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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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[Joshiraku] - 12/Finale

Suffice to say that the most notable thing about this series are the production values, something which I find much easier to comment on! Gag shows of this sort tend to look a bit crappy because, well, it's all about people talking to each other. The show highlights on multiple occasions how it isn't really suited to the medium of animation. Nevertheless J.C. staff really went above and beyond in terms of both animation and design. The girls wear multiple unique costumes every episode and there's oodles of unnecessary (but very enjoyable) animation for even fairly basic movements. It's delightfully excessive.

The power of Tsutomu Mizushima! his series tend to have really good budget management, and as a result a lot of nice enjoyable animation throughout.
I really like the guy as a director, but he needs to stick to straight comedy instead of trying to turn other things into it (Another or Blood-C come to mind).


The power of Tsutomu Mizushima! his series tend to have really good budget management, and as a result a lot of nice enjoyable animation throughout.
I really like the guy as a director, but he needs to stick to straight comedy instead of trying to turn other things into it (Another or Blood-C come to mind).

I don't know about that, actually. I don't think anyone else could have approached Blood-C with the right mindset. His out-of-the-box thinking is what made that series so unique and memorable. Anyone else would have played it totally differently.


So, anyone care to make a guess as to what the heck it is I'm actually going to see tomorrow?
It being an upscale is unavoidable, since unfortunately Haibane Renmei was mastered at an SD resolution.

The problem is that it's an atrociously bad upscale with horrible artifacts.
So there is bad upscales and good upscales ? and HR is an exemple of a bad upscale then.

The other alternative would be to "remaster" like what sunrise did with gundam seed ?

Lotte no Omocha!

What the hell... wait what is wrong with him...that's his step daughter and she is like 10...


She is a succubus
(actually both of them)
so they don't count .


Rocky 4.

Don't mind me, just jealous that you live somewhere that isn't a veritable wasteland when it comes to Anime.

Unfortunately, I don't - I spent about four/five hours on the move today. Money > Sense sometimes.

Apparently whatever the Mystery Film is will be AlltheAnime's first theatrical license, with the intention that it'll be touring (presumably independant) cinemas across Blighty this year. It'll be interesting to see if those plans actually pan out.


I don't know about that, actually. I don't think anyone else could have approached Blood-C with the right mindset. His out-of-the-box thinking is what made that series so unique and memorable. Anyone else would have played it totally differently.
This and your previous comment about the production values of that series reminds me of this extract from Ben's review of BLOOD-C:

Ben - Tsutomu Mizushima's Blood C said:
Director Tsutomu Mizushima is an odd choice for this material at first sight, since in my mind he's a gag anime director. (He showed he still has the touch with Yondemasu Yo Azazel-san just recently.) But deep down he's an acutely visual director. Blood C is for the most part conventional, with too much talking and expository dialogue, but despite the material, in many spots his visual side shines through.

He can usually be relied on to put in a few visually interesting scenes, whatever he's directing. If he's got a good animator, he'll choreograph the scene in such a way that it really showcases that animator's work - think of the scenes by Yasunori Miyazawa and Shinya Ohira in the XXHolic movie. In his old gag anime he made frequent use of talented animators to spice up his dramatic climaxes with exciting action sequences, like the Dama chase in Hare Nochi Guu.

Mr. Mizushima seems like a person that carefully plans how to bring the best performance out of the available resources, optimizes the output searching for the strong qualities and skills of those involved. Ultimately, as seen with Girls und Panzer delay, he takes a special pride and responsibility on the result if he can't make it, even squeezing out every drop of talent in the process, and still searches for a better end result if possible.


[Mouryou no Hako] - 04

Playing catch up is hard work, especially with a series like this.

Anyway, it's quite difficult to speak about this episode in isolation because it clearly feels like one piece in a much larger puzzle. I know that's true of most mystery fiction but it's particularly pertinent here. One big problem with that approach, and with this episode, is that it's a bit messy and loose, it doesn't feel like a properly contained episode with a traditional structure.

This episode is supposed to introduce us to the dismembering murderer element of the story but it's also trying to do a bunch of other stuff like fill out details of Kiba's past or telling us about Sekiguchi's publishing deals or what have you. As this is being adapted from a novel it's being adapted from a medium that doesn't tell stories in neat little anime arcs and as such the episodes to this show rarely feature neat little arcs. This is actually the reason why I think you'd be better off marathoning this show then watching it week to week: it's really easy to forget details and miss the interconnecting tissue when you leave a large gap between episodes. I's quite difficult to remember where you were and what you're supposed to be paying attention too, especially as we keep jumping between days and protagonists.

Direction and production wise, this episode has some pretty rough moments with lots of stills being employed early on as an obvious budget saving measure. Nevertheless, despite a bit of a rough start there are a variety of effective sequences. For example, the brief introduction we get to one of the
is surprisingly effective. I like how they manage to set up another mother/daughter conflict in a surprisingly short amount of time. This shot is rather aesthetically pleasing:

and this one is equally disturbing:

If we were to look at the series under a certain lens it might appear that she was 'punished' for being a prostitute, however it's later revealed that the victims aren't really connected by any obvious thread so that throws that interpretation out the window.

In addition: I really like the way visuals and music are linked during this revelation of a dismembered limb. Notice too that the first image is of entrapment, a recurring theme in this series:

I really enjoy the contrast of the ordinary and extraordinary, as well as the fact that we never actually see what the characters are reacting too. I also like how the cut of the boys looking up is mirrored by the next immediate image of the killer starting down at his prize. It's a very creepy cut because the way the images are placed next to each other almost makes it look like the boys are looking up into his eyes and he's looking down on them (and the viewer), suggesting vulnerability.

Speaking of telling scenes, when Kiba meets up with the director we return once again to the idea of entrapment:

As they discuss Kanako's sister, Minami Kinuko, the idea of her being trapped in the movie business is brought up while at the same time we see a dancer performing an extremely rigid and restrained dance - she's clearly a visual representation of this idea because she doesn't appear to solve any other role in the scene. I think it's also worth pointing out that Minami Kinuo now appears to be completely trapped in the box hospital and, in particular, trapped in a single room.

Also, a passing thought: they really like hinting that Sekiguchi has something to do with the killings:

but he's not involved...right?


All work and no play is making Cajun sad again.

Yeah, it's official now. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W will be airing this April.



Damn -- a three-and-a-half-minute-long new PV for Suisei no Gargantia.


The backgrounds of this are amazing. It looks epic and adventure filled. The character designs are nice. I cant wait for this.

I'm sticking with my waifus from the game: Airi is waifu #1, Otome and Fumi are side-waifus, Matoko is temp-waifu. :D

So Airi really is as cute as she appears?

Dumb Utena question: how does Utena duel effectively after climbing all those stairs?

Slightly less dumb Utena question: does the show use the same OP for the whole show? Cause in the OP Utena and Anthy seem to be...I don't wanna say :sdburton, but they're clearly closer than they are at this point in the story. And I only have 2 more eps on this collection. Also the OP is rad so I'd like it if it was the same.

The OP never changes because it never gets old. NEVER. Its a perfect OP.

[Fresh Precure!] 02

If they wanted to avoid otaku ogling their panties then they should have just given them short shorts like later shows. Some shots, like this one, only make the underneath of their skirts look like diapers about to burst.

This is about the most fanservice I've ever seen in this franchise. Fitting that this character is also into
incest antics with her Key-tragedy porn brother
. And speaking of lewdness, what's up with the sudden bestiality angle? Goodness.

One more for :wonzo because this show is a goldmine.

Isn't this the first show that had the new music director who infused synthesizers into the soundtrack?


K-ON!! 23

They recorded all the songs they wrote and performed during their time there so they could leave something behind for the next Light Music Club. Sweet gesture, though that does put them at risk for the next band stealing their songs, assuming there ever is a next Light Music Club. Speaking of which, what's Azu-nyan going to do in her senior year when all of the others have left?


[Mouryou no Hako] - 04

As they discuss Kanako's sister, Minami Kinuko, the idea of her being trapped in the movie business is brought up while at the same time we see a dancer performing an extremely rigid and restrained dance - she's clearly a visual representation of this idea because she doesn't appear to solve any other role in the scene. I think it's also worth pointing out that Minami Kinuo now appears to be completely trapped in the box hospital and, in particular, trapped in a single room.

I was wondering if anyone else would comment on the dancer in the scene. Her moves are extremely deliberate and the frames focus on particular parts of her body such as arms and legs multiple times (rarely seeing her body as a whole). I was pondering as to whether she was simply another call-out to the dismembered parts or used in the scene for another purpose.


Mr. Mizushima seems like a person that carefully plans how to bring the best performance out of the available resources, optimizes the output searching for the strong qualities and skills of those involved. Ultimately, as seen with Girls und Panzer delay, he takes a special pride and responsibility on the result if he can't make it, even squeezing out every drop of talent in the process, and still searches for a better end result if possible.

Besides his great managing/planning skills, I really like the mood of his gag shows. He knows when and how to get emotional, which is an aspect many comedies fail at. And his comedic timing is pretty good too.

I hope the delays on the GuP episodes give him time to thoroughly polish them and give us a very satisfying ending.


Subete no aware
No, it opens up a bunch of plot points and then never closes them. It took 260 episodes to give us any kind of information about Gintoki's past. What this past arc does is possibly introduce a main villain group, but it doesn't give us closure on anything that wasn't already established in said arc. The Bakufu is the same as it always was with the exception of a single character that we didn't even know existed prior to the arc.

The only arc that had any real progression, as in it had consequences in disrupting a known about power structure, was the Four Devas arc.

Of the ones I have watched, the only cartoons that I can compare it to in terms of just sheer length is King of the Hill and The Simpsons, and on those terms I think Gintama is as good as the former and much better than the latter.

To me, Gintama is a sitcom where the "very special episodes" are almost always the same, but executed in such an astonishingly deft and efficient manner that I don't mind the repetition.

Every arc ends the same way, with bonds of friendship and blahblahblah, but the writing and the individual moments are strong enough that I would be okay with listening to Sugita spout off bad-ass one liners for the rest of my life.

I mean, hell, the fact that they can just air reruns in the middle of new episodes just eschews the sitcom-esque nature of the show as a whole. How many reruns of The Simpsons are on each day, despite the fact that you only get one new episode a week and even then, only for like 20~ weeks out of the year?

So I don't really remember anything about One Piece, which I guess is what you want to compare the show to, but doesn't it take like 300 episodes to even have the entire crew assembled? And then they had to time jump anyway just to shake things up? At one point does development become indulgence? I mean, I assume Luffy stays the ever genki ur-shounen blank slate cipher for at least a significant number of episodes, yes? (In the same way that all super hero characters were boring for a while. Who knows how long it took before the Batman mythology of the dead parents and Liam Neeson training him finally just become his canon storyline that everyone knows at this point?)

I guess they're directly comparable in terms of being shounens and being somewhat long running, and maybe every single episode of One Piece contributes to the quilt that is the rich Gomu Gomu story, but Gintama isn't about that for me. The main trio is fun to watch, in the same way that there was a time when Homer saying "Doh" and Bart saying "Eat my shorts!" was fun to watch all those years ago (or Hank Hill pedaling propane propane accessories to people), and I'm okay with that.

Although, I suppose it doesn't hurt that girls want to see Hijikata and Gintoki fuck each other's brains out. As long as they can have hot guys poke each other with their penises phallic objects swords, this show will always have an audience. lol


K-ON!! 23

They recorded all the songs they wrote and performed during their time there so they could leave something behind for the next Light Music Club. Sweet gesture, though that does put them at risk for the next band stealing their songs, assuming there ever is a next Light Music Club. Speaking of which, what's Azu-nyan going to do in her senior year when all of the others have left?

The manga answers your questions.


Galaxy Angel 3-4


This show is god damn whacky, hilarious, and cute as all hell. I'm loving this immensely.

I told youuuuuuuuu!
Galaxy angel is so much fun and cuteness and it goes on and on and on and on!
The games and soundtracks were extremely popular when it was airing.

It being an upscale is unavoidable, since unfortunately Haibane Renmei was mastered at an SD resolution.

The problem is that it's an atrociously bad upscale with horrible artifacts.

I wonder what people's take on the ROD TV bluray set is. When I watched it it definitely was an upscale and not a very good one. Is there comparison pics of that set from the TV/DVD?

Texhnolyze 2-5

This show depresses the hell out of me the more I watch it. I really don't know much of what's going on, but I'm still interested in the world and the characters, especially this "main character" whose life is pretty much hell.

Oh god. You better space this one out, and put at least 3 Galaxy angel episodes in between each one to balance it. Luckily Galaxy angel is one of the best remedies to make yourself feel better again.

Futari wa conquered. Do your worst, Max Heart. (100% chance I regret saying this)

Sometimes I wonder how you find the time to watch entire 40 episodes series so quickly.
Did you watch all of that over the weekend?

[Joshiraku] - 12/Finale


An above average ending for an above average series.

As you might have noticed I have quite a bit of difficutly writing about a comedy series. There's not too much to say besides "I enjoyed this sketch" and "this sketch didn't quite work". I mean, I know you can get into the mechanics of comedy quite a bit but I'd rather not.

Suffice to say that the most notable thing about this series are the production values, something which I find much easier to comment on! Gag shows of this sort tend to look a bit crappy because, well, it's all about people talking to each other. The show highlights on multiple occasions how it isn't really suited to the medium of animation. Nevertheless J.C. staff really went above and beyond in terms of both animation and design. The girls wear multiple unique costumes every episode and there's oodles of unnecessary (but very enjoyable) animation for even fairly basic movements. It's delightfully excessive.

This is why I cant really do much except hnnngh at the cuteness of a show like that. I have not much to talk about so I prefer to just post my emotional reaction to it.

Smile Precure! 02

The power of the sun.

I guess you guys weren't lying about how fast the whole fairy tale stuff get dropped. Show is still high energy which I like and I know we're still in the infodump and recruiting everyone phase of the show before I see what this show is all about.

Episode 3. Moenuke incoming. Just a warning. One of the cutest characters in all existence is approaching!
One Piece 583

A good take on the source material and actually quite more interesting. Franky finally doing something of note was pretty good, still one of the worst straw hats but still has a good moment every now and then. Disappointed how they handled Sanji, why make him seem so heartless?


One Piece 583

A good take on the source material and actually quite more interesting. Franky finally doing something of note was pretty good, still one of the worst straw hats but still has a good moment every now and then. Disappointed how they handled Sanji, why make him seem so heartless?
Are you still surprised by the show even though you're reading the manga?
Are you still surprised by the show even though you're reading the manga?

Im still surprised by some of these minor things, its been like a year I guess, or rather maybe since they made the scene last so long (they were litrally running in place for several minutes), that his reaction felt a bit more emphasized than it was in the manga.


I talked to Oda last week. I was like moshi moshi when is OP ending? And he said it'd end when there's a female president in the US.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm just surprised he managed to stretch out a story about getting a swimsuit for so long.

I could even fill out on episode about someone nipping off down to the shops to buy one.
Sgt. Keroro Episode 299 or "Defeat The G!"

The platoon get invaded by cockroaches (or 'G' as they're called in the episode). They then create zany countermeasures to defeat it. In the second part however in a cruel twist, Giroro and Natsumi are turned into cockroaches.

Loads of Godzilla references, I really like this episode quite a bit.

Note: The reason why I watched ep.320 earlier on and now ep.299 is because how fragmented the subbed episodes are. Large portions of Seasons 5, 6 and 7 are unsubbed. There are quite a few episodes I haven't watched because of it. Shame really because I want to finish this.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Futari wa Precure - 30

Fucking finally
they get a new finishing move!

And I take back what I said the other day. Someone needs to grab
, put him in a sack, and toss him into the ocean.
The manga is 697 (or 698?) chapters long, still going strong.
Don't think it'll be over in 6 or 7 years, if not more.

Manga sales in 2012:
*1, 23,464,866 One Piece
*2, *8,070,446 Kuroko no Basket
*3, *6,495,240 Naruto
*4, *5,413,899 Uchuu Kyoudai
*5, *4,128,665 Fairy Tail
*6, *4,039,715 Kimi ni Todoke
*7, *3,603,710 Gin no Saji
*8, *3,439,839 Hunter x Hunter
*9, *3,437,182 Magi
10, *3,211,191 Bakuman

The difference in sales between One Piece and ''others'' is pretty ridiculous lol


Youre missing out on quality storytelling and animation. If you had to choose, definitely watch Naruto.
I really think the anime looks like ass compared to the manga. Oda's art can't be adapted.
One of the main reasons I avoid adaptations of mangas I read, the design is often pretty bad.
Eyeshield 21... I still have nightmares.
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