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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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I'm sticking with my waifus from the game: Airi is waifu #1, Otome and Fumi are side-waifus, Matoko is temp-waifu. :D

I see. Oh boy, such a selection!

I think I'm going to choose Airi as well while having Otome/Hinako as sides.
I'll have to see more from the others before filling a sub-sub slot!


∀ Gundam: Called Turn-A-Gundam 22

haha based on the turn of events this episode next one should be it'shappening.gif
Cuticle Detective Inaba 6

Nozaki Kei is so good even if
that wasnt him doing this pose but still, excellent
. Hilarious episode and that voice. The extra was really touching for the bday as well as for the alternate take on the wolves and goats tale.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
^Seeing that just makes me wish Sgt. Frog hadn't sold like shit over here. The US dub was SO GOOD. I want them to at least do one more season so we can have the Garuru Platoon arc here in the US. =/

Fun fact: I used to rock a Keroro-Char avatar too!
^Seeing that just makes me wish Sgt. Frog hadn't sold like shit over here. The US dub was SO GOOD. I want them to at least do one more season so we can have the Garuru Platoon arc here in the US. =/

Fun fact: I used to rock a Keroro-Char avatar too!

Garuru Platoon arc was so good. It's a shame Funimation never got round to doing it really. Also subbing for Keroro is neither here nor there, I can't finish it on the basis that it isn't fully subbed, same with Kirby as well.

Fun Fact: Kirby was the first subbed anime that I watched.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Jojo's Bizarre Adventure] (2012) 18

Did they seriously need to name this episode like that? That was literally the cliffhanger. At least we had tons of Lisa Lisa fanservice. <3


From the New World - Episode 19

Yeah, Jex was right. This is totally a horror episode. Pretty well planned episode, and something which feels like a stand alone incident in a larger part of the series narrative. Aside from Saki and Satoru, all the characters in this episode are new characters, which also makes it less predictable in terms of what could happen to each of them. It's a very traditional horror set up, and it's great to see anime explore these themes which are so rare in this medium.

Another thing I like is how the animation of the effects and "action" elements has been much more consistent and appealing lately. Earlier in the series those areas were seriously lacking, but they've definitely managed to deliver much more exciting scenes since then. Overall, a really enjoyable episode, and one which will no doubt kick off the tone for the rest of this series. Good stuff.


Dumb Utena question: how does Utena duel effectively after climbing all those stairs?

Slightly less dumb Utena question: does the show use the same OP for the whole show? Cause in the OP Utena and Anthy seem to be...I don't wanna say :sdburton, but they're clearly closer than they are at this point in the story. And I only have 2 more eps on this collection. Also the OP is rad so I'd like it if it was the same.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora! 24

It's like I'm getting hit with a Hokuto Hyakuretsuken made entirely of feels.


EDIT: And Ryuji~~

I love them both. :3


Hana no Utame: Gothicmade


So I went to see this movie today. For those unfamiliar, Gothicmade is a 6 year labor of love by Mamoru Nagano most famous for his manga work for Five Star Stories but before that he was a character and mecha designer for Sunrise with credits for Heavy Metal L-Gaim, Mobile Suit Gundam Z and Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ. Now, the movie runs for only 70 minutes and the natural question is, why did it take 6 years to create a 70 minute movie. Well, it becomes clear when you look at the credits and find out that Mamoru Nagano is apparently some kind of crazed perfectionist. For one thing, the staff list is pretty short and the other thing is that Nagano's credits are basically Original Idea, Script, Direction, Design, Storyboards and Animation. Yes, he tried to do it all by himself.

Ok, so before I start, I want to say that the shortness DOES affect (or did, in my case) enjoyment of the movie. When they say 70 minutes, they also include the 15 minutes or so of endroll credits and the ending EXPLANATION of what happened (I will get into this in a bit).

I will give my impressions in 2 parts.


Mamoru Nagano's character designs are definitely a throwback to the old days. His characters are long, spindly and have very sharp joints. Its hard for me to explain but compared to the designs we are used to nowadays, the oldness of the design shines through much in the same way that Gundam Unicorn is a modern anime but the characters look like they're from the 70's/80's.


The world itself is very tribal-y. There are vast expanses of land with different formations (grassy, rocky, desert, etc). It reminds me quite a bit of Lunar or El Hazard.


Character animation is not really a strong point in this movie. I'd wager to say it was bad but it doesn't really matter because alot of the time, the characters are just standing there talking to each other anyway.

The mech design and mech animation is gorgeous. Nagano really knows how his shit and in the (very short) mech fight, you felt the sense of urgency and the weight of these hulking beasts. I gotta give props to the animators and the sound FX for the machines because unlike other mecha anime where it seems like the robots float, you get the impression that these are really huge pieces of metal and when they hit each other, stuff breaks and its really loud.


There are also some really nice pieces of music throughout the movie. I'm not good with telling types of music but there are some nice vocal songs for the important scenes as well as good enough bgm.


So the story is basically about two people.

Berin, the latest in long line of songstresses chosen to rule over the planet. She's basically just a young girl who's had an enormous responsibility put on her shoulder quite randomly and who now has to leave everything she's ever known behind to go on a pilgrimage to the capital.


Toriharon, the 3rd prince of the Empire, he is a War Caster giving him some kind of special powers and the ability to pilot the giant mechs, Gothicmade.


The story is both basic and convoluted. Its basic in the sense that its basically just a character study between two people. Berin and Toriharon got thrown together by circumstances and the rest of the movie is basically about them getting to know each other and accepting each other for their strengths as well as their flaws. Just like Lunar or Final Fantasy X the story is about the journey of the songstress to get to the capital and the trials along the way.

Now, what makes it convoluted is that there's basically an entire space opera's worth of backstory in this thing. What look to be real important characters show up for like 5 seconds and get a short background and then dismissed never to be seen again. There's an intergalactic war going on and there are alot of major players that barely get any mention. I got the feeling sometimes that this movie is some kind of clipshow for a really long LOGH-like series with all the material they skipped through.

I also have to make a comment regarding the ending. The ending is basically Mamoru Nagano going "what the hell, I've been working on this for 6 years, I don't care anymore." There's a TEXT SCROLL explaining what happens after the last scene of the movie before the credits. No, seriously, they explain what happens.

Branduil, I want my money back.

:lol Well, I guess its a matter of perspective. If you approach it looking for a satisfying action movie, you're out of luck. If you approach it looking for a movie like Lunar or El Hazard, you'll be mildy disappointed. If you approach it taking into consideration that Nagano basically worked on this on his own for 6 years, you'll come away quite impressed.

The world design is gorgeous. The mechs are great. The story is laughably simple.

Verdict: Buy an artbook and youtube the one fight scene.



Dumb Utena question: how does Utena duel effectively after climbing all those stairs?

Slightly less dumb Utena question: does the show use the same OP for the whole show? Cause in the OP Utena and Anthy seem to be...I don't wanna say :sdburton, but they're clearly closer than they are at this point in the story. And I only have 2 more eps on this collection. Also the OP is rad so I'd like it if it was the same.
on all the sports teams, she's probably pretty fit!
there is 1 OP and 2 EDs iirc


Hana no Utame: Gothicmade


Verdict: Buy an artbook and youtube the one fight scene.


The funniest part about this review is that you could replace every incidence of Gothicmade with Five Star Stories and it would still be perfectly valid. Have you seen Five Star Stories, by the way? Because it sounds literally identical to Gothicmade.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora! 25

I'm not even halfway done with the episode. FUCKING FEELS EVERYWHERE I CAN'T PROCESS IT ALL.





Toradora! 22



This didn't bother you when like, Minori was getting pissed at Ryuuji but refused to tell him why?

It's probably just an issue with the original work (in some ways it's practically central to its message), but the characters' inability to even attempt to communicate has made it almost impossible for me to finish Toradora.



I fucking hate how much they talk in this. Like if they shut up and actually did shit, then they might be able to prevent stuff.

The ending is also retarded beyond words.


ANN Cast: Giant-Size Supernerds No. 1 In Mint Condition

So yeah, this episode was better than average because Justin and Zac were offset by the presence of Mike and Daryl. There was quite a bit of interesting discussion of older releases and licensing.

Still, because they ended up discussing movies at some point Zac got to pull out his dick and slap it down on the table by saying that "If anyone has Dark Knight Rises in their top 10 movies of 2012 they probably haven't seen 10 movies. Or they just see all the big blockbusters. Anyone who has batman in there clearly has an invalid list. Not to be an elitist."


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Futari wa has hella antics once you can get past the generic first two or three episodes, but by all means, watch in whatever order interests you the most. We need more people who like Fresh
and not because of yuri shipping

Are you saying that me liking Fresh isn't as valid just because I found a OTP from it? :/

I enjoyed the season itself, bad dancing and all without me shipping, the OTP was just icing on the cake.


&#8704; Gundam: Called Turn-A-Gundam 23

This guy looks pretty shifty. Also he reminds me of someone else but I can't quite put my finger on who.
Well this would be a reveal I guess had they not spoiled it on the recap episode. We also finally get the backstory behind
some of the people aiming to assassinate Diana Soreil though the person in mind gets killed before we learn more. A shame too. And I guess Sochie is
getting engaged. I'm guessing the groom is gonna die.

Harry Ord really is the best Char clone ever.
It seems to be the case so far!


Hmm. Interesting. Thanks.

Yeah, but that's like, a LOT of stairs.
Well she's very fit OK? Don't let that bother you. Actual spoiler don't read as you are behind that:
She gets an elevator in the later episodes

The ending is also retarded beyond words.
Are you questioning the Third Reich's futuristic science? You are going against against Wolfenstein here too!


ANN Cast: Giant-Size Supernerds No. 1 In Mint Condition

So yeah, this episode was better than average because Justin and Zac were offset by the presence of Mike and Daryl. There was quite a bit of interesting discussion of older releases and licensing.

Still, because they ended up discussing movies at some point Zac got to pull out his dick and slap it down on the table by saying that "If anyone has Dark Knight Rises in their top 10 movies of 2012 they probably haven't seen 10 movies. Or they just see all the big blockbusters. Anyone who has batman in there clearly has an invalid list. Not to be an elitist."

Haha, that sounds about right!



I fucking hate how much they talk in this. Like if they shut up and actually did shit, then they might be able to prevent stuff.

Considering the villains seem to be equally compelled to say everything they're thinking out loud, I think it all ultimately balances out.


The Light of El Cantare
Are you saying that me liking Fresh isn't as valid just because I found a OTP from it? :/

I enjoyed the season itself, bad dancing and all without me shipping, the OTP was just icing on the cake.

Looking back, that came off as much more serious and mean-spirited than I intended. This is why I normally don't post immediately after waking up, because that's usually when things sound okay in my head that are actually stupid when I go back and read them later. It was a shitty botched attempt at a friendly jibe and I'm genuinely sorry, man. Of course I don't think you're yuri-DTL for this or any series.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Looking back, that came off as much more serious and mean-spirited than I intended. This is why I normally don't post immediately after waking up, because that was a really shitty attempt at a friendly jibe. Sorry, man. Of course I don't think you're yuri-DTL for this or any series.

No worries it just took me aback for moment like "whoa, is that the impression I'm giving off?" :lol

Thanks for clearing that up. :D

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
This didn't bother you when like, Minori was getting pissed at Ryuuji but refused to tell him why?

It's probably just an issue with the original work (in some ways it's practically central to its message), but the characters' inability to even attempt to communicate has made it almost impossible for me to finish Toradora.

Yeah, that did bug me. Honestly it kinda felt like Toshiki Inoue's shitty writing in Kamen Rider 555, where almost every conflict between characters could have been prevented if they just took five seconds to actually fucking communicate. But, that said...I just loved the characters so much that it didn't really get to me that much, I guess.

That said!

Toradora! 25 (for real this time)

Holy fuck, what an emotional rollercoaster. I felt like I had a void in my heart the whole time that Taiga was gone. I felt what Ryuji must have been feeling. Of course, it all worked out in the end, and that's great. I do feel like the ending scene could have been done a little better, but hey. It would have been nice to hear Taiga tell Ryuji she loves him, but I guess in her own way she did. It also kinda feels like there's not 100% confirmation that Taiga is back for good, but that's probably just me needing things to be spelled out plainly before I accept them. :lol I loved this show, and I'm already starting to feel that void that Zach and Nichijou-lizard-eraser-junior (my sincerest apologies for not remembering your name yet, fellow Nichi-bro) talked about. I want to know about their life together. ;_; But hey, gotta end this on a happy note, so...TAIGA~~! RYUJI~~! :D

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Fresh Precure!] 02
If they wanted to avoid otaku ogling their panties then they should have just given them short shorts like later shows. Some shots, like this one, only make the underneath of their skirts look like diapers about to burst.
This is about the most fanservice I've ever seen in this franchise. Fitting that this character is also into
incest antics with her Key-tragedy porn brother
. And speaking of lewdness, what's up with the sudden bestiality angle? Goodness.
One more for :wonzo because this show is a goldmine.


The funniest part about this review is that you could replace every incidence of Gothicmade with Five Star Stories and it would still be perfectly valid. Have you seen Five Star Stories, by the way? Because it sounds literally identical to Gothicmade.

I have. Its the same :lol Technically they're not in the same world but Nagano steals from himself quite liberally.


[Joshiraku] - 11

This show was criminally under-exposed in the anime of the year thread but I can understand why. Wading through some of the pun-heavy stuff can be very tiring but the rewards are sizeable.


The Light of El Cantare
No worries it just took me aback for moment like "whoa, is that the impression I'm giving off?" :lol

Thanks for clearing that up. :D

I'll watch an episode of Koihime Musou today as penance if I can remember to!

This just serves to remind me to stay off the internet until I've had a few minutes to get my brain going.

[Fresh Precure!] 02

If they wanted to avoid otaku ogling their panties then they should have just given them short shorts like later shows. Some shots, like this one, only make the underneath of their skirts look like diapers about to burst.

This is about the most fanservice I've ever seen in this franchise. Fitting that this character is also into
incest antics with her Key-tragedy porn brother
. And speaking of lewdness, what's up with the sudden bestiality angle? Goodness.

One more for :wonzo because this show is a goldmine.

Fresh can probably best be described as experimental, and in some ways it worked and others it really really didn't work. Pretty much every aspect of Miki's personality and lifestyle is never seen again in any subsequent series. She's 2alpha4precure.

I have a whole folder dedicated to Fresh QUALITY. Virtually every episode outside of the Matsumoto Rie episodes consistently look that bad or worse. Toei took several years to give a fuck how Precure looked in HD :lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I have a whole folder dedicated to Fresh QUALITY. Virtually every episode outside of the Matsumoto Rie episodes consistently look that bad or worse. Toei took several years to give a fuck how Precure looked in HD :lol
The funny part is that the :wonzo still looked better than that dance number at the end. lulz


Are you just watching Gintama at this point?

Anyway, I'm sure the series makes enough money that they could One Piece this sucker if they had to... lol!

Yeah, Gintama's all I'm really keeping up with nowadays. The only other anime I've watched in recent time was an ep of The Ultimate Hyobu Kyosuke, which seems like dumb fun.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong about the end-game talk. Well, I'm conflicted. One hand, I don't want sorachi to endlessly pad; other hand I just don't want the series to end lol.


Sucks at poetry
Toradora! 25

I'm not even halfway done with the episode. FUCKING FEELS EVERYWHERE I CAN'T PROCESS IT ALL.




Goddamn Seraphis. You power blasted those eps and left us all in the dust! Must have been good.

I surprisingly find myself really liking Ai-chan, even if she is in many ways a total bitch

I can see that, Ai is pretty cute. I think I might have a thing for genki weird girls so I can totally see Ryuuji's infatuation with Minori... if it weren't for her strange buggy eyes.
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