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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 17

I totally forgot
they interrupted a training arc for this.
Back then (and now too kind of), that was damn unpredictable.

Anyway, amazing episode as usual.
K-ON! 10

lol'd hard at Ritsu giving Azunyan a thumbs up for fucking with Mio. lol'd just as hard at Yui & Ritsu washing ashore
Yeah, I love this episode, though probably not as much as the first beach episode.
K-ON! 11

Jealouly can be so ugly. It's weird how Azunyan has sort of become a POV character.

Ritsu & Mio fighting reminded me of Chet & Kandrick briefly bickering in here. :'(
One of my all time favorite episodes. Really shows why Ritsu and Mio are friends in the first place.
I don't understand why a show like Tamako market bombs in the first place.
So far it feels like it's just trying to ride on K-ON!'s coattails. The characters aren't all that interesting so far.
I find Tamako more pandering than Chuu2. Then again... that's just me.
That's just because Chu-2 pandered to your tastes more.
K-ON! 12

Azunyan felt like a real character when
she said they should just cancel rather than perform a member short. It was a sort of culmination of her finally becoming part of the group rather than just looking for a band.
Focused Yui was a nice touch too. I guess that's been hinted at and building up towards as well. Good conclusion.

I don't get what's so polarizing about this show outside of the "don't like what I don't like" argument. It's about inoffensive as it can be but well made. Will check out K-ON!! down the road given what I've read in here about increased production values. (and maybe for Mugi & Yui)
I'm glad you liked the show. The thing about season 2 isn't that it's got better animation, but it's also better as a whole. The ending is fantastic too. Season 1's ending is great too, pretty funny too given how this part in the story is handled in the manga.

K-ON! 13

Guess this is the OVA ep. I, uh, didn't think this could possibly could get any more slice-of-life. It's not a bad thing though, probably the most grounded of the eps given the circumstances each face.
It's not an OVA, it's just an episode that takes place after the ending. lol Season 2 also does this. I guess to just emphasize the slice of life nature of the show.
K-On!: Live House!

This is sort of a nice complement to the thirteenth ep given that one focused almost entirely on their individual lives and this one is almost entirely on the band and time spent together.

You will probably love the Sawako focused episode in Season 2 then.


It's not an OVA, it's just an episode that takes place after the ending. lol Season 2 also does this. I guess to just emphasize the slice of life nature of the show.

It wasn't?! Aww, that was my bad then. I didn't finish K-On while it was airing, so when I finished it I assumed that was an OVA. Sorry Narag. :(
AKB0048 Next Stage 5 (18)

Oh sure, let's make the ugly guy a Makoto fan, why don't we >_>
Well, she still got a badass moment there, so I guess it balances out in the end.

To be fair,
he's probably one of the most competent/mature/useful single fans in the show to date
Gundam AGE Episode 35 or "Asuno Family Values"

"Your father died" "That man is not your father" "He is no longer a part of the Asuno family".

If anyone was saying Flit had even a slither of humanity left in him can basically chuck that out the window as of this episode because now he's disowning his own family members if they go against him!

1/3 of the episode was about that. The second third was about the 'cursed treasure' that 'Captain Ash' gave information on. Turns out it's pretty important and they've got to find it soonish. The last third was Vegan pincer move on the Diva + Kio vs Zeheart.

Next Episode:
Someone steals the Gundam.
So basically Hino is effing clueless to the fact that in one fell swoop he made his story's hero the greatest villain in the entire Gundam series?


i should have watched AGE with your mindset because if i think of him as a vilain , it's seems it's more enjoyable ....

... or not .



Where the hell is my spanking scene ?


NO ! Punishment time !


It's more like they don't even know it exists.

More people have probably seen the OVA than the TV series to be honest. The figure line is incredibly popular, especially online, and they were practically giving the DVDs away with every figure back in the day. The DVD/BD release was really cheap too, and it came with English subtitles as well.

It's just that the association with it being spawned from Pixiv fanart and otaku models basically gave people the impression that the OVA was just another of those fanservice otaku bait things.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 8

Hello AnimeGAF. This is Syrinx with a public service announcement.

Elephants are breathtaking, majestic creatures. It is truly a privilege for one to observe these animals in their natural habitat. But be warned. An elephant NEVER. FUCKING. FORGETS. If you manage to offend or enrage an elephant, he will hunt yo' bitch ass down relentlessly with every ounce of energy he has. So please, leave the elephants be.

Thank you. This has been Syrinx with a public service announcement.

Enjoyable comic relief episode where Anthy and Utena switch bodies because of a special spice Nanami put in the curry they were cooking (or at least, that's what it seems like-turns out it was just Anthy's fucked up curry.

The major reveal of this episode is that Anthy's special agreement with Saionji is that they exchange a diary and have sex every other week (or at least I'm pretty sure, he said "Let's do what we always do" and "This time we have to do it in secret"). Naturally Utena's all "Yo, What the FUCK?!" when Saionji starts taking off his shirt in the gym storage room. Then she reads the diary where she reads some...unsavory things said about her and she's all "BITCH SAY WHAT?!" So to get him back, she writes "Dumbass" in the diary. Utena wins at life.
I've wondered about this myself. As I watched, I found myself asking, much like you, "Why is this show so hated by many?" I suppose that Chet's...generous use of K-ON! gifs could rub some members the wrong way, but it seems strange to hate something because of that.

I will say that I could see Sawako rubbing some people the wrong way. Specifically, there was a scene in the second training camp where
she tries to grope Mio's breasts.
I admit that made me feel pretty uncomfortable because she's a teacher and in a position of authority and power, and doing something like that is, frankly, outright wrong. But she's the only example of why this show would elicit such a reaction, and frankly I'm not sure most of the vocal haters even know she exists.
Sawako's perverted tendencies are greatly toned down in the second season. They play her off more of a lazy teacher that used to be a rocker.
Regarding the K-On hate, the only explanation I could come up with was that people don't hate K-On for its content, but for what it represents to them.

K-On is even approved by stodgy buzzards like Pizzaroll. Its clearly a good show.
I think some people hate it because its the most famous and visible depiction of moe, and of all the things regressed anime fans hate about the current state of anime.
People tend to hate what is popular, especially if it's not in a genre they prefer.
Oh the hate definitely exists outside of GAF. I think knowing Sawako's age might help too as she's sort of this ascended manchild of the group rather than any sort of real teacher. She struck me as pretty young and not too far off from their age (~5 years).
I don't think they ever say, but it's implied that she's around 25 years old or so.
It wasn't?! Aww, that was my bad then. I didn't finish K-On while it was airing, so when I finished it I assumed that was an OVA. Sorry Narag. :(
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it aired a week after episode 12, just like any other episode. The live house episode is the only OVA for season 1.


Wandering Son 4


For left: Bikinis are never inappropriate
For right:Back to the fetus.

Chiba's blunt nature grows more by each episode! Though it is how she deals with her emotions; especially with Nitori. The time in the public restroom was done great. A clear contrast between Takatsuki's personality and Nitori's. It had even more to say about their relationship and who is playing the primary "chaser."

The most amusing part about it was, like a boy, Takatsuki completely
misses the point of Nitori's confession about his goal with the play
. This puts that statement about "boys being clueless" when it comes to girls in a new perspective.

This was another good and enjoyable episode. The petty romance, simple (and not-so-simple) conversations. And again, the ED is quite good and ends right every time.


But she'll return!

She won't even be the same character at that point, and it won't even be in the same setting.

i should have watched AGE with your mindset because if i think of him as a vilain , it's seems it's more enjoyable ....

... or not .


It isn't, because Flit is still one hell of a villain Sue, and the Vagan lack anything resembling a good hero to follow.

But Flit is most definitely the villain of Gundam AGE. Training his grandson via videogames to be a killer is hands down his crossing the line moment.


Wandering Son 4

Chiba's blunt nature grows more by each episode! Though it is how she deals with her emotions; especially with Nitori. The time in the public restroom was done great. A clear contrast between Takatsuki's personality and Nitori's. It had even more to say about their relationship and who is playing the primary "chaser."

The most amusing part about it was, like a boy, Takatsuki completely
misses the point of Nitori's confession about his goal with the play
. This puts that statement about "boys being clueless" when it comes to girls in a new perspective.

This was another good and enjoyable episode. The petty romance, simple (and not-so-simple) conversations. And again, the ED is quite good and ends right every time.

Second picture reminds me of Haibane Renmei ED.


...now that I think about it, they missed a chance to have Kana Hanazawa sing a cover version of the Black Rock Shooter song, didn't they?


Also regarding Utena 8, does the SC really have its own private plane? And am I a bad person for thinking of airplane.gif when I saw that shot?


Okay, I'm going to try to leverage off of that Angel Beats picture and get an actual discussion going about something.

Open question: what's the most well-animated concert/music scene you can remember seeing in an anime?
Okay, I'm going to try to leverage off of that Angel Beats picture and get an actual discussion going about something.

Open question: what's the most well-animated concert/music scene you can remember seeing in an anime?

iDOLM@STER comes to mind. The concert in Dog Days was painfully awful before the BDs fixed them.


Okay, I'm going to try to leverage off of that Angel Beats picture and get an actual discussion going about something.

Open question: what's the most well-animated concert/music scene you can remember seeing in an anime?

This one's easy. KyoAni's done some nice stuff, as has A-1, but nothing beats episode 7 of Kids on the Slope.


I know this isn't anywhere close to new but I finally finished watching through Bebop...

That last scene, plus the last song, plus the fading star, plus the Beatles song completely wrecked me. What a show.


That's a picture of a concert? I though it was a visual representation of a seizure.

Looks justl ike some concerts Ive been to. They always drown out the musicians/singers with crazy headache inducing lights. angel Beats just nailed the look of it right down to the unpleasantness.


Code:Breaker easily.

Code Breaker manga is one hundred times better than anime and i only read 10 chapters. Code breaker anime is only regular, but the core idea is genial.

For me magi is superior anime, by the way. I need to watch JOJO, but will be difficult to be better than starlight crusaders ova (one of the best shonen i watch in my life).


[Futari wa Pretty Cure] 01

That was so so. It lacks the energy of following openers, but it wasn't totally dull. I liked Nagisa as a protagonist and the "whatthefuckisthisshit" attitude she has towards all the Pretty Cure crap, in contrast with Hokona's calmer and more rational demeanour. Their chemistry is pretty non-existent at this point in the show, but I suppose Toei had more important things in mind right now.
Buy our toy cellphones! And the trading cards too!

The weirdest thing to me was the action. I'm used to the fast paced sequences of later series, even when they had to rely on stock footage to pad the episode. Futari wa is quite conservative in that regard, where even the main battle against the Kiss wannabe looked pedestrian and lacking in glamour. On the other hand, there's virtually no CGI at all, so that's a plus.

The last thing I want to touch on is the Crunchyroll work (or lack thereof since it seems they just got it from somebody else). The subtitles are too large and obstrusive to the point where I cannot see the OP clearly, and midway through the episode they become out of synch with the dialogue. Also, the audio is full of static as if it had been recorded through a microphone --a real shame considering the orchestrated soundtrack ain't too shabby.

I really like the op and ed of this series.
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