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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Russia is kinda complicated since these works were on the public domain, but only because of certain USSR related reasons. (in some cases even owned by the state) once Russia signed international treaties after the fall of the USSR many works retro-actively returned to their authors. (with a lot of other complications due to the nature of that transition)

Yup - this is the discussion we got into about the removal of the Katyusha scene from Girls und Panzer, thanks to the precedent set by the Peter and the Wolf copyright case in the USA.

Jexhius said:
While we've certainly subscribed to Berne I believe it only states 50 years after authors death, right?

Under the 1995 Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performance Regulations:

UK law said:
12. Duration of copyright in literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works.

(1) The following provisions have effect with respect to the duration of copyright in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work.

(2) Copyright expires at the end of the period of 70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the author dies, subject as follows.

(section here about anonymous works)

(6) Where the country of origin of the work is not an EEA state and the author of the work is not a national of an EEA state, the duration of copyright is that to which the work is entitled in the country of origin, provided that does not exceed the period which would apply under subsections (2) to (5).

(see also the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Section 13B which I hadn't noted before, apologies - I am not a lawyer, I just worked for one for a while and now work with copyright on a regular basis)

Although Japanese copyright law is such that it's only 50 years for many things, cinematographic works have the 70 year period under Article 54 of the Copyright Law of Japan:

http://www.cric.or.jp/cric_e/clj/clj.html said:
(Cinematographic works)
Article 54. (1) Copyright in a cinematographic work shall continue to subsist until the end of a period of seventy years following the making public of the work or the creation of the work if it has not been made public within a period of seventy years following its creation.
(2) When copyright in a cinematographic work has expired at the end of its duration, copyright subsisting in the original work adapted cinematographically shall also expire but only with respect to the exploitation of the cinematographic work.

I assume anime counts as cinematographic work?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Psycho-Pass 5-6

If you guys didn't like this show back then and it was already this cool, I wonder how it is now. I shouldn't have put it on hold, haha.
Maoyuu 7


It's a great week for butts. Episode was sort of slow this week, but apparently things of the "IT'S HAPPENING" nature await.


Spice and Wolf 5

Aw damn, Chloe's apparently one of the bad guys now. Damn, I thought she was nice. Wonder what this has to do with her eing the last to harvest or whatever though. I didn't quite understand that.

I like Holo. Her conversations with Lawrence really are quite good. I don't get what she was so upset at Lawrence for though. Was it cause he took too long or cause he enlisted help or what? I guess she may have just been upset in general cause Chloe told her they would turn her over to the church and that they had no use for her anymore.
Sazae-san Episode 6,173 or "Mother's Day"

It's Mother's Day! Although to the Isono family it means treat the mums well and treat dads and the cat badly. Sazae and Fune get treated to flowers, magazines and naps. While the kids boss their dads around. I await the Father's Day episode for the opposite to happen. Only the cat still gets treated bad.


Gintama 10-11

I have seen the cutest dog ever. I want a Dog God. I am tired of driving, so she can simply run to my university.

Also, strawberry milk, and Gintama's awe inspiring speech of wetting the bed made me lol way too hard. I knew exactly what he was talking about during his speel.

...It's a pity that most won't remember these great scenes because how many years it has been. :-(
Problem Children Are SHINING WIZARDing Other Children 06

Well at the very least that fight was pretty cool. They are still tossing out information about this world even if we are already half way in. Hopefully we will get a nice showing of each person's powers again before the show ends.
Gintama 10-11

I have seen the cutest dog ever. I want a Dog God. I am tired of driving, so she can simply run to my university.

Also, strawberry milk, and Gintama's awe inspiring speech of wetting the bed made me lol way too hard. I knew exactly what he was talking about during his speel.

...It's a pity that most won't remember these great scenes because how many years it has been. :-(

I do! One of my favourite scenes from Gintama. I should really start watching that again, I'm still on Episode 13...

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Problem Children Are SHINING WIZARDing Other Children 06

Well at the very least that fight was pretty cool. They are still tossing out information about this world even if we are already half way in. Hopefully we will get a nice showing of each person's powers again before the show ends.

Oh man, that Shining Wizard was the best thing ever. And I didn't realize that Izayoi intentionally used Jin as a human shield. :lol


[Mouryou no Hako] - 6

I have to confess, after much rumination the only thing I can say about this episode is that d'aww that kitty is so cute!




Robotics;Notes - 17

Well, it turns out the thing I expected to have no consequences last week (
Subaru's accident
) ended up having some consequence after all, so that's something.

The non-Robot Club plot seems to be advancing as well. Not that I really understand the consequences of
the reports being distributed word wide - from what was shown onscreen in the anime, the information included didn't seem like it would shake up any world powers, but who knows. Maybe the Organization, or whatever their name was, have some more powerful enemies than Hououin Kyouma and Lightning-Fast Knight-Hart.

Things are definitely becoming more interesting. I wasn't going to drop it regardless, but I'm glad.


Nichijou 3 - 8

The talking cat is, like, the cutest thing ever.

Some of the watercolour background gags are amazing

My brain hurts a little


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Chihayafuru 2 6


This is my new wallpaper.

This season is actually better than the first. How is that possible?

They had to lose once this season, so now that that is out of the way... Go go go!


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - 07


So who's the wife and who's the mistress?

Funny watching them both fight over Hero, and it looks like there's some movement in the shadows, will be interesting to see where this goes, I hope.

Chihayafuru - 06



Hilarious how Arata barely has to anything.

Robotics;Notes - 17

Stuff happened, yet stuff tried to stay the same, the show is doing a really poor job at trying to sell me that Aki's motivation and dreams is worth plowing through despite all that happened in the last episode.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Robotics;Notes - 17

Stuff happened, yet stuff tried to stay the same, the show is doing a really poor job at trying to sell me that Aki's motivation and dreams is worth plowing through despite all that happened in the last episode.

They almost convinced me to care about her back then when they
revealed her condition,
but she didn't have any character development after that. Right now she just seems like the little girl everyone patronizes because she's clueless.


Anyone spread the news that the Madoka Magica movies are coming to canada? March 14th for part one, and March 20th for part 2.

My local theatre has it in the database, but no tickets or showtimes yet.


They almost convinced me to care about her back then when they
revealed her condition,
but she didn't have any character development after that. Right now she just seems like the little girl everyone patronizes because she's clueless.

Right now it's like.



Subete no aware
Not a Simpsons fan, I take it?
Sounds like something for old people.
Yep, back when The Simpsons was good.
Almost. I'll just say that Panda-kun = Lisa in this situation.
It was weird how it rained even though it was sunny outside!


BokuTomo 6

I honestly don't know if I just dislike the text entirely now. It's not that the anime does it any favors, but I have to assume that a lot of this is coming from the light novels and it's just interminable.

You almost think that the Sena and Yozora stuff would come to a head FINALLY and then it just gets handwaved away. Why even bother with drama if you aren't going to use it either for comedic effect or, well, dramatic effect. Having someone just cry for the sake of crying doesn't actually mean anything.


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 07

Dat harem.
I suppose it isn't fair because I'm only half watching this show, but I really have no idea what is going on with the time jumps and whatnot.

When was there a Dragon Princess and what's going on with the Black Knight stuff that he just shows up in that outfit without a second thought now?

The anime feels more like a plot summary of the novels - and it's already so plot heavy in terms of just dumping plot to move things forward - so I almost feel like I'd be better off reading a wikipedia summary of the novels/manga if such a thing existed.

Hell, whatever happened to that mage that he was supposed to save like 3 episodes ago? Did I just miss that entirely?


Chihayafuru 6

I guess you make up for nothing happening by just having lovely looking art and quite possibly the best score ever released for an anime (even if you just reuse the same four songs over and over again).

I'm still in a love hate relationship with the show inasmuch as I feel that all the parts are there for an amazing series but the mangaka, and in turn, the people adapting the manga, are just so up their own ass about this karuta stuff that it just becomes so boring to watch.

So, forget the fact that I saw the ending coming a mile away once they announced the special stipulation for the tournament - that's just something that's obvious because the author wanted the team to make the nationals but not repeat the exact same story arc - a lot of the angst coming from the other team just didn't matter. Who cares about Hokou, really? At least in Saki, when the MJ matches take FOREVER, it's an excuse to actually go into a flashback of all the opponents at the table. Here it's just perfunctory and meant to just break things up.

The same thing happened the first season with the old champion struggling to come back and the mom that Chihaya played and all the other mostly forgettable opponents that appeared back in season one.

Hell, there's a whole back story with Taichi and Retro that they keep teasing but never actually show. That would be much more interesting than slow pans of cards and people's anguished faces over a match that has a predetermined outcome.

It's funny, I suppose that this is the antithesis of my SAO #hatewatch in that I actually want to love this show in spite of itself. It's not even that mode of watching where "I've seen 20 seasons of How I Met Your Mother so I might as well finish the series even though I hate it and everything that it stands for and because Barney etc etc", because I still feel passionate about the show. Hell, that's basically CSI for me, which is basically just boring background fodder at this point.

The worst part is that I know this show will never rise to the occasion and be stuck in the doldrums that it finds itself in, so intellectually I know that it will never become the show that I think it could be and reach its full potential... yet I still "love" the show and will watch every episode.

Hell, maybe it really is just as simple as the soundtrack being so seductive that I'll watch just to hear the theme over and over again. lol


Chihayafuru S2 6


Let it be known that with this masterfully crafted episode, the second season has now surpassed the first. It's able to effortlessly hit all the right notes exactly when it matters most. Now, let's just see if it can keep it up for the rest of its 2-cour run.

Hmm, gafs standards must have slipped far harder than I first thought.


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 07

Hell, whatever happened to that mage that he was supposed to save like 3 episodes ago? Did I just miss that entirely?

He found her in some Demon library then left her to her own devices.

To be fair, it's easily missable because that little plot point was practically handwaved via a sentence and a still frame.


Subete no aware
He found her in some Demon library then left her to her own devices.

To be fair, it's easily missable because that little plot point was practically handwaved via a sentence and a still frame.
Really? Why even bother mentioning it? I assume it was an important plot point in the source material at least? lol
Fate/Zero Einzbern Consultation Room Special 05

Being Lancer is more suffering than Being Assassin.

Funny short, mostly in all the fourth wall smackdowns going on with Lancer. Huh, actual plot near the end? This could get good.


Subete no aware
A pretty big deal was made of it in the manga but I can't say the same for the LN as I don't think anyone's bothered to translate them.
Man, I guess this is what happens when you try to cover a lot in a 12 episode series.

It was more of a stepping stone to get the Hero to run off on his long journey and white knighting everyone with his demon armour.
It's weird because even the old guy got some lines... as far as I know, she doesn't even really show up.


Man, I guess this is what happens when you try to cover a lot in a 12 episode series.
Nah, it's what happens when you strip away everything that made the series interesting and replace that with a boatload of bad animation and shitty CG on-top of it. Of course, it could be that the LN source material is just that threadbare. Beats me.

It's weird because even the old guy got some lines... as far as I know, she doesn't even really show up.
fwiw, she didn't show up until the last 3 chapters in the manga so~
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