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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Neo C.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha episode 6: No matter how much economy an episode has, there's always place for some obvious bewbs jokes.


The Light of El Cantare
Try cleaning them.

spoilered for gross:
I lived with family who had no qualms about leaving things right on top of the trash and more things all over the seat and nobody but me would clean it for years and years so I understand at least a little.

> suddenly ponders the origins of his 2D complex

I've read enough horror stories from former janitors in OT to pretty much put me off all public bathrooms for life.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Hope everybody here has started getting gifts for their special somebody. Here are some card templates that can help out if you haven't decided found the right one yet for your special somebody.


And a few more here.


Subete no aware
Looks like ANN conducted a hard hitting interview with ANN's favourite anime director: http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk/in...-akiyuki-simbo

What questions would your rather seek asked? Personally, I'd like to see something along the lines of "so what is it that you do, exactly?"

That said, some weird ones:
The very first idea that I want to share is, "Who cares if you are a hikikomori?" If I didn't have this job I, too, may have become a NEET. I thought that it would be nice if people, including myself, could step out and do something...but at the same time, who cares if you can't take that very first step yet? What's wrong with not taking it?
Erm... I don't think that's what the show was about. :p

There was a very surprisingly minimal amount of input. We were told to bring out the attractive parts of an anime, so we pretty much had all the say in the final script.

What are the attractive parts of an anime?
Gintama 261

Oh look, actual overarching plot advancement. Can't wait for none of this to be mentioned again for another 150 episodes and all that character development to be reset next new episode :/


Here we go: a full 90-second trailer for Hanasaku Iroha Home Sweet Home.


Also, the official site apparently confirms that the movie is only 66 minutes long.

Oh glorious Chiaki Omigawa and Nano.Ripe. So much joy!

How did I miss this post before?

This guy just knows it, man.

He is very eloquent with words, but only says what must be said, even truncating unnecessary portions of a sentence.

Now that I'm a little more sober I can finally give this a good look over. Sorry I was unable to give a more lengthy comment, but by the time it was over I wasn't capable of any sort of concentration. Hopefully I did not blurt out anything to compromising about myself. BTW, I do not recommend drinking for School Days. I mean, I definitely LOL'd several times up until the end, but it also happened so fast that it kinda hit me and then the credits rolled. I don't know if it was the booze, or the show, but shit was getting downright comedic at the end. For some reason I was cracking up when Makoto let the three girls inside. It was just hilarious how unreal it had all become.

Anyways, from the thread:

Hoooly fuck. So all these 0verflow games tie together? You know, I haven't experienced anything this fucked up since I played Saya no Uta. I really enjoyed it.

That's kind of incredible. I've seen this image before, but it's so much more satisfying now.

Saya no Uta is some pretty crazy shit but have you seen THE CHART? Theres a chart and it shows just how err...promiscuous Makoto's dad is in creating over half of his own family tree. I think the guy spawned with like 4 of his daughters after his wife, as well as several other family branches.

My parents made me use women's public bathrooms when I was a kid because they believed I'd get molested and kidnapped if I went into the men's bathroom. I can conclusively confirm that it's just as disgusting.

I'm glad that I never indulged my curiosity and put a quarter in the mysterious candy dispensers in the women's bathrooms because it probably would have messed me up for life.

I worked at a cinema a few years. We had to clean the women's restrooms too. BLOOD. BLOOD EVERYWHERE. OH GOD SO MUCH BLOOD.

Hope everybody here has started getting gifts for their special somebody. Here are some card templates that can help out if you haven't decided found the right one yet for your special somebody.


And a few more here.

Valentines day is coming? I totally forgot.


Alright so why is this show that bad? Is it sexist, character-obliterating canon, poorly animated, or just nonsensical?

Nonsensical show of no lasting consequence with a dull lead outshone by the supporting cast and some bizarre fucking characterization for Zenigata. It has a couple good eps and a bunch of trash otherwise.


Thanks for the info.
You are welcome, but it is a shame I can't help you much more! As the most accessible option, you can find some of those trusty people to follow that mainly focus on key animator's identification and such with this:


Or additionally, if you want to sometimes go to the source of the information in determined occasions, follow these as well:

Comptes Twitter de personnalités travaillant dans l'animation japonaise (part 1) - News - Manganimation.net, Manga Anime, news & reviews

You are a better human being than I will ever be. I have trouble remembering people's names and birthdays. :(
Bad memory doesn't make you a bad person, man! Being absent minded on those matters is a very innocent flaw on this case, I think (or that is what I'd like to think because I'm just like that as well most of the time!).

July 6th. Which just confirms that I am, in fact, a cancer upon AnimeGAF.
hey another Cancer-bro

man that sounds really inappropriate
Cancer bros.
Add me to the pile. And don't worry RurouniZel, we are the faintest stars and sport the name of diseases, but all in all I always took more offense on Cancer Death Mask being a weak bastard (specially evident on the The Sanctuary Saga)...
even then I still made myself with the required at the time (and now) vintage BANDAI's Saint Cloth Series figure!

I thought the zodiacs have shifted recently? Cancer is July 21 - August 9 now according to wikipedia.

July 14th here, so I fall under Gemini now I think.

Edit: I feel like watching Saint Seiya now.
So... now it turns out that I was born under the sign of Gemini? Betrayal! This is worse than the Pluto ordeal, you damned IAU!

Also, you were born the day after mine, ♋-bro!


Maturity, bitches.
You are only inviting people to start slaughtering sacred cows.
I don't care. Gimme some names!

If you've ever had 12 drinks and tried to type out something semi-coherent, you'd understand that it's difficult to spot errors, let alone care about fixing them. :p At that point, I'm just trying to hit the reply button without closing my browser.
I don't know. I tend to become overly aware when tipsy so I'd probably make less mistakes drunk than sober.


The Light of El Cantare


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I thought the zodiacs have shifted recently? Cancer is July 21 - August 9 now according to wikipedia.

July 14th here, so I fall under Gemini now I think.

Edit: I feel like watching Saint Seiya now.

Wow this is some kind of bullshit.

August 9th means I went from a badass Leo to a Cancer.

No thanks, I'll stick to the old table.


So how fucked up does this put GAINAX in the fucked up scale?
Just as people told you to "wait because it gets better", maybe the same could be said about sales... right?

Have Gainax announced anything that is being worked on? I remember reading a sakuga 2012 wrap up on some blog (vanishing point?) that featured our own Ducky! Someone mentioned that Gainax had some original shows in the pipeline... gotta go see if i can find that blog post...
Nothing officially announced. Anyway, all that's left to do for them is to work on the "real deal" (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=36608895&postcount=6150).

War never changes.
Obligatory "war... war has changed"...

P.S. All the talk about how nobody had ever reached the South Pole reminded me of a certain Mecano song that only /XX/ and possibly trejo will recognise.
Right in the memories, you hit me!

Real-talk time! José María Cano > Nacho Cano...
and no, I'm not saying it just because J. Mª composed the 'Himno del Centenario'...


Zetsuen No Tempest: The Civilization Blaster 17

I sort of gave up on the show but after this episode I want to keep on watching.
Yoshino's girlfriend is finally revealed and I can't wait for the others to react.


Add me to the pile. And don't worry RurouniZel, we are the faintest stars and sport the name of diseases, but all in all I always took more offense on Cancer Death Mask being a weak bastard (specially evident on the The Sanctuary Saga)...
even then I still made myself with the required at the time (and now) vintage BANDAI's Saint Cloth Series figure!

Hey man, it could be worse. You could've been a Pisces bro. Though to be fair, Albafica in Lost Canvas more than made up for Aphodite. So badass.

And besides, everyone knows Camus bros are the best bros.


So this HanaIro movie is a prequel/sidequel that takes place before the ending of the series?
Something like that -- seems like it's half side-story that takes place during the series, and half a flashback to when Ohana's mom quit working with the inn and moved to Tokyo to start her own career. Either way it means Kanae Itou gets a lot of talking.
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - 06

An overall good episode with some intresting bits they adapted


just look at her face as if she saw something rare/delicious.

Ps: to differenciate between boobs and butts in indeed a very important skill.


The Light of El Cantare
Erm... I don't think that's what the show was about. :p

Shinbo is a true altruist.

Still, further proof that having characters that otaku can identify with is priority number one, and you can even fill your show with themes that denounce or skewer the lifestyle and personality of those characters and most of the audience won't even notice!

...not that Denpa Onna is anywhere near critical of hikkikomori lifestyle.

What are the attractive parts of an anime?

It's whatever fetish Shinbo decides he's going to pander to.

Arata who? And speaking of Arata, what's up with his and his family's weird accent?

Fukui-ben.....I think. He comes from the sticks.


Ahhh. Its a beautiful 70 degree clear sunny day outside. February is the best!

Posted that Shinbo interview yesterday morning but no one seemed to notice... well, whatever.

They're now taking questions for Satoshi Tasaki thanks to NISA's license of The Princess and The Pilot, so hurry up and send those in if you're interested.


edit: bottom of the page... well, whatever again.

Thanks for the link.


In my opinion, Tamako's obliviousness makes this whole incident not only somewhat cuter, but brings in good light a neutrality that just encompasses a 'statu-quo' relationship between them. A desirable objective that doesn't inclines the result to one side or the other and just keeps being nonchalant is a nice contrast and helps the others understand why they just wanted to be along her, regardless of petty exclusive concepts and rivalry.

Simple thing, but I quite like what Tamako's position and role on this episode's story meant.

As long as we all agree that Ana Torroja was all voice and nothing else, yeah, sure.
Sure thing, pal!
Hope everybody here has started getting gifts for their special somebody. Here are some card templates that can help out if you haven't decided found the right one yet for your special somebody.


[URL="http://images.viz.com/holiday/Bleach_Valentines_2013.pdf"]And a few more here.[/URL][/QUOTE]



Living in the shadow of Amaz
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 6

Will something ever go wrong for these two? It certainly doesn't seem that way. They're just too good at what they do.

This episode was more Total War than economics... And it was pretty fun to watch. Hell, there was even a
proper battle, complete with superpowers and all the good stuff.
The track that played in the background during that whole sequence was pretty great. This scene, though...

... Needs to become a gif. Terrible. Even the stills are headache-inducing.

I laughed when Yuusha
manhandled Onna Kishi,
as bad as that may sound, hahaha.
Mondaiji 5

EXCELLENT use of an insert song. Almost Happily Ever After in Gurren Lagann tier. Just seeing Izayoi fuck shit up as the music came on at the perfect spot was awesome.

THIS is how you do a Gary Stu character. If you're going to make him broken as hell, make sure he's just as if not more entertaining than he is powerful. Makes it all the more satisfying when that smug grin is wiped off the villain's face.

Move over Kotoura, this is no officially surprise of the season.


Mondaiji 5

EXCELLENT use of an insert song. Almost Happily Ever After in Gurren Lagann tier. Just seeing Izayoi fuck shit up as the music came on at the perfect spot was awesome.

THIS is how you do a Gary Stu character. If you're going to make him broken as hell, make sure he's just as if not more entertaining than he is powerful. Makes it all the more satisfying when that smug grin is wiped off the villain's face.

Move over Kotoura, this is no officially surprise of the season.

It was no surprise. I knew this show would be great (although it was because of Kurousagi)
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