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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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IS is Bill O'Reilly. Sure, he's crazy and is almost always wrong, but at least he's respectable and is mostly comparable to a human being.

SAO is Glenn Beck living on his shitty Randian island charging American idiots 9.99 to listen to his shitty podcasts or whatever it is he's doing nowadays. He represents the long term trend of the failure of the American state and the inevitable downfall of everything that America stands for.

SAO had some good animation.


Rurouni Kenshin ep25 -pirates vs samurais it's on

lol what a :wonzo episode animation director must of been drunk for later half when making this, funny how last episode looked great followed now followed by this.

More music that sounds like it's off some ps1 FF game's battle theme.


SAO had some straight sakuga fights.

Well of course, I'm not denying it had its share of good animation. But it was A-1's super big project, directed by Ito, with Shikama on board and whatnot. Maybe it's just me, but I think it fell short. I thought that even the Shikama parts weren't as good as his other works, same for the Trigger episode and various other good animators.


Well of course, I'm not denying it had its share of good animation. But it was A-1's super big project, directed by Ito, with Shikama on board and whatnot. Maybe it's just me, but I think it fell short. I thought that even the Shikama parts weren't as good as his other works, same for the Trigger episode and various other good animators.

From what I've seen of it, sure, but with the comparison being made against IS, it's . . . yeah.


Sucks at poetry
Toradora 3 - 6


This show is so awesome. The characters all have personality, and there hasn't really been a dull moment yet. Taiga is perfect. The way she reached across the table and slapped a bitch. A real woman. She has a huge appetite. I want to feed her excessive amounts of food.


Mazinkaiser SKL 3

Is there anything more pure than Nobuyuki Hiyama calling super robot attacks? I think not. That might be one of the greatest final scenes in history too as
the Mazinkaiser SKL is deployed to it's next target from a high altitude astride a motorcycle that changes into a skeletal winged horse on its descent.


Final thoughts? Better than I expected, I'd say. It's sort of a love letter to old 80s/90s OVAs where the story is disposable and you're supposed to kick back and enjoy the ride. There's no great themes explored or lessons to be learned, it's just an excuse to return to some old school violence and to have some giant fucking robots knocking the hell out of each other. The entire impetus of this seemed to be a reminder that bad guys are fools that need wrecked, have asses that need beat, and possibly shit that needs shoved in from time to time but always in the most badass manner possible, ideally with large explosions accompanying.

It's pure manime/super robot fodder and I couldn't recommend it to anyone that doesn't enjoy that sort of thing as the story really is sort of a mess and there's some nasty CG. The repurposed Go Nagai designs made for some great fanservice though.
Quick confession here: I found SKL to be rather poorly put together and, as a result of some pacing and story issues, really dull. I suppose it depends on the kind of Giant Robot show you enjoy, I suppose, because if you have no trouble with something just being about robots fighting with very little story then this might be for you. Still, I didn't think the fights were that impressive and I found that Shin Mazinger Z, in all it's crappily animated glory, was about 1000 times more exciting.
Spice Wolf 8

That fluffy tail. What's with main characters face though, it's like derp face 90% of the show.

Actually the whole show kinda looks like shit. Does the budget ever get better?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora 3 - 6

This show is so awesome. The characters all have personality, and there hasn't really been a dull moment yet. Taiga is perfect. The way she reached across the table and slapped a bitch. A real woman. She has a huge appetite. I want to feed her excessive amounts of food.

I'll finally watch some more Toradora tonight. Get hype.

Damn. Guess I need to stop sitting here doing nothing and start ep. 11. :D I don't want to burn through the show so fast, but I can't help it, it's JUST SO GOOD. And Taiga is the bessssssst. :D


[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 18


I suppose the only thing I can reveal from this episode without spoiling anything is that there's lots of Lisa Lisa fanservice.

Also, I'm not sure why they named the episode what they did but ah, whatever.


A bunch of flyers being handed out at various anime stores have confirmed 14 members of the Devil Survivor 2 The Animation cast:

Hibiki Kuze -- CV: Hiroshi Kamiya
Daichi Shijima -- CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Io Nitta -- CV: Aya Uchida
Yamato Houtsuin -- CV: Junichi Suwabe
Anguished One -- CV: Takahiro Sakurai
Makoto Sako -- CV: Miyuki Sawashiro
Keita Wakui -- CV: Fuko Saito
Fumi Kanno -- CV: Rikako Yamaguchi
Yuzuru Akie -- CV: Mitsuaki Madono
Hinako Kujou -- CV: Ami Koshimizu
Otome Yanigaya -- CV: Yuka Iguchi
Airi Ban -- CV: Kana Asumi

Jungo Torii -- CV: Daisuke Namikawa
Ronaldo Kuriki -- CV: Rikiya Koyama

Waifus bolded!
Toradora 3 - 6

This show is so awesome. The characters all have personality, and there hasn't really been a dull moment yet. Taiga is perfect. The way she reached across the table and slapped a bitch. A real woman. She has a huge appetite. I want to feed her excessive amounts of food.

All this Taiga love is good. Taiga is the purest being in the universe.


What's the recommended viewing for the Mazinkaiser series then, Sir Jex?

Nothing, really. I'm not a big fan of Mazinkaiser or Mazinkaiser SKL. Now, the Mazinkaiser itself is just a very powerful Mazinger and from the Mazinger series I will recommend Yasuhiro Imagawa's Shin Mazinger.


One thing I really don't get about [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 18 is that they
name the episode 'Stroheim's counter-attack' and then whenever Stroheim appears they hide his face as if it's some big mystery. Weird directorial choice.


Sailor Moon Musical

New Legend of Kaguya Island (Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu)

I'm not usually particularly interested in musicals but being a Sailor Moon fan and having now watched all of the anime and the live action television show I decided to watch one of the musicals designed around the franchise to compare them. Apparently the musicals more or less were originally based around the stories in the anime but in 1999 the first Legend of Kaguya Island performance broke from that mold and constructed it's own original story with it's own original characters. The version I watched was performed in 2004 and billed as "New" as it remade the story somewhat and changed some song performances as well as there being some actor and actress changes.


The new villain of this story, Dark Plasman. Apparently his resume to be in a Mega Man game was rejected from Capcom and he perused a role in a Sailor Moon musical instead.

The story comes across as something that you would maybe find in one of the anime movies. It's summer break for school but some of the senshi, such as Ami, think they should use this time to create a training camp to improve themselves as sailor senshi. Mamoru arrives and introduces two foreign exchange students he's met through his university who say they are from Sumatra. They set up a trip for the girls to Kaguya Island for their training and the foreign students say they are really the descendants of the people who used to live on the island, the Artuka.

It is also learned that there is a comet named Coatl that exists. At it's center is the being Dark Plasman. Five thousand years ago he tried to destroy the Earth but the moon intervened and redirected it's course but destroyed the kingdom of the Artuka in the process. Now the comet has returned in it's orbit and Dark Plasman wants revenge. I'm not going to paraphrase the rest but that's how the story starts out.


Tuxedo Mask just after he takes off his mask. He didn't look totally Japanese and apparently that's because he's half Spanish. He's apparently also worked in The Prince of Tennis musicals and live action movie. The best part here was at the end of a fight where he just suddenly reaches up and then stretches his arm out yelling "Tuxedo la smoking bomber!" haha.

Being a musical this didn't get off to a great start for me. I personally didn't like the fist song and it's even got the silly title of "The colour of the Earth is Salad Time". The next song with the female pirate Loof Merrow and a couple crew members was much better. Singing and dancing pirates probably make lot's of musicals better. The characters kind of grew on me too. Minako though...No offense to her actress as I've seen pictures of the girl playing her and she's apparently half American and can be nice looking but I really don't think she makes a good Minako.

Not knowing everyone's background or training the show was kind of hit and miss. Some of the performers I thought were good but others not so much. There was also maybe someone who was good at singing but not so much in the acting. Personally I liked it better when it was actual songs, even if they were telling a story, rather than the parts where someone was basically just talking but in song. Honestly not just here but often I personally find that just doesn't work well for me. The story ultimately was okay I guess. Like I mentioned it was maybe along the lines of what you'd find out of the anime movies. The songs themselves were kind of a mixed bag. Some were alright where others weren't that pleasing. In the climax section of the performance when most of the cast was present and there was a large ensemble of people singing and doing a dance I found it much more enjoyable there.

The special effects were basically just flashing lights. The fights were mostly bad from what you'd probably expect out of a musical, although some were more into it with their flips or weapon twirls. Probably no worse than the live action show at times though, haha. It was amusing to see all the girls transformed and confront the enemy and then suddenly everyone would line up and sing and dance at times. It would often quickly change to only focus on a few though where the others would then act out a battle in the background. A couple of the sets were kind of interesting but otherwise bland or just the stage. I do actually like the girls senshi uniforms in this though where I took a screen capture of Ami to maybe get a better look at them. All of the inner and outer senshi are present in this story along with Chibiusa and Mamoru.

It was kind of hit and miss and surprisingly long at about two hours and fifteen minutes or so in length but it in the end was interesting to see at least. I might take a look at another one of the shows some other time.



From the New World 19

Wow, what an incredible episode. This show has been on fire for several straight weeks now. This episode was played as a self-contained pure horror story and it works wonderfully due to the great storyboarding and direction. I knew I was in for a good episode when
they set the field full of queerats on fire
and the main theme started playing. Actually, I suspected it could be a good one before that, with the incredibly tense and moody opening scene that set the stage for everything that was to come.

I think it's noteworthy how they managed to characterize the three new characters who appeared in this episode. Characterization isn't usually what's discussed as one of the show's stronger points, but the script effectively defines these new characters for us in a very short amount of time, such that we feel like we understand their behavioral traits fairly well. We by no means learn their life story or anything like that, but we do learn enough for the purposes of this episode
such that we feel at least something when each of them dies.

The theme this show has really been expounding on over the last few episodes is arrogance. The arrogance of the humans in thinking that they could control everything and through strict and methodical plans ensure the survival of society. Their arrogance in thinking of the queerats as dumb slaves. Their arrogance in believing they could just cordon themselves off from danger and they'd be safe. It's a weird comparison I hadn't thought of before, but it kind of reminds me of Jurassic Park. Of course the key difference here is that the society of From the New World was built out of desperation, not greed. But in the end, it's no surprise that the other shoe has finally dropped.

I wonder if the reason Jurassic Park popped into my head was just because of the
door scene
, lol. This episode really had everything you could want from a horror movie. The group of people who get separated, the gradual realization that something is horribly wrong,
the unnamed menace killing people off
. You would think it would be difficult to pull a story like this off when the protagonists have psychic powers, so it's a credit to the staff that they're able to pull it off so well. It obviously helps when you have great storyboarding with lots of tense reaction shots, ominous framings that create the impression of being watched from the shadows, and the realization that the monster is always scarier when you don't see it. And it's complemented by wonderful sound design and direction. Finally, this episode was incredibly sakuga.


And that's definitely Maria and Mamoru's kid.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora! 11

Oh shit,
Taiga's dad
. The cultural fair stuff is pretty funny so far, can't wait to see how the
wrestling show
turns out. Also the teacher reminds me a lot of Yukari from AzuDai. :lol





[From the New World] - 19


Get all your hype's ready. We're here! Insert your excited meme gif right here.

Well, they're still knocking these episodes out of the part. It's almost hard to remember how horribly inconsistent this series was early on. Everything is up to scratch now: the pacing, the direction, the script and even the animation recently has been really powerful. Despite the fact that this series has sold like shit at least the staff went all out in terms of the effort that they've invested into the show.

So, this weeks episode isn't particularly surprising if you've been following the show from the beginning. All the world building that we've sat through early on has come to fruition so the story is constantly building upon itself and using that factor to ratchet up the tension and excitement. The amount of pay-off is actually equal to or greater than the amount of stuff we learnt along the way which is fairly unusual for a science fiction story.

This episode also showcases what this series does best: thick, unsettling atmosphere, suspense and horror. That's what this show has always done well and it's what the staff to continue to excel and depicting. If they can keep this level of quality up until the show is finished then it's going to be an exceptional work indeed that I would have no trouble recommending to others.

Smile Precure! 01

New backlog show start!

And, I gotta say I love how high energy this show is. It really didn't feel like the show slowed down at all even with the intro of everyone important, it was still a fun ride.

I like the theme of this show, the whole fairy tales stuff. I look forward to seeing what they do with it.

The CG ending wasn't that blinding to the eyes.


The Light of El Cantare

Yeah. lol

Man, just imagine how different a show we would have had if they'd kept the fairy tale stuff up for more than a couple of episodes. Although considering how Suite hung itself by its own theme, maybe that's for the best.

P.S. Hito: you may have been joking last night, but Futari wa actually did manage to rebound, thankfully.


Man, just imagine how different a show we would have had if they'd kept the fairy tale stuff up for more than a couple of episodes. Although considering how Suite hung itself by its own theme, maybe that's for the best.
I kinda wish they put the whole bookshelf thing to good use.


Subete no aware
Man, just imagine how different a show we would have had if they'd kept the fairy tale stuff up for more than a couple of episodes. Although considering how Suite hung itself by its own theme, maybe that's for the best.

P.S. Hito: you may have been joking last night, but Futari wa actually did manage to rebound, thankfully.

I kinda wish they put the whole bookshelf thing to good use.
Yeah, really. There were really a lot of missed opportunities... but then again, being less beholden to that hook allowed them to just do normal stories without being tied to any particular theme.

I mean, I'm not sure if they would have given us a better show if every episode was based on a fairy tale or something like that.


The Light of El Cantare
I kinda wish they put the whole bookshelf thing to good use.

They crammed it all into two episodes, so I guess they didn't have anyone that could come up with any better scenario than "hey, wouldn't it be cool if they fought in [insert famous locale here]?"

Wow, thanks guys.

Next thing you are going to tell me, it's going to lose all that energy too.

Nah it stays super fun, just want to temper expectations on the storybook stuff. You won't even miss it.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora! 12

Man, Taiga's
Dad is an ass. He needs to GTFO the show right the hell now
. Also I didn't think the Cultural Fair stuff would be going for three episodes. :lol This seems to be a pretty important arc. I get the feeling some serious shit is gonna go down next episode.

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