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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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That's really fucking disgusting.



Judging by all the extremely positive impressions around here it seems that Wolf Children is going to easily top the Anime of the Year thread.


Unless Space Dandy or something turns out to be something really really awesome, I don't see how Wolf Children is not gonna win next year running away.


We all know that thee anime designs would never be that good, sadly. They're fairly...simplified.


Now, in all fairness to the From the New World anime that series is not so interested in portraying some horrific visage for you to gasp at so much as it it attempts to disturb you with the implications of something you can't exactly see. It's more about the implication of what could possibly lie around that corner, or through that that curtain rather than a visceral reaction to something gross.


Smile Precure! 03


One Word: Peace

Your faves could never ever.


Yes I'm a series behind on Precure forgive me fellow Pretty Cure Stans ;__;

Lol my PC had like no memory/disk space so I had to cut a lot of stuff to make this gif ;__; I shall remake it and do Cure Peace Justice tbh


Yay, another fan of Katou!

It's his time to shine with Iwasaki's semi retirement and decline. Hopefully he gets to work on more high profile shows in the future though... anyway lets see if he has another Daitoubatsu in him for Samurai Girls s2.


I hope I'm not getting overhyped for Wolf Children. I don't want to inflate my expectations to impossible levels and become disappointed by an otherwise great movie. :(

It's his time to shine with Iwasaki's semi retirement and decline. Hopefully he gets to work on more high profile shows in the future though... anyway lets see if he has another Daitoubatsu in him for Samurai Girls s2.
Yeah, I'd like to see him in more high profile shows as well. I think he's good at pulling off at least one Daitoubatsu or two per show. I don't know much about music composition, but he just seems to know how to make those types of songs. He has a couple of good songs like that in Horizon.


Wolf Children

I feel like I should give it some time to percolate, but then again, I probably won't write anything about it if I wait too long.
(Ugh, I hate spoiler crap. I almost want to tag my entire post because I have no idea what I can talk about, but I just don't want to talk in generalities.)

I guess to start with some of my problems...
I really did feel like the movie should have just montaged the entire opening act and found a way to get to the village sooner. Given that the first act uses a montage to show the passage of time anyway, there's no reason it couldn't have been a little more deft with the handling of the back story. Alternatively, if they wanted to make the father a bigger part of the story, they really shouldn't have montaged
the first year he spends with Hana and Yuki and then kill him off shortly after Ame is born
. I would have been fine with either... but as it stands, it's either a bit long or ends unnecessarily perfunctory.

The other thing I just found a bit extraneous was the narration. It gives the impression that the entire film is Yuki looking back on the past, which in itself is fine, but the only payoff for the narration is another time skip at the end of the film. It does provide a nice counterpoint to the diegetic howl that Ame gives - you have Yuki's voice serving as a reminder of civilization and the textuality of the work at hand, while Ame's voice calls out from within the film itself, belying a primal emotionality that he represents at the end of the film.
You know, maybe I just talked myself into liking the narration. Go figure. lol

This is an interesting point which I feel I can expand on. I don't feel that it's a problem so much as a really interesting discussion topic. :(

With regards to the usage of montage, I think it's very effective precisely because of what is montaged and what is not. The purpose of the early parts of the story was not to give the father figure an important role into the story, but rather focus on things which eventually become important to Yuki. Maybe this is something which takes more reflection to realize, but it really is another sign of how Hosoda's instinct as a director has matured. This is a great example of how a film should "show" and not "tell".

The scenes which apply montage the most and have the least amount of dialogue are also the scenes which Yuki would have never experienced herself. They are things her mother told her about as she grew up, and after she is born, it would be mixed with events she would be too young to remember in detail.

Obviously the story isn't entirely from Yuki's perspective, so this isn't exactly an exact science, but I feel there's a very conscious application of how the earlier parts of the movie are more focused on specific events (how I met your father), (we would meet at dates at night), (then we started living together), (how he died), with the rest being more dreamlike, and a mix of Hana's memory and how Yuki would probably imagine it to be. As the two children grow, the movie also gets more and more subtle about placing specific importance on events, and becomes much more natural. So I'm sure that feeling is intentional.

As for the narration, that's a really interesting point which I didn't think about. It's definitely true that in retrospect, Yuki narrating the entire story shows that she continues to think and interact as a human does (keeping records, ensuring the account of her family's story is passed on, visiting her mother from time to time, etc), while Ame fully embraces his animal side and becomes part of nature where such things which are so important to us are less important to him.

My main takeaway from the narrative aspect was that it was a sort of red herring, where Hosoda wanted to make it seem like the predictable sort of family drama where the mother actually died in some dramatic tragic finale, and the daughter is telling the story years later. Only to sort of surprise the audience at the end when the movie is really not that dramatic. Your interpretation actually makes much more sense. Lol.

As for the rest of the film, I think it was duckroll that said the film is more mature and restrained and it certainly feels like it. Other than the pure emotion expressed
in the two nature/running scenes
, the film is small and intimate, giving us a portrait of a small family and difficulties of living with what is essentially a mixed-race subjectivity. It's funny because Summer Wars did the family thing but went as big as possible, with the grandmother as matriarch and a giant family with sons and daughters and their kids and so forth... but hey, you can achieve the same effect with just
characters. Who knew?

After watching A Letter To Momo, I also appreciate that the film gives as much time to Hana and her experience being
a single mother
. Momo pays lip-service to the fact that the mother is an character with her own motivations, but she is still ultimately a plot device in that film. Here, it's as much about Hana's experience raising her children as it is Yuki and Ame's anxiety over their mixed-race identities.

Speaking of Yuki and Ame, I really loved how the film showed them
choosing different paths in their lives. The time skip montage at school was a perfect summary of how each character deals with being in the human world. The pan to Ame's empty seat at the end of that sequence was just marvelous.

I suppose it's also ironic that
Ame would be the one to choose to forsake human contact and embrace nature, given that Yuki was the one who was easily excited. Or perhaps being an introvert prepared him for his life away from human society. I dunno. lol

I do think it's a bit unfair that
while equal time is given to Ame and Yuki, there is no majesty when Yuki chooses to embrace humanity. Ame gets his nature montage, complete with a first person running montage, while Yuki gets... dealing with an exchange student and being picked on because she's a tomboy. It's kind of hard not to side with Ame when he wants to choose the romanticism of raw nature anyway. lol

Wolf Children is a fabulous film and probably my favourite of the Hosada films that I've seen. It's as personal as TGWLTT but has the emotional stakes of Summer Wars, so it's not a surprise to know that the film was a big success in Japan. Assuming we do another one of those AOTY things, it'll definitely be one of the higher ranked texts on my list.

Glad you liked it. The movie really does expose the flaws of Letter of Momo. I watched it before Letter to Momo though, so instead of thinking "wow this is how much better Momo could have been", my reaction was "why isn't this as good as Wolf Children". Roflmao. As for the inequality bit, fwiw,
the scene where Yuki reveals herself to the boy using the curtains, was voted on one of the NTV early morning variety shows as the #2 best scene-which-makes-the-audience-cry in all of 2012 or something. So I'm sure that counts for something! Yuki's story is definitely the story which I think most people will relate to, while Ame's story is something which I guess reflects more of "how much simpler life could be if we weren't constrained by society".


HxH 2011 69


Watching the dodgeball match with actual animation and excellent production values is just... holy shit. Someone please pinch me as I must be dreaming.




Is that happiness ? surprise ? anger ? remorse ?

Its Kyubey!
Mipple and Mepple were annoying but not frightening at least.

First thoughts.

1) This dude is fucking rich
2) This dude has balls of steel
3) This dude is the Otaking

This dude is baller. This room is a bit like mine, but he has more figures, some dakimakuras and sex toys, whereas I just have a ton of anime, some figures and a New Orleans Saints piggy bank. Im behind the times. I do have a big Kyubey figure guarding the place like he does.

The manga design for the monster rats is somewhat different...

I like this design. Its cute.

Smile Precure! 03


One Word: Peace

Your faves could never ever.


Yes I'm a series behind on Precure forgive me fellow Pretty Cure Stans ;__;

Lol my PC had like no memory/disk space so I had to cut a lot of stuff to make this gif ;__; I shall remake it and do Cure Peace Justice tbh

You cannot do justice to Peace. Its impossible to show her in her absolute glory. A gif wont do it. She is a phenomenon.


You can find various clips of it up on youtube to see just how shit it is, not that I'd actually recommend doing that of course.

Might just do that after the arc ends in 2011... I gotta see it if its that bad lol, not going to risk spoilers though.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
This dude is baller. This room is a bit like mine, but he has more figures, some dakimakuras and sex toys, whereas I just have a ton of anime, some figures and a New Orleans Saints piggy bank. Im behind the times. I do have a big Kyubey figure guarding the place like he does.

But the question is does Kyubey really protect the place? ;P

I suppose better Kyubey than Saya though. ^^;
I couldn't go watch it either, don't worry.
There was no theater close that aired the movie :(

Life is ..life is .... unfair sometimes.

HxH 2011 69


Watching the dodgeball match with actual animation and excellent production values is just... holy shit. Someone please pinch me as I must be dreaming.



Episode was freaking great .. i believe it's better animated and at a faster pace than the oavs .. awesome.


So yeah quickly looking at the wiki for the Jojo manga and trying to avoid any spoilers.... seems every arc from here on in is going to be 17 volumes long? So from part 3 to part 7 they'll need to do 5 two cour series....

C'mon david production....

Anyway time to watch 17-21 in one go!
Sgt. Keroro Episode 213 + Episode 215 or "The Day Momoka Stood Still" + "Wet King 3 1/33"

Ep 213: Momoka's stuck in a time loop and nobody else notices. Keroro thinks that she can tell the future at one point.
Ep 215: Wet King is awesome, just as good as 556.


So the latest Twitter rumors from today's Hidamari Sketch Nippon Budokan Festival event are that the next anime project will be about Sae and Hiro's graduation. No confirmation for anything about it yet, but that's what's people are saying.


So the latest Twitter rumors from today's Hidamari Sketch Nippon Budokan Festival event are that the next anime project will be about Sae and Hiro's graduation. No confirmation for anything about it yet, but that's what's people are saying.

May Hidamari Sketch live forever. I hope Shaft never stops making it.
Minami-ke tadaima 09- 8 hit combo time

This episode featured a healty dose of hosaka..


Some delicious cameos :

The spiciest man in history ! SpicyMan !

And plenty of misunderstandings !

Glorious minami-ke episode !


Wolf Children Ami and Yuki

Absolutely worth the mounds of praise it's been receiving and then some. I've never really fully grasped the comments of "this being Hosoda's most 'mature' film" or "directed with such confidence" before in regards to this film, but after watching the credits finish rolling I get it now. I think many here have gone into detail about the themes presented here but I just have to reiterate how wonderfully executed those themes of family and finding your own path are presented here. So many excellent scenes through out this movie but how brilliant was that
classroom montage
? So good.

I'm definitely going to be recommending this to all my friends, some of which are already fans of Hosoda's previous works. Shoot I might actually even show this to my mother since there's plenty that she can relate to and appreciate. This is just a wonderfully told story that's full of charm and pure human emotion and something that is extremely refreshing to see these days.


Girls und Panzer 8-10

I put the show on hold, since it wasn't going to finish, and I decided to finish the current run just now. And if I'd watched this earlier, I might have put it over Tsuritama in my AOTY rankings.

The show's done so well on the sales charts thanks to a pretty wide-ranging, diverse set of character designs, whose personalities are attractively drawn in broad strokes over the course of the series. But I can't speak highly enough of the tank battles. Not only does the show do a great job of making these sprawling engagements easy to understand, its use of CG allows for intense, dynamic action that had me on the edge of my seat.

Episode 9, especially, blew me away during their breakout of the encirclement. The first-person charge of the Student Council tank would have been incredibly expensive if not for the CG, and was incredibly thrilling. And the desperate flight of the Duck Team from the guns of Katyusha, intercut with Ooarai's pursuit of the enemy flag tank... the techniques are straight out of a textbook of cinema dating back to D.W. Griffith, but they've gotten no less effective over time.



I can't wait for the final episodes. I'm sure they won't let me down.


Ep 215: Wet King is awesome, just as good as 556.

I thought the first few episodes with Wet King were rather weak, but the 5th season ones saved his character to me. Too bad he only gets two stories in the 6th season and nothing aside from a cameo in the 7th.
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