Gurren Lagann 15-18
Well I certainly didn't expect that
Well I certainly didn't expect that
Little Busters! 23
Probably the least amount of things I have to say for a Little Busters! episodes, but it was so good, really enjoyed this conclusion to I guess the Kud arc, especially 99% of everything once the climax was reached.Everyone's voices reached her and then Riki, through some power, allowing her to get the gear to break the shackles that bound her, freeing her of her past and releasing all inhibitions in her life. All my happy tears.
Worst part which was just plain odd for the whole thing wasnekkid kud, I didnt understand how she ended up lacking clothing while still having her jacket and whatnot and then standing there with it wide open nekkid on the cliff...
I'm a poison on this place.
arashi = storm
FINALLY Natsu no Arashi is getting the English DVD release it deserves!!!!!!!!
A cautionary tale about the dangers of fad diets and anorexia. I'm half-expecting one of the next episodes to be commentary on Tamagotchi or something.
P.S. A little something for Chet is always welcome.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 004
A cautionary tale about the dangers of fad diets and anorexia. I'm half-expecting one of the next episodes to be commentary of Tamagotchis or something.
*watches next episode preview*
P.S. A little something for Chet is always welcome.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 004
A cautionary tale about the dangers of fad diets and anorexia. I'm half-expecting one of the next episodes to be commentary on Tamagotchi or something.
*watches next episode preview*
P.S. A little something for Chet is always welcome.
arashi = storm
FINALLY Natsu no Arashi is getting the English DVD release it deserves!!!!!!!!
This post gets an F because there is no picture or mention of Luna's "fat Usagi" drawing.
How the fuck can she draw that when she has no prehensile thumbs?This post gets an F because there is no picture or mention of Luna's "fat Usagi" drawing.
Who's making the spring thread anyway? I imagine just posting the chart will be limited to shit seasons like this one.
why nobody in Korea isn't paying a kings ransom for a starcraft series of any kind I got no idea.
I mean fucking Abathor pulled a SAO episode 21and blizzard got the whole "ickyness" factor right. He even reminded me (and I bet it was intentional) of some Otaku who sees "perfection in all things"on Kerrigan
wait, huh? what's this post even about?
How the fuck can she draw that when she has no prehensile thumbs?
You just volunteered. Looking forward to it.
Hell no, that one time was enough for me. I'm sticking to single show threads.
Got your back:
Who's making the spring thread anyway? I imagine just posting the chart will be limited to shit seasons like this one.
Never mind how she did this; the question is, why did she do this? Other than to just be a total dick to Usagi for no reason. Which I guess is cool in my book.
You just volunteered. Looking forward to it.
Tough love.
How the fuck can she draw that when she has no prehensile thumbs?
Sounds more like you're doing it. Have fun!
Majestic Prince
<parameter: string>
Shingeki no Kyojin
<parameter: string>
<parameter: string>
(uhh, S1 spoilerz I guess)Crystal Millennium Usagi sent it back in time with Luna as a dire warning to her past self. Sailor Moon 2013 is going to focus on the divergent timeline not seen in the original series where Usagi doesn't regulate her diet and gains weight. FAT USAGI IS REAL. BELIEVE
(uhh, S1 spoilerz I guess)Crystal Millennium Usagi sent it back in time with Luna as a dire warning to her past self. Sailor Moon 2013 is going to focus on the divergent timeline not seen in the original series where Usagi doesn't regulate her diet and gains weight. FAT USAGI IS REAL. BELIEVE
Here's a preview:
vividred op - 10
So far I've seen episodes 1, 6, and 10 and I don't think I've missed anything at all. Some off art this episode butt the hilarious drama made up for it. I might even watch the next episode.
It's pretty lewd but at the same time it's all so incidentally placed, no lingering tracking shots, that I got used to it. I wonder if it's like living at a nudist colony.
Ok, it's not like I'm the best person to talk here, but there comes a point when you have to realize you need to respect yourself more. Stop wasting time on things you absolutely hate and stop avoiding things you absolutely love.I'm a poison on this place.
Jesus fuck those things are horrifying. The dangers of too much cute (cajunator I'm looking at you). This episode was also pretty big on animal abuse. And speaking of which, what happened to the Chanela Usagi bought? Did Luna eat it off-screen? D:
And how would you know that my good sir?No, it's nothing like that.
Ok, it's not like I'm the best person to talk here, but there comes a point when you have to realize you need to respect yourself more. Stop wasting time on things you absolutely hate and stop avoiding things you absolutely love.
Fortunately, I can't think of another fifty-episode show that I would subject myself to in its entirety if I found myself despising every moment of it. This is essentially an academic (for lack of a better word) pursuit so that I can speak with the most authority that I can on the Precure franchise. I suppose that, if nothing else, I'll finally have a clearer understanding of why the things that work work due to this series being a fairly comprehensive exercise in total mismanagement of the tropes, themes, and narrative commonalities that are present across all entries in the franchise.
I think that a flaw of mine is that I find it far easier to put into words why I dislike something than why I enjoy something--sometimes I wonder, as absurd as this sounds, if I subconsciously seek out bad shows because I'm more likely to have something to say than I am in response to something that I enjoy. This is probably bullshit self-psychoanalysis because I don't feel like this is true of me, but who knows. I've admitted in the past to essentially giving up on trying to make "good posts" because I'm vastly outgunned on my ability to parse subtext and apply educated criticism to what I watch, but I'd hate to think that I've sunk that low, hahah.
At the same time I guess it's worth mentioning they also announced an Oreimo PS3 game is in the works.
Easily the best episode yet, and I don't say it just because of my Ikuhara bias. The entire thing is different from the start-up, focusing on a lovestruck musician whose attempt to confess to his manager gets tangled with Jadeite's latest plot to suck energy out of the human world. The stakes feel therefore more personal than just whatever's the new fad middle school girls are into, and as a result you get the idea that this monster is actually a pretty fucking big deal --not to mention some of the composition accentuates her otherworldly nature.
The episode was still rife with Ikuharaisms too, culminating in a car chase scene that instantly reminded me of the CGI cars in Penguindrum and made me lament the fact that Ikuhara sold out too.
P.S. Is that Usagi or Chitose from Goldfish Warning!? Creepy nonetheless.
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 006
Easily the best episode yet, and I don't say it just because of my Ikuhara bias. The entire thing is different from the start-up, focusing on a lovestruck musician whose attempt to confess to his manager gets tangled with Jadeite's latest plot to suck energy out of the human world. The stakes feel therefore more personal than just whatever's the new fad middle school girls are into, and as a result you get the idea that this monster is actually a pretty fucking big deal --not to mention some of the composition accentuates her otherworldly nature.
The episode was still rife with Ikuharaisms too, culminating in a car chase scene that instantly reminded me of the CGI cars in Penguindrum and made me lament the fact that Ikuhara sold out too.His cars were the best, just sayin'.
P.S. Is that Usagi or Chitose from Goldfish Warning!? Creepy nonetheless.
While you do have a point, my personal experience in this matter forces me to think this sounds like cutting yourself to understand feelng.Fortunately, I can't think of another fifty-episode show that I would subject myself to in its entirety if I found myself despising every moment of it. This is essentially an academic (for lack of a better word) pursuit so that I can speak with the most authority that I can on the Precure franchise. I suppose that, if nothing else, I'll finally have a clearer understanding of why the things that work work due to this series being a fairly comprehensive exercise in total mismanagement of the tropes, themes, and narrative commonalities that are present across all entries in the franchise.
From the beginning? Guess I'll just watch the movies then.