After I finish Futari wa (getting a little ahead of myself here, I know, but I'm past the halfway point), I'm wondering if I should go to Heartcatch like I originally planned, or go to Smile.
It's okay. Only one cour with some above average animation, but the story was pretty unremarkable to me.I think I'm gonna check out Skullman. Good series?
Finished the first season of Hidamari Sketch. Working through the two OVA episodes now, then moving on to the next season.
This show is seriously wonderful. It can be a bit slow at times (though I hear the second season and beyond rectify that to an extent), but the use of color, the visuals, the music, and the way the characters interact are just amazing. I'm a huge fan of surreal stuff, and this series really incorporates stuff like that well. Especially Episode 5, which as I said a couple days ago is probably one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. I also like that (so far) it's been fairly light on side characters. There's just Yoshinoya, the Principal, and the Landlady (and Chika, but she was only in one episode). Some shows, like Nichijou, handle large supporting casts well, but for other shows it's nice to just focus mostly on the central cast, and have a very few supporting characters for them to interact with on occasion. Oh, and the OP. If you don't clap along with the OP, you're some kind of monster who hates fun.
So yeah, there you go. I love this show. Can't wait to start the second season, which I hear is even better than the first.![]()
The Asuka episode!
It was Yamcha? I always thought it was Goku!
Plastic Nee-san 1-12 END
Saint Young Men OVA
This looked nice and all but the humor just falls completely flat 90% of the time. Maybe it flows better as a manga but it really didn't do much for me at all and I'm not really motivated to find out.
I know this is a kind of cheating non-answer, but I wouldn't want to see any of them expanded to a full runtime. These kinds of works shows tend to be comedies which have the potential to drag quite badly if they're stretched out too much.
To answer a question you never asked, I think Excel Saga would work better as a five minute comedy. Twenty-four minutes of that show can really grind you down.
Did you ever finish the show?
The premise has tons of potential due to how high concept it is but it feels like it's completely squandered due to it not doing anything interesting with it. I mean, the only two funny bits were the crazy old man and the cat offering itself as food. I could see what they were trying to do with the rest but it simply didn't work.prdouche.gif
Damn you, discussion of effectiveness of humour not really being able to be substantial
Futari wa Pretty Cure 27
Is this where I'm supposed to start hating Porun? Cause...I don't. At least not yet. I liked when he got caught in the claw machine.
So Dark King made a new minion by placing a seed inside some guy who works in an office, completely destroying any trace or memory of his existence whatsoever. And also filled him up full of some sort of super-steroids. New arc ahoy.
Stella C3 Bu, supposedly GAINAX's new show:
The squealing voice? The infantile behavior? The constant need to be protected? I'm shocked that you weren't instantly filled with a white-hot loathing!
It's also pretty amusing how transparently the show was divided into two self-contained arcs in case it failed miserably so that it could be easily canceled after 24. The new villains look dumb, but they actually end up developing a little over the course of the arc which can't be said for the first arc villains (minus Kiriya) so they do end up tolerable.
Another long day at work. being cajunator is suffering. I did spend some time reminiscing over my favorite animegaf memories though and concluded the one where firehawk was dueling madpierrot and madp just so happened to draw the fifth Exodia card in his desperation to be my favorite.
Stella C3 Bu, supposedly GAINAX's new show:
This is what we get instead of PSG2 or more Medaka Box!Stella C3 Bu, supposedly GAINAX's new show:
Stella C3 Bu, supposedly GAINAX's new show:
Another long day at work. being cajunator is suffering. I did spend some time reminiscing over my favorite animegaf memories though and concluded the one where firehawk was dueling madpierrot and madp just so happened to draw the fifth Exodia card in his desperation to be my favorite.
I don't find his voice nearly as annoying as Mepple and Mipple. And the infantile behavior and need to be Those may begin to grate on me as things go on, but they aren't so terrible yet.
Oh god, I may be becoming cajunator.
Cowboy Bebop kugaloli edition.Should have gone with a vocal theme and a different style, reminds me of Cowboy Bebop for some reason. Cool concept I guess, though I dont think Ill be watching this one.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 19
See, on the other hand, this is an infinitely better show. The characters are likeable, few in number, and given time to develop on their own. The plot is straightforward, the action is great, the music amazing etc. Today we learned that Argo Golski is a total badass and that Neo-Russian commandantes are super hot underneath their stuffy soviet dresses, and there was a humorous moment where Sai lifted Rain's dress and Domon turned redder than his cape.
But to the point was that fightin' it out is how to solve your problems, and not a single person spent this episode whining and crying and moaning because God somehow made them shoot their parents.
This is what we get instead of PSG2 or more Medaka Box!
You must really want Gainax to die.I want more Dantalian no Shoka.
The premise has tons of potential due to how high concept it is but it feels like it's completely squandered due to it not doing anything interesting with it. I mean, the only two funny bits were the crazy old man and the cat offering itself as food. I could see what they were trying to do with the rest but it simply didn't work.
You must really want Gainax to die.
I don't think I liked any of Domon's support until the next arc. Even Domon could be unlikeable early on before he becomes the Mr. Awesome I fondly remember him as today.
This isn't Medaka Box Minus or Good Loser KumagawaStella C3 Bu, supposedly GAINAX's new show:
I don't think a bunch of key art and good music is evidence enough of GAINAX's life or death.I thought Gainax was dead. Whose been lying to me?
Compared to the excrement that people Gundam 00 everybody on G Gundam is an amazing, fully fledged character.
Don't speak ill of Sumeragi Lee Noriega, pink hair girl, the dude whose name I can't remember, and the doctor with the bad haircut. Seriously though, one of the nicer surprises in G Gundam was watching the support cast develop and interact with Domon even if they were sort of caricature early on.
Sumeragi is tolerable when she can keep from weeping because she did her math homework wrong. Felt (the pink haired crew girl?) is like the black kid from Charlie Brown: inoffensive and not really a part of the show. The dude whose name you can't remember must be Lockon, because he's the only redeeming quality this show has, and the doctor with the bad haircut is acceptable only for the hilarious amounts of ho yay he has goin' on with the would-be Char.
They're all awful compared to the most background characters in G Gundam.
Sumeragi is tolerable when she can keep from weeping because she did her math homework wrong. Felt (the pink haired crew girl?) is like the black kid from Charlie Brown: inoffensive and not really a part of the show. The dude whose name you can't remember must be Lockon, because he's the only redeeming quality this show has, and the doctor with the bad haircut is acceptable only for the hilarious amounts of ho yay he has goin' on with the would-be Char.
They're all awful compared to the most background characters in G Gundam.
Also, I really, really dig Season 1's mecha.
I want more Dantalian no Shoka.
I get the whole absurdist angle of it and I can easily appreciate the creativeness of it but it just didn't really click with me which is a shame as I was actually looking forward to this.I will admit that I think taking the POV of the landlady for the first half of it I found largely pretty irritating, but man you didn't laugh at the minor miracles B + J were doing in the background during the rumour segment? Or the joke about the stones and the bread, or the rice gruel B gets sent every year? I thought the one about the 7 gods p/rice thing was amazing, too.
Personally though I think the ongoing humour in SYM stems directly from how mundane it is though, how all these heavenly, amazing, high-concept heavnly beings deal with - and are happy dealing with - low-level worries like paying your rent and not pissing your landlady off.
I want more Dantalian no Shoka.
Tierens, Flags, and Enacts. Oh my!