Ikuhara's new anime (PENGUINBEAR!??!?!?!?!) is unrelated to TAF though.
I just threw it out there since duckroll pointed out all the other stuff going on. It's for a Penguindrum/Utena art thing, right?
Ikuhara's new anime (PENGUINBEAR!??!?!?!?!) is unrelated to TAF though.
Hah. Cat guy is a lot better than I anticipated. Glad he's not quiet and brooding.
WELCOME TO ROCK N ROLL NIGHTI just threw it out there since duckroll pointed out all the other stuff going on. It's for a Penguindrum/Utena art thing, right?
Woah. Source?
.It's from Domina no Do! c33
People with new avatars that blow:
Not a fan of RE6, I take it?Warning: no one else click that.
You just don't get it-degeso.Squid Girl - 01
Saw it randomly on Netflix's "Recently Added" and decided what the hell and watched the first episode; maaaaaaaaan was it dull. Nothing happened at all, and if something did, I sure as heck didn't notice. At least most of Squid Girl's (...that's seriously her name?) sea puns didn't bother me (except for that "swim-agination" line; God, was that terrible)
Warning: no one else click that.
I had forgotten how warm and kind-hearted this series can be, I watch an episode or two when I'm feeling a bit down. Plus it has Nyanko-sensei who should be gaf's unofficial mascot, the cat's colors match.Since he was young, a teenage boy named Natsume Takashi has been able to see youkai, but keeping this ability a secret has now become a heavy burden for him and has made his life difficult.
This begins to change when Takashi inherits his grandmother's "Book of Friends." He discovers that she, Natsume Reiko, shared the same ability as him and starts to understand why he was always targeted by both good and bad youkai.
After learning the true meaning behind the Book of Friends, which allows him to manipulate the spirits listed within its pages, Natsume undertakes a journey with his bodyguard, the infamous spirit Madara, to free the spirits of their contracts with Reiko.
I remember this being anime being shown at my university's anime club during my first semester, but trying to watch such a serious show in such a casual setting with the constant MST3King was hopeless. It looked interesting though.The flames of war explode in the Middle East as two shadow forces unleash monstrous new weapons of mass destruction! But in a world in which giant robots are real, the most dangerous weapon of all lies buried within a human mind. Yushiro, the fourth son of the mysterious and powerful Gowa family, finds himself at the center of events that will change the future of mankind forever! Nothing can prepare the human race for what is about to be unleashed in Gasaraki!
Gasaraki managed to do this three times, first with the US invading a Middle Eastern country similar to Iraq on the basis of them having weapons of mass destruction (which turned out never to have existed), the use of unmanned flying drones becoming popular for use in the army, and the idea that the US could be nearly crippled by a global economic collapse. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is the Mini Mecha for use in urban combat.
Squid Girl - 01
Saw it randomly on Netflix's "Recently Added" and decided what the hell and watched the first episode; maaaaaaaaan was it dull. Nothing happened at all, and if something did, I sure as heck didn't notice. At least most of Squid Girl's (...that's seriously her name?) sea puns didn't bother me (except for that "swim-agination" line; God, was that terrible)
We don't know if there is still a connection to Honneamise do we?
It's a beautiful film, you should watch it.
Which sub would that be? Crunchyroll's subs are full of puns.I imagine the sub being far less annoying pun-wise degeso.
You just don't get it-degeso.
I imagine the sub being far less annoying pun-wise degeso.
That's three straight episodes of youthful budding hearts being broken. Why do you do this to me, Goldfish Warning!?
Not even Gyopi-chan asked for this. ;_;
Over the past few weeks I've been dropping the newer shows left and
Next is Gasaraki
I remember this being anime being shown at my university's anime club during my first semester, but trying to watch such a serious show in such a casual setting with the constant MST3King was hopeless. It looked interesting though.
Watching it now is blowing my mind, especially after being deployed in Iraq for a year. This came out in 1998. Tv tropes says it best on their Not So Crazy Anymore page
arp speed so nothing has that much depth. I'll come back to it later I promise~!
Squid Girl - 01
Saw it randomly on Netflix's "Recently Added" and decided what the hell and watched the first episode; maaaaaaaaan was it dull. Nothing happened at all, and if something did, I sure as heck didn't notice. At least most of Squid Girl's (...that's seriously her name?) sea puns didn't bother me (except for that "swim-agination" line; God, was that terrible)
WHAAAAAAT. WHAAAAAT The fuck just happened? Moeka, what the fuck did you just do?! Shit just got real.
GJ-Bu 11
This show just keeps getting better. Pity the next is the last.
Anime creator Shoji Kawamori (Macross, Escaflowne, Aquarion) revealed The Fool "multi-dimensional" project at Tokyo International Anime Fair on Thursday. For the "new live entertainment" initiative's first work Nobuanga the Fool, popular artist Yone Kazuki (Hakuōki, Hiiro no Kakera - The Tamayori Princess Saga) is designing the characters, and Ryō Yoshimata is scoring the music after working on the live-action television period dramas Gō: Himetachi no Sengoku and Atsuhime.
The "historical science-fiction" story of Nobuanga the Fool is set in a parallel world inspired by Japan's sengoku (warring states) period with mountain castles.
WHAAAAAAT. WHAAAAAT The fuck just happened? Moeka, what the fuck did you just do?! Shit just got real.
He cited Leonardo Da Vinci as an inspiration for his many ideas, some of which never came to fruition.
So.. I'm about to watch the latest ep of Tamako Market and one each of Gasaraki and Natsume Yuujinchou.. what an eclectic schedule. Legends of the Galactic Heroes is currently on hold for me, it just isn't as "sticky" as it was hyped up to be. Maybe it'll become more gripping later, but everything seems to happen at warp speed so nothing has that much depth. I'll come back to it later I promise~!
Character design looks pretty cool.
Everyone at TAF seems to be banking on nostalgia. Kawamoto just completed an illustration for Cowboy Bebop at the BONES booth. Lolz.
Thomas Romain said:Kawamori Shoji unveiled "The fool" project and showed some of my artworks at Tokyo anime fair.
Another design I made during the developpement of "The fool", the new original project of Kawamori shoji.
...The Fool "multi-dimensional" project ...
...Nobuanga the Fool...
Yeah, I dunno. How many Nobunaga's do we have at this point?Sadly I'm already tired of the sengoku/historical era. There's too many of them.
Oh shit, Cowboy Bebop sequel coming up.
Yeah, I dunno. How many Nobunaga's do we have at this point?
Still, a "historical science-fiction" story could be neat.