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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Bakuman 3 - 19

I think everything just feels a bit too fast and a bit disappointed with how Shujin is handling Reversi :/ I fear Bakuman may be unable to escape the curse of not having a really good ending to compare to the quality of previous arcs. Anyway, still enjoyable, much fun with the assistants being all dedicated as this PCP/Reversi began to take off there.

Saiko had some odd faces...


"Consistency porn" is a way to describe Dennou Coil's beauty though, like Hyouka.

Its looked impressive and detailed without necessarily doing off-model trick like for example what Birdy does.

Personally I like this kind of eyecandy better (and it is)

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The thing with Dennou Coil is that the "sakuga" is always there. It's little bits from the characters' mannerisms to even how a shadow moves on the floor. The money shots don't necessarily have to be reserved only for great action sequences.


I was looking at a ton of sakuga videos yesterday and the explosion one by Takashi Hashimoto is another level. As for the running one, I thought the one in SAO looked better.


Well if I remember hearing correctly, it almost bankrupted the studio and so I was expecting more I guess. I'm also not a fan of the CG used in the show.

Its not how "pretty" the artwork looks but more to do with how the entire show is fluidly animated. Every scene is fully brought to life in a way that studios normally do not dare to attempt. That cost beaucoup money.


Its not how "pretty" the artwork looks but more to do with how the entire show is fluidly animated. Every scene is fully brought to life in a way that studios normally do not dare to attempt. That cost beaucoup money.

I would say fluidity is only a part but raw detail is important too. That's something that struck me about Hyouka is how detailed even the most dynamic shots were.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Nadia] - 39

Pedo end.
Now that's harsh! At most it's an ephebo end!
Yeah, that show was pretty good. Anno sure used to be good at making normal shows with normal plots and normal endings (and horrible budget issues) before he went totally crazy with Evangelion.
Food for thought: Budget-constrained Anno > I am the King of the World Anno?
Incidentally, this entire series reminds me that we don't get very many or any 'classic' adventure stories anymore and that's a damn shame. I don't really see why that style of storytelling fell out of favour except that large swathes of it are absorbed into 'shounen fighting shows' because characters in those shows go on ripping adventures. Still, there's obviously many crucial differences between the two genres noticeably in the fact that 'classic adventure' shows aren't really that focused on combat and that they are actually designed to end much, much faster.
Were such shows even that prolific back in the day? I admit I am generalising, but I try to come up with other shows straight up in the adventure genre and I come up with either battle shounen or mecha. Or Slayers.

Joe Molotov

So Fate/Zero looks like the most expensive anime ever produced, but you can't see the money put into Dennou Coil? I mean, I can post .gifs, but I'm not sure how you can miss the animation when you're actually watching the show.



Looks pretty awesome to me. I haven't seen Dennou Coil, but now I want to.



Okay, so this was the episode about the family drama with Chihaya that they've been teasing for the last five hundred years or so.

The actual reveal really wasn't that surprising. With what they showed in previous episodes, you could pretty much piece together a situation similar, or even identical, to what it actually was. The one thing I don't recall seeing before here was that
her brother was crossing the street toward her when he got hit by the car, and that she stood there afterward, surely from shock. So her blaming herself for what happened is...understandable.

It's what happens afterward that makes this episode stand out so much. Mainly Haruka going to her apartment to try to encourage her to go back, and her looking through her brother's sketchbook. Props to Miki; I'm not sure they would have been able to convince her to come back if she hadn't discovered Chihaya smiling in all of her brother's drawings, and if Haruka didn't mention in her letter that her brother didn't just want to hear her sing. He wanted to see her happy.

Then comes the concert, and that's when shit gets real. Chihaya tries to go on stage and sing, but is unable to as the memories come back. That was fucking hard to watch. But Haruka, being about as awesome a friend as one could have here, goes out on stage to sing the song with her, and the rest of the idols follow. Watching all of her friends stand by her and support her, she imagines seeing her brother on stage with her and in the audience, and is able to belt out the final verse, officially declaring herself back in the saddle in the process.

Feels. This episode had them.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Looks pretty awesome to me. I haven't seen Dennou Coil, but now I want to.
You are making 7th's Valentine's Day with that post.
The first 4 episodes of Kare Kano are some of the best TV anime I've seen. If it had ended at that final scene it would have been perfect.
Eh, I read the manga first. They weren't a shot for shot adaptation, but what I saw wasn't mind-blowing.


Eh, I read the manga first. They weren't a shot for shot adaptation, but what I saw wasn't mind-blowing.

Admittedly, I haven't read the manga but the anime has a lot of Anno-isms. The internal monologue and the text on screen (which Bakemonogatari has beaten to death) was kinda fresh at the time.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Eh, I read the manga first. They weren't a shot for shot adaptation, but what I saw wasn't mind-blowing.

Yeah this.

All this love for the anime is bizarre when the manga was just better in every way. The anime completely ruins the essence of the show, the personalities of the characters and then finaly the complete butchering as it progresses really got on my nerves.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Yeah this.

All this love for the anime is bizarre when the manga was just better in every way. The anime completely ruins the essence of the show, the personalities of the characters and then finaly the complete butchering as it progresses really got on my nerves.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that. The anime followed the manga very closely until the moment Tsurumaki took over (which, incidentally, was the best episode).

I will say that I haven't watched Kare Kano in eight years. My appreciation for the craftsmanship behind the show might be different now that I'm not as innocent in the realm of anime-watching.


I don't even know who you're arguing with but Dennou Coil is one of the best looking shows ever produced and they're wrong.

Back to my hole.


Bakuman 3 - 19

I think everything just feels a bit too fast and a bit disappointed with how Shujin is handling Reversi :/ I fear Bakuman may be unable to escape the curse of not having a really good ending to compare to the quality of previous arcs. Anyway, still enjoyable, much fun with the assistants being all dedicated as this PCP/Reversi began to take off there.

Saiko had some odd faces...

I think I'm gonna have to check this series just because of that gif.

I hope its on crunchyroll.


Its too bad that everything outside of the end product itself was handled really poorly with Dennou Coil. It looking like a kids' show and airing on NHK probably didn't help.


I'm also not sure how you could miss the action sakuga in episode 4.






Yea I definitely forgot about that. That was handled fairly well. Like I said, the fluidity is the show's strength more than anything.


The atmosphere is so oppressive that it's hard to marathon it.

Also here's the handy viewing guide that Thoraxes may or may not have shared already:
Thanks for covering me! I've been pretty busy recently.
I think I've seen that on /a/ quite a few times and thought nothing of it. Until now, of course. My interest in this world looks like it'll put me in a pit of despair.

Dude, it's so true.

Nobody believes the chart when they start, and then they experience what Texhnolyze has to offer.
So was Penguin Drums last arc bad or something?

I never see you guys mention the anime anymore.

Penguindrum is still number somewhere between 2-7 in my heart.


I've been meaning to see Dennou Coil for a long time now and Same with samurai 7 since I hear that's the highest budget tv anime, just to really check them out and see how they look like.

There aren't many videos of Dennou Coil on youtube strangely.
The first 4 episodes of Kare Kano are some of the best TV anime I've seen. If it had ended at that final scene it would have been perfect.

Kare Kano is pretty much all great. One of my all time favorites, still.

It's a shame Gainax hasn't done a good TV show since then.

I've been meaning to see Dennou Coil for a long time now and Same with samurai 7 since I hear that's highest budget tv anime, just to really check them out and see how they look like.

There aren't many videos of Dennou Coil on youtube strangely.

Don't watch Samurai 7. It's awful.


But it is a kids' show.

Anime fans in general should stop caring about whether something is a kids show or not.

I don't care if its a kids' show but it got very little exposure and sold like shit. I don't know of what specifics the deal with NHK carried with it, but seeing that Iso is missing/dead/has taken on a new identity, I think its safe to say that the whole endeavor ended in failure.


I've been meaning to see Dennou Coil for a long time now and Same with samurai 7 since I hear that's highest budget tv anime, just to really check them out and see how they look like.

There aren't many videos of Dennou Coil on youtube strangely.

I... what
I recently saw the original movie. I'm actually kinda curious now about the scifi anime version. I just remember trying to watch it a few years back and got like 4 episodes in before giving up.

Well, if you want to see one of the greatest films of all time defiled by Gonzo, then go right ahead.

Just know going in that it's an awful movie that defiles the corpse of a film classic and fills it with obnoxious characters that no one gives a shit about.


It made no sense. The first time Mifune killed a dude, there was tension and you could see his character break down. In the anime, the kid blew up a robot and he was having PSTD. WTF? I stopped watching after that part.


Well, if you want to see one of the greatest films of all time defiled by Gonzo, then go right ahead.

Just know going in that it's an awful movie that defiles the corpse of a film classic and fills it with obnoxious characters that no one gives a shit about.

Does it contain any of the social commentary that the original had?


I can't believe you guys had to remind me about Samurai 7. I thought I'd long since filed it away in a dark place never to be revisited again.
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