Easy solution - the team wins, but she dies!
You're fired
Easy solution - the team wins, but she dies!
Easy solution - the team wins, but she dies!
If only AKB49 had taken that route.Easy solution - the team wins, but she dies!
She can't lose otherwise though, or their school will close down!that's too grim to happen. obvious solution is that she leaves her tank and game to save her sister and they lose the game because of that, that surely will change the mother's perception![]()
I agree!But the most important episodes in a series are the beginning and the end!
If only.If only AKB49 had taken that route.
:YoshidaYou're fired
Gj-Bu Special 1
Looking forward to the Doujins.Hahaha, I just saw that ComiPro thing Crunchyroll is trying to sell now. It's basically MikuMikuDance, but for manga. And it looks kinda awful. :lol
*wakes up from hibernation*
Okay, I know what I said earlier, but this had to be mentioned.
I got on a Game Center CX kick recently and have been going through some episodes. Right now I'm watching a special where he travels through Hokkaido to find the "northernmost arcade game in Japan," ending the journey in the far north city of Wakkanai, where he holds an autograph event. Some of the fans there even brought small presents for him.
One gift, from a young woman, turns out to be a Cream Lemon DVD. Arino notes he'll keep it a secret from his wife.
*returns to hibernation*
¢{¥£¥§§₩¢ *dies
I don't know about the manga, but there is thing that seems quite popular in sports anime, transfer students comes in and turns around school's team which is poor and weak, and they kick some ass but in the end they will still lose to this rival team but very closely, and that winning doesn't matter let's be friends blah blah. so far I think GuP is looking exactly like that and hinting at that.
I think after popularity of GuP they are definitely looking at future seasons, I'm not sure losing the game would be good for continuing the series or not, could go either way now. they had time to change the ending too![]()
Did you watch USA special?
I may have over embellished about the special. It's just basically a rerun.
At this point it is silly to turn back. BesidesWhat have we done.....
That's what everyone said about the JoJo series, and now we got one.Never going to happen.
Just hope there's one for his new series.
Oh sorry meant to put URL tags but put IMG ones out of habit when linking minus lolUm... your img link wasn't working, so I copied the URL and it took me to a pdf document which I downloaded. It's a statistics report documenting all of the panty shots that appear in Sailor Moon. It's also very detailed, with full charts and everything.
Jesus Christ!
It looks like Usagi is in the lead with 76 pantyshots, followed by Chibiusa with 53 pantyshots. It appears that Chibiusa has more more "true pantyshots" than Usagi, meaning they were actually panties and not just a part of the sailor fuku.
The article then shows close to a hundred examples from the series. Some of them are really good! Goddamn, I am already hard.
I did! Sorta!Why oh why haven't you linked to that pdf already?
Oh I know I can print screen, it's just really inconvenient to pause the video capture the window move to paste it then cut whatever GUI stuff you took with it. Seeking to a specific frame you want is also a lot harder so I can't really be arsed.Theonik, I remember you saying something of that nature before on IRC that puzzled me at the time. You can screen-cap with alt-PrintScrn and then paste into whatever graphics program and save from there. (I generally use IrfanView, which can also be configured to do automatic key-combo based capture of the currently active window, if you want.)
PreCures usually wear shorts or spats of sorts so you don't really get them on PreCure shows. There may be some exceptions though.blink and they're gone!
now find the precure ones :3
Oh sorry meant to put URL tags but put IMG ones out of habit when linking minus lol
As Hito said Chibiusa had a fairly problematic skirt at the start of R that made pantyshots frequent until they changed it later on.
I did! Sorta!
Oh I know I can print screen, it's just really inconvenient to pause the video capture the window move to paste it then cut whatever GUI stuff you took with it. Seeking to a specific frame you want is also a lot harder so I can't really be arsed.
PreCures usually wear shorts or spats of sorts so you don't really get them on PreCure shows. There may be some exceptions though.
I just thought it was necessary to point that out. PreCures are pure dammit! (for the most part)I was joking about Precure. It is pretty much free of such things.
Sorry for not following things closely, but time for my seasonal anime post. In terms of upcoming shows I'm interested in:
Devil Survivor 2
Majestic Prince
Shingeki no kyojin
Aku No Hana
Given that list, anything else I should be looking out for? (Or anything there that is likely to be crap). And is Railgun worth catching up with for S?
The whole point of these movies is to make money.
Tari Tari is the better show, if you haven't seen that yet.
Not the Anime Mirai shorts unfortunately.The point ofmostall things is to make money.
SAO in second place...
You expect me to believe that NORTH KOREA, consented to have its military merged into the same body as America's? You expect me to believe that CHINA, RUSSIA, and AMERICA were willing to give up their own power and join as one body?
This show is freaking unbelievably stupid. THIS is why other Gundams are set in alternate continuities.
Then why we got Chihayafuru 2?The point ofmostall things is to make money.
Oh wait, if we use Media Create...
01./00. [PSP] Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment # <RPG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.03.14} (¥6.280) - 138,180 / NEW
03./00. [3DS] Super Robot Wars UX # <SLG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2013.03.14} (¥7.140) - 115.384 / NEW
I know you guys hate SAO, but hack-n-slash RPG + Gloping = seem like great PSP game to me.
I know you guys hate SAO, but hack-n-slash RPG + Gloping = seem like great PSP game to me.
I know you guys hate SAO, but hack-n-slash RPG + Gloping = seem like great PSP game to me.
I really think you're not able to sit back and get a proper perspective on the events of this show.
Besides unification of the superpowers to get to space is a theme that is used countless times in mechas show ( especially in gundam backstories)..heck in many sci fi shows also have those things happening.
The superpowers don't fight for fun , they fight for ressources or against an ennemy.. if you give them an ennemy big enough to turn everyone attention toward it , they will become "earth forces" or "federation forces " or "alliance forces" and go at it together.
In gundam 00 , they reached a point where they each (in turn) tried everything they could alone and failed... expecting them to continue to fight alone is quite unrelistic in this case. This is exactly how alliances were made...this is nothing but a continuation of the BIG joint effort they tried in episode 13 & 14
Then why we got Chihayafuru 2?
Cut the SAO part and I'd be in.
Hence my point, if its same game with another name such like Heavenly Arc (Pun Intended) you guys will join the 10k+ post OT shamelessly![]()
*tries to revive Zel*...*sees pic*...
It sounds like Attack on Titan is going to have some amount of original anime content. It's mentioned in a recent blog post for the magazine it runs in, and the editor also mentions that the manga author is somewhat involved with the anime production. Hmmm... I sure hope it's not another Magi.