LOL at the literal yes men.
Need to get post count out of the top ten to prove to myself that I'm not wasting my life
With the exception of the next sales results, see you in the next thread (assuming we're not there already by then)
speaking of Eva movies
Evangelion 2.22: Electric Boogaloo Point Two Two
what is the point of Mari
No you can't, Gundam have this classic trope that known as "Boy that found Gundam" Its different than what 00 and Wing setup.
This damn sure sound like 00 S1 plot, new mobile suit after using outdated mech in most of episode from federation got the gundam pilots ass split in half.
Just switch to slash spam for Melee type in Wings, view switched to them and slashing effect came out and ton of grunt destroyed in 5 second.
I'd like to say that that shows the difference between UC and AC starting episodes but I'm not sure anymore due to the screwed up timeline Seed delivered.
Actually, they took everything interesting about Asuka and transferred it to Mari.
What we got was a renamed Asuka with no personality except she's really angry all the time.
Mari exists to make money. Also to show that they're not making a slavish remake.
[Inferno Cop] - End
Yeah, well, I guess that was a thing.
Better than Panty and Stocking.
I have never seen the Boy Finds Mecha trope in Gundam. Amuro takes ones the fed is building. Heero and the others are given theirs by the Gundam Engineers. Kira grabs his during the raid on Heliopolis from Murrue, Flit BUILDS all three of his. Shiro is assigned his. Ko jumps into one during the attack on the base. Chris is assigned hers.
I've never seen the Boy-Finds-Mecha trope in Gundam, but even so, that wouldn't negate the faux-politics, Gundam Princesses, et al.
It's like the kind of faces amateurs draw when they're but budding weeaboos fanartists.
his art looks a lot like some of those "how to draw manga" pictures.
Almost looks like some Christopher Hart shit.
(Google "Christopher Hart hack" if you don't know who he is.)
I certainly know exactly who that is, my adorably avatared friend.
Kamille had one of the shittiest reasons ever to pilot a Gundam initially.
Should've just drawn Lacus clones.
One of my biggest eternal shames (I have multiple ;_is that I actually bought his "How to Draw Manga" book like 12 years ago.
I'll never forgive myself for that.
You mean they aren't?
I dont know if they are Chris' books, but I did buy a couple how to draw manga books because they had cute pictures and catgirls.
I havent utilized any techniques from them at all. I just like to squee at the cute drawings!
You expect me to believe that NORTH KOREA, consented to have its military merged into the same body as America's? You expect me to believe that CHINA, RUSSIA, and AMERICA were willing to give up their own power and join as one body?
This show is freaking unbelievably stupid. THIS is why other Gundams are set in alternate continuities.
Any word on an anime adaptation of Kongou Banchou?
Never going to happen.
Just hope there's one for his new series.
One of my biggest eternal shames (I have multiple ;_is that I actually bought his "How to Draw Manga" book like 12 years ago.
I'll never forgive myself for that.
everything I've been watching ends this week or the next. and considering that next season isn't doing anything for me and looks pretty terrible to say the least, I'm looking back at 2011 shows which was the year I wasn't paying much attention to anime other than the obvious shows. for now:
Hanasaku Iroha, worth watching?
Saying that they were cute immediately disqualifies them from being Christopher Hart's work.
Theonik, I remember you saying something of that nature before on IRC that puzzled me at the time. You can screen-cap with alt-PrintScrn and then paste into whatever graphics program and save from there. (I generally use IrfanView, which can also be configured to do automatic key-combo based capture of the currently active window, if you want.)I watched on CR though so I don't have screens of the occurrence.
Tari Tari is the better show, if you haven't seen that yet.
Ando episodes of HanaIro (well, the first and last ones anyway) > Tari Tari > all other episodes of HanaIro.Bunch of lies.![]()
Hanasaku Iroha, worth watching?
Tari Tari is the better show, if you haven't seen that yet.
Bunch of lies.![]()
Girls und Panzer - 11
that was so fun, I still think they will lose in the end.
Saying that they were cute immediately disqualifies them from being Christopher Hart's work.
Even if it was a foregone conclusion in the manga I really don't want to see the series replay that ending
Besides the fun bit will be showing the mother and the Black Forest Deputy CO what's what
Oh, I assumed he was talking about the Australian release or something. Those are cheaper than I remember.
There was a two-box release a while back that was around 100,000 yen, then this priced-down three-box release for half that recently. It's probably missing the illustration books from the first release but I dunno how many people would value those at 50,000 yen.HOLY SHIT WHEN DID IT BECOME SO CHEAP!?
Easy solution - the team wins, but she dies!The thing is the problem's not really the sister: the problem's the mother. Losing will just reinforce her preconceptions.
They just like their bad anime stories masquerading as something classy!Glee haters![]()
Ando episodes of HanaIro (well, the first and last ones anyway) > Tari Tari > all other episodes of HanaIro.![]()