*eats kayos' face*
is this the result of watching Max Heart? It turns you into a reaver?
*eats kayos' face*
I hope ANN picks it up. But this is too dangerous to Tweet.![]()
I hope ANN picks it up. But this is too dangerous to Tweet.![]()
Just got the insider scoops from IRC:
Sailor Moon (2013)
- Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (thanks Hitokage)
- Series Director is Yutaka Yamamoto (thanks mAcOdIn)
- Animation produced by BONES (thanks Milamber)
- Toei confirms that Ikuhara has full creative control (thanks Hitokage)
- 3 min episodes (thanks dresden)
- Full CG animation (thanks duckroll)
only three minute episodes? Not sure if want.
only three minute episodes? Not sure if want.
But with the feel of six minute episodes.
But those involve google.You see, this is what happens when people trust the internet instead of reputable traditional media outlets.
Attention British GAF: (English?)
There's apparently going to be a Princess Mononoke stage play put up by some theater company called "Whole Hog Theater". Suzuki Toshio of Studio Ghibli even attended some kind of press event for it.
Oh look, LONDON!
Why wouldn't it be shown at the capital first then?
Prince Ashitaka – Maximillian Troy Tyler
I hope ANN picks it up. But this is too dangerous to Tweet.![]()
I don't think NeoGAF is ready. Maybe we can subtly hint at it in other random posts.Make a thread about it then.
Oh anti-spirals. Makes complete sense now.
2 minute transofmation sequences.
Don't hate us cos we're awesome.Oh look, LONDON!
Good to see Apo get some work on the side.Well, I guess Funimation saw those Aniplex YouTube panel livestreams and decide to do something similar...
Hmmm... another trailer. This new Iron Man anime movie might be watchable. At least the action looks decent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zfq1eccn_M
Only $28 to pre-order on Right Stuf!I had no idea this existed. Not bad.
Only $28 to pre-order on Right Stuf!
Hmmm... another trailer. This new Iron Man anime movie might be watchable. At least the action looks decent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zfq1eccn_M
Wow so Madhouse can still do some traditional mechanical animation after all.
Is there a word in this world worse than "squee"? Somehow it gets even more offensive over time because I have to think about the kind of person who would still be using it.Well, I guess Funimation saw those Aniplex YouTube panel livestreams and decide to do something similar...
I need happy squee cute pictures.
work is being a bunch of shit this morning.
We are rolling out a new database and it takes time for drivers to adjust to it.
I hope this helps.
That's not very squee of you dimb. You could try harder to be a little more squee. I'm sure you have enough squee in you.I hope this helps.
Well, horses were the main mode of transportations in cities for a long time... then people moved on.I think digital reading will be a supplementary choice, not a replacement. Physical books are so ingrained into our culture I don't see them ever disappearing. It's not like vinyl records or CDs where it's a matter of technology ageing, printed media has been around for 5 centuries.
I know the mall. You lived in the north! Not quite ryuukan territory though.Do you know Forest Manner elementary school or the Fairview mall? I lived in that area.
Jinsei Best Ten
Director: Yo Miura
Character Design: Hiroko Kazui
Script: Reiko Yoshida
Animation Director: Tomokatsu Nagasaku
Music: Mine Kawakami
Animation Production: BONES
Main Cast
Miki Nakatani
Hiroshi Kamiya
Trailer (it's the second one): http://www.nhk.or.jp/bswomen/special/25.html
Wow, even has Yoshida. Total firehawk bait.
You guys are late, since Geneijin posted about this ages ago! I'm glad it's confirmed that Yoshida is working on at least one of these. I'm the only one who liked the last one, but I figure this one will be interesting as well.
Alien 9 - 01
Madoka v 2?
I hope this helps.
It's the middle of the workweek and everyone is at their peak of grumpiness.Poor Cajun. AnimeGAF isn't embracing the spirit of squee at all.
It's the middle of the workweek and everyone is at their peak of grumpiness.
Wait wait .. lock-on stratos is alright ! Especially by episode 10.Gundam 00 10
Oh for the love of- can we not have ONE Gundam pilot who isn't ridiculously convoluted in some way? Oh, well, at least Neil's convoluted thing isn't THAT far fetched. And the Nadleh's reveal was cool. Still want Tieria to die in a fire, and for Hallelujah to stop this split personality nonsense. It was so much better done with Lady Une.
Stop this protection thing !! When your focus is on protection , you're bond to fail unless deus ex machina , look at Blood-C the last dark !Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 16
Monsters are your friends! You just want to protect them!
Of course, the protag doesn't get stronger by training. Instead he just gets handed a new deck. This show.
SheHeartcatch PreCure!
Episode 3
Near the beginning of the episode Erika mentions that Tsubomi isn't wearing her glasses and changed her hair style. I noticed that before and wondered what had happened in regards to her glasses. Is she wearing contacts or does she not really need them and it was just a self aware visual representation of her being more introverted and closing herself off to others?
Heartcatch is full of reaction faces i don't do that usually but even i have a erika reaction face folder on my computer.Erika shows up a lot more in this episode unlike the last one and I didn't really have any problems here unlike during the first episode. If she was maybe in somebody's face a bit more it just felt more along the lines of a genki girls general excited nature or Tusbomi was now there to reel her in. The reaction faces were varied and entertaining this episode as well. I may be mistaken but I don't think I've seen a little microphone in the mouth to visibly show someone as yelling.
Erika is a perfect example of a genki girl done rightI've heard different one's mention a Cureand now I know which show she's from and who it is. Actually her introduction into a PreCure is probably one of the most, or possibly the most, interesting I've seen. She just went through everything on her own and when asked how she knew it was basically she just used her "dream" as a PreCure tutorial and just did what she saw Tsubomi do, haha. Even her wholeMarineline was pretty amusing. Her transformation was pretty good too.I've actually been thinking up a name for myself since this morning
The girls actually seem to be getting along pretty quickly. Although Erika did seem to take a rather instant liking to Tsubomi. I'm sure SDBurton was happy with the little bit ofat the end of the episode.hand holding
Heart seed production is ...well... your uneasy feelign will ease over time.The heart seed production still kind of weirds me out though...
I like the ending song and dance but I'm still not sure what to think of the designs.
Wait he doesn't use cheat mode and still lose anyway ?Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 17
Yawn, so the band of terrible friends gets captured and protag decides that he's too cool to rely on his imaginary friend and duels to save them. I thought it was established that he's a crappy duelist.
Create a new card ? can't they use existing cards ( in the thousand already available ) to improve a crappy deck ? or is this a deus ex machina plot to try to sell a unique card IRL ?Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 18
So to win the duel, the protag and his imaginary friend literally created a new card that could save the day. I get top decking and I dunno, skill I guess, but this is flat out cheating here people.
Just got the insider scoops from IRC:
Sailor Moon (2013)
- Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (thanks Hitokage)
- Series Director is Yutaka Yamamoto (thanks mAcOdIn)
- Animation produced by BONES (thanks Milamber)
- Toei confirms that Ikuhara has full creative control (thanks Hitokage)
- 3 min episodes (thanks dresden)
- Full CG animation (thanks duckroll)
There comes a time when a man must find his own squee.Poor Cajun. AnimeGAF isn't embracing the spirit of squee at all.
There comes a time when a man must find his own squee.
It's the middle of the workweek and everyone is at their peak of grumpiness.
That's a right-to-work state for you.ive been at work 36 hours this week already.
That's a right-to-work state for you.