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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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"Kawaii desu-ne", etc.

This was too much for my heart. This was also the best character episode thus far. Unlike other characters which have been forced to shine in the midst of the gang and having central focuses that ignore their more interesting traits. This episode actually did its job! Makoto is considerably better than I made her out to be before this point.

Previously, episode 7 was the best "character episode" and while it's still good, Yayoi's simplistic character makes for a shallower focus of the character. It doesn't even touch into her
inferiority concerns
. That's not a problem in itself, as the episode doesn't need that issue stated (
even when remarked later on with the dance and track episode. It is accomplished weaker than the themes in her own episode anyways
) . However, regardless of how important Yayoi's family is to her, insight on the character would have been optimal. Makoto's episode doesn't run into this problem. It's all around Makoto and all about Makoto.

Heck, when she spoke of her
father issues
, there wasn't even a miserable flashback with slow music playing!
Even with the fact that iDOLM@STER usually saves that type of transition for the end credits.
I was partially expecting it, but it never came. The balancing nature of Makoto and her struggles don't lead to tears, but honest concerns and thoughts. There was the scene with
the random thugs and girls that made Makoto step in
that was about to lead me to disappointment. But not even that went how I expected it and thank goodness.

This is how it's done. Quite a good episode.


Kinu Nishimura.


Well that would explain that.

Overman King Gainer 2-

Damn there's some bad dialogue in this. Like some terribad stuff. Also some stuff isn't as clear as I would like it. There's a lot of terminology in regards to events that isn't properly established. The worst offense though are the characters right now.

King Gainer- "I hate Exodus"

-Proceeds to help Exodus.

Yea, it's ridiculous that he proceeds to repeat this and yet continues to help them. Also he has this ridiculous attachment to the Overman and the other people in Exodus put up with Gainer too much. They just let him pilot the mech with barely any complaints.


I've experienced enough parts of them earlier to know that what I'm missing is extremely minor. Apart from the episodes I've chosen to watch (30/31, 35) most of the material that is covered in the filler is rather ancillary to the series and characters, so much so that Anno excised nearly all of it. Are those tiny shreds of content worth experiencing basically an entire cours worth of filler for? Absolutely not, in the same way that I would never watch any recap episode that sprinkles in about 30 seconds of new content or character perspective on the events: that stuff can bugger off. How the characters moved from A to B to C is far less important than the tone and pace that the series had going for it before the Island Arc.
But Anno also cut out the build-up to the door scene on that version. He cannot be trusted!
I'm just bitter and want others to share the suffering I endured. Besides, the more impressions on Nadia's musical recap doki doki extravaganza the better!


Well that would explain that.

Gainer has one of the most interesting character design processes in the industry: Kiyoshiro Inoue (porn artist) designed all the naked bodies, Kinu Nishimura designed the clothing and, finally, Kenichi Yoshida adapted them to animation.


Also, for the guy who's watching Idolm@ster and just watched Hibiki's character episode, prepare for greatness. If I remember correctly, right after is when the show embarks on a narrative tour de force that makes the show a real diamond in the rough.

Quoting this again to say, "Good call, Metrotab."


But Anno also cut out the build-up to the door scene on that version. He cannot be trusted!
I'm just bitter and want others to share the suffering I endured. Besides, the more impressions on Nadia's musical recap doki doki extravaganza the better!

My plan is to complete the series in the manner that I find to be the most enjoyable, then return to witness the horrors of the singing episodes and all the other nonsense.


Space Bros. 37-43

This arc has been handled pretty well with actually making me like Hibito as his own character.

Episode 43 specifically: goddamn this show is amazing.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast

This was too much for my heart. This was also the best character episode thus far. Unlike other characters which have been forced to shine in the midst of the gang and having central focuses that ignore their more interesting traits. This episode actually did its job! Makoto is considerably better than I made her out to be before this point.

Previously, episode 7 was the best "character episode" and while it's still good, Yayoi's simplistic character makes for a shallower focus of the character. It doesn't even touch into her
inferiority concerns
. That's not a problem in itself, as the episode doesn't need that issue stated (
even when remarked later on with the dance and track episode. It is accomplished weaker than the themes in her own episode anyways
) . However, regardless of how important Yayoi's family is to her, insight on the character would have been optimal. Makoto's episode doesn't run into this problem. It's all around Makoto and all about Makoto.

Heck, when she spoke of her
father issues
, there wasn't even a miserable flashback with slow music playing!
Even with the fact that iDOLM@STER usually saves that type of transition for the end credits.
I was partially expecting it, but it never came. The balancing nature of Makoto and her struggles don't lead to tears, but honest concerns and thoughts. There was the scene with
the random thugs and girls that made Makoto step in
that was about to lead me to disappointment. But not even that went how I expected it and thank goodness.

This is how it's done. Quite a good episode.

Good stuff! Makoto is so awesome. Her and Yukiho are one of my most favorite OTPs out of the show.


And they still act surprised when the previous animemirai DVD is sold out in a couple of hours (http://animemirai.jp/news.php?p=136). Well, with a mere 50-copies stock for that ticket's presale, and them selling these over at events only (http://gigazine.net/news/20120506-anime-mirai-machiasobi8/) sure does that! It is like they don't want to finance better the future of the project through people eager to catch the digital disc releases.

And just 2000 copies available of those pamphlets, made for the theater screenings, to buy!

I was wondering what happened to these. Glad to see they're still going.
Why did you say that? Those have been coming regularly...


Well it's not really your fault if the show starts off on such a negative note!

I guess.

That entire first episode of DokiDoki is an exercise in frustration. It's not without interesting things about it in terms of the way it sets things out - the pre-credit sequence was kind of cool - but the execution is just so unbelievably flat and lifeless. There's nothing remotely exciting about the direction, and even putting aside comparisons to top-tier Cure shows like Heartcatch or Smile, I just don't understand how they could think the animation production is acceptible. Even the things like special attacks and transformations, which you see every episode and they usually nail (even I'm things like Suite), look kind of bad.


My plan is to complete the series in the manner that I find to be the most enjoyable, then return to witness the horrors of the singing episodes and all the other nonsense.
Haha, fair enough. I guess the filler episodes will need another victim!


Sounds like the third Berserk film isn't going to be the end of it:

I knew it, I had a bad feeling about this after they put cameo's of characters(holyknights) that don't appear until the later arc that they might be more of theses cg fest, this means berserk will never get a good adaptions I blame idolemaster & it's director for this.

Continue to stick with Gintama, and you will be rewarded with awesome shit like this.


hajime no ippo references? why not just watch hajime no ippo then.


That depends on an individual's lung capacity and hemoglobin levels. At best most people can't go without taking a gasp of breath for longer than three minutes, so that will have to do on whatever the episode was asking here.

Yeah, but that's what I'm saying though. He could have held his breath and at least made his chances of getting rescued not seem as terrible.

On the flipside, his time limit should have been shortened when he was running with the buggy. I'm suspecting that there's an air flow within the whole system, to stop him from breathing in his own carbon dioxide, which is probably why the timelimit didn't change despite the changing circumstances to the amount of oxygen he personally used.

I thought of this too, didn't understand why he didn't just ride the buggy with the other astronaut.


Subete no aware

So after getting the plushie, I figure I should finish the series.
I hope they make more roundcat later on. It's very Maru.

There's a part of me that thinks I would put it on my 2012 top ten list... but at least it's too late to agonize over that now. lo


DokiDoki Precure

Wow, what a massive disappointment. Maybe everyone's first show/cast is their favourite or something and this is what other people felt about Smile, but for me this show really feels like it's not trying at all.


This picture is emblematic of everything that's so wrong about this pilot/first episode. They're on a school trip and they're trying to show that Mana is the BESTEST STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT EVER (to the point that she makes Reika look incompetent). She's so awesome that every club at the school wants her... but if they're on a fucking school trip, why the hell would they have their sports ball instruments with them? Why is the girl that is on, presumably, the track team holding a god damned stop watch? If you're going to be that idiotic, why not just have them in their sports outfits and go full stupid?

The cast seems horrid, the enemies look like rejects from Amnesia, and worst of all, the entire premise of the series - the "Selfish" - is so mindblowingly dumb that I have to presume that they've run out of ideas at the Toei factory and that we're due for a new line of magical girls now. Maybe the next series will have the villains tap into the power of the "Awkward" and every episode will feature little girls trying to save Larry David from putting his foot in his mouth.

Even the gag of Mana being insane when faced with the unreal feels so cheap and forced when placed in the context of the rest of the show.


Also, get that CG out of the god damn show. Come on!

On a side note, having seen four opening Precure episodes, I kind of wish they'd try something a little more high concept at this point. If DoReMi could do wacky episodes that would probably be lost on the target audience, surely Precure could do the same.

For example, I would have liked if this entire episode was a bait and switch... they spend 20 minutes showing how awesome Mana is as a student council president, but in the end it turns out that she becomes a disposable victim of the week and another girl you haven't even seen is the real first Precure.
I suppose you can't sell toys that way, but at least the show wouldn't feel so trite. :p

Ah well, here's hoping the next cycle will be better.
Cardfight!! Vanguard Asia Circuit 68 [engDub]

Bushiroad should be commended for continuing to provide these episodes weekly, or at least two of them I think. Other companies should follow with their dubs,since at least 40-80K of us like dubs.

Anyway awesome episode for getting the Team Q4 for the Asia Circuit assembled. Though why is the team still called Q4
since its only three on three and now without space for Kai :( Dont know why Aichi chose Misaki over Kai anyway.
. Awesome duel and Sagramore is still becoming my favorite card set, much better than Blaster Blade. Although he isnt on team handsome, kamui will always be handsome.
Gundam AGE Episode 38 or "The Future Diary"

This episode was pretty emotional. In a rare occurence I cared about a character in this show.
Ru's 'Future Diary' will stick with Kio for the rest of his life or until Flit finds out his grandson had a fond interest in a Vegan 'The devil race' as he calls it.

These two episodes did a good job in showing the humanity of the Vegans, to the point that
Ezelcant has been giving the Federation chances to survive in every single operation so that they know that life is precious. I don't see him going 'I want to wipe out the Federation' unlike a certain cranky old man who pilots a Gundam every once in a while.

I liked this arc. It'll be interesting to see what Kio does next.

Next Episode:
Vegan has a Gundam now.



DokiDoki Precure

Wow, what a massive disappointment. Maybe everyone's first show/cast is their favourite or something and this is what other people felt about Smile, but for me this show really feels like it's not trying at all.

Sounds like you should watch Vampire Princess Miyu.
Well, let me guide you down the road of understanding, my son.

I guess you could say there's a number of reasons.

K-On! began airing in 2009 and it was undeniably a popular series for all the reasons that you can imagine. Now, as fanbases of shows are want to do, they began to proselytize to the masses about the wonders of K-On!. They'd do deploy the usual internet weaponry in the form of forum avatars and gifs of the show in an attempt to spread awareness and celebrate their love of the property. Now this creates a few problems.

Firstly, we get the usual reaction from the internet when they've been bombarded by any fanbase: shut the hell up and stop spreading meme's everywhere. That's the usual 'tired of group' response which happens even when the show is very popular see: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Secondly, we get the MLP reaction where some people can't handle people enjoying a series that is primarily made for a female girl audience. As you may have noticed, this really causes people to lose their shit for reasons that are kind of beyond me. Anyway it's a well documented phenomenon.

Thirdly we've got to deal with the concept of moe. Remember that by 2009 anime was seen as being in a slump with the glorious of heydays of 2007 quickly forgotten. The general conesus being that anime used to be cool and now it's just a lot of shitty, pedo, pandering moe shows for otaku. How disgusting. Then here comes a 'moe series' (I hate using this term incorrectly but then again everyone uses this term incorrectly because no-one can decide what it means) which has a large and vocal fanbase. They appear to represent some kind of new movement that loves 'moe shit', which means that all the people who grew up watching 80's/90's anime are totally free to hate on this group because they love the shit that anime has 'turned into' (in their mind). This reaction, crucially, doesn't really even deal with the worth or quality of the series itself because it's completely irrelevant to what the series represents e.g. the downfall of anime.

Finally I'd say that anywork which has people shouting it's praises to high heaven will inevitably draw criticism when people watch it for themselves and perhaps find the work extremely boring. There's then a great divide between the people who are calling it the greatest thing since sliced bread and the people who think that it's the cure for insomnia.

I'm merely talking about who the work appears to be aimed at from the perspective of an outsider. Most people wouldn't be aware of the history of the property.

Moreover, while you're completely right I feel that KyoAni's adaptation elevates the material considerably and the target audience for them is clearly girls as opposed to male otaku. I don't think it's fortuitous that is has that broader appeal, I think it's due to the talented efforts of the team at KyoAni.
I don't see how anyone from the outside could see K-ON! as being a show aimed at little girls. And I could maybe agree with you on KyoAni aiming at a younger audience with the second season, but I can't under a good conscious consider they were going for the younger girl crowd with season 1. KyoAni took a male otaku show and classed it up a bit, the fact that the show appealed to younger girls was probably more of a coincidence than anything.
Is Sailor Moon the only show intended primarily for girls that escapes this stigma?
No. I've been given shit for liking Sailor Moon before.
I wonder is there a way to introduce Gintama to newcomers without scaring them off with over 200 episode count.

They can skip to the arcs but it will lose the charm of what makes Gintama.

If they aren't going to slug it through the entire show like everyone else has, they don't deserve the greatness.


I don't see how anyone from the outside could see K-ON! as being a show aimed at little girls. And I could maybe agree with you on KyoAni aiming at a younger audience with the second season, but I can't under a good conscious consider they were going for the younger girl crowd with season 1. KyoAni took a male otaku show and classed it up a bit, the fact that the show appealed to younger girls was probably more of a coincidence than anything.

No. I've been given shit for liking Sailor Moon before.

Funnily enough I mention Sailor Moon in NFLGaf and it doesn't bother them that much. But they already think I'm strange so its more like "Oh, I see".
Finally got around to watching Chihayafuru (season 1). I've been liking it a lot, though I think there's been a slight dip in quality after episode 3. It is still good, but not anywhere near the "hnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh" levels the first 3 episodes put me at.


Funnily enough I mention Sailor Moon in NFLGaf and it doesn't bother them that much. But they already think I'm strange so its more like "Oh, I see".

I think SM is actually sort of exempt from stuff (at least on GAF) given how many posters seem to have grown up with it.


Finally got around to watching Chihayafuru (season 1). I've been liking it a lot, though I think there's been a slight dip in quality after episode 3. It is still good, but not anywhere near the "hnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh" levels the first 3 episodes put me at.

Its an excellent show. Moreso if you enjoy the Karuta scenes.
I'm pretty fascinated by the game.
Also DAT MUSIC. I have the two OSTs in a shipment scheduled to arrive tomorrow!

I think SM is actually sort of exempt from stuff (at least on GAF) given how many posters seem to have grown up with it.

It might be the case. Although people don''t want to admit it, they probably watched some of it. How can a 15 year old guy possibly pass up that show?
Also, Frankman is a SM fan and was tempbanned for posting a link to Sailor Moon torrents.

[DokiDoki Precure!] 01


wonzo: Idols are invading Precures. Precures are invading idols.

I like those designs.


Only because you haven't seen them in 2D motion. The first episode of Futari wa Pretty Cure, a show from 2004, looked less derpy than this.

He does this to me every. fucking. time.

Forget the character designs - does anyone want to go count how many distinct frames of animation the Selfish has? I warn you, you might need your fingers and toes for that. But probably no more.
Its an excellent show. Moreso if you enjoy the Karuta scenes.
I'm pretty fascinated by the game.
Also DAT MUSIC. I have the two OSTs in a shipment scheduled to arrive tomorrow!.

That's probably why I didn't really enjoy episode 4 or 5 very much. Very little Karuta going on.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Forget the character designs - does anyone want to go count how many distinct frames of animation the Selfish has? I warn you, you might need your fingers and toes for that. But probably no more.
I wish the entire episode were done in the CGI style from the ending. Toei's CGI is already at the "watchable" level.
HxH 65

Bisky is probably my favorite 'old hag' in anime. Her character design just works. Reminds me of Mickey Mouse ^^

It is refreshing to just have a good solid mentor in shounen instead of your usual shitty reluctant drunkard one.

The whole bomber thing ended out as predicted. Was expecting a bit more out of the spiders, but who knows.


Overman King Gainer 3-
Well finally getting some backinfo. Some decent hand to hand combat stuff. I wish the production values were a bit higher. It's not bad but it's not great. It's that middling in the middle where you look and just say 'meh'.

The one thing I'm finding enjoyable is the comedic part of the show. It feels fairly organic at times and flows fairly well.
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