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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Space Bros. 44

On a roll with this and the last few episodes with all of them feels. Mutta trying his hardest to not cry was very touching. ;-;


It's confirmed. Idolmaster is getting a movie!
The IDOLM@STER Music Festiv@L of Winter!! event announced on Sunday that production on an anime film in the game and anime franchise has been green-lit. The film will be a brand-new work telling a new story about the 765Pro idols.



Subete no aware
Well he did have
buggy make a flashy return teaming up with another of his enemys and was nearly successful in executing luffy
I hope he learned his lesson that time then. :p

It's confirmed. Idolmaster is getting a movie!
Time for another character ranking!

Space Bros. 44

On a roll with this and the last few episodes with all of them feels. Mutta trying his hardest to not cry was very touching. ;-;
Oh wow, is that what lines around the eyes is supposed to represent?


From the New World 19

Wow wow, that was very intense. You could have cut the tension with a knife in many of those scenes. That whole bit with the door near the end really puts you on edge. Some pretty impressive animation this week too, maybe the most sakuga episode we have seen in the show thus far? The big blaze, the facial animation, that scene with the
karma demon writhing around
. Definitely great stuff to look at this week.
Speaking of the karma demon, I guess this is the guy Saki saw in her dream a couple weeks ago. Can't say I really have a good guess to put forth on his origins. Hard to tell whether the queerats are actually working with him, or whether they are just using the situation to their advantage
. Can't wait for next week.

It's amazing how much better and consistent the show became after hitting that rough patch of 3-4 episodes so many weeks ago. I was not sure it could have pulled out of that nosedive, but it did and has been truly awesome since, outside of a few minor dips here and there.


I hope he learned his lesson that time then. :p

Well he didn't even spare
buggy in the first place
Now that I remember he gave him a fate worse then death,
stole most of his body parts then hit him so hard he sent him to an uninhabited island to die/suffer only 1/4 of a man

I can't imagine you watching an action/superhero movie in where the protag doesn't out right kill the villain.


The Light of El Cantare
Wow. Really? That is so awfully convenient that, if I were to put myself into the mindset of the show's target audience, I actually think that it makes perfect sense. lol

I don't really have a problem with it, but given what I know about this world and how they set up the revenge porn fantasy (in both this arc and the Usopp arc anyway), I can't believe that they'd willingly ignore the obvious payoff because they don't want the hero to bloody his hands.

I don't suppose that this philosophy of his comes back to bite him in the ass at some point?

The first time that I watched the Arlong Park arc, I don't think that I would have felt any extra gratification had
Arlong actually died
. One Piece is too lighthearted and too forward-looking for blood atonement to work in its thematic framework, and I'm fine with that, especially considering that Oda is usually good about eventually depicting how shitty the villain's life is post-defeat.

Not only has Luffy's philosophy never really come back to hurt him, he'd actually be dead if he hadn't spared some of the villains he'd defeated. The Impel Down arc (which is essentially a gigantic prison infiltration/escape) is probably the best example of this as he has to release some of his former enemies just to survive, although it's strongly hinted that some of them will be future arc villains again.


Tamako Market 5


This wasn't a bad episode. The only real problems I had with it was the subpar scene direction during the second confrontation between Midori and Mochizou and the rather sloppy use of music during the firework scene. Normally I'd have a pretty big issue with the Main Lead being so underdeveloped as a character but I feel that the very large and charismatic supporting cast help compensate for this, most notably Dela whom certainly helps keep things pretty lively even if his gags are starting to get a bit tired.

Smile Precure! 04

I keep feeling that the 'drama' is going to blow up much more than it does and always dreads that it'll happen. I guess I blame LN adaptions for that.

As a fan of Digimon, I always enjoy the multi character transformations/evolutions so that was a treat. Them questioning about the janken as amusing as well.


I know it's strange to make this assumption, but I almost feel like Gintama is written for TV first and then turned into a manga for the purposes of keeping the funny book iteration of the franchise going. There is this manically episodic nature that keeps the show from getting too deep into the serialization hole that a lot of shows like this would easily get trapped in.

Of course, another way to put it would be that Gintama has a shit load of filler. But at least the filler episodes are still fun to watch. lol

I don't think it makes sense to call the 'non' serious episodes filler because they make up such a large percentage of the show. Non-serious comedy episodes are really the bread and butter of Gintama and the serious stuff is an unusual exception to the rest of the series. Now, of course, there is some very clear really filler as well which comes from the TV staff but that's a different matter entirely.
Space Brothers 44:
This was a great release after the non-stop tension and rising action of the last few episodes. We get to finally relax and recover. The scene with Buddy and Freddy talking about Brian was great, as was the final scene with
Hibito talking about the three astronauts that saved him

I appreciated it I suppose. It just raised more questions about the series for me more than anything else though.

I still can't imagine what this story would have been like at twice the length, for instance.

I haven't seen Episode of Nami yet, but I think the original version works quite well. It's not like there was a huge amount of filler in it. It's short enough that condensing it down to something of that length is still possible, but it also worked very well as a short story arc in the TV series.


[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water] 22

What's up with the lack of promotional or fan pictures for the next episode preview? Don't tell me... we at the island arc now? :( Oh God.

Here's what I recommend and what I did on this occasion.

Watch episodes 30 and 31, and then 35 to the end.

Or sit through the whole thing if you love pain.


What's up with the lack of promotional or fan pictures for the next episode preview? Don't tell me... we at the island arc now? :( Oh God.

Other than the weird comedy antics with King and Nadia being an insufferable bitch again, there was nothing bad about this episode! Actually, there wasn't even any :wonzo that I could speak of! The only real sin I've seen from the two island episodes I've watched is that it comes immediately after a tense and pivotal plot point, but it's nowhere near as painful as people have been warning me. Maybe it's just the lowered expectations?
Lowered expectations certainly help. You have to consider I jumped on Nadia almost blindly knowing
chasing robot, awesome nautilus sakuga, KKK looking baddies with built in shades
and not much else nothing prepared me for the shocking change of pace! but you are speaking too soon! I was OK with the island/Africa arc. Until...
I realised it went on for almost an entire cour
and trust me it gets progressively dumber as they run out of ideas doing any possible trope they could think of with :wonzo intensifying. You are at the warm-up stage!


From what I understand Sentai, who are putting it out, are just looking to acquire/dub/sub as many shows as possible to sell their catalogue to the big streaming sites. Quality control isn't their first priority.
If they had any quality control they wouldn't be picking up Penguin Drum.


[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water] 23

That wasn't so bad. We came to know about Jean's shape-shifting abilities, after all. Plus, it's not like they can't find wacky antics to work on in a deserted island!


P.S. At least I found some more stuff you will find later in Eva for me to keep on throwing shit at Anno.
[Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water] 24

Other than the weird comedy antics with King and Nadia being an insufferable bitch again, there was nothing bad about this episode! Actually, there wasn't even any :wonzo that I could speak of! The only real sin I've seen from the two island episodes I've watched is that it comes immediately after a tense and pivotal plot point, but it's nowhere near as painful as people have been warning me. Maybe it's just the lowered expectations?
Why must your hurt yourself and others? Just because you haven't gotten to the dregs doesn't mean they don't exist!


The Light of El Cantare
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 02:


Is the new OP lazy or amazing? Can it be both?

I don't know why I'm so bothered by the particular way in which the finality of the first season was retconned to enable a second season of this when I never felt particularly robbed of a lasting sense of accomplishment whenever some previously unknown new threat to the Crystal Millennium would crawl out of the woodwork at the beginning of each Sailor Moon season. I'm dreading just how fetch quest-y Max Heart is shaping up to be, but that shouldn't have any bearing on why I'm bothered by one "You thought you saved the world? THINK AGAIN" premise but not others.

Perhaps it's only because I loathed just about everything directly involving the Garden of Light and its characters in S1 and they're doubling down on that shit in Max Heart. Nagisa has like four mascots in her room now and fuck I just want to kill them all.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The reason they cheaped out on Penguindrum is probably because it wont sell to begin with.
How do you market it?
By putting out a quality release that will appeal to consumers as something worth purchasing.
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