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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Gintama' 01-03

Every time I start to get a tad bit bored with Gin Tama's schtick, they do something completely insane to switch it up. Everything about these episodes was brilliant. Just the whole idea of the
time skip
I thought was expertly handled. Seeing each of the major characters all get to have their moment was great. It was all so super clever. I was a little underwhelmed that the end was sort of a cop out them being
alien warts
and all, but I feel the resolution to that plot point was so expertly handled it didn't matter.

Also, 16:9 guys, it's finally here. It's glorious. You know what else is glorious? The new OP.


Those faces are so ridiculous and they come out of nowhere. It gets me laughing every time I see it. Just fantastic. One last thing, I really thought it was funny they never even mentioned that the show's title had changed.


As bad as Gundam AGE was, I'm currently watching 00 and 0083 at the same time. The double dose of awful is only cleansed by the fact that I'm also watching G, which is the best of all.

Can anyone tell me if there are any more awful Gundam shows I should expect?

Also: Can someone explain to me why Gundam is the most successful/popular mecha show of all time? It's not that there aren't a lot of Gundam series I don't like, but somehow I just cannot see anymore how it is warranted. To be honest, I'm sort of losing faith in Gundam altogether as I acquaint myself with more and more of the series. Oh sure, some of it is great, like MSG, SEED, and G, and some of it is decent, like Wing, but man, there hasn't been a good Gundam show in YEARS, has there?

You've got most of the bad covered. The only one you haven't seen I can think of is ZZ, and that's really only 1/2 bad.

I think you're being a bit hard on it. Personally, and this seems to be a popular opinion so it isn't just me being insane, I think 00 season 1 is actually pretty good. I had a good time with it, and even as bad as S2 and the movie are I still had fun with it.

As for the "not a good show in years" you have to take in to account how this stuff gets made. We have a Gundam show that lasts like a year and a half to two years, a couple years off, and then a new one. If any of those shows flops, it's a good 3-4 years without a good gundam show.
Gintama' 01-03

Those faces are so ridiculous and they come out of nowhere. It gets me laughing every time I see it. Just fantastic. One last thing, I really thought it was funny they never even mentioned that the show's title had changed.

IIRC, they'll comment on it soon enough.


Ok, had to comment about this. Gin Tama just made a joke about how Sakamoto is super popular even though he hasn't been seen outside of openings and endings since like the second season. Fantastic. That's something that has been really bothering me for a while.


You've got most of the bad covered. The only one you haven't seen I can think of is ZZ, and that's really only 1/2 bad.

I think you're being a bit hard on it. Personally, and this seems to be a popular opinion so it isn't just me being insane, I think 00 season 1 is actually pretty good. I had a good time with it, and even as bad as S2 and the movie are I still had fun with it.

As for the "not a good show in years" you have to take in to account how this stuff gets made. We have a Gundam show that lasts like a year and a half to two years, a couple years off, and then a new one. If any of those shows flops, it's a good 3-4 years without a good gundam show.

I dunno, I'm just really disappointed in Gundam 00 S1. It had the potential to be a really good series, but it's so weighted down in insipid moves, ridiculous names, and unnecessary loads of characters that it just kinda sucks major.

And I mean, SEED was the last good series, with Destiny being so-so, 00 being wasted potential and shoplifted ideas, and AGE being a no-holds barred suck fest. I just want a truly good modern Gundam show.

Gundam 0083 6

And on that note, man does this show suck. Ko runs away from EVERYTHING, and where normally the "Hero abandons ship to do some soul searching" episode(s) lead to some great emotional moment, this was just kinda meh all around. I'm not asking for this to be Renton with Ray and Charles, but I mean, the whole episode was lackluster to lame at best.


I dunno, I'm just really disappointed in Gundam 00 S1. It had the potential to be a really good series, but it's so weighted down in insipid moves, ridiculous names, and unnecessary loads of characters that it just kinda sucks major.

And I mean, SEED was the last good series, with Destiny being so-so, 00 being wasted potential and shoplifted ideas, and AGE being a no-holds barred suck fest. I just want a truly good modern Gundam show.

Its really weird you like Wing but dislike 00 really.. they basically same, even the type of "stupidity" is similar.

Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9


Its funny you like Wing but dislike 00 really.. they basically same, even the type of "stupidity" is similar.

Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9

Except 00 has Lockon. Wing may have Triez being sort of interesting, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.


Its funny you like Wing but dislike 00 really.. they basically same, even the type of "stupidity" is similar.

Btw Nadesico sucks =p
Give up after eps 9

Okay 1) You just have bad taste because Nadesico is amazing. The tonal shifts per episode are part of what makes it great.

2)Wing and 00 are nothing alike. For starters, the goal of Op. Meteor is nothing like the goal of Pretentious Being. One is about a revolution to free colonies from a tight fisted aristocracy. The other is about ending war by waging war. Wing's heroes are relatively normal. One is a wise cracker, one is a bright eyed idealist, one is an arrogant jerk, one is emotionally dead and the other is well, however you choose to differentiate Heero from Trowa. Meanwhile, 00's got identical twins, a cyborg, a guy with split personalities and the punk kid with the chip on his solider.

Wing's got a couple clearly defined antagonists, namely Treize and Zechs, with Romefeller rounding out the lot. 00 has 888888888 characters and I'm pretty sure Saji Crossroads is the one behind everything at this point.

The Gundams in Wing can and frequently DO lose to general issue mecha. The Gundams in 00 are Super Robots that only lose twice in the entire show.

In Wing, when people talk about how war is wrong, they give serious thought to actually not fighting and are willing to die for that ideal. In 00 when people talk about how war is wrong they get all full of themselves and how the world sickens them as they sit there and blow up like, fifty guys who are just trying to defend their homes.

Wing and 00 are absolutely nothing alike. I can't even make sense of how they're comparable, other than that Setsuna and Heero are both stoic, and both pilot White Gundams.

Except 00 has Lockon. Wing may have Triez being sort of interesting, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.

I'd put that the other way around. Wing has Zechs and Trieze. 00 may have
Lockon, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.


First Squad: The Moment of Truth

Kids with psychic abilities wage a secret war against a batallion of undead nazis during World War II in Russia. On paper, such a premise sounds simply way too awesome too fuck up. Unfortunately, that's precisely what it somehow accomplishes.

Frankly, just about everything in this movie feels phoned in. Studio 4°C plays it safe to the point of boredom. The backgrounds are unimpressive, the character designs are uninspired, the animation is mediocre, the soundtrack is forgettable and the direction is completely emotionless. It's all a really dull affair where nothing really stands out in any way. 1940's Russia is a very compelling setting, one that has gone by and large unused in the medium, and to see it so completely squandered in this fashion really stings because you can see that the possibility to have something really compelling is in there somewhere.

I think, though, that the most baffling thing of all when it comes to this film is the quite frankly bizarre decision to include some live action segments in the form of documentary-style commentary by actual war veterans and various "experts" peppered throughout its run. I get the idea that it was done with the intention to add a feeling of credence to the events portrayed but there was something about them that totally rubbed me the wrong way. There's just something about the way the film presents some "historians" talking about occultism and parapsychology and supposed experiments that took place to communicate with the dead and other such supernatural nonsense to be highly disrespectful when placed next to the veterans talking about their harrowing recollections of the very real horrors that they experienced during the war.

So anyway, after a whole bunch of dull nonsense that the film made sure I wouldn't really care about it doesn't really wind down after a climax to lead to an end but rather just stops. No real resolution, no real nothing. A quick google search tells me that this is because this is supposedly merely the first part in a planned quadrilogy. I don't really know if those plans are ever gonna pan out but I do know that I won't be watching any more of this either way.


Okay 1) You just have bad taste because Nadesico is amazing. The tonal shifts per episode are part of what makes it great.
I think you just more into Romcom than mecha, your 2nd fave are FMP afterall =P
2)Wing and 00 are nothing alike.

I'd put that the other way around. Wing has Zechs and Trieze. 00 may have
Lockon, but the rest are extra terrible and balance that out.

Your point are arguing semantics, of course its different with breakdown like that.

I'm talking about the general concept in it,

1. Gundam Meister/CB = Wings pilot
2. Marina = Relena
3. faux politic plot

And this point just wrong

The Gundams in Wing can and frequently DO lose to general issue mecha. The Gundams in 00 are Super Robots that only lose twice in the entire show.
Wings that started beam spam and Grunt instant kill trend, the hell that you talking about.

I need that Heero spinning spam beam .gif


I think you just more into Romcom than mecha, your 2nd fave are FMP afterall =P

Your point are arguing semantics, of course its different with breakdown like that.

I'm talking about the general concept in it,

1. Gundam Meister/CB = Wings pilot
2. Marina = Relena
3. faux politic plot

And this point just wrong

Wings that started beam spam and Grunt instant kill trend, the hell that you talking about.

I need that Heero spinning spam beam .gif

If your Mecha show doesn't contain elements of romance and comedy, you're doing it wrong.

2. You can break any Gundam show down to Gundam pilot=Other Gundam Pilot, Gundam Princess = Other Gundam Princess, and Faux Politics Plot. Hell, the only show that DOESN'T have a Gundam Princess and Faux Politics Plot is G Gundam.

3. The Gundams in Wing DO lose. Not Wing Zero or Epyon, maybe, the others sure as hell do. Quatre has to blow his Gundam up to buy them time to get back into space. Duo is captured by OZ. Wing is nearly blown to bits in one fight, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean in another. Talgeese takes a physical toll on Zechs' body, and the Mercurius and Veyate flat out lose to Wing Zero when it shows up. Oh sure, when first introduced, you have scenes where Death Scythe is murdering guys left and right, then its getting the snot beat out of it by Mobile Dolls down the road.

Hell, even Wing Zero gets beaten to a pulp in a fight against Altron in the end of the movie.

Meanwhile, Pretentious Being loses two fights. Woooo.

And I dunno what we're talking about with Beam Spam and Grunt Instant Kill. Wing Zero has its massive energy beam and that spinning move and that's IT. Y'ain't never see Epyon beam spamming, nor Sandrock, nor Death Scythe, nor Altron. Hell, all four of those Gundams don't HAVE spam, and Heavy Arms is kinda based around the idea of shooting a bunch, so its excused.

You want Beam Spam, go look at Freedom. But Wing Units? Not even.


If I have watched the Drama version of GTO, will I still enjoy the Anime? I mean, are the problems tackled any different from each other?

Which drama, the one from 1998 or 2012? Either way, I say watch the anime. The dramas changed things up enough that while the core plots may be similar the execution is different. For the best experience read the manga.


I think beam spam was a term popularized along with the stock footage everyone has seen 50x of Freedom blowing up ZAFT units.

Wing tended to overdo the REALLY BIG GUN thing of the main Gundam but I don't remember Wing Gundam itself having a win button weapon.
speaking of Eva movies

Evangelion 2.22: Electric Boogaloo Point Two Two

what is the point of Mari

is she just there to remind you that anyone who is trained at and enthusiastic about piloting an EVA is destined to fail and be outshined by Shinji and his lack of experience and knowledge, whinyness, and indecisiveness as to whether he wants to pilot or not

because Asuka already does that in this movie (I don't remember the series)


They needed to get Maaya Sakamoto some work and, that, after deep contemplation, Anno realized he didn't cover the meganekko fetish in the original series.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus


If your Mecha show doesn't contain elements of romance and comedy, you're doing it wrong.

2. You can break any Gundam show down to Gundam pilot=Other Gundam Pilot, Gundam Princess = Other Gundam Princess, and Faux Politics Plot. Hell, the only show that DOESN'T have a Gundam Princess and Faux Politics Plot is G Gundam.

No you can't, Gundam have this classic trope that known as "Boy that found Gundam" Its different than what 00 and Wing setup.

3. The Gundams in Wing DO lose. Not Wing Zero or Epyon, maybe, the others sure as hell do. Quatre has to blow his Gundam up to buy them time to get back into space. Duo is captured by OZ. Wing is nearly blown to bits in one fight, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean in another. Talgeese takes a physical toll on Zechs' body, and the Mercurius and Veyate flat out lose to Wing Zero when it shows up. Oh sure, when first introduced, you have scenes where Death Scythe is murdering guys left and right, then its getting the snot beat out of it by Mobile Dolls down the road.
This damn sure sound like 00 S1 plot, new mobile suit after using outdated mech in most of episode from federation got the gundam pilots ass split in half.

And I dunno what we're talking about with Beam Spam and Grunt Instant Kill. Wing Zero has its massive energy beam and that spinning move and that's IT. Y'ain't never see Epyon beam spamming, nor Sandrock, nor Death Scythe, nor Altron. Hell, all four of those Gundams don't HAVE spam, and Heavy Arms is kinda based around the idea of shooting a bunch, so its excused.

Just switch to slash spam for Melee type in Wings, view switched to them and slashing effect came out and ton of grunt destroyed in 5 second.


No you can't, Gundam have this classic trope that known as "Boy that found Gundam" Its different than what 00 and Wing setup.

I'd like to say that that shows the difference between UC and AC starting episodes but I'm not sure anymore due to the screwed up timeline Seed delivered.


Actually, they took everything interesting about Asuka and transferred it to Mari.

What we got was a renamed Asuka with no personality except she's really angry all the time.
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