I'll love it the way I love funerals and getting hit in the nuts with a sledgehammer.
Spoken like a true Gundam fan.
I'll love it the way I love funerals and getting hit in the nuts with a sledgehammer.
As bad as Gundam AGE was, I'm currently watching 00 and 0083 at the same time. The double dose of awful is only cleansed by the fact that I'm also watching G, which is the best of all.
Can anyone tell me if there are any more awful Gundam shows I should expect?
Also: Can someone explain to me why Gundam is the most successful/popular mecha show of all time? It's not that there aren't a lot of Gundam series I don't like, but somehow I just cannot see anymore how it is warranted. To be honest, I'm sort of losing faith in Gundam altogether as I acquaint myself with more and more of the series. Oh sure, some of it is great, like MSG, SEED, and G, and some of it is decent, like Wing, but man, there hasn't been a good Gundam show in YEARS, has there?
Gintama' 01-03
Those faces are so ridiculous and they come out of nowhere. It gets me laughing every time I see it. Just fantastic. One last thing, I really thought it was funny they never even mentioned that the show's title had changed.
Gintama' 01-03
. One last thing, I really thought it was funny they never even mentioned that the show's title had changed.
And thus the case of the foul-mouthed students began.
Take note that the show has wardrobe continuity.[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon] 015
Is it me or do Ikuhara's episodes have a tendency to draw the girls in sexier outfits/poses?
You've got most of the bad covered. The only one you haven't seen I can think of is ZZ, and that's really only 1/2 bad.
I think you're being a bit hard on it. Personally, and this seems to be a popular opinion so it isn't just me being insane, I think 00 season 1 is actually pretty good. I had a good time with it, and even as bad as S2 and the movie are I still had fun with it.
As for the "not a good show in years" you have to take in to account how this stuff gets made. We have a Gundam show that lasts like a year and a half to two years, a couple years off, and then a new one. If any of those shows flops, it's a good 3-4 years without a good gundam show.
I dunno, I'm just really disappointed in Gundam 00 S1. It had the potential to be a really good series, but it's so weighted down in insipid moves, ridiculous names, and unnecessary loads of characters that it just kinda sucks major.
And I mean, SEED was the last good series, with Destiny being so-so, 00 being wasted potential and shoplifted ideas, and AGE being a no-holds barred suck fest. I just want a truly good modern Gundam show.
Its funny you like Wing but dislike 00 really.. they basically same, even the type of "stupidity" is similar.
Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9
Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9
Its funny you like Wing but dislike 00 really.. they basically same, even the type of "stupidity" is similar.
Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9
Except 00 has Lockon. Wing may have Triez being sort of interesting, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.
I think you just more into Romcom than mecha, your 2nd fave are FMP afterall =POkay 1) You just have bad taste because Nadesico is amazing. The tonal shifts per episode are part of what makes it great.
2)Wing and 00 are nothing alike.
I'd put that the other way around. Wing has Zechs and Trieze. 00 may haveLockon, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.had
Wings that started beam spam and Grunt instant kill trend, the hell that you talking about.The Gundams in Wing can and frequently DO lose to general issue mecha. The Gundams in 00 are Super Robots that only lose twice in the entire show.
Guess you just never 'you get burning' for this show.I think you just more into Romcom than mecha, your 2nd fave are FMP afterall =P
Guess you just never 'you get burning' for this show.
I think you just more into Romcom than mecha, your 2nd fave are FMP afterall =P
Your point are arguing semantics, of course its different with breakdown like that.
I'm talking about the general concept in it,
1. Gundam Meister/CB = Wings pilot
2. Marina = Relena
3. faux politic plot
And this point just wrong
Wings that started beam spam and Grunt instant kill trend, the hell that you talking about.
I need that Heero spinning spam beam .gif
I mean, if you're just wholesale copying identical framing, why not identically copy the original animation?
Because then people would criticise Anno for not doing anything original!
The original episode six from the show reused animation from Nadia so I don't see what's the big deal.I swear there was one shot of an explosion in Eva 1.11 that I said to myself "Did they reuse that animation from the series?" Might have been my imagination though.
If I have watched the Drama version of GTO, will I still enjoy the Anime? I mean, are the problems tackled any different from each other?
The original episode six from the show reused animation from Nadia so I don't see what's the big deal.
to sell shit ofcEvangelion 2.22: Electric Boogaloo Point Two Two
what is the point of Mari
Guess you just never 'you get burning' for this show.
Some of this is more like tracing over the original art. The instance I'm talking about (it's the cut with Ramiel's beam melting a forest) is lifted from I think episode eight of Nadia as is. And while we're at it, I'm positive Kare Kano reused some aerial explosion shots from Evangelion around the episode thirteen mark.
speaking of Eva movies
Evangelion 2.22: Electric Boogaloo Point Two Two
what is the point of Mari
The point of Mari is to put Maaya Sakamoto in the movies.
If your Mecha show doesn't contain elements of romance and comedy, you're doing it wrong.
2. You can break any Gundam show down to Gundam pilot=Other Gundam Pilot, Gundam Princess = Other Gundam Princess, and Faux Politics Plot. Hell, the only show that DOESN'T have a Gundam Princess and Faux Politics Plot is G Gundam.
This damn sure sound like 00 S1 plot, new mobile suit after using outdated mech in most of episode from federation got the gundam pilots ass split in half.3. The Gundams in Wing DO lose. Not Wing Zero or Epyon, maybe, the others sure as hell do. Quatre has to blow his Gundam up to buy them time to get back into space. Duo is captured by OZ. Wing is nearly blown to bits in one fight, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean in another. Talgeese takes a physical toll on Zechs' body, and the Mercurius and Veyate flat out lose to Wing Zero when it shows up. Oh sure, when first introduced, you have scenes where Death Scythe is murdering guys left and right, then its getting the snot beat out of it by Mobile Dolls down the road.
And I dunno what we're talking about with Beam Spam and Grunt Instant Kill. Wing Zero has its massive energy beam and that spinning move and that's IT. Y'ain't never see Epyon beam spamming, nor Sandrock, nor Death Scythe, nor Altron. Hell, all four of those Gundams don't HAVE spam, and Heavy Arms is kinda based around the idea of shooting a bunch, so its excused.
That's pretty much all the justification anyone ever needs, really.
Just ask Square Enix.
No you can't, Gundam have this classic trope that known as "Boy that found Gundam" Its different than what 00 and Wing setup.
Mari exists to piss off all the Hikari fans.Mari exists to make money. Also to show that they're not making a slavish remake.
Go, Hikari!
Don't drink and hotlink, kids!How fitting that your image is broken.
oh yeah, of all the random inconsequential things to change, why Asuka's name
[Inferno Cop] - End
Yeah, well, I guess that was a thing.
Better than Panty and Stocking.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxU2eqZtYmcoh yeah, of all the random inconsequential things to change, why Asuka's name