs could rub some members the wrong way, but it seems strange to hate something because of that.

I will say that I could see Sawako rubbing some people the wrong way. Specifically, there was a scene in the second training camp where
she tries to grope Mio's breasts.
I admit that made me feel pretty uncomfortable because she's a teacher and in a position of authority and power, and doing something like that is, frankly, outright wrong. But she's the only example of why this show would elicit such a reaction, and frankly I'm not sure most of the vocal haters even know she exists.


Regarding the K-On hate, the only explanation I could come up with was that people don't hate K-On for its content, but for what it represents to them.


I've wondered about this myself. As I watched, I found myself asking, much like you, "Why is this show so hated by many?" I suppose that Chet's...generous use of K-ON! gifs could rub some members the wrong way, but it seems strange to hate something because of that.

I will say that I could see Sawako rubbing some people the wrong way. Specifically, there was a scene in the second training camp where
she tries to grope Mio's breasts.
I admit that made me feel pretty uncomfortable because she's a teacher and in a position of authority and power, and doing something like that is, frankly, outright wrong. But she's the only example of why this show would elicit such a reaction, and frankly I'm not sure most of the vocal haters even know she exists.

K-On is even approved by stodgy buzzards like Pizzaroll. Its clearly a good show.
I think some people hate it because its the most famous and visible depiction of moe, and of all the things regressed anime fans hate about the current state of anime.


I've wondered about this myself. As I watched, I found myself asking, much like you, "Why is this show so hated by many?" I suppose that Chet's...generous use of K-ON! gifs could rub some members the wrong way, but it seems strange to hate something because of that.

I will say that I could see Sawako rubbing some people the wrong way. Specifically, there was a scene in the second training camp where
she tries to grope Mio's breasts.
I admit that made me feel pretty uncomfortable because she's a teacher and in a position of authority and power, and doing something like that is, frankly, outright wrong. But she's the only example of why this show would elicit such a reaction, and frankly I'm not sure most of the vocal haters even know she exists.

Oh the hate definitely exists outside of GAF. I think knowing Sawako's age might help too as she's sort of this ascended manchild of the group rather than any sort of real teacher. She struck me as pretty young and not too far off from their age (~5 years).


Robotics;Notes 15


Back to boring.

Magi 16

And this show has officially crossed the border into hatewatch territory. What a turd. Both protagonists are insufferable beyond reason. The villain who keeps throwing line after line of exposition just won't shut the hell up. Every single important event happens for either completely stupid reasons or due to deus ex machina. The sound direction is a complete joke. The visuals are pure shit (what the hell is this, and why can't they decide how Alibaba's djinn equip looks like?).

So Alibaba's sword gets smashed, like this:

In the following two minutes, the same sword is portrayed, in order: broken in a completely different way; with a little dent/completely fixed; back to broken in half; completely fixed; and finally broken like this again.

This is not nitpicking. This shit happens in the span of two minutes. The animators and the director are basically screaming at the viewers, "Hey, look how fucking incompetent we are!"

And to think this was the arc everyone was hyping up.

c'mon, magi is the best shonen anime of 2012.


Oh the hate definitely exists outside of GAF. I think knowing Sawako's age might help too as she's sort of this ascended manchild of the group rather than any sort of real teacher. She struck me as pretty young and not too far off from their age (~5 years).

What does "real teacher" even mean, though? Hell, by their senior year she's their homeroom teacher.


What does "real teacher" even mean, though? Hell, by their senior year she's their homeroom teacher.

More or less someone taking the role seriously and acting grown up, I guess. It's like she's new to teaching and falls back into hanging with the light music club as that was her previous comfort zone.


More or less someone taking the role seriously and acting grown up, I guess. It's like she's new to teaching and falls back into hanging with the light music club as that was her previous comfort zone.

Fair enough. But I still think that scene crossed the line.

For the record, I love Sawako when they put her in the right situation (you'll see PLENTY of those in K-ON!!)


Strike Witches 2 ep1-7

So far this has pretty much been more of the same as season 1. Which is exactly what I wanted. Sakamoto's new voice actor does a good job in the normal talking bits but the laugh just isn't as good. This season is more in your face with the fanservice, like the broom training episode and the fantastic episode 7. I would have already powered through this but other stuff got in the way, thankfully I have more freetime now so I'll finish this soon.
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