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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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∀ Gundam: Called Turn-A-Gundam 19

Waifu! Silly Loran
Sochie is cool. She's so jealous Dat territorial pissing. Freeze frame and enhance!
As cool as Sochie is she could lose that attitude, though her feelings are understandable, she is feeling like she's left behind by everyone and is quite selfish, which is consistent with her age and situation I guess

∀ Gundam: Called Turn-A-Gundam 20
Enough said.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This is funny since robotics;notes has the same pattern as steins;gates in term of vn structure ( not the flowchart ) .and both adaptation choose the same method when they had to adapt things.
Is it so hard to get the main topic ... the robot club want to build a giant robot !
It's been like this since episode 1.
I don't see S;G running into the same problems R;N does with its VN roots. Robo;Notes is constantly caught up by what are essentially meaningless collection quest. The numbered secret documents that the main character has to preform trivial tasks to unlock are such an egregious offender of this that they are impossible to overlook, but even smaller stuff that builds up episodes often winds up being fairly trivial tasks thrust on the player character to keep them busy.
What's your point , here ..all i see in this quote is a rant that have no correlation to robotics;notes.
Sorry. I didn't realize your love for R;N was so strong it would kick in your dissociative disorder. I listed a bunch of stuff going on in the show, how could that possibly have no correlation to R;N?

i don't care about this anymore so i'll just type like you. none of the built in phobias are ever reflected upon so the characters feel unrealistic and underdeveloped. this makes the show often feel meaningless as it establishes one thing and simply moves on when it gets bored. frau's fear of the outside and people? complete non-factor as she just hangs out. karate girl's fear of robots? a distant memory of a bad joke.
The focus of the show is 2 things : robots & a conspiracy
about some kind of disaster coming
. 2 of the main characters have been directly exposed to it.And another suffered the direct consequences of that conspiracy.
These concepts are too broad for the show to get away with those being the focus. Even if they mattered what would be the purpose of the club building the robot in relation to the conspiracy or the disaster. You don't have to actually tell me. I already know it will only be a plot device.
If you can't even try to piece together the various events then by all means, drop it.They especially gave you scenes from the organisation side so you can try to understand things better.
u solvd the case. i am too dumb to piece together the shit shaped puzzle that is robotics;notes. the view point from the evil organization is just the lazy way out, but we have no idea who they are or what their goals are.
There is actually no reason that by episode 16 you would be able to understand everything that is going on.
i held the "w" key down on my keyboard for a long time when trying to respond to this. it seemed appropriate but i didn't really want to spam the thread.

Don't tell me what to do with my free time. Don't tell me to drop a show.


Other news not recently mentioned (or if it has been I've missed it!):

A website for Log Horizon is now up, but with little in the way of interesting detail.

Tamayura's second season is scheduled for July this year

Majestic Prince has announced its OP and ED artists - only really posting this because Chiaki Ishikawa's doing the ED and since going solo her music's been ace. (the OP is sung by Natsumi Kon, an up-and-coming actress).
Other news not recently mentioned (or if it has been I've missed it!):

A website for Log Horizon is now up, but with little in the way of interesting detail.

Tamayura's second season is scheduled for July this year

Majestic Prince has announced its OP and ED artists - only really posting this because Chiaki Ishikawa's doing the ED and since going solo her music's been ace. (the OP is sung by Natsumi Kon, an up-and-coming actress).

No character tab for Log Horizon?, dull :(
I don't see S;G running into the same problems R;N does with its VN roots. Robo;Notes is constantly caught up by what are essentially meaningless collection quest. The numbered secret documents that the main character has to preform trivial tasks to unlock are such an egregious offender of this that they are impossible to overlook, but even smaller stuff that builds up episodes often winds up being fairly trivial tasks thrust on the player character to keep them busy.
Indeed robotics notes has a more emphasis on those reports. This is certainly a low point in the adaptation. they however tied several of this quests to scenes with various characters to give everyone dvelloppement ( time with frau on the beach for example).
i fail to see how they are trivial when they served many purposes.

i could argue however that they could have been done better. I fail to see how they are unnecessary.Without them the MC would have been in the robot club room playing kill-balad.Instead he is visting the island, with people or not
Sorry. I didn't realize your love for R;N was so strong it would kick in your dissociative disorder. I listed a bunch of stuff going on in the show, how could that possibly have no correlation to R;N?
My bad i didn't realise that your "elephant mouse syndrome" had anything to do with the show . Now that i think about it that quote was indeed just a pointless rant well placed explanation.
i don't care about this anymore so i'll just type like you. none of the built in phobias are ever reflected upon so the characters feel unrealistic and underdeveloped. this makes the show often feel meaningless as it establishes one thing and simply moves on when it gets bored. frau's fear of the outside and people? complete non-factor as she just hangs out. karate girl's fear of robots? a distant memory of a bad joke.
Frau never had a problem with outside , she even greeted the main character outside at the end of ep3 . it was just a hikikomori lifestyle, nothing less.She even acted properly and without problem when she was forced into the base when they decided for the robo specs. She had 2 reasons to go outside, the reports since they were a clue about her mother disapearance and afterwards to hang out with the guy that saved her when she was in a pinch.

So yeah a non factor that just doesn't mean that the character underwent a develloppement in her objectives and relationships toward the group. Your complain that's nothing's happening , or that things happening are meaningless or in your words "convulted" doesn't make any sense.
These concepts are too broad for the show to get away with those being the focus. Even if they mattered what would be the purpose of the club building the robot in relation to the conspiracy or the disaster. You don't have to actually tell me. I already know it will only be a plot device.
Broad ? the anime uses this plot device every episode.There wasn't one episode when they didn't tackle one of those aspect or both.
u solvd the case. i am too dumb to piece together the shit shaped puzzle that is robotics;notes. the view point from the evil organization is just the lazy way out, but we have no idea who they are or what their goals are.

i held the "w" key down on my keyboard for a long time when trying to respond to this. it seemed appropriate but i didn't really want to spam the thread.

Don't tell me what to do with my free time. Don't tell me to drop a show.

I never said you were dumb. i just said that you didn't pay attention. what i bolded was hinted twice ( at least ) in the reports we got so far , not to mention that we do know what the organisation does in appareance and it's painfully obvious what their goal is , or isn't if you piece together the gunvarel ending and the reports ( or the boat incident since that was a turning point in the life of at least 4 characters ). Even if you might reach a different conclusion on what they trully are trying to do. it's perfectly possible to at least understand their threat level or their possibilities.

Isn't the point of conspiracies shows to speculate ( at least a little ) untill you reach the final act ?

Finnally i'm not telling you what you should do in your free time. i don't care. However , if you're posting impressions , here , i might have the right to comment on them.
That said , since you've asked, feel free to hatewatch. i'm actually discussing the show , here , not your tastes.


Are you saying this show gets better? I'm really liking what I am seeing so far.

Yes and you are going to love Arlog park :)

Plus once you realize the perfection that is huge ass, flat chest. Its all over. Its only a mater of time before you

You, Sir, are awesome!

Toradora! 10

For the love of fuck, I told myself I'd just watch one episode tonight. I can't stop!

Seems like two Culture Fair episodes coming up. Between this, Azumanga Daioh, and Tonari, I feel like I could probably organize an entire culture fair myself at this point. :lol


Watching your reviews make me want to watch this again, dont remember why I drop this but I learn a lot since then so I'll give it another chance on the weekend.

It warms my heart to see new people watching Spice and Wolf. The rest of you guys however.....

And I listen the Endings every weekend, they are beautiful and make me want to hug Horo ;__;


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Its impossible to stry a boobs man, when confronted with such Beauty. Plus once you realize the perfection that is huge ass, flat chest. Its all over. Its only a mater of time before you

How did I miss this post before?

This guy just knows it, man.
[Tamako Market] - 5

Rather than some kind of erotically charged fantasy. Not that I'd expect to see that in a KyoAni show but it just demonstrates how far removed Mochizō is from any kind of believable teenage boy. There are other signs that Mochizō isn't a particularly realistic character, I mean, just check out his room:

Chuunibyou episode 2 started with a genuinely funny erotic dream sequence.
It was the highlight of that entire show.
Sasami wants to make a friend - 05
I'm liking what i'm seeing .

Well i still have trouble keeping up with the various rules they have to follow but this episode was great fun and nicely animated

But i don't understand :

How did she reach this fantasy ?

not that i mind 2 friends going to the bathroom together , but that's for ...

wait neverming

Episode was awesome.


Addicted to One Piece again. I think I am gonna finish that before I pick up any other shows. al though I am tempted to watch Today's Chihayafuru's one.


Sucks at poetry
[Tamako Market] - 5

One thing that I really forgot to mention yesterday when I made my earlier post was that Mochizō feels like your typical neutered male in a KyoAni show. Which is to say that he seems rather unconcerned with things that a typical teenage male is concerned with. To wit, when he fantasies about Tamako we see this:


Rather than some kind of erotically charged fantasy. Not that I'd [I]expect[/I] to see that in a KyoAni show but it just demonstrates how far removed Mochizō is from any kind of believable teenage boy. There are other signs that Mochizō isn't a particularly realistic character, I mean, just check out his room:


Now I don't know how often KyoAni staff have been into the rooms of teenage males but I can assure that the vast, vast majority of them do not look like this. The organisation, the layout, the items he has in there, the train track? They don't seem to have any trouble creating a realistic girls room but this space just doesn't ring true. Where's the mess? The tacky posters? Etc etc.

Still, this wasn't a particularly good episode anyway. The bird, as usual, provided some of the best scenes in the episode but even his gags got recycle multiple times towards the end of the episode. Disappointing.[/QUOTE]

While I agree with you on most points, you have to remember that KyoAni shows are designed around a perspective that remains female friendly. While the formula does allow for fan service, it's usually softened by the light-hearted and playful situations from which they arise. When desires become too realistic, they can become a turn-off for those who do not share or understand them. However, when you make those desires comedic they can become cute or endearing to a wider audience. That is why the bird is lewd and not Mochizou.
Vividred Operation - 05
An episode with no docking but the seed for a delicious relationship have been planted ..

That's good i guess.
I think we've now heard every character song as endings .. i like the yellow girl one better.


I've been listening to the Eureka 7 OST, and the question popped in my head whether a Blu-ray collection will ever be released? Any hope on this front?


Vividred Operation 5

It's strange. In normal magical girl shows, I love when they skip or alter the stock footage... But here, I was sad that I didn't get to see it. Of course, the difference is probably that unlike 50-episode shows with unique scenes in 23 and 47, I've only seen each transformation in this show once so far. And they're so good.


Sucks at poetry
Now that you're done, I can talk about a couple of things you said before that I wanted to comment on. :)

At one point you said "there's nothing special about Makoto."
But later you got to see that at the very least,
he's extremely good at pleasing women sexually, enough to get all the girls in school talking about it.

But that doesn't explain why so many were interested in him to begin with.
Normally we'd just chalk it up to "that's just how romance games work," but in this case, it actually goes back up a level to Makoto's father, Tomaru.
Tomaru is a super-womanizer, to such a degree that he might as well have magic powers.
So the assumption is that Makoto inherited that ability from his father.

You know how you were saying
Makoto's too dumb/not smooth enough to pull off the cheating thing?
Well, unlike Makoto, Tomaru was shrewd, perverted, sociopathic, and completely aware of his super-charm abilities, and he used them to both make himself rich and to explore the limits of human depravity:

AnimeGAF discussion on Tomaru

4chan/jp/ discussion archive on Tomaru (occasional NSFW thumbnails, discussion itself is very NSFW and disturbing)
Part 1 http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/2638121/#2639485 (starts halfway through)
Part 2 http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/2642768/

Now that I'm a little more sober I can finally give this a good look over. Sorry I was unable to give a more lengthy comment, but by the time it was over I wasn't capable of any sort of concentration. Hopefully I did not blurt out anything to compromising about myself. BTW, I do not recommend drinking for School Days. I mean, I definitely LOL'd several times up until the end, but it also happened so fast that it kinda hit me and then the credits rolled. I don't know if it was the booze, or the show, but shit was getting downright comedic at the end. For some reason I was cracking up when Makoto let the three girls inside. It was just hilarious how unreal it had all become.

Anyways, from the thread:

Overflow tree. See this guy? He is the protagonist and antagonist in the Overflow visual novel franchise. His name is Tomaru Sawagoe, and he is a billionaire who is obsessed with f***ing. For about 40 years, he seduces every woman that he comes across and f***s her. Usually impregnating her. It doesn't matter if she is his daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter, etc. The other protagonists in the franchise are his sons, including Makoto Itou. Remember Sekai? Because of Tomaru, Makoto is her uncle. In fact, every female in School Days is related to Makoto, except for Katsura. Other children from him are the characters in Sister Princess. Tomaru even has a line where he impregnated a girl, impregnated her daughter once she was able to be, and repeats the process using drugs to make them able to have children at younger and younger ages. The final girl that he impregnates in that line is his great great great granddaughter, who was in kindergarten when she had her son. Over all, Tomaru has over 50 children. His sons who become VN protagonists follow in his footsteps and make the web even more tangled. the only "normal" person in the entire family is Makoto Itou. And THAT is saying something.

Am I reading this right? has this guy fucked his descendants 5 generations down the line? (wife>daughter>grandaughter>greatgrandaughter>greatgreatgrandaughter>greatg reatgreatgrandaughter?)

Hoooly fuck. So all these 0verflow games tie together? You know, I haven't experienced anything this fucked up since I played Saya no Uta. I really enjoyed it.

That's kind of incredible. I've seen this image before, but it's so much more satisfying now.


That's kind of incredible. I've seen this image before, but it's so much more satisfying now.
The other great thing about it that I just noticed is the Engrishy slogan beneath the title, just like the ones they have on the actual games.
"A nice boat runs on the quiet lake in the beautiful forest. And the people watching the picture are surprised."


Subete no aware
Why do you say that?
Let's ignore the fact that they already did the "let's watch TV for 10 minutes" thing last week and just redid the damn thing again with similar gags (complete with Rika freaking out and Yozora being reluctant to play the game).

When the show just unceremoniously ends that storyline and plops you into the next storyline, it starts off with a gag that is set up 5 minutes previously but has no effect because there's actually no punchline.

It's literally Rika being blonde for a few seconds, all to remind people that she's an inventor. Then just as suddenly, they move on to the next "chapter" and adapt that plain as day.

If that Mayo Chiki thing really was in the light novel, it just goes to show how lazy the director/writer/whomever of Friends Club really is. It's about one step above getting the actors to record an audio book version of the light novels.

Of course, I don't actually remember S1. Maybe it was just as bad. :p

If only that was the case and not just another unfunny gag. :(
Hey, at least you could technically just stop watching there and pretend it's actually the end. lol

Pet Girl technically ends after 4 episodes but doesn't even have the grace to tell you that they're going to shit the bed for the next 20.
Here we go: a full 90-second trailer for Hanasaku Iroha Home Sweet Home.


Hooray. Can't wait for this.

Also, the official site apparently confirms that the movie is only 66 minutes long.

This is sad, though. I was hoping for a longer film. 66 minutes doesn't even really feel like a movie.

Nano Ripe and Omygawdwa. Worst combo ever.

I think you mean 'best'. It's an easy mistake to make.
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