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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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I wonder how long it will be before the movie industry invents bluray players that have to be always-online to play movies.
Tamako Market 09




Revolutionary Girl Utena 25

I'm one episode into this arc, and I can already tell that I ain't seen nothing yet. They injected some risque steroids into this show, and the bizarreness is as high as ever.

Why do the dudes in this show love having their shirts open so much?

It's gotta suck for Utena learning that there's been a gondola inside the pillar that holds the staircase this whole time, after climbing all those stairs so many times. Explains how Anthy and the opponent reaches the top though. Speaking of the gondola, both the "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" scene and the (much improved) ED for this arc have shots of the naked backsides of Anthy and Utena, Not that I'm surprised to see that at this point, but still, it kinda caught me off guard.

Saionji's back, and he's in love with his car. Apparently this is some sort of special car that takes the Council to see the end of the world. Or Akio just has the power and the car itself is irrelevant, but Saionji just loved it so much he had to bring it to the duel with him. Prick. Also, is Touga really not old enough to drive? He looks and acts old enough. And I thought he was in the high school or something.

I can't gauge if Akio is evil or good. Usually in this case, most recently with Touga, they turn out to be evil, or at least a dick. And at the end...did he rape Anthy? Was he raping her this whole time? I think that would shut the book on him if he did. Don't answer these questions; I'm just thinking to myself here.
Well he was literally going on about protecting his monsters.
Yes, he was handed a new deck. They didn't make it clear about if it was a fixed up version of his old one, so I'll assume he got a new deck.

His cheat code so far has been his imaginary friend can duel and he can't. He's also trying to punch his imaginary friend.

Literally, he holds up a card, gain a friendship moment, the card then TRANSFORMS into another card. I mean I assume the card exists IRL, but you can't just transform one card into another, just to win the duel.
The more you speak about it the more this show seems like a complete failure. nevermind that i find the new rules of that Gen to be total nonsense.

So much :DTL in only 30 secs...


Revolutionary Girl Utena 25

I'm one episode into this arc, and I can already tell that I ain't seen nothing yet. They injected some risque steroids into this show, and the bizarreness is as high as ever.

Why do the dudes in this show love having their shirts open so much?

It's gotta suck for Utena learning that there's been a gondola inside the pillar that holds the staircase this whole time, after climbing all those stairs so many times. Explains how Anthy and the opponent reaches the top though. Speaking of the gondola, both the "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" scene and the (much improved) ED for this arc have shots of the naked backsides of Anthy and Utena, Not that I'm surprised to see that at this point, but still, it kinda caught me off guard.

Saionji's back, and he's in love with his car. Apparently this is some sort of special car that takes the Council to see the end of the world. Or Akio just has the power and the car itself is irrelevant, but Saionji just loved it so much he had to bring it to the duel with him. Prick. Also, is Touga really not old enough to drive? He looks and acts old enough. And I thought he was in the high school or something.

I can't gauge if Akio is evil or good. Usually in this case, most recently with Touga, they turn out to be evil, or at least a dick. And at the end...did he rape Anthy? Was he raping her this whole time? I think that would shut the book on him if he did. Don't answer these questions; I'm just thinking to myself here.

High school students in Japan can't drive.


Mouryou no Hako 8

Nice. The episode starts off with the train, a.k.a.
"Where it all began (the show)"
and Yoriko, who is still lonely without Kanako in her life. Tatsumi says that a "Mouryou had possessed him." For the audience, a reference to the previous episode. We also find out that the victims, or a number of them, were
alive when having their arms chopped
. Yes, quite chilling!

The dialogue alike in the past episode in the truck on the way home and in this episode with the surgeon and Shutaro are the ones I find the most engaging. They usually have the simplest information and tidbits, so perhaps that's part of it. There's also a friendly chemistry and tension between them (and other scenes) that makes it nice to watch. The script is really different to quite some others and it shows as a positive in scenes similar to the mentioned.

Episodes akin to 7 have extremely dense and straightforward exchanges, perhaps with the occasional exclamation that makes it more difficult to digest and engage on any level besides technical. They aren't "bad" per se, but I welcome them considerably less. As stated in the thread before, they are overwhelming and quite unforgiving. (Thanks a lot Kyougokudoukoudogodou!)

In the latter half of the episode, we are returned to the room of episode 6 and 7, but with speak of outside stories regarding other people taking most of the talking time. There's also a portable tape recorder...
. The conversation goes on to a flashback of Masuoka's meeting with Eno (the show giving a bit of mercy for once!) and it returns to Yoriko herself meeting Eno.

The ending scene built up quickly, but nicely as a hook for the upcoming episode.

What will happen next?

Tamako Market 7

That brown skin and native islander naivety. Choi's great. KyoGodly, etc.

Last and perhaps least,

RIP Afro Guy
Nurse Witch Komugi 2-3: My eyes are bleeding, my brain is melting, but damn, why can't I stop laughing?

Cardfight!! Vanguard - Asia Circuit 66 ~ 68: New clans, yeah o/. Finally we have paladin that are not lame, it was about time. Plus a new. To be fair, he appeared briefly during flashbacks about Ren. Given his look I was sure he'll psyqualia related.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Just finished the Student Council Saga for the third time. I'm finding a lot of the stuff surrounding the roses easier to decipher now. Also, balloons.

I really want to write some stuff about this and the movie, but not having a computer atm sucks and I don't feel like typing all the shit I have to say on my phone.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 25

I'm one episode into this arc, and I can already tell that I ain't seen nothing yet. They injected some risque steroids into this show, and the bizarreness is as high as ever.

Why do the dudes in this show love having their shirts open so much?

It's gotta suck for Utena learning that there's been a gondola inside the pillar that holds the staircase this whole time, after climbing all those stairs so many times. Explains how Anthy and the opponent reaches the top though. Speaking of the gondola, both the "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" scene and the (much improved) ED for this arc have shots of the naked backsides of Anthy and Utena, Not that I'm surprised to see that at this point, but still, it kinda caught me off guard.

Saionji's back, and he's in love with his car. Apparently this is some sort of special car that takes the Council to see the end of the world. Or Akio just has the power and the car itself is irrelevant, but Saionji just loved it so much he had to bring it to the duel with him. Prick. Also, is Touga really not old enough to drive? He looks and acts old enough. And I thought he was in the high school or something.

I can't gauge if Akio is evil or good. Usually in this case, most recently with Touga, they turn out to be evil, or at least a dick. And at the end...did he rape Anthy? Was he raping her this whole time? I think that would shut the book on him if he did. Don't answer these questions; I'm just thinking to myself here.
Think about what the car represents in terms of growing up. It's certainly not "irrelevant".

Actually, from now on you really should look at things from both a literal and allegorical perspective. We are on full on symbolism mode til the movie.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 26

I never know what this show's gonna do next.

Anthy's different. Very different. She's actually able to hold a conversation now. She actually has a personality of her own. And she looks awesome with her hair down.

What's this deal with Akio and the car? Akio is the one who brings people to see the End of the World. But still, what's the deal with the car? Why can only people who haven't abandoned the dream of attaining eternity (I forget what the real parameter is) hear it? Is it some supernatural car? And why does it show up in the Dueling Arena? And probably most of all, why was Kozue opening her shirt in the car in front of her bro (and why was he looking?), and why was Kozue trying to...do something with Anthy in it as Utena and Miki were dueling?

Small correction from last impression: "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" does not show Utena's naked backside. More frontside. No boob though. Yet. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Utena and Anthy had furious yuri sex or if Touga and Akio both starting going nuts on each other's cocks. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if both these things happened.

Edit: Next episode is a Nanami episode. I think I need to mentally prepare myself for that one.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Tamako Market 09:


Choi-chan's so cute! :3

This was a cute little episode that's cheesy as a show can possibly be. Naturally I loved it. ;P

Midori x Choi OTP


After falling in love with Wolf Children, I thought I'd take in a Hosada double feature of sorts today. I ended up checking out Digimon:Our War Game and Summer Wars.

Digimon: Our War Game

I think I've said it here before, but Digimon was an integral part of my childhood. It's probably the first show I consciously thought about as being "from Japan". I think if it weren't for it and Yu Yu Hakusho, I may not have grown up to be an anime fan. It was that nostalgia that mostly lead to me checking it out. To my surprise, the movie was what I remembered it being. Almost exactly. It's such a simple movie, that's something I forgot. It's so small scale, both on story and time. I found how Hosada dealt with the limitations of the audience, source material and length to be really fascinating.

The film does a pretty decent job of hiding it's limitations. Hosada can't tell a large story with all the characters from the show, so he limits the scale in some really clever ways. He uses the limited number of characters to tell a story about how the heroes have become disparate and separated after the events of the show. It was a really clever way to both deal with limitations and play with some larger themes. He gives the story a worldwide conflict without having to drastically increase the amount of explanation and locations.

Still, even if the limitations are cleverly dealt with, they're still felt. The villain is poorly setup and really doesn't have much character to it. I enjoy it's design, but there isn't much to it. It's just a tool to create a plot. The "people are watching worldwide" thing just feels thrown in for a solution at the end. It's just a point that's there. In fact, the whole resolution is just one big cheat. It feels like something just had to be made up to clear out the conflict in the quickest amount of time.

Hosada still brings some clever directorial things in to make the movie feel interesting and well paced. The cross-cutting he frequently uses to establish tension many times throughout the film is really quite effective. Despite the worldwide aspect feeling cheap and poorly setup, he manages to squeeze quite a bit of millage and in that aspect the film really works.

Does Our War Game stand up to my nostalgia filled memories of it? I think it mostly does. For a kid's movie, it's remarkably well done. I got much more from it than I would from any of the Pokemon films, for example. In the end, though, it is still a kid's film and can't really breakout from the prison of that fact. It's an enjoyable piece to watch, certainly, but I certainly don't think it stands up to Hosada's later work.

Summer Wars

Man, does this movie really feel like what Hosada would have made of Our War Game had he been free of the leash of Digimon. Our War Game really feels like a plot outline of Summer Wars. Summer Wars expands a lot on the ideas of the Digimon film, while adding in quite a bit more family drama and heart that I'm now begging to expect from Hosada's films. Even the way it presents the internet feels like an evolution of what Our War Game did. It's visual style of using lots of circular messages, a pure white background and random bits of real world signage is practically exactly the same as Digimon's style.

What I found interesting about the technology is how Hosada integrated modern technological changes into the style. What he uses email for in Our War Game is replaced by a twitter like system complete by an interesting visual representation of what you could say is a "trends" system. I found the speech bubble visualization was a clever way to present an otherwise overwhelming amount of information.

Still, what sets Summer Wars on a completely different level than Digimon is the way it handles its drama and themes of family. The characters are expertly rendered and their troubles are brought to screen with a delicate hand. There personalities are brought out in really clever and subtle ways, and I really enjoyed it.

Summer Wars isn't a perfect film by any means, though. While the expansion of the ideas of Our War Game bring a ton of positives, it also comes with its fair share of baggage. The two separate running plots of the digital problems and the family problems are mostly well connected, but the transition between the two doesn't always work. Sometimes, it can feel like a very sudden tonal shift. It can be a very schizophrenic film at times. Until the plots become much more well integrated in the back 1/3, these tonal shifts can really harm the pacing.

Even with these problems, I really enjoyed Summer Wars. It's a good popcorn flick with a lot of heart. It manages to be touching and action packed at the same time, and I really appreciate that. After seeing Hosada really nail drama with Wolf Children, I was quite interested seeing him tackle similar themes in a more fun way. He's quite a multifaceted director. I'm really impressed to see him able to successfully tackle action and drama films and seeing this makes me even more excited to check out The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and whatever he's got coming next.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Revolutionary Girl Utena 26

What's this deal with Akio and the car? Akio is the one who brings people to see the End of the World. But still, what's the deal with the car? [...] Is it some supernatural car? And why does it show up in the Dueling Arena? And probably most of all, why was Kozue opening her shirt in the car in front of her bro (and why was he looking?), and why was Kozue trying to...do something with Anthy in it as Utena and Miki were dueling?
Both the
Akio car and Kozue being all sexy and stuff questions are related.
Refer to my previous post regarding this matter, but if you wanna hear my interpretation of things:
the car represents sexual freedom and leaving the innocence of childhood for sexual maturity. Akio uses the car as a symbol of the power he exerts over these kids by driving them through the road of sexual awakening.

EDIT: Think also about the meaning of the phrase "End of the World" in this context. It's closely related to all I've been talking about.


Revolutionary Girl Utena 26

I never know what this show's gonna do next.

Anthy's different. Very different. She's actually able to hold a conversation now. She actually has a personality of her own. And she looks awesome with her hair down.

What's this deal with Akio and the car? Akio is the one who brings people to see the End of the World. But still, what's the deal with the car? Why can only people who haven't abandoned the dream of attaining eternity (I forget what the real parameter is) hear it? Is it some supernatural car? And why does it show up in the Dueling Arena? And probably most of all, why was Kozue opening her shirt in the car in front of her bro (and why was he looking?), and why was Kozue trying to...do something with Anthy in it as Utena and Miki were dueling?

Small correction from last impression: "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse" does not show Utena's naked backside. More frontside. No boob though. Yet. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Utena and Anthy had furious yuri sex or if Touga and Akio both starting going nuts on each other's cocks. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if both these things happened.

Edit: Next episode is a Nanami episode. I think I need to mentally prepare myself for that one.



Okay, something I need to address here, and I'll try to do this as politely as I can while still getting my point across. As I'm asking these questions about Utena, I'm really only writing down what I'm thinking in my head. And so unless it's something small like not understanding that high schoolers don't drive in Japan which is confusing me, I'm not really looking for answers to these questions. And so I will ask that all discussion pertaining to interpretations and plot-points and such be held off until I finish (at least, discussing it with me, discuss amongst yourselves all you'd line). I don't want this to be something where people gently push me down the point I'm supposed to see. Hold all that until I'm done.

That said, I did listen to your advice about watching this arc, Regulus, and I will keep it in mind.


Tamako Market 9

I'm such a sucker for stuff like this. This episode put a smile on my face. So heartwarming. :)

Also, that's some nice camerawork on that recording lol.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Okay, something I need to address here, and I'll try to do this as politely as I can while still getting my point across. As I'm asking these questions about Utena, I'm really only writing down what I'm thinking in my head. And so unless it's something small like not understanding that high schoolers don't drive in Japan which is confusing me, I'm not really looking for answers to these questions. And so I will ask that all discussion pertaining to interpretations and plot-points and such be held off until I finish (at least, discussing it with me, discuss amongst yourselves all you'd line). I don't want this to be something where people gently push me down the point I'm supposed to see. Hold all that until I'm done.

That said, I did listen to your advice about watching this arc, Regulus, and I will keep it in mind.
Hey, more the power to you, just be aware we are gonna bombard you with fanwankery the moment you finish the show.
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