Gundam Zeta 28-
I like how they drop those sexist lines like it's supposed to be enlightening.
Who said that? Can't remember.
Gundam Zeta 28-
I like how they drop those sexist lines like it's supposed to be enlightening.
To prevent OT4, obviously.
They seemed to hint at some announcements on twitter the other day.
arashi = storm
FINALLY Natsu no Arashi is getting the English DVD release it deserves!!!!!!!!
Who said that? Can't remember.
Don't feel too bad, correlation doesn't imply causation.
Are you gonna watch DoReMi next?Futari wa Precure Max Heart 39:
Wait, what? We just had the same exact "villains fuck with one of Nagisa's lacrosse matches" plot four or five episodes ago. I am so very ready for this shit to be over. Eight more episodes.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart 39:
Wait, what? We just had the same exact "villains fuck with one of Nagisa's lacrosse matches" plot four or five episodes ago. I am so very ready for this shit to be over. Eight more episodes.
What's wrong with your face?
Are you gonna watch DoReMi next?
I really don't know if somebody doing a 47-episode hatewatch is deserving of pity or respect.
Even if I'm hating it, it's not a hatewatch. It's more a mix of self-imposed challenge and detached interest in the content of the series regardless of quality; all of the hate is incidental.
Even if it was a hatewatch, I hatewatched Bleach for several years so this would be nothing anyway :lol
Only.Hate to disappoint but Splash Star is the next stop on the line. I only plan to follow five or six shows next season, so I get a second backlog season devoted to watching good things!
Hate to disappoint but Splash Star is the next stop on the line. I only plan to follow five or six shows next season, so I get a second backlog season devoted to watching good things!
Zeta Gundam 31-
This was a really stupid episode. Come on, yo. I don't know if this is metacommentary on women in wartime situations but they make lousy spies due to their constant falling in love.
Reccoa on the Jupitris?
Nope, past that. Half Moon Love.
So hatewatch is something you watch to torture yourself and fuck with your mind, and what you're doing is just watching something you hate but generally remain completely uninvested in what's going on and you're watching it just because you can?
Hatewatch sounds more fun, to be quite honest.
I'm a retired hatewatcher myself and it's somewhat frowned upon to actively encourage the practice in AnimeGAF now, so don't think that just because I'm discussing it that I'm still a huge proponent of it. As perpetually behind as I am on seasonal anime, it's just an obstruction to my staying current with other shows now.
Essentially, yeah, although I assume that the term means different things to different people. It's basically impossible to hatewatch Max Heart because of how rigid the episode structure is from episode to episode; it's bad for the very same reasons in any given episode as it is in any other given episode, so it lacks the diversity of terribleness and escalation of terribleness necessary to sadistically enjoy a really bad show because that kind of viewing experience thrives on the constant feeling of "did that seriously just happen?"
I'm a retired hatewatcher myself and it's somewhat frowned upon to actively encourage the practice in AnimeGAF now, so don't think that just because I'm discussing it that I'm still a huge proponent of it. As perpetually behind as I am on seasonal anime, it's just an obstruction to my staying current with other shows now.
God fucking damn. lolstorm
arashi = storm
FINALLY Natsu no Arashi is getting the English DVD release it deserves!!!!!!!!
I really didn't need to see the wholeI'd love to see a cut of the series that basically followed the original outline - first part of end of Eva with the instrumentality scene in the second half based on episode 26. It's not really what you're talking about though, I'm not fond of the idea of just throwing away the narrative and changing everything to a psychological focus on the main character. On the other hand, I preferred episode 26's take on Shinji's development during instrumentability than the movie's.
Then why are you 39 episodes deep into a show you dislike so much?
Sorry, I don't mean to sound accusatory or anything. I'm just curious.
It's not entirely a worthless proposal as it's nice is if at least one person can articulate the flaws or strengths of a particular show most opt not to watch.
This is true, but I'm proof that you can take the role of coal mine canary too far. I can't believe that my longest post in AnimeGAF is a rant on the Arcana Famiglia finale. smh misplaced priorities
Oh, speaking of Aiura... I guess never posted this here: the 5 minute show is being directed and written by Ryosuke Nakamura, director of Jex's beloved Mouryuo no Hako.
Welcome back girls.
Will watch:
Brains Base anime
What a terrible season.
Will watch:
Brains Base anime
What a terrible season.
Will watch:
Brains Base anime
What a terrible season.
Yeah, I love Rune Soldier too.
FINALLY Natsu no Arashi is getting the English DVD release it deserves!!!!!!!!
Ahh, so it is five minutes after all. Guess my assumption based on the OP/ED singles was wrong. Ah well. Here's hoping Yuyushiki turns out to be full length, at least.
It's better than becoming a pariah for liking something universally hated!Gundam AGE!
Futari wa Precure Max Heart - 01
So after taking what felt like a month long break, I decided it was time for me to get back on the Precure train. I do appreciate that they took the time to update the transformation sequence among a few other things, but after reading Mad Pierrot's impressions about this second season so far I know what to expect moving forward. While I am a fan for new/upgraded special moves, their 'max' version Marble Screw was overkill to the 10th degree.
AKB0048 Next Stage 11
Oh man, I really can't wait to see how the last two episodes are going to work out now.
Watch it be a staged death for some reason
list time?
what i'm going to watch:
shows that will be good
shows that will be bad
because anime is AWESOME