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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Looks like it was a busy day to be away from GAF -- new board features, members being banned, etc etc. Going to have to take some time to catch up.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 16

The contrast between the two halves of this episode is nothing sort of astounding.

The first half of this episode was hilarious comic relief. Nanami throws a party cause she got a fancy piece of jewelry and she wants to show it off to everybody because she's pathetically vain. But then Juri shows up wearing something nicer. But then she receives a piece from a famous jewelry designer in England. It turns out to be...a cowbell. So she shows off the cowbell to everybody. But she doesn't have a fucking clue what a cowbell is for, and she thinks the (hilarious) awkward silence is simply the cowbell taking everybody's breath away. So she walks around the school's campus proudly wearing her cowbell, and everybody's like "Tha fuck?" Then Utena confronts her about it and her subordinate bodyguards/guys who have crushes on her try to stop her, but Nanami refuses to listen to her. The whole first half of this episode is simply hysterical.

After finishing directing the first half of this, Ikuhara then took a break and retired to his chemistry lab. Here, he miraculously discovered a breakthrough method for properly lacing marijuana with LSD while getting the full effects of both. Ikuhara took a huge puff of his creation...and then began work on the second half of this episode.

The second half starts with a trippy, weird, and disturbing as all hell dream where she's a cow in a barn, and her brother comes to feed her her hay. He then informs her it's her final meal, and then sends her off to the slaughterhouse. Then, he is seen eating a steak made from Nanami. Just...wow.

This dream sparks a dark spiral for Nanami in which she starts acting more and more like a cow. She starts mooing, running slowly, and dressing like a cow, but then it gets worse. She's then seen in a field grazing with cows. She then sees a red sweater Anthy made for Utena, and then...she morphs into an ACTUAL FUCKING COW! Only Ikuhara. Then Utena bullfights her and knocks the cowbell off of her, and she turns back to normal. Turns out the cowbell was for Anthy's cow, also named Nanami, for whom she also ordered a nose ring. Which Nanami receives, and proudly wears.

Kunihiko Ikuhara, ladies and gentlemen.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Jesus fuck my eyes
Revolutionary Girl Utena 15

I'm gonna have to take this arc slowly. Two episodes in and Ikuhara's gone all in on the brainfuckery.

What's with this show and girls lusting after their brother's hot shafts? First Nanami, then Anthy (though I guess her brother wants her just as much if not more), and now Miki's sister. The FUCK?! Kozue is super jelly that Miki has a crush on Anthy and goes to the confessional where the Black Rose cult/douchebag organization gives her the Black Rose seal. Apparently, people with the Black Rose seal can steal the hearts of people with the regular Rose Seal. Yet, when she fights Utena, Utena defeats her, cause Utena's not a bitch.

About Miki: He's a bit of a dork, but if Anthy was to be with anyone other than Utena, he'd probably be better than anyone else, if only because everyone else who wants her will certainly treat her like garbage. At least he actually likes Anthy and Utena, and they like him back. Although I suppose his desires to have her are ultimately fueled by self-interest.

At the end. "Choo choo". WHAT THE HELL?! There are several connotations I can think of for that, and all are giving me unpleasant mental pictures.

Wanted to say this for a while: Kozue is hot stuff.


Sucks at poetry
I don't see that effect.

Anyway, here is a pic of Komugi that I never saw before.
Extollere will appreciate it.

She is lovely. Which makes me sad that there isn't more porn of her being properly abused and stuff. I think she would look really sexy crying. Well I guess I'll have to make my own then!


She is lovely. Which makes me sad that there isn't more porn of her being abused and stuff. I think she would look really sexy crying. Well I guess I'll have to make my own then!

I wonder what percentage of artists have this as their true inspiration for learning to draw
Shin Sekai Yori

[Drunken Rant]I'm sorry I dropped you. That brief moment of lovey dovey shit, was exactly that, a brief moment. Everything since that episode has been a non-stop thrill ride, and exactly what I wanted from this anime.

The only problem that I have with the show is that it's rather predictable. Who honestly didn't see Yakomaru as a scheming douchebag from the moment he was introduced and that every twist was about as unexpected as a happy ending in a Disney movie.

All in all, this is probably one of my favorite shows this winter, and I hope this ride never lets up. [/Drunken Rant]

Edit: Are Chihayafuru and Sasami-san worth watching if I'm already watch the likes of Senran Kagura and Vividred? I figure my standards are so low that taste is no longer relevant.
From the New World 20

Suspenseful still but felt a bit odd in moments whenever they levitated or flew off, why not be more er smooth or graceful in their movements? Also perhaps its time they redefine bakanezumi, that is not a bakanezumi.

Wish they didnt split up again, was really good when Satoru was there, so hopefully they meet up fast. Am glad that at least one of the original team that weve seen over the course of the anime, Saki, manage to accept the position, though poor Mama Asahina, wonder if she will get garbled and stuff and die facing the fiend.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The light blue is not very discernible in regular GAF.
I thought the pictures showing off the colored self posts were mislabeled or something. I use a really strong olive for that so maybe my perspective is just skewed.

Although it made for a really great and intense scene, the Red Stone of Asjia sliding down that actually relatively flat slope at speeds faster than Joseph or Cars could run was a bit well on the edge of reality. Anyway, he's really not as good as ACDC sama was personality wise.

Hyped for Ceaser and hopefully a good old Joseph + Ceaser defeat of Cars, I hope. I dont think weve had them ever even teamup at all recently in a major fight, which must happen I pray.
Did like how they were on the same wavelength to stop from falling into the ravine really the highlight of the whole episode but then made their yelling and falling out scene all that more intense considering how strong their bond had become, really hope Ceaser holds no harsh feelings or whatever, reconciliation next episode hopefully.


Gundam AGE 16


You don't say.

  • Flit looks suitably troubled and distant.
  • Asemu looks like he won't be taking shit from anyone.
  • Woolf is all fucking man with those sideburns if the OP is anything to go by.
  • :lol @ Flit indoctrinating his son into this role

Looking good!


So I stumbled across the TVTropes page for Ikuhara:


and...did he actually say/write this?

This is just between you and me, but when I was fourteen, I saw a UFO.

That UFO telepathically told me this prophecy:"When you grow up, you will direct an anime about girls revolutionizing various things."

Surely you jest.

"You must not tell anyone about me. If you ever do..."

Wh-What will happen to me?

"People will call you a sketchy guy."

I'm pretty sure he's just trolling, but still.


At last, a much-deserved continuation to the creepiest heartwarming show of 2012.


Ah yes. That and the cucumbers... why.jpg

This shit gets announces but not Mayo chiki Season 2? Travesty i tell ya!

As much as I loved Mayo Chiki, it deteriorated rapidly in quality during the latter half of the show. Maybe they should just leave it be at one season. :/

God, my friend seriously sat me down to watch two episodes of this show one afternoon.

I literally cannot remember anything about it.

Give it another try, you might like it. Family values and all.


From the New World:20

Not sure how to feel about this episode. I think I liked it more than last week's, but it was far more inconsistent. The odd directing and bad editing reared it's ugly head again. You can really tell this is based on a book. Lots of things that would work better on the page than on the screen. It's quite obvious they're squeezing a ton a content into a small space. The story is going to fascinating places. Just really loving this week to week.

Biggest problem with episode 20? The CG rocks. Ick.
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